Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 412 Injured Boss Yan Again

Chapter 412 Injured Boss Yan Again

After a while, the police car arrived, and the shooting site, which was Han Mojue's home, was cordoned off.

When Yan Sihang saw Feng Qianyun, his first reaction was, why is it her again?The second reaction is, can this woman save him some trouble?

At this moment, Feng Qianyun has let Feng Yilin and the others go with Lie Que first, and Ouyang Shiyin has also left. Ouyang Shiyin is the president of Ouyang Group, and he is considered a half-public figure after all. It is not appropriate for him to be injured. Make it public so as not to affect Ouyang Group.

Feng Qianyun was sitting at the door with a book in her hands, looking like a passerby.

Yan Sihang lowered his head and looked at Feng Qianyun who was reading the book calmly. Even though the matter was related to her, she was still in the mood to read?That book seems to be their college textbook, advanced mathematics?She is really not in a good mood!
"You are in a good mood, and the book is beautiful?" Whatever was on my mind, I said it.

Feng Qianyun didn't need to look up to know who was looking at her with prickly eyes at this moment.

"I'm sorry, as a student, although I'm not a top student, I still have to take credits, and I plan to graduate, so I must read the book."

Feng Qianyun didn't even raise her head when she answered Yan Sihang's question.

Who asked her this question!Unanswered questions!
"Heh, since the matter has something to do with you, then you tell me what happened, I hope you are convincing enough, if there is something that you say is not mellow, and you leak something that will cause trouble for yourself , don't regret it."

In Yan Sihang's heart, Feng Qianyun is a heinous woman, and the moment she learned that the incident was related to Feng Qianyun, Yan Sihang already instinctively believed that Feng Qianyun herself was also involved.

The shooting incident is not a trivial matter, and she is not a political figure, will she be shot if she is fine?It is estimated that it is involved in gangsters again, or involved in drugs and pornography, anyway, it must have done nothing good.

Besides, if she is really an innocent and good citizen, shouldn't she panic after encountering such a situation?Shouldn't we be terrified of unknown threats?Her reaction was not normal at all!

The more he thought about it, the more Yan Sihang felt that Feng Qianyun was really hateful and disgusting, that's probably what scumbags are like.

If Feng Qianyun knew what Yan Sihang was thinking about this matter, she would definitely buy herself a piece of tofu to practice Iron Head Kung Fu.

Is it wrong for her to be calm?Could it be that in such a situation, she would cry and wipe her tears to prove how innocent, how scared and how good she is?

"I don't know, maybe the terrorists were shooting everywhere, and I just happened to be lying on the ground." Feng Qianyun replied calmly.

"Shooting shots everywhere? Then all the bullets came to your house?" Yan Sihang thought, this girl is clearly against him! "If you don't cooperate honestly with our police and hinder our investigation, it will not only be bad for you, but we can also sue you for obstructing justice. Of course, if there are ulterior elements in it, it will be a different matter."

"I also want to know why all the bullets came to our house. It's probably because the decoration of our house is too beautiful, and the criminals who are anti-social and anti-human are too jealous." Feng Qianyun replied lazily, "Hey, It seems that the next time you decorate, you should be more restrained, and you can't make it too beautiful, which will cause unnecessary trouble."

This woman!It was clearly intentional!
"Sir Yan, I found this." At the same time, the forensic department handed Yan Sihang a transparent bag for evidence collection.

It was a sample collected from the sofa, with blood stains on it.

"Is it human blood?"

"It's been tested, it's human blood. There's a lot of it on the sofa and on the floor." A colleague from the forensic department replied with certainty.

Yan Sihang forgot to glance into the living room when he heard the words, and he could see a large area of ​​blood stains from his position at the door, which shows that the amount of blood is really not small.

Yan Sihang sneered at Feng Qianyun, "I found human blood on the sofa, do you want to explain?"

Only then did Feng Qianyun raise her head slightly, and glanced at the sample collected, "Maybe, it was scratched when cutting the fruit."

"The blood stains are very large. Did you cut the aorta?"

"Then, maybe my aunt leaked it. You may not know that some people come to my aunt for a considerable amount." Feng Qianyun replied very unscrupulously.

This blood belonged to Ouyang Shiyin, where did his aunt come from to vent it...

"Are you sure that's the big aunt and not the blood collapse?"

"Oh, then the blood will collapse." Feng Qianyun smiled at Yan Sihang, she is very negotiable!

"You!" Yan Sihang was pissed off by Feng Qianyun's super uncooperative attitude, but probably because he has been fighting with Feng Qianyun for a long time, he has learned to be smart, and he can't show anger in this kind of thing, the angrier he gets This bad woman is getting more and more frightened, he can't let this stinky girl make fun of her, "Well, since you don't know anything, I have to ask you to sit in the bureau and assist us in our investigation Yes, I believe that as a good young man in the new century, the good flowers of the motherland will definitely actively cooperate with the police uncle's work, right, little Feng Qianyun."

"Heh, heh... Uncle, you are too bad. You have already finished asking, but you still want to take me to the bureau, delaying the study time of a good young man with a bright future. Uncle, are you responsible?"

"Hehe, little girl Feng Qianyun, don't worry, my uncle will let you back after asking what he wanted to ask, and if he thinks you have no questions, he will let you back. However, let uncle know that you have violated the law, then I think your bright future may really be ruined!"

She still has the nerve to say that she herself is a great young man with a bright future?A child is not good at studying, and sooner or later she will be arrested and sent to a reform through labor!People like this must not be tolerated, they are already like this at this age, and in a few years they will definitely become a major destabilizing factor that endangers society!

Feng Qianyun stared at Yan Sihang for three seconds.

"Okay, I'll go and make a phone call with you." Feng Qianyun shrugged, got up and put the books into her schoolbag.


Yan Sihang agreed and agreed, but he was afraid that Feng Qianyun would play tricks, so when Feng Qianyun went out to make a phone call, he asked two colleagues to follow her to prevent Feng Qianyun from slipping away.

Some colleagues said that Yan Sihang made a big deal out of a molehill, and the other party was just a little girl.

Yan Sihang said that they didn't understand, that Feng Qianyun couldn't be treated as an ordinary child, that woman's belly was full of bad water, and she had more dirty intestines than adults like them, if it wasn't for such a heinous person, he would still be still Can't catch her?
So under the "escort" of the police uncle, Feng Qianyun was taken to the interrogation room.

A closed interrogation room, with real-time monitoring by two cameras, a standard triangular interrogation table, with her sitting on one side, Yan Sihang on the other side and the female police officer in charge of recording.

"Have you offended anyone recently?" Yan Sihang asked.

"Yes, but I can't be sure." Feng Qianyun thought for a while, she really didn't know how many people she had offended, for example, at Ouyang's house, she just poisoned someone, the person who poisoned her According to the blood relationship, she is her uncle. Before she poisoned her, she really didn't know that she would become a thorn in her uncle's side. If her uncle was like this, how about other uncles, aunts, and aunts whose relationship is even more distant? Who can guarantee? Are there one or two who want to kill her and her mother?
"Say the names of the people you suspect."

"Sorry, I can't say, even if I say, you may not have the ability to investigate them." Feng Qianyun doesn't think Yan Sihang has the ability to reveal the affairs of the elders of Ouyang's family. Yan Sihang is a very responsible person. The policeman is not wrong, but also has a good family background, and there are some privileges, but the Guwu family is an alternative existence, and the relationship inside is inextricably linked. It is very difficult for Yan Sihang to investigate them.

"Whether we have the ability to investigate is a matter for our police. You only need to tell us the information you know, or are you afraid to let us know that we will find out illegal things related to you?" Yan Sihang didn't believe it. What Feng Qianyun said was just an excuse to cover up.

"To be honest, I really wish you had that ability. It would save me a lot of effort." For Feng Qianyun, if the police have the ability to settle her down, why not do it?She was at peace.In fact, Feng Qianyun didn't think the police would be able to deal with it.

"So you think I don't have this ability, but you have it, don't you? So you plan to be private? Then how do you plan to deal with it? The way of vendetta, blood for blood?" Yan Sihang sneered, if the wind If Qian Yun admits, he has the right to suspect that she is not telling the truth on purpose, and he has the right to detain her for 24 hours!

"Rather than saying it's private, it's better to say that I want to investigate by myself. As I said just now, I don't know who it is, so I will find out who it is. I will consider what to do after I know who the other party is. , Discuss specific issues in detail, the teacher should have taught you in the ideological and political class, right?"

Feng Qianyun's words hurt Yan Sihang greatly, she actually said that she wanted to do her own investigation?Heh, she clearly doesn't take their police seriously. Does she think their police are not as useful as her alone?

"Unfortunately, this matter is a criminal case, and because of the illegal use of guns, the case will be taken seriously by the police. Even if you don't want to pursue it, we will definitely investigate to the end. Unfortunately, you can't do what you want." Yan Sihang said coldly The voice said to Feng Qianyun.

"Oh." Facing Yan Sihang's cold and slightly sarcastic voice, Feng Qianyun's reaction was astonishingly calm, he crackled, and only got her a word "Oh".

(End of this chapter)

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