Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 420 Ouyang Shiyin's Decision

Chapter 420 Ouyang Shiyin's Decision (2)
"Is it too late to say something later? You have to say it now."

"Yunyun will be surnamed Feng from now on. She is my daughter of Ouyang Shiyin, and I am her biological father, but she and Yilin have nothing to do with Ouyang's family. No one can bring Yunyun and Yilin back together again. The affairs of Ouyang's family are not allowed to disturb their lives." Ouyang Shiyin solemnly declared.

"Shi Yin, you..." The old lady couldn't understand what Ouyang Shiyin said at this time. Now that the troublesome things have been solved and he has recovered, shouldn't the rest be to take Feng Yilin and her daughter back to Ouyang's house go?Why at this time, Ouyang Shiyin wanted to distance himself from Feng Yilin's mother and daughter?
"Mom, Yilin and Yunyun are real people. Neither the Ouyang family nor I have the right to force them to come back. I respect their wishes, and I hope you will respect my decision too." Heart is bitter, but also happy.

Ouyang Shiyin stared at Feng Yilin, "Yilin, can we still be friends in the future? Can I come and see Yunyun at any time?" Maybe she won't be burdened by retreating to the position of friend. To see her smile.

Ouyang Shiyin...he is back, the Ouyang Shiyin she fell in love with back then is back...

After lingering at the gate of hell for a while, Ouyang Shiyin returned to the confident, free-spirited and charming man he used to be. He had fascinated many girls, and Feng Yilin was among them. Ouyang Shiyin didn't know when he started to change after struggling in the shopping mall.

Feng Yilin smiled, "You are welcome to visit Yunyun anytime, and you will be good friends in the future."

We have known each other for ten years, from friends to lovers to husband and wife, and finally to friends.

"Thank you." Ouyang Shiyin smiled knowingly, "By the way, I promised Yunyun's reward. Now that she has fulfilled the agreement, I will transfer half of the Ouyang family property to her name as soon as possible."

The old lady was anxious, "Didn't you already return Feng Yilin's share to her? Isn't that enough?" That was half of the family property, the old lady felt distressed!

"About that agreement, let it be void. She is your daughter, so it's reasonable to do this for you." Feng Yilin said, she didn't want to be greedy for their Ouyang family's money.

If Feng Qianyun was still awake at this moment, when she heard her mother's words, she would definitely jump up and shout, Mom, you can't be such a prodigal!That's my ticket, and it's agreed that half of the property will be given to me for medical treatment, not a penny less!
"As a father, if you promise your daughter, you can't break your promise." Ouyang Shi smiled implicitly, his face was still a little weak, but he was smiling from the bottom of his heart.

He has extremely handsome facial features, his eyes are sharp most of the time, not as gentle as this time, his straight nose bridge and thin lips give people an illusion of ruthlessness when he is concentrating, and when he smiles Sometimes, it is very attractive.

A few strands of hair blocked his eyes due to lack of care, but they did not cover his star-like gaze.

Feng Yilin smiled knowingly, "I won't refuse, but you'd better tell Yun Yun yourself about some things. Although she is smart, she is still slow to love her father. It's better for you to say it clearly, otherwise I'm not sure she will I feel your kindness."

"Yilin, the birdcage is ready." Lu Guoxing came to Feng Yilin with the birdcage he had made in three days. After Han Mojue's meticulous care, it became a little more elegant, but it was obviously not in the same style as Ouyang Shiyin.

Although Lu Guoxing was very unkempt, the birdcages he made were extremely delicate.

"It's so beautiful!" Feng Yilin sighed, "Looks like my little colorful parrot is blessed." That parrot was given to her by Lie Que.

Being praised by Feng Yilin, Lu Guoxing would scratch his head in embarrassment, making his messy hair even more messy, "By the way, where is Yunyun, how is she?"

"She's fine, Lie Que took her back to the room to rest. It's you, go take a shower, you smell of sweat." Feng Yilin looked at Lu Guoxing, who was not young but needed care like a child, and shook her head. Urging him to take a bath.

The interaction between Feng Yilin and Lu Guoxing fell into the eyes of the two people in the room, and Ouyang Shiyin could only smile bitterly in his heart.Mrs. Ouyang was surprised. She thought that the man downstairs was Feng Yilin's new love, but she didn't expect that the new man Feng Yilin found was such a... rough and crazy man, who was still slapped. A shirtless... This... This man is like the kind of... barbarian who fights in the street?Feng Yilin's taste has become so strong?It's hard to imagine that such a gentle and elegant woman with a tutor would marry such a rough man...

Ouyang Shiyin recovered from his illness. After returning home, he immediately consulted his exclusive lawyer to draw up an agreement, which was about him and Du Qingyan.

Du Qingyan was taken to the police station by Yan Sihang, who questioned her and almost detained her for 24 hours as a suspect, causing Du Qingyan to explode in the police station.

Back at Ouyang's house, seeing the recovered Ouyang Shiyin, she finally felt a little better after suffering from the weather.

She put on a coquettish smile, and stuck to Ouyang Shiyin's body.

"Honey, are you okay? Great..."

Ouyang Shiyin avoided Du Qingyan, not letting her cling to him.

Du Qingyan rushed to nothing, and suddenly had a bad premonition.

"Honey, what's the matter?" Du Qingyan continued to smile.

"Qingyan, let's get a divorce."

"What did you say?" Du Qingyan's eyes changed instantly, "Honey, what's wrong with you? You're just fine, is there something wrong..."

"Qingyan, I'm sorry, but I have to admit that the person I like is Yilin. I can only say sorry to you. This is our divorce agreement. If you have no problem after reading it, you can sign it. Go." Ouyang Shiyin handed Du Qingyan the divorce agreement he asked the lawyer to draw up.

The divorce agreement clearly stated that the custody of the child belonged to Ouyang Shiyin. Du Qingyan had to give up all rights and interests related to the child, and even ensured that she could not admit that she was the child's mother. Of course, correspondingly, Ouyang Shiyin also It will give Du Qingyan a good alimony, and help Du Qingyan solve the crisis Du is facing.

After reading the divorce agreement, Du Qingyan smiled seductively.

"Hahaha... Ouyang Shiyin, you have such a beautiful idea. Do you want me to give up all the rights and interests related to the child and buy my son with money? Haha, I am! You have a beautiful idea!"

"Du Qingyan, I hope you can accept this agreement. I want to understand some things. There is no way to be a husband and wife with you like before." Regarding Du Qingyan, Ouyang Shiyin chose to cut the mess quickly. There is still a child between him and Du Qingyan, which is unfair to the child, but he has no other better choice, he can no longer maintain the marriage relationship with Du Qingyan, instead of letting the child grow up in an endless In such a quarrelsome family environment, it is better to break off relations with Du Qingyan now.

He has already lost Yilin. For now, he also knows that although he can openly let go of Feng Yilin, he has not really broken up with her. He has to taste the bitter fruit he has planted. I want to try to be a good father, to Yunyun, and to his son who just turned one year old.

"If you want a divorce, that's fine. Didn't your daughter take away half of the Ouyang family's property? Give me the remaining half, and I'll leave, and my son will be yours!"

After marrying Ouyang Shiyin until now, Du Qingyan knew very well that this man was once obsessed with his body, but he didn't give his heart to her.

Faintly, when Feng Yilin appeared again, she had a bad premonition.

Since she can't get him, she can ask for money, even a son, in exchange for the property of Ouyang's family!
For a long time, probably Ouyang Shiyin's responsive attitude towards her gave her the illusion that Ouyang Shiyin is easy to mess with. She was wrong. Ouyang Shiyin was responsive to her before, but it doesn't mean he will now.

"Du Qingyan, you've been with me for more than two years. I hope we can get together and break up, and answer me one last time, whether to sign or not." Ouyang Shiyin's face was very serious, and his handsome face was full of sharpness.

Du Qingyan was frightened by Ouyang Shiyin's aura at first, then calmed down for a while, relying on her own understanding of Ouyang Shiyin, she didn't think he would really do anything, so she boldly replied, "No sign!"

Ouyang Shiyin immediately put away the divorce agreement.

It was torn off, turned into a piece of paper and fell from his hand.

"What do you mean..." Du Qingyan was puzzled by Ouyang Shiyin's actions.

"Qingyan, I don't really want to be so unfeeling to the child's mother, but I won't indulge you anymore. You have seen what I did to Yilin back then, and you should know that even without your signature, I have a way to make The two of us are divorced, and you can't get any money at the same time. You should also know that the Du family has long been left with only an empty shell. It is the support of Ouyang Group that makes it exist until now. Now as long as Ouyang Group withdraws its shares, The Du family is completely bankrupt, and you should not think that the things you did can be hidden from my eyes. You found a killer twice to attack Yunyun. The first time Yunyun solved it by herself, and the second time it was me The time with the gun."

Ouyang Shiyin spoke very calmly, he had pampered Du Qingyan, and his pampering gave Du Qingyan everything he had.

When Ouyang Shiyin withdrew this connivance, Du Qingyan suddenly realized how terrifying the man who had slept with her for more than two years was.

Du Qingyan has been complacent for so long that she even forgot that everything she owns now comes from the man in front of her. Money, status, and rights are all given to her by the man in front of her. When this man wants to take back these, she really has nothing.

(End of this chapter)

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