Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 417 What Are You and Your Daughter Doing?

Chapter 417 What Are You and Your Daughter Doing?

The alliance was first established to safeguard the common interests of these ancient families, and it was considered a disguised confederacy system.Now, the status of the alliance is getting higher and higher. For many families, the alliance has become a dependence. At least for now, no family is willing to be an enemy of the alliance.

And this jade pendant is the status symbol of the alliance's management class.

"Why do you have this jade pendant?" Ouyang Youde asked inexplicably. This man was still with Ouyang Qianyun. He and Ouyang Qianyun had come to Ouyang's house together. He recognized him, although he had been covering it up before. Well done, he still recognized him the first time he saw him today, because this man felt so special.

"Am I qualified to invite your sick Patriarch over now?" Lie Que looked at Ouyang Youde with a slight smile.

Ouyang Youde shivered for no reason, um...probably the sequelae of being insulted by that perverted woman just now.

"Let me ask the old lady first." Ouyang Youde felt very wronged. If they had planned to let Ouyang Shiyin come over by themselves from the beginning, wouldn't it be over if they talked to Ouyang Shiyin and the old lady?He even called him over first, to make him happy for nothing and to suffer such a big grievance, and now he was asked to go to the old lady, and he had to swallow it with tears when he was scolded by the old lady.

Ouyang Youde finally understood that Ouyang Qianyun called him here to use him. If Ouyang Qianyun went to tell the old lady herself, she would inevitably be blamed by the old lady, and it would take some effort to convince her The old lady, but she called him and let him play the role of persuading the old lady, so she saved herself the trouble.

Ouyang Youde vomited in his heart!But what can I do to vomit again?People have to bow their heads under the eaves, they are both soft and hard, and the insults have been insulted by them, and now they have thrown a jade pendant from the alliance, which clearly does not give him any room to refuse!

Ouyang Youde "asked" the old lady for instructions, so she would inevitably be blamed by the bad-tempered old lady. Of course, after the old lady blamed her, she also felt that what Ouyang Youde said made sense. Now no matter what, it is still her son's illness Most importantly, she had to agree to have Ouyang Shiyin sent over.

I have to praise the Ouyang family's speed of action. Ouyang Youde just successfully persuaded the old lady here, and left immediately there, and took the Ouyang family's personal bodyguards with him in a luxury car. coming.

The old lady was worried about her son and followed her personally.

After Ouyang Shiyin arrived, he asked Feng Qianyun to take him to the upstairs room, and no one was allowed to follow, even Du Qingyan and the old lady were no exception.

This was the first time Feng Yilin met the old lady after she left Ouyang's house.

When the old lady saw Feng Yilin and compared it with Du Qingyan, the more she looked at it, the more she felt that Feng Yilin, who was dignified and virtuous with a ladylike demeanor, was more suitable to be the daughter-in-law of the Ouyang family. She didn't think there was anything wrong with Feng Yilin at first, except There is nothing dissatisfied with her stomach, and there is nothing dissatisfied with her except that she cannot give birth to a son. Now the daughter she gave birth to the Ouyang family carries the blood of their Ouyang family, so it doesn't matter whether it is male or female. One of the "deficiencies" has also been made up.

So now the old lady's thinking is more clear, drive away Du Qingyan and let Feng Yilin come back.

"Yilin, let me have a look." The old lady stepped forward, took Feng Yilin's hand, and pulled her to sit on the sofa very familiarly, as if she was going to have a long talk, "Daddy I haven't seen you for half a year, you've lost weight."

Facing the old lady's kindness, Feng Yilin's attitude was neither hot nor cold. Feng Yilin felt that she had no need to be sarcastic towards the old lady. Except for the last thing, the old lady didn't do anything mean. She has been a mother-in-law and daughter-in-law for nearly ten years.

"Thank you, old lady, for your concern." Feng Yilin replied politely to old lady, but she didn't want to have a deep talk with old lady.

"Hey, you child, have you been wronged outside for half a year?" The old lady said distressedly, "That child Shi Yin was confused for a while, and caused you and Yunyun to suffer a lot outside. It's his fault, isn't it? I am also responsible, I know you must still blame me now."

"Old lady, don't mention the past anymore. Yunyun and I don't blame Mr. Ouyang, nor you, old lady." Feng Yilin doesn't want to mention the past, she is not a person who will remember hatred too deeply For those who love you, emotional matters cannot be forced, and betrayal is betrayal. There is no need for some things to be brought up again and again.

And Feng Yilin is not an innocent little girl, she can distinguish some things very clearly, how could she not know what made the stubborn old lady change so much?Her daughter, whether she is the heir of the family blood or not, whether she is talented or not, is her daughter, and she loves her equally, but the old lady in front of her is because her daughter has the blood of the Ouyang family It's only because she is willing to say grandma, not to mention after Ouyang Shiyin's derailment, even before Ouyang Shiyin's derailment, she didn't give Yunyun a good look.

"Since you are not to blame, then come back to Ouyang's house with Yunyun. Yunyun is Shi Yin's own flesh and blood. You are a family. How can a family have an overnight feud?" Feng Yilin was persuaded to let her and Feng Qianyun come back to Ouyang's house.

"Madam, I don't blame Mr. Ouyang anymore, but it doesn't mean that I will continue my relationship with Mr. Ouyang again. I hope the old lady will give up this idea!" Feng Yilin was a little displeased, she was not always good-tempered, She has her limits.

"As the saying goes, one day a couple is a hundred days of kindness, you and Shi Yin have a total of ten years from acquaintance to falling in love, to getting married, and giving birth to Yunyun. Could it be that this is less than a year? Have you completely forgotten about him? Didn’t you keep saying that you love him more than yourself? Or did you say that Shi Yin was healthy back then, so you loved him, but now he is sick? Is your sincerity, which is more precious than gold, just changed so casually?"

Instead, the old lady blamed Feng Yilin.

Han Mojue couldn't stand it any longer, "Madam Ouyang, right? Please make it clear that your son cheated first, not only did the woman bring her home, but also gave birth to a son. After ten years of relationship, in the end he still Didn’t he cheat? Find a young hot girl with big breasts and upturned buttocks to be a mistress and he will be affectionate? He is already like this, why do others still love him? Let alone a year, this kind of man is not worthy of love even for a day! "

Han Mojue's opening attracted the old lady's attention to him. The old lady gave Han Mojue a clue, and then asked Feng Yilin, "Is he the little boy you're looking for?"

What a "little boy"!
Feng Yilin took a deep breath, "First, he is not a bad boy, please pay attention to your words, don't insult others casually, second, I am free to find any man, I am divorced, whether it is legally or Morally, I have the freedom to fall in love and remarry freely, old lady, you have no right to interfere! Third, if old lady comes to talk to me about getting back together with Mr. Ouyang, then I can tell old lady clearly, you Don't waste your efforts, don't say that other people can interfere with emotional matters, even if your old lady has enough hands to interfere with your son's emotional life, I have no intention of stepping into Ouyang's house again!"

It's not because of Feng Yilin's instigation, this time Han Mojue knows who Feng Qianyun actually inherited, look, the mother and daughter really look alike!

"You..." The old lady did not expect Feng Yilin's decisive attitude. In her impression, Feng Yilin was a submissive woman. She would do whatever Ouyang Shiyin said, just like a delicate porcelain doll. Whether it is life or thoughts, they all revolve around Ouyang Shiyin.

"Did you hear that, people don't appreciate it, just save it." Du Qingyan had expected early on that the old lady would stage such a show after seeing Feng Yilin, so she sat aside and watched the show, and when the old lady Ouyang touched After nailing the nail, she taunted, "Don't forget, I'm the real wife of the Ouyang family now, and she wants to go back to the Ouyang family? Oh, it depends on whether she has the ability. As for you, you want to drive me away." Go? Oh, it's not that easy!"

"Du Qingyan, shut up!" The old lady was annoyed when she saw Du Qingyan.

"Give me less power and prestige, and you want to impose a gag order on me? I'm sorry, this is not Ouyang's family. Ouyang's family rules. Outside, old lady, you have no right to gag me. What's more, your son, It's just that my husband will recover soon, so I want to see whether the Ouyang family is in charge of you or my husband!" Du Qingyan is fed up with the old lady, and she has no intention of driving her out of Ouyang's house so blatantly. Save face for this dead old woman again.

"Du Qingyan, what are you? Does your Du family have tutors?" The old lady glared, how could she tolerate such a shrew-like woman entering Ouyang's house?

"Your most precious grandson was born from the belly of a woman like me who has no tutor. If you have the ability, you can also drive your grandson out of Ouyang's house. Let's see if you are willing?" Du Qingyan knew the old lady's weakness. The son is the heart of this old woman!
Feng Yilin rubbed her eyebrows with some headaches, "You two are going to quarrel, please go back to Ouyang's house to quarrel, here is only to receive Mr. Ouyang for treatment for the time being, you are the family members of the patient."

"Feng Yilin, what are you pretending to be? Don't pretend to be the master in front of me. I've inquired about it. This house doesn't belong to you at all. To put it bluntly, it's not that the man you and your daughter caught has a few bad money. You wear famous brands again, live in a luxury house, and drive a luxury car." Du Qingyan mocked Feng Yilin.

In Du Qingyan's view, Feng Yilin and Feng Qianyun had nothing at all when they left Ouyang's house, but now, in less than a year, their mother and daughter can afford to live in a villa and drive a good car, and it's not because of a man keep?Mother and daughter are both cheap!

(End of this chapter)

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