Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 413 There is a Code of Conduct for Primary School Students

Chapter 413 There is a Code of Conduct for Primary School Students

"I said Master, don't provoke him anymore. Why do I feel that he is about to evolve from your anger?" Mo Mo said worriedly, as if he could feel a scorching flame burning on the opposite side of her and the master.

Feng Qianyun was wronged, she never thought of getting angry with Yan Sihang, it was Yan Sihang who always came to find fault with her, and then got angry when she hit a wall, she is actually quite innocent, okay?

The door of the interrogation room was opened by Yan Sihang's colleague, who walked in and whispered something in Yan Sihang's ear.

Although Yan Sihang looked helpless, he had no choice but to go out, and before leaving, he still gave Feng Qianyun a look, the warning in his eyes was very obvious.

Poor Feng Qianyun lay down again for no reason.

Yan Sihang went back to his office and called his grandfather back, because just now his colleague came in and told him that his grandfather called him and told him to call back no matter what, it was his grandfather's order that Yan Sihang could not refuse , had no choice but to interrupt the interrogation of Feng Qianyun and obediently come to the office to make a phone call.

"Grandpa, I'm interrogating a witness." Yan Sihang naturally respected his grandfather, and patiently explained to his grandfather Yan Songbai.

"Is the person you are interrogating Miss Feng? I'll tell you, you are not allowed to bully that child Yunyun, hurry up and let her go, if she is really in trouble, you can help her , even if there is something wrong with her, just pretend you didn't see it." Of course, Mr. Yan would not tell Yan Sihang that he had planted someone in the bureau, and he would immediately tell Yan Sihang that he had brought Feng Qianyun back to the bureau. Called him.

Old man Yan doesn't care if Feng Qianyun really did something illegal. For people of his older generation, if he makes a mistake, he makes a mistake. What's the big deal? Dare to help her solve it, is there still such a small matter?
"Grandpa, how do you know that the person I'm interrogating is Feng Qianyun?" Yan Sihang suddenly remembered the phone call Feng Qianyun made before coming here. Damn it, that woman actually complained to his grandfather!
"You don't have to worry about how grandpa knows, you just need to listen to what grandpa says and do what grandpa says, you know? Grandpa never cares about your affairs, because grandpa knows that you are a child with your own ideas, but The only thing that grandpa can't let you do is this matter, you know?" Old man Yan knows his grandson quite well, he knows that his grandson is very prejudiced against girls like Feng Qianyun who are both good and evil, old man Yan I also know that Feng Qianyun's background is not very clean, but he and Yan Sihang have different ideas. If the background is not clean, it is not clean. The important thing is her and her ability.

While talking, Old Man Yan gave Yan Sihang a few more words of advice, and then cut off the phone, leaving Yan Sihang dry and angry.

When Yan Sihang came back from the phone call, he looked at Feng Qianyun with deep contempt, "You can go."

She said that Feng Qianyun could leave, but her expression was very reluctant.

Feng Qianyun didn't bother to guess why Yan Sihang agreed to let her go all of a sudden, even though she was even ready to have a rough time with Yan Sihang.

It's time to leave, Feng Qianyun naturally doesn't want to stay for a moment, who knows that Mr. Yan will not regret it again?
When Feng Qianyun passed by Yan Sihang's side, she heard Yan Sihang's cold voice, "You are quite capable, and you know how to threaten me with my grandpa!"

His grandpa?
Feng Qianyun was stunned for a moment, she knew about his grandpa, old man Yan, but... she threatened him with his grandpa?What's the situation?Feng Qianyun was so confused that she didn't even know anything, so she was charged with a crime, which was wronged.

"Don't pretend to be stupid, don't look at me with innocent eyes, I look disgusting." Seeing Feng Qianyun staring at him as if she didn't understand the situation, Yan Sihang became even more furious.

how?Is there a way to do it or not to admit it?
At this moment, a colleague of Yan Sihang led Zhang Luyao over, "Sir Yan, this Mr. Zhang said he is Feng Qianyun's lawyer."

Zhang Luyao stretched out his hand to Yan Sihang, "Hi, Zhang Luyao, this is Feng Qianyun's lawyer, and I will answer your police's questions on her behalf."

"You came here pretty fast." Feng Qianyun said to Zhang Luyao approvingly. It was less than an hour since she called Zhang Luyao, and he had already arrived.

Feng Qianyun called Zhang Luyao before being brought back to the bureau, not Yan Songbai to complain as Yan Sihang thought.

Zhang Luyao's business card was given to Feng Qianyun early in the morning. Now that he has something to do with the police station, Feng Qianyun thinks it is more reliable to find Zhang Luyao. Anyway, he will call her when he has nothing to do. , exchanging information about what he was looking for, the two said that they were not friends, but at least they were acquainted.

Zhang Luyao smiled, "It's been four or ten minutes since you called me, which isn't too fast. It seems that your side is over?"

In fact, he was busy with something, but because it was Feng Qianyun's business, he entrusted his colleague to handle the case he was handling, and rushed over to find Feng Qianyun himself.

Yan Sihang frowned at Zhang Luyao's words, so Feng Qianyun's phone call just now was for him, not his grandfather?So he made a mistake?Wronged Feng Qianyun?

No, even if the phone call is an oolong, it can only prove that she had other choices when dealing with this matter, that's why she didn't complain to his grandfather, and it can't prove her own character, a villain is a villain !

"Yes, it's over. Sir Yan is a very nice person. He invited me to have a cup of coffee and then he planned to let me go back." Feng Qianyun said with a smile, "Sir, goodbye, don't say goodbye!"

Feng Qianyun waved at Yan Sihang, she really didn't want to see him again, she is a thief, he is an official, it's better not to see each other, it's better not to see him!

Seeing that he didn't have anything else to do, Zhang Luyao just smiled politely at Yan Sihang, "Then Sir Yan, Feng Qianyun and I will leave first. If Sir Yan needs to find Feng Qianyun for anything in the future, you can Contact me directly, here is my business card."

Zhang Luyao politely showed his business card to Yan Sihang, and then chased Feng Qianyun away.

After chasing outside the police station, Feng Qianyun was waiting for him at the door. She was a little girl, she looked very delicate, but her performance often made people dumbfounded.

Zhang Luyao took off his suit jacket, and when he walked up to Feng Qianyun, he put the suit jacket on her body, "It's almost autumn, it's a bit cold at night, put it on."

Feng Qianyun glanced at the coat she was wearing, and said with a smile, "You're still cute when you don't chase me and let me help you find things."

"Sorry, I think my previous actions have troubled you." Zhang Luyao smiled bitterly apologetically, "I also feel that I am too persistent, but I have been unwilling to give up on such vague things. Sometimes Come to think of it, I don't even know what I'm holding on to."

"It's a good thing to have something to hold on to, let alone such a thing. If I were you, I wouldn't give up." Feng Qianyun told the truth, and didn't intend to comfort Zhang Luyao. It is my mother, even if she is really dead, as a child, she should take care of her funeral affairs.

There is nothing wrong with Zhang Luyao's persistence, it's just that others are not obliged to accompany him in such stupid persistence.

Hearing the words, Zhang Luyao stared at Feng Qianyun for a while, feeling that these words did not seem like what a 13-year-old girl would say.

After a while, Zhang Luyao still said, "Thank you, thank you for your answer and helping me."

"You don't need to thank me. I'm a very real person. I don't owe anyone anything with money."

"How much will my brother give you this time?" Zhang Luyao asked Feng Qianyun, but after asking, he felt that the question was a bit abrupt, so he hurriedly added. "I don't mean anything else, I just want to return the money to him."

Zhang Luyao knew about Zhang Chuan's kindness to him, but he had a knot in his heart, and he couldn't really get close to Zhang Chuan's family. This time, Zhang Chuan was busy and he persuaded Feng Qianyun. I don't like the favor owed to Zhang Chuan very much.

"Damn, I thought I was already very utilitarian, you live better than me."

"Girls, don't say 'rely'." Zhang Luyao felt uncomfortable when he heard "rely" coming from Feng Qianyun's mouth.

"I have to take care of this too? Let me say, Lawyer Zhang, is your scope of management too broad? Is there any article or paragraph in the law that says swearing is illegal and punishable?"

"Not in the law. But..." Zhang Luyao answered Feng Qianyun's question very seriously, "There is in the code of conduct for primary school students."

I'm down!
This joke is cold enough.

"Your brother gave it to me. I'm afraid you have no way to return it." Zhang Chuan gave her a heavenly tripod, not specific money, and that tripod had disappeared from the world forever, so Zhang Luyao wanted to return it to Zhang Chuan. Chuan, it should be repayable, "I'm too lazy to take care of your family's affairs, and I can't take care of them. I'm not a confidant sister. I don't think I have the energy and ability to enlighten you. You are old and young. If you become a lawyer, I will see you." There have been many times when the world has been cold and warm, and I just want to say one thing, cherish the things in front of the people in front of you."

After Feng Qianyun finished speaking, she reached out to stop a taxi, and threw her suit back to Zhang Luyao.

Zhang Luyao caught the suit jacket thrown back by Feng Qianyun, "Are you sure you are really only 13 years old?"

"Physiologically yes, psychologically maybe not." After Feng Qianyun finished speaking, she got into the taxi.

Seeing that Feng Qianyun was about to close the door, Zhang Luyao stepped forward and pressed the car door that Feng Qianyun was about to close. Without waiting for Feng Qianyun's consent, he followed in.

"What are you doing? I don't think we are going the same way? If it is the fee for inviting you this time, you can give me the card number, and I will call back to your account. You don't have to follow me home, really of!"

(End of this chapter)

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