Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 418 Unexpected Visitors

Chapter 418 Unexpected Visitors

"Please show some respect. If you are a lowly seduce man, don't think that all the men in the world are as lowly as you!" Han Mojue was really worthless for Feng Yilin, how could Ouyang Shiyin be able to bear the "loneliness" at that time? ", looking for such a woman to have sex, besides the fact that this woman may be excellent in bed, what else is desirable about this woman?It caused him to cast a shadow over the lovely big wave crush! "Also, think about it, your husband, and your son, who is giving treatment now, if you argue a little more, I don't mind going upstairs now to ask someone to stop the treatment that is going on upstairs."

Han Mojue's words successfully silenced the two women.

Han Mojue couldn't figure it out, they were the ones who were asking for something, not only were they not grateful at all, they were even more arrogant than the other.

While waiting anxiously here, an unexpected visitor appeared.

It was Yan Sihang who brought his people here, and he came here based on the contact address Feng Qianyun left.

As soon as Yan Sihang entered, he saw Du Qingyan.He remembered the last time Du Qingyan made a big joke in front of Feng Qianyun. According to what Du Qingyan said last time, she seemed to be Feng Qianyun's mistress. Therefore, it is not surprising to see Du Qingyan at the address left by Feng Qianyun.

"I'm sorry, the Feng Qianyun you're looking for is unable to see you for the time being. If you have anything to do, you can tell me directly." Han Mojue said to Yan Sihang, although this is someone else's home, he is also a guest , but for now, it is better for him to deal with Yan Sihang, an uninvited guest.

"Who are you to her?" Yan Sihang asked.

"My name is Han Mojue, and I'm her good friend. For some reason, she can't see you now." Han Mojue told Yan Sihang very clearly that his daughter-in-law is not a prisoner, at most she can be considered a witness And the victim, it doesn't make sense that the police have to drop all their work to see them whenever they want to see them.

"You are the owner of the apartment where the accident happened?"

"Well, it's me." Han Mojue replied frankly.

"What about them?" Yan Sihang pointed to Mrs. Ouyang and Du Qingyan and asked again.

" should I put this..." Han Mojue scratched his head in embarrassment, "In terms of blood relationship, one of them is Feng Qianyun's grandma, and the other is Feng Qianyun's father's current wife .The only normal one over there is Feng Qianyun's mother."

At this time, Feng Yilin walked far away early in the morning and drank coffee in front of the French windows of the villa. Adhering to the purpose of cherishing life and staying away from Du Qingyan, Feng Yilin tried to stay as far away from these two women as possible.

"Then can I invite them to assist in my investigation?" Yan Sihang said, "Since the murder case is likely to be committed by my relatives out of certain interests and emotional relationships, so regarding the last incident that happened in your home I will question Feng Qianyun's family about that shooting incident."

"Please go ahead, I have no right to intervene in this." Han Mojue gestured to Yan Sihang to let go, and sat down to drink tea and watch a play as if nothing happened.

Not to mention that he has no right to ask Yan Sihang about Du Qingyan and Mrs. Ouyang's affairs, even if he can, he doesn't care. If someone is willing to have trouble with these two women, he is at ease!
Yan Sihang walked up to Du Qingyan and Mrs. Ouyang, showed his ID, and introduced himself, "I am the inspector of Yan Sihang, I..."

"Okay, okay, why so much nonsense? Didn't I know who you are early on? Where's my brother? Have you found my brother?" Du Qingyan said angrily when she saw Yan Sihang. The man helped her find her brother's whereabouts, but in the end, instead of helping her catch the prisoner who took her brother away, he made her make such a big fool of herself, and said the best inspector, fuck it, hell go!
"I'm sorry, I'm no longer responsible for your brother Du Qingfei's affairs, and Mrs. Ouyang asked you to replace him."

The last time Du Qingyan asked Yan Sihang to help her catch Feng Qianyun, but Feng Qianyun didn't catch her, and she made a big joke. After she returned, she asked someone else to take charge of her brother's case, and Yan Sihang would no longer intervene, so Now she came to ask Yan Sihang about the progress of her brother's case, but Yan Sihang had no way to answer.

"Okay, just ask if you have any questions." Du Qingyan said impatiently.

Du Qingyan's arrogant attitude towards Yan Sihang aroused the old lady's strong dissatisfaction. This Du Qingyan really disgraced the Ouyang family.

"I'm sorry, sir, this woman has nothing to do with our Ouyang family, so you don't need to pay too much attention to her." The old lady Ouyang opened her mouth and separated herself from Du Qingyan first, "If you have any questions, sir, just ask, I will answer what I know."

Du Qingyan is shameless, the old lady wants more, she is a policeman, no matter how presumptuous you are, you can't help but take him seriously.

"Thank you, old lady, for your cooperation. Although your family affairs are involved, but because it may be related to the case, I still want to ask a few more questions. Is it true that the old lady said that she has nothing to do with Ouyang's family?"

"This woman originally seduced my son to climb up to Mrs. Ouyang's position. My son was confused for a while and was bewitched by this vixen. Now he thinks it through. He understands that a vixen is a vixen. Mud can't support the wall or the table. Yes, so my son has decided to get back with his ex-wife."

The old lady said this to Yan Sihang, and also to Du Qingyan and Feng Yilin.

"Is what the old lady said true?" Yan Sihang asked Du Qingyan to confirm.

"That's what the old woman thinks. But whether it can be realized depends on whether she and Feng Yilin can do it." Du Qingyan lit a cigarette for herself, took a puff, and said arrogantly with disgust.

"Then Ms. Du Qingyan, do you hold a grudge against Feng Qianyun because of this incident, and then buy murderers and hire gunmen to attack Feng Qianyun?" Yan Sihang said sharply.

"Hey, what did you say, be careful and I will sue you for defamation!" Du Qingyan gave Yan Sihang a hard look.

"I still have a piece of information in my hand, which is about Du's tax evasion from the tax bureau. As far as I know, the matter is about to go to court. If there is enough evidence, Du's tax evasion charge will be implemented. Du has been relying on Ouyang for a long time. The group was able to escape several crises, if Ms. Du Qingyan loses the throne of Mrs. Ouyang this time, she may lose the help of Ouyang Group at the same time, causing Du to be completely paralyzed. Am I right, Ms. Du Qingyan?"

Faced with Yan Sihang's accusations, Du Qingyan's eyes flashed a little guilt, but she quickly hid it.

"Sir Yan, do you have any evidence for what you said? Heh, it's a joke. Do we need the help of Ouyang Group? You don't want to ask. Is Du's company or Ouyang Group's existence longer?" Some, tax evasion? Am I doing it for that kind of problem?"

"That's not necessarily the case. As far as I know, Du's not only has no development under your brother's hands, but also because of his negligence, wrong employment, and several contracts that are seriously unfavorable to the company, resulting in serious losses for Du's business. It is in danger, without the help of President Ouyang, the Du family may no longer exist, so President Ouyang is not only a good husband to Ms. Du Qingyan, but also a good treasury, am I right? Ms. Du Qingyan?"

"You can say whatever you want. Don't you police arrest people with evidence? If you have the ability to produce evidence, don't talk nonsense here without evidence. Be careful and I will sue you for defamation. Oh, what a fucking joke Now, if the police are so idle now, the real criminals will not be arrested, but gossip about other people's private affairs here, it makes me laugh to death." Du Qingyan sneered and looked at Yan Sihang's eyes full of insidiousness, this Dead man, why didn't you see him so sharp when investigating her brother's affairs?
"If Ms. Du Qingyan is absolutely sure that what I just said constitutes defamation, Ms. Du Qingyan is welcome to complain to me, but now I want to ask Ms. Du Qingyan to come back to the police station with me, based on the information we have and what Ms. Du Qingyan said just now Judging from my attitude, I have every reason to suspect that Ms. Du Qingyan has the motive to attack Feng Qianyun."

"Hey, if you say you doubt it, then you doubt it. I don't want to go to the police station with you, I want to call a lawyer!"

"Ms. Du Qingyan has the right to call her own lawyer, and Ms. Du Qingyan has the right to remain silent until your lawyer arrives." Yan Sihang said with a smile, "But Ms. Du Qingyan may have made a mistake. I just ask you to go back and assist us in the investigation, no? Arresting you as a suspect, so Ms. Du Qingyan, there is no need for you to be so nervous, but your nervousness makes me suspect that you have some ulterior secret."

"You!" Du Qingyan stood up suddenly, and threw the unfinished cigarette in her hand on Yan Sihang, "Since you know that I am Du Qingyan and Mrs. Ouyang, you should know what will happen to you if you offend me. Have you figured it out?"

Yan Sihang glanced at the arrogant Du Qingyan, then turned to the colleague behind him and said, "Take the cigarette butts on the ground back to the bureau. If necessary, you can sue Ms. Du Qingyan for assaulting the police."

"Yan Sihang, you are cruel, just wait for me!" Du Qingyan gouged out Yan Sihang's eyes, and then walked out angrily stepping on her seven centimeter high heels.

Han Mojue originally hated Yan Sihang very much, because Yan Sihang was always chasing after Feng Qianyun, which made him feel very uncomfortable, but now, Han Mojue felt comfortable watching Yan Sihang, especially when he saw Du Qingyan Yan Sihang's face was so angry that he was almost on fire.

(End of this chapter)

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