Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 415 Preparing to Refining Huangji Washing Essence Pill

Chapter 415 Preparing to Refining Huangji Washing Essence Pill

It was already late at night when Feng Qianyun asked Zhang Luyao to come to Lie Que's house, and that man was as difficult as ever...

She just came to have a look, and she had to go back to school. Lie Que's home was too far away from her school, and it took a lot of time to go back and forth.

As soon as I entered the front door, I saw a very eye-catching scene.

The man was shirtless, showing off his figure without a doubt.Those are the chest, pecs, and six-pack abs that any woman would want to lean on when she sees them. They are stronger than Yan Sihang's muscles!Although Yan Sihang has muscles, they are not so prominent.

The man is busy, holding a large wooden stake between his strong and powerful legs, holding a hatchet in his right hand, and is peeling the bark of the wooden stake.

Tear, tear, the bark was torn off by him, although the movements were powerful but not rough, it could be seen that he was very skilled.

The man held a toothpick in his mouth. He didn't look very good, but he was very wild.

Feeling Feng Qianyun's appraising gaze, the man quickly straightened up and scratched his head embarrassedly.To be honest, a man who was full of wildness one moment, was tinged with embarrassment the next moment, which still made people look awkward.

Lu Guoxing is always a little cautious when facing Feng Qianyun, he doesn't seem to be very good at getting along with Feng Qianyun.I want to try to be a good stepdad. I feel that I am a bit out of line. Feng Yilin only said that she is dating him but has not married him yet. I want to try to be more amiable, but he is not good at this .

"What are you doing?" Feng Qianyun was curious, he was made of wood and a knife, did he plan to be a carpenter?
"Just now Lie Que gave your mother a beautiful bird, and I want to make a birdcage for her." Lu Guoxing was planning to carve the piece of wood in his hand into a birdcage.

"Do you want to carve it directly out of wood? Uncle Lu, you really have a heart." Generally speaking, birdcages are often made of rattan. Carving them out of a whole piece of wood is time-consuming and requires a lot of skill. Things, "Uncle Lu, do you still know how to carve?"

"Understand a little." Lu Guoxing took out a puppy carved out of wood from the coat he took off and handed it to Feng Qianyun.

The puppy was only the size of a palm, but its eyes and nose were carved very delicately, and even the texture of its hair was there.It is a very perfect wood carving work.Feng Qianyun doesn't know wood carving, but Feng Qianyun doesn't believe it if it is said that it was only made by someone who knows a little bit.

Feng Qianyun was a little surprised, not because she looked down on Lu Guoxing, but because Lu Guoxing felt relatively useless from the beginning. He was in his 30s and didn't have a decent job. Being a handyman in his father's shop was enough to give him the impression that he was useless.

"I'm a little curious now, Uncle Lu, why you don't do your job properly." Feng Qianyun looked at Lu Guoxing with her big bright eyes.

"It's just some gadgets, not worth mentioning." Lu Guoxing didn't think his craft had anything to be proud of, he just regarded it as entertainment.

"I don't think so." Feng Qianyun thought, maybe Lu Guoxing has his own reasons, after all, he doesn't look like a lazy guy, he doesn't look like the kind of guy in his 30s who sits at home waiting to die people.

"Go in quickly, your mother was looking forward to you just now."

"Yeah." Feng Qianyun took two steps, then turned around and said to Lu Guoxing, "Try to show my mother the side of you just now, don't be so embarrassed in front of my mother, women still like potential A man's savage."

After Feng Qianyun finished speaking, she entered the room with a smile, thinking, hey, is there a daughter who works so hard like her?The new boyfriend who taught his mother to fix his mother sooner... Hey hey hey...

After entering the door, Feng Qianyun found that Han Mojue and He Ying were here one step ahead of her.

"Han Meiren, why are you here?"

"Something happened, and you didn't notify me. I didn't find out until I got home!" Han Mojue accused Feng Qianyun angrily, his cheeks puffed up, and this angry expression appeared on his beautiful face. It's not scary, but rather cute, like an angry child, or an overly beautiful child.

"Hey, you didn't come here to ask me for compensation, did you?"

Hearing this, Han Mojue became even more angry. He was worried about her and her mother, but she said that he came to ask for money. Is he such a stingy and caring person?I really misjudged her and made him mad!
"Yes, yes, I'm here to ask you for a debt. Hurry up and compensate me for the loss of my family! Otherwise, I'll never end with you!" Han Mojue was speaking purely out of anger.

"Hey, I know brother Mo Jue, you are very generous, and you won't be so fussy about me!" Feng Qianyun was still smiling when she saw Han Mojue's appearance. Being angry proves that it's okay, Han Mojue is really angry , so I wouldn't have to talk so much with her.

"Come on! My brother will settle the account clearly. Remember to give me cash or remit it directly to my card later. Don't think about losing a penny!" Han Mojue continued to be angry with Feng Qianyun.

"Okay, okay, I remember. By the way, why did Mr. Heying come here together?" Feng Qianyun was a little surprised to see Heying beside him.

Feng Qianyun hadn't seen him since the last time, just as he said, it wouldn't disturb Han Mojue's life.

"He said he wanted to tell you something, so I brought him here." Han Mojue replied.

"Tell me something?" Feng Qianyun was a little surprised. This old Mr. Heying's ability is unfathomable, and he is definitely above her and Han Mojue. What would he have to say to her? ?

"I came to see Miss Feng for two things. One of them is about the Huangji Washing Essence Pill. The old man heard from the young master that Miss Feng intends to refine the Huangji Washing Essence Pill."

"Any questions?"

"There's no problem, but I happen to have something here, I hope it can help Miss Feng." He Ying stood up from the sofa and walked to Feng Qianyun.He took out a wooden box and handed it to Feng Qianyun.

Feng Qianyun took a look at the wooden box, it was a box of a certain age, the red paint on the surface of the wooden box had darkened, the paint had peeled off in many places, and the edges and corners of the wooden box were also worn to varying degrees.

Feng Qianyun took the wooden box, opened it, and saw a shriveled plant, which was sun-dried or dried for the convenience of preservation.

"What is this?" Feng Qianyun didn't recognize this thing.

"It's Bermuda grass." He Ying replied.

"But I don't need it." Feng Qianyun remembered that there was no such medicine in the formula of Huangji Xisui Pill.

"Of course I don't know what medicinal materials Miss Feng needs." How could anyone know the formula of Huangji Xisui Pill?

"Then... what is this?" Feng Qianyun thought the same thing, even though He Ying was an unpredictable foreigner, she might not know about the ancient formula of Huangji Xisui Pill.

"Bermuda is not a medicinal material for the formula of elixir, but adding Bermuda when refining alchemy can greatly increase the success rate of refining. Miss Feng is a master of ancient medicine, and she should know that there are relatively big failures in alchemy. Be straightforward, especially when the grade of the refined elixir is relatively high. I don’t know the formula and refining method of Huangji Xisui Pill, but I know this elixir and know that it is a heavenly grade. The elixir is relatively difficult to refine, so I think this Bermuda can help Miss Feng."

That's it!

"Thank you Mr. Heying." Feng Qianyun looked at the Bermuda grass in her hand, she really needed such a thing.

"You're welcome, Miss Feng is the young master's friend, this is what an old man should do." And he could tell that this Miss Feng was special to their young master.

"Then what's the second thing the old man wants to say?" She already knew the first thing, but what about the second?

"It won't be too late to talk about the second matter until Miss Feng refines the Huangji Washing Essence Pill." He Ying was not in a hurry to talk about the second matter with Feng Qianyun. A guess of Qian Yun's special physique.

"But now I don't have any medicinal materials." Ouyang Youde took care of the medicinal materials.

"When you were still in the police station, Ouyang Youde had someone deliver the required medicinal materials, and I had someone put them in a vacant room upstairs." Lie Que added while sitting on the sofa.He is very quiet, his face is still so calm.

Delivered so soon?
Feng Qianyun didn't know whether to admire the strength of Ouyang's family or sigh for the impatience of Ouyang's family. Ouyang Shiyin's current situation must make them very anxious, especially the old lady.

"Then I'll go upstairs to refine it first." Feng Qianyun took the Bermuda grass that He Ying gave her and went upstairs.Indeed, her father's illness should not be delayed any longer, it would be better to resolve it as soon as possible.

Feng Qianyun went upstairs and entered the room that Lie Que specially prepared for her to refine Huangji Xisui Pill.

The room was very large, and everything else in the room had been emptied, not even the furniture.

Feng Qianyun sat down in the middle of the room, and she took out the Xuanyin Cauldron from the Yushen Bracelet. She had always kept the Moon Slaughter Cauldron on her body before, because it looked like some kind of black metal metal The tripod made Feng Qianyun feel that it was very strong, and it shouldn't be a problem to drop it.

Now this synthesized Xuanyin Ding, the material looks too much like wood, there is an inexplicable sense of insecurity, this thing is too fucking valuable, she doesn't want her to be defeated by accident, so she She was directly promoted to prodigal daughter.

"Guigui, shouldn't you come out to protect me at this time? I thought there was still some tacit understanding between you and me."

"What kind of Dharma protector? Brother Lie Que is downstairs. Do you need me to protect the Dharma? What a joke! Besides, your Korean beauty is also there, as well as the old man named Heying." The voice sounded, but he just talked and didn't show up.

(End of this chapter)

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