Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 421 Is Your Kid Showing Me Too?

Chapter 421 Is Your Kid Showing Me Too?
Without Ouyang Shiyin's help, Mrs. Du would be finished soon, and she would not be able to be her glamorous young lady of the Du family; once Ouyang Shiyin divorced her, she would not be Mrs. Ouyang; Someone came to assassinate Feng Qianyun's capital...

Then she is really nothing, nothing...

Ouyang Shiyin's words made Du Qingyan feel like a bolt from the blue sky, and she was stunned.

She didn't escape his eyes at all, she was like a jumping clown... Just like the monkey grandson who couldn't escape the Buddha's Wuzhi Mountain, everything she did was under Ouyang Shiyin's nose.

He actually...he actually...

"Honey, I'm the baby's mother. Don't treat me like this. No one can take care of him better than his own mother. We won't divorce. I won't dare to do anything to Feng Qianyun and Feng Yilin in the future." It's gone..." Du Qingyan's arrogant arrogance suddenly disappeared, and she looked at Ouyang Shiyin with a begging gaze.

"You have no room to bargain. If you agree, you still have a chance to sign the agreement just now, but remember, you only have this one chance." Ouyang Shiyin didn't give Du Qingyan too many chances, once or twice is enough , one cannot make mistakes over and over again.

After Ouyang Shiyin finished speaking, he left Du Qingyan alone and went back to the study alone.

Du Qingyan looked at Ouyang Shi's receding back and collapsed on the ground.She has nothing...she has could this be...

Feng Qianyun slept for two whole days, and slept in the dark.

Before Feng Qianyun woke up, Han Mojue went back to school and sat in the office. Han Mojue was absent-minded. It was because of Feng Qianyun that he came to school. If he is on "sick leave", he will not be able to cheer up anyway.

The smelly girl must be sleeping very much now, and she must not have dreamed of him...

Well, maybe he has already woken up, and then hugged Lie Que to drool.A strange image of Yun Qingran nestling in Lie Que's arms with a sinister and lewd smile suddenly appeared in Han Mojue's mind.

That stinky girl had seen through her perverted nature early on.The most annoying!
Han Mojue propped his chin with one hand, "Teacher..." A female student timidly walked to the edge of Han Mojue's desk.

The girl's voice pulled Han Mojue back from the wandering state. He turned his head and glanced at the female student beside him. He recognized this girl. She was a student in his class. Her name seemed to be Sun Liya.

The girl next to Han Mojue is small, but she looks very sweet. She is holding a high-level mathematics tutorial book in her hand. It seems that she has done a lot of problems and came to ask Han Mojue when she encountered a problem.

"Sun Liya, right? Do you have any questions?" Although his purpose of being a tutor is not pure, but since he has become a tutor, he still wants to be a competent tutor. Will let him go!

Hearing Han Mojue call out her name, the deer on Sun Liya's chest jumped twice.

"I don't understand this question very well. Why is the constant term after integration..." Sun Liya opened her tutorial book, and saw a lot of questions sketched on it. It can be seen that she has put a lot of effort into the questions.

"Look at the condition in the question. You used it once in the first question, and you can use it again here." Han Mojue picked up the pen next to him and began to demonstrate for the girls.

Sun Liya's gaze unconsciously ran from the tutorial book to Han Mojue's face. Looking at Han Mojue's serious face explaining, her face turned red.

Teacher, he... is really handsome... the way he talks about the topic seriously...

"Understood?" Han Mojue seriously covered up the process of solving the problem for Sun Liya, not noticing that his female student's attention had long been lost on the problem.

"Ah, ah... oh." Sun Liya's attention went to Han Mojue just now, and she didn't even notice that Han Mojue had finished speaking, so she could only respond with a guilty conscience.

She really came to ask Han Mojue a question, but she was fascinated by it...

"Any other questions?"

"No more... Ah no... Well, teacher, I like you..." Sun Liya suddenly didn't know where the courage came from. Taking advantage of the fact that there were no other teachers in the office at this time, she suddenly confessed to Han Mojue, and then herself Realizing that he had done something embarrassing, he ran away holding his tutorial book.

Han Mojue blinked, looking very cute in a daze.

Um, what happened just now?He seems to have been confessed... Uh...

Hey, if it was his daughter-in-law confessing to him just now, how wonderful it would be... Han Mojue thought sadly.

Then he started flirting with Feng Qianyun's possible confession scene.

Hmm... If it was a young daughter-in-law, she would definitely not be so shy, she would definitely put her hands on her hips, and yell at him fiercely: "Hey, beauty, my master has taken a fancy to you, how much can I take care of you? "

Maybe, it would be like this, she pushed him down on the bed, "beauty, how about you sleeping tonight? Don't worry, I will take care of you."

Hehe...... Han Mojue thought about it, and laughed silly by himself.

"Cough cough cough..."

Ouyang Zhimin coughed to wake up a man who had fallen into his fantasy.

"Scared, Ouyang Zhimin, when did you run out?"

"Before you started giggling, when that girl ran out, I had already come in, but you just smirked and didn't notice me. Why, are you so happy to be confessed by a girl?"

"Go, I don't like little girls with flat chests and flat butts, and you are the only one who has a soft spot for little girls." Han Mojue rolled his eyes at Ouyang Zhimin, "Why, why don't you show up?" , I'm still afraid that your little girlfriend will be snatched away by others."

"Boss Shaoxue Yunyun scares me, but Xiaoye told me that she only likes me." Thinking of this, Ouyang Zhimin felt sweeter than eating honey.

"Hey, look at your happy little face, did you come to stimulate me purely?"

"Don't dare, how dare I come to provoke you Han Damei, as long as you want, girls are waiting in line to be your girlfriend! I'm not joking with you, I'm here to ask you about Yun As for Boss Yun’s matter, Xiaoye said that Boss Yun Yun hasn’t come to school for a few days, and I heard that there was a shooting incident nearby, I inquired about it, something happened to your house, what happened?”

"It's nothing serious. Someone shot at my house, but Yunyun was not injured. It was her father who was injured. At that time, Yunyun took care of it. Later, she had to ask for leave because she wanted to treat her dead father. Her dead ghost father consumed too much treatment, and she is still in a coma."

"It's nothing serious, why didn't your expression tell me that? I said, are you a little too nervous, boss Yunyun? Tell me, do you like her? If you like her, just say it, What does a big man look like, don't tell me that you are not only more beautiful than a woman on the outside, but even more cowardly than a woman on the inside." Ouyang Zhimin found an opportunity and teased Han Mojue.

"Stay where it's cool, I'm ashamed to say that I'm twitching, and I don't think about yourself. When you chase Xiaoye, you're like a woman, dawdling."

"I dawdled and dawdled, and at least I came up with a result. Unlike someone, I haven't dawdled, I haven't dawdled, and I don't know where the result is."

"Your skin is itchy, aren't you?" Han Mojue gave Ouyang Zhimin a hard look.

"Okay, okay, I won't say anything, I don't know anything!" Ouyang Zhimin quickly put his hands in front of him, acting as a defensive gesture, for fear that Han Mojue would attack and kill him.

Han Mojue just waved his fist, whoever has nothing to beat Ouyang Zhimin to vent his anger, if something goes wrong, his little girlfriend should be anxious with him, and then his little girlfriend will go to his little wife to cry, Then a human tragedy is about to evolve.

When Han Mojue lowered his fist, he noticed a unique tail ring on Ouyang Zhimin's right hand.

"Are you showing off too, kid? This ring is pretty good, and it's becoming more and more tasteful." Han Mojue praised Ouyang Zhimin, remembering Ouyang Zhimin's sleazy and delinquent outfit at the beginning, Han Mojue really didn't dare to compliment him .

"You said this, Xiaoye gave it to me." Ouyang Zhimin waved his hand in front of Han Mojue's eyes to show off his happiness of having a girlfriend.

"Xiaoye? Where did she get the money to buy you such a ring?" This is not a stainless steel ring that costs tens of dollars in a jewelry store. This ring is obviously made of gem-grade jadeite, which is very valuable.Han Mojue has found a lot of treasures for his father in these years, and with his upbringing, he still has some knowledge.

It wasn't that Han Mojue looked at Bian Shang Xiaoye, but with Shang Xiaoye's current situation, it was still very difficult to buy such a ring for Ouyang Shiyin by working part-time in his spare time.

"To be precise, it's not Xiaoye's, it's Xiaoye's mother. Xiaoye's mother took some things with her when she left her father. This tail ring is one of them."

It turned out to be like this, Han Mojue remembered what Feng Qianyun told him, saying that Xiaoye's mother had given her a precious Xuanyuan, but Xiaoye's mother said that she was someone else's mistress, and Xiaoye was also born out of wedlock , so it is not convenient for them to follow up.

"Are you off work? How about we go out for a drink after get off work?" Ouyang Zhimin has been receiving training at Ouyang's house recently, and he doesn't have much time to accompany Shang Xiaoye, let alone play.

"Stinky boy, how old are you, just drink like adults."

"I am younger than you, but I have said goodbye to being single. In a sense, I am 'mature' than you."

"You came here sincerely today, right?" To stimulate him by mentioning his singleness every now and then, is he interested?He's mad at him!
(End of this chapter)

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