Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 416 Who is this man?

Chapter 416 Who is this man?

"What kind of Dharma protector? Brother Lie Que is downstairs. Do you need me to protect the Dharma? What a joke! Besides, your Korean beauty is also there, as well as the old man named Heying." The voice sounded, but he just talked and didn't show up.

"Okay, you won." Feng Qianyun thought sadly, she must be a master after all, but the weapon spirit she contracted with really didn't give her face at all, and she had to rely on force every time It's really not good to solve problems with violence!

Feng Qianyun began to try refining the heavenly elixir for the first time in her life, and it was only when she really started to try that that she realized the gap.Compared with Ming-level and Xuan-level elixirs, heaven-level elixir is not only due to the gap in the required medicinal materials, but more importantly, the difficulty of refining.

It was just the beginning, and Feng Qianyun felt that the two kinds of power in her body were being absorbed uncontrollably by the Xuanyin medicine cauldron, and it was nothing more than the internal power being sucked in, even the vitality of Tiangang was not spared.

"Master, hurry up and control it well, otherwise the power in your body will be absorbed by the medicine cauldron." Momo hurriedly reminded Feng Qianyun, Momo could feel the change and flow of Tiangang vitality in Feng Qianyun's body, so she He was the first to foresee Feng Qianyun's dangerous situation.

However, it was too late to silently remind her, and then, Feng Qianyun felt that the internal force in her body and the vitality of Tiangang were losing faster, and her ability was being absorbed by Xuan Ying Ding!

"What's the situation? Why did it come to absorb my internal energy and Tiangang vitality." Feng Qianyun encountered such a situation for the first time, and it was a bit out of her expected range.

Feng Qianyun sensed the danger, if she continued, the power in her body would be absorbed by Xuan Ying Ding!
"The level of the Xuanyin cauldron is relatively high, and it is very dangerous if the refiner does not have the corresponding ability." He explained silently, "But the level of the Xuanyin cauldron and the level of the elixir that the master wants to refine now have exceeded Master, you are at a level that you can handle now."

"Idiot Mo, why are you talking about such an important matter now?" Guigui yelled at Mo Mo for holding back such a thing until now!Typical hindsight!
It was indeed a serious afterthought, but Feng Qianyun no longer had the leisure to talk about it silently, because now she had to concentrate on preventing her internal strength and Tiangang vitality from being absorbed by the Xuanyin cauldron.

"I don't will be so strong..." said silently aggrieved, it was her fault, she should tell the master about this matter first, she is not an auxiliary magic weapon for refining pills, this thing She only knows occasionally...

"Cut, you big idiot!" Guigui immediately appeared to see if he could be of any help, "Master, can you stop now?"

Feng Qianyun tried to stop refining, but found that even if she stopped the progress of refining, there was still no way to prevent the Xuanyin Cauldron from absorbing internal energy and Tiangang vitality from her body, as if to absorb all her abilities , I wiped it!

There is no way to stop!What a broken tripod, how could he be so arrogant!

"Damn it, I want to stop too, but I can't." Feng Qianyun's forehead was dripping with sweat, damn it, this is not a good sign!

"Uh... This stinky tripod, my uncle said that when he saw it for the first time, he didn't like it! I'm so mad!"

Guigui stomped his feet angrily, and his anger turned to anger. He also knew the seriousness of the matter, and he had to find a way to stop the Xuanyin cauldron, otherwise the woman's internal strength and Tiangang vitality would be sucked up by it!
Just when Feng Qianyun and the two Qi Ling were in a hurry, a strong inner force entered the room and joined between Feng Qianyun and Xuanyin Cauldron.

The thick internal force first wrapped Feng Qianyun's internal force and Tiangang vitality, and forced the Feng Qianyun's internal force sucked out by the Xuanyin cauldron back into Feng Qianyun's body, and the thick internal force was in contact with the Xuanyin cauldron. A struggle was carried out, and the Xuanyin Cauldron was slowly wrapped...

That thick internal force feels very warm, very bright, and of course very strong, otherwise there is no way to separate Feng Qianyun's power from Xuanyin Cauldron.

"It's Brother Lie Que!" Guigui cried out happily when he realized that the sudden force came from Lie Que, and he also shouted shrillly, "Look, I'm not wrong, is there Lie Que?" Without my brother, there is no need to worry at all!"

Is it Lie Que?Feng Qianyun breathed a sigh of relief, she felt that her dantian was warm, and in addition to her own internal energy returning, there were also some missing internal energy mixed in.

At the same time, in the living room downstairs, He Ying stared blankly at Lie Que. Lie Que had exerted such a powerful internal force, it was impossible for him and Han Mojue to not notice it, but...

"Who the hell are you?" He Ying couldn't help asking, this man, while sitting on the sofa downstairs and drinking tea leisurely, used his terrifyingly powerful internal force to affect the people in the upstairs room. refining process.

Han Mojue only felt the fluctuation of the powerful internal force, but he didn't know where Lie Que used his internal force and what to do, so he asked He Ying, "He Ying, what's wrong with him?"

"Just now I felt that Miss Feng's refining process upstairs seemed to be in danger, and when I was about to go upstairs to help..."

"What danger is my little daughter-in-law in? Then why didn't you tell me earlier?" Han Mojue said before going upstairs.

"No, young master, the danger has been lifted."


"En." He Ying's eyes were fixed on Lie Que, as if he wanted to see something from Lie Que's leisurely posture.As a member of a foreign race, He Ying has a more sensitive perception ability than others. Just now when he sensed the unusual fluctuation of Feng Qianyun's internal force upstairs, he knew that the Xuanyin cauldron was absorbing Feng Qianyun's power. In addition to He Ying's heart, under such circumstances, even if he rushed upstairs to help Feng Qianyun, he and Feng Qianyun would not be safe and sound.

From He Ying's eyes and behavior, Han Mojue probably also knew that the reason for the relief of the danger was Lie Que in front of him.

"Who the hell are you?"

He Ying asked again, but the man who was asked the question was still sitting on the sofa, sipping tea, flipping through books, and didn't have the slightest intention to answer his question.

Lie Que can't answer everyone's questions.

His attitude is really not the usual arrogance...

After Feng Qianyun upstairs solved the problem just now, she gradually entered the state, and alchemy was also on the right track.

Huh... It's okay at last, Lie Que really helped me a lot, and I have to thank him after finishing refining.Speaking of which, he has really helped her a lot since meeting him till now.

The process of alchemy was extremely long. Compared to the alchemy that could be completed in a few hours before, this time Feng Qianyun took a whole day to complete it.

She didn't leave the room, and Lie Que and the others stayed with her in the living room downstairs.

From night to day, and from day to night.From night to day again.

Mother Feng is very worried about her daughter who has been eating and drinking all day and night.

"Yilin, go upstairs and sleep for a while. There are us big men here." Lu Guoxing urged Feng Yilin to go back to the room to sleep for a while. It was a perverted man who didn't sleep all day and night like a normal person, and continued to read books and drink tea gracefully, looking at him without feeling that time had passed.

"But, Yunyun..." Feng Yilin was a little worried. Although, as they said, this is the final process of refining, it is a very labor-intensive task after all. After such a long time, I am afraid that something will happen. matter.

"If Yunyun has anything to do, I'll call you right away, okay?" Lu Guoxing persuaded Feng Yilin, seeing her tired face, he was very reluctant.

Feng Yilin still hesitated.

"Go to sleep, she will take half a day to come out." He Ying said, he probably knew that the refining process would take two days, and it was a very labor-intensive thing.

"One more day?" Feng Yilin felt terrible when she thought about it. Originally, her daughter said that she was going to refine, so she entered the room, but she didn't feel anything. Let her have a good meal before Yun goes in.

"Ma'am, you can go rest at ease. According to this old man, with this gentleman around, your daughter will definitely be fine." Mr. He Ying also helped coax Feng Yilin to go back to rest, and looked at it while speaking. At a glance, this man is so unfathomable, it seems that he has to investigate him carefully, such a powerful person has some contact with the young master, if he has ulterior motives, he is afraid that the young master will be in danger.

Seeing that everyone said that, Feng Yilin nodded and went back to her room to rest. She shouldn't cause trouble for everyone.

"It's okay, she can come out soon." Lie Que said to Feng Yilin with a rare opening. "She'll be fine."

What Lie Que used was an affirmative sentence, not comforting words to appease Feng Yilin.


Hearing that Lie Que said it would be soon, He Ying wondered, isn't it still twelve hours away?
"But there are still twelve hours." He Ying said to Lie Que with some confusion.

Lie Que hooked the corner of his mouth slightly, and then stood up from the sofa. As soon as he stood up, he heard the door opening of the upstairs room. Since the door was opened by Feng Qianyun in a very rough way, It quickly attracted the attention of everyone downstairs.

"Little wife!" Han Mojue ran upstairs excitedly when he saw Feng Qianyun finally came out.Came to Feng Qianyun, "Well... for the sake of your weakness today, I will cook you a meal for free, tell me, what do you want to eat, it is rare for me to be in this mood, so I will satisfy you All right."

"I'm fine." Feng Qianyun looked a little weak, but overall she was not bad, at least she didn't appear in front of everyone in human form after being tortured by the alchemy process.

Feng Qianyun looked at Lie Que downstairs, and the two of them looked at each other and smiled.

(End of this chapter)

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