Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 414 Durex VS Sanitary Pads

Chapter 414 Durex VS Sanitary Pads

"I'm not here to ask you for money. It's not safe for you to go home alone at night as a girl. I'll send you off."

Feng Qianyun stared at Zhang Luyao for one second, two seconds, three seconds... This face, this figure, not to mention being used as a lawyer, is absolutely no problem even if it is sent to the runway, he should There is no shortage of women, right?

"I said, don't go to accompany your girlfriend at night, why come to mess with me? I don't think I need your escort."

In fact, if Feng Qianyun met a rogue thief that even she couldn't handle, Zhang Luyao probably wouldn't be able to protect her either.

"I'm very persistent." Zhang Luyao said to Feng Qianyun with a smile. She really saw his persistence. Did she ever ask her about the client's thoughts?Are they all like this when they are lawyers, regardless of the client's thoughts, do they make their own decisions?
"Okay, you can follow if you want." Feng Qianyun agreed with a smile, but her obedient attitude seemed a little abnormal, and Zhang Luyao clearly saw the playfulness in Feng Qianyun's eyes.

She has a pair of extremely beautiful eyes, agile, as if she can speak, sometimes mischievous, sometimes evil, sometimes with a bit of ruthlessness, which is unpredictable.

"Mr. Driver, please stop at the nearest convenience store."


Mr. Driver saw Feng Qianyun and Zhang Luyao from the rearview mirror, and said with emotion in his heart, hey, the kids nowadays, at such a young age, they fell in love as soon as they were in junior high school, it's really outrageous!

The driver put Feng Qianyun and Zhang Luyao at a nearby convenience store.

"Do you have anything to buy? Are you hungry? If you are hungry, let's find a restaurant nearby to eat." Zhang Luyao thought about Feng Qianyun being trapped by the police all afternoon today. Must be hungry.

"No." Feng Qianyun entered the convenience store and began to pick out the containers, looking at this and that, and seemed to be in a good mood.

"Do you want to buy snacks?" Zhang Luyao saw that Feng Qianyun had been looking at snacks such as pickled pepper chicken feet, raisins, and beef jerky. After all, he was still a child and liked to eat snacks.

"No, what I want to buy is something more useful than snacks." Feng Qianyun smiled and turned to the daily necessities area, watching Feng Qianyun see sanitary napkins from paper towels. Although Feng Qianyun is not very old, she is also It has reached the stage of development, Feng Qianyun's gaze lingers on Sophie Hushubao's seven-dimensional space, and Zhang Luyao doesn't feel embarrassed to follow her.

"It's better for girls to use pure cotton." Zhang Luyao gave his suggestion.

"Oh? I didn't expect Lawyer Zhang to dabble in buying sanitary napkins?" To be honest, she was really uncomfortable when he, a big man, came to discuss buying sanitary napkins with her!Do successful people still have such preferences?Especially handsome and successful people!

"Hehe... Did you choose which one to buy?" Zhang Luyao didn't feel embarrassed about it. There are some things about women that men should know about, and women's physical problems should not be deliberately avoided.

A voice suddenly sounded in Zhang Luyao's mind, it was a long time ago: "Stinky boy, what are you looking at with your mother's tampon? Curious? What can you be curious about? Mom told you , women will encounter such problems. If you have a girlfriend and beg for a wife in the future, remember to pay more attention to her body, and write down the other person's menstrual period, and don't let her touch it during her menstrual period. Cold water, don’t let her wash clothes and do housework, don’t let her eat hot pot, ice cream and all spicy and cold things, if she suffers from dysmenorrhea, you have to cover her stomach, understand?”

That was what Zhang Luyao's mother said to him when he was studying his mother's tampons out of a boy's ignorant curiosity when he was young.Although Dad is often not at home, he is very happy, but...

Then mom got sick and stopped talking to him... and then mom disappeared...

Because he thought of his mother who had been missing for many years, Zhang Luyao's face changed, and he quickly packed up his mood. He was not used to exposing his emotions.

"I'm going to buy something with a stronger function than this, maybe ten times, a hundred times or even more." Feng Qianyun said with a smile.

Ten times more powerful than this?hundred times?even more?

Zhang Luyao stared at the pack of Sophie's night use extension that Feng Qianyun was holding... If it was a hundred times stronger... Do you have this kind of sanitary napkin?

"Are you sure there is such a thing as you said?" Although he doesn't pay attention to the development of this thing, if there are technological innovations and breakthrough products are born, there is no reason why he has not heard of it at all!

"Yes, it's very common." Feng Qianyun purposely put it off.Then he walked over and took Zhang Luyao's arm, Xiao Niaoyi walked with him to the cashier, and then... Feng Qianyun picked up a box of... Durex from the shelf next to the cashier!

"Honey, don't forget to buy this! Last time you pestered me for a week, all the items here have been used up!"

Feng Qianyun's voice was not too loud, just enough for the shopping aunts and cashiers to hear.

Everyone looked at Feng Qianyun and Zhang Luyao one after another, with strange looks in their eyes. It would be fine if ordinary young couples came to buy this thing, but one of the girls seemed a little too small.

Tsk tsk tsk, what a downturn in the world!
An aunt was more forthright, and immediately said what she blamed Zhang Luyao.

"Looking at your appearance, I didn't expect you to be such a beast! Your girlfriend is underage! You are seducing an underage girl! It is illegal!"

Of course Zhang Luyao knew that having sex with an underage girl was illegal regardless of whether the other party was willing or not, but...he was wronged!
"Aunt, you misunderstood, I..."

Just as Zhang Luyao was about to defend himself, the young cashier also reprimanded Zhang Luyao, "You guys, you play with girls' feelings just because you have a lot of bad money and a little beauty, you It's okay to play with adult women, but now even children are not spared, people are doing it, and God is watching!"

"A typical beast in clothes looks well-dressed on the surface. It is the elite of the society, white-collar, blue-collar and gold-collared. In fact, the inside is filthy unsightly! It is simply human scum, the scum of society!" An old man couldn't help but say Zhang Lu Yao said a few words.

The aunt took Feng Qianyun's hand, and said to Feng Qianyun earnestly, "Little girl, aunt told you, you are so stupid, how could you let such a beast take advantage of it for nothing! What do you young people say?" The aunt who is in love has no objection, but if he really likes you, he shouldn't do anything to you when you are not yet an adult. That is not love at all, it is clearly taking advantage of you! You are still young and maybe not I understand what auntie is saying, but auntie told you, you can never go wrong if you leave this man!"

"Aunt, you misunderstood me, she and I are not in a relationship!" Zhang Luyao never thought that he would have such a miserable day, thinking that when he defended the client in court, he could not say that he was eloquent, at least he had never suffered such a loss However, in the face of the accusations from the aunt and uncle, he still can't use what he is best at.

"Aren't you a couple? You just don't admit it after eating? It's not as good as a beast! You bitch!"

Zhang Luyao wanted to defend himself, but when the aunt heard that the anger was even bigger, she thought that Zhang Luyao refused to admit his relationship with Feng Qianyun.

"It's not... I..." Zhang Luyao found that he couldn't clear himself of the suspicion!Is this his worst debate ever?Speaking honestly about the law, evidence, and facts, Zhang Luyaohui, but he couldn't do anything when he jumped into the Yellow River and couldn't clean himself up, and was wronged by a bunch of aunts and uncles.

In desperation, Zhang Luyao grabbed Feng Qianyun's hand and rushed her out of the convenience store. He never ran 800 meters so hard when he was in school!

"Hey, don't run away, if you're a man, don't run away!" The aunt's voice became farther and farther... Obviously, she couldn't catch up with Zhang Luyao, a young and strong "beast in clothes".

Zhang Luyao was out of breath from running, and took a long rest before recovering, but his cheeks were still flushed, a little cute.

"Feng Qianyun, you!" Zhang Luyao pointed at Feng Qianyun with his index finger. He really wanted to be killed by this woman... Oh no, the girl was killed!Zhang Luyao had some grievances in his helplessness, "Why did I provoke you, you want to hurt me like this? It's all right now, in their eyes, I'm really a beast!"

"Here, you wanted to follow me. I didn't point a gun at you. I insisted on getting you into a taxi with me. I didn't force you to go to a convenience store with me." Feng Qianyun spread her hands.

Zhang Luyao was angry and helpless, women were scary, and girls were equally scary.

"By the way, you just said that what you want to buy is ten times and a hundred times stronger than sanitary napkins. What is that?" Zhang Luyao still remembered what Feng Qianyun said just now.

"I almost bought it just now, but there was a little accident." Feng Qianyun replied.

Just now?

"You mean...that thing?" As for that little accident, it seems that someone made it on purpose, right? "Why is that thing ten times and a hundred times stronger than sanitary napkins?" These two seem to be completely irrelevant things, right?
"If you use Durex once more, you will use Hushubao for ten months more. If you use Durex once less, you will use Hushubao for ten months less. So who is stronger?"

Feng Qianyun, where's your integrity?What about ethics?Let the dog eat it all!

Zhang Luyao froze for a moment, and it took about three seconds to digest Feng Qianyun's words.

Then he laughed out loud, "No, it should be that if you don't use Durex once, you need to buy at least ten more months of milk powder!"

It's over, this child has been taken care of badly, and his integrity has disappeared... The world is going down...

(End of this chapter)

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