Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 422 The Nympho Society

Chapter 422 The Nympho Society
Feng Qianyun has been looking at the scroll in her hand for no less than 10 minutes, and she is carefully confirming every detail recorded on the scroll.

Because Feng Qianyun maintained this position for too long, Guigui also became interested in the scroll in her hand, he jumped out, looked at the scroll in Feng Qianyun's hand, and saw that on the scroll was a very old The characters in Chinese characters are very different from today's Chinese characters, and they are not like scripts in bronze and small seal script. The degree of symbolization is comparable to oracle bone inscriptions, but not quite like them.

"Woman, can you understand this kind of writing?"

Guigui crossed his arms and couldn't believe that Feng Qianyun could understand what was written on the scroll.

She couldn't read it, so she stared at the scroll for so long, right?

"I can understand." Feng Qianyun looked at the scroll and sighed deeply.

"Is it true? Can you understand things that my uncle can't understand? Don't pretend! Also, why do you sigh when you understand?" Guigui doubted.

Feng Qianyun gave Guigui a slap in the face, "Little ghost, can my mother lie to you for money? I have learned from a master before, and many of the ancient books I have read are recorded in this kind of language. You Said that I can understand but not understand, and this is not too mysterious, it is a special language used by the family to record important events. In the past, some people in some big families knew it, but it has been a long time. Just like the art of alchemy, there are fewer and fewer people who are proficient in it. As for why you are sighing, it is because this scroll just records some information that is useful to me."

"Then why are you sighing so much, it's not in vain for you to enter the secret pavilion of Ouyang's family." No matter how much this woman is hypocritical, she has found useful information.

"The key point is that this is not good news. The thing Zhang Chuan and Zhang Luyao entrusted me to find may be the psychic mirror recorded on this scroll, but unfortunately, this thing has been destroyed a long time ago, a heroic sacrifice It is in the contest between its master and others. In other words, I promise Zhang Chuan and Zhang Luyao that there is no way to do it."

Hey, although it was agreed at the time to help find it as much as possible, but now that such a cruel result has come out, it is undoubtedly a bad news for the two brothers Zhang Chuan and Zhang Luyao. Zhang Chuan also hopes to untie Zhang Luyao's knot. with...

"Tsk tsk, that's really a pity..." Guigui said regret on his mouth, seeing his twitching, he clearly wanted to watch Feng Qianyun's good show.

"Damn ghost, stop gloating!" Silently blamed Guigui.

"Idiot, that's not how the word 'dead' is used!"

"Why can't it be used like this, you damn ghost, referred to as 'dead ghost'!"

"Stupid, it's women who say hell to men!"

"I'm a girl, you're a boy! Any questions?"

Why is there no problem?Big problem! "Forget it, forget it, I don't care about you anymore!" The idiot Mo was so stupid that he was hopelessly stupid!It's still easier to communicate with women, "Woman, what are you going to do now?"

"What else can I do? Tell Zhang Chuan and Zhang Luyao the truth, although the facts are a bit cruel." Feng Qianyun is not a housekeeper, and being the eldest of their Zhang family is just acquaintance and cooperation, and she can't interfere with them home chores.

"Cut, it's boring." Guigui changed back without interest.

Feng Qianyun went back to school and took too many days off in a row, which caused a lot of criticism for her. Originally, Feng Qianyun came to Z University at such a young age, which was easy to attract criticism. Whether Feng Qianyun thinks about it or not, she will attract more attention than others, at least in this place of school.

What's more, as soon as she entered the school, she was "respected" by Guo Shuyong and followed Guo Shuyong to do projects. In addition, Ouyang Shiyin came to their school a few times, which attracted a lot of strange eyes for her. Of course, I have to mention Feng Qianyun's roommates, in the process of Feng Qianyun being so criticized, they drew a strong stroke.

During Feng Qianyun's leave, everyone had a lot of guesses about her, such as engaging in privileges, going abroad, and going to other schools with teachers to communicate, and so on. There is even a popular saying that Feng Qianyun was pregnant and had an abortion. The reason for guessing was that Feng Qianyun had signs of being taken care of before.

Regardless of everyone's guesses, it is an indisputable fact that since the beginning of school, Feng Qianyun has attended more classes than skipped classes.

When Feng Qianyun returned to school, it was just in time for the recruitment of new students in the school club to come to an end.

Feng Qianyun was walking on the tree-lined avenue of the school with her textbooks in her arms. Z University is a campus with a particularly beautiful environment. The greening work is done very well. There are also some thoughts of my own, such as the most difficult question about Han Mojue at present. Although there is still time, time will eventually run out.The headache is that she has no clue so far. The matter of Han Mojue is completely another field for her now. She has studied traditional Chinese medicine and ancient medicine. She is currently studying western medicine, but she doesn't know anything about the Gu poison that has been prevalent in Miaojiang for hundreds of years.

While walking, a female classmate jumped out in front of her. Well, she didn't jump, but she appeared too abruptly in front of Feng Qianyun, which shocked Feng Qianyun who was in a trance.

This girl... well, the tonnage is a bit high.

For Feng Qianyun, most of her classmates in the school are much taller than her. Although she has grown a lot in the past six months due to her conscious food supplements and physical exercise, no matter what age she is, no matter how old she is. Try to grow as fast as possible and can't compare with her big brothers and sisters who are six, seven or eight years older than her.

And the girl in front of her is more than a little bigger than the average classmate...

The girl stretched out a strong hand and put it on Feng Qianyun's seemingly thin shoulder.

"Student, if my guess is correct, you are Feng Qianyun, right! Hahaha... I know I must have guessed right, who made me so smart!" Yun's shoulder was patted twice, but fortunately Feng Qianyun was not that weak, otherwise she might have been slapped internally by her overwhelming slap.

"It's nothing to be proud of. I'm the only 13-year-old female student in the school, right? And I'm holding a medical textbook in my hand. It's not difficult to guess that I'm a student of the school's medical department."

"Who said that, not everyone is as discerning as I am! By the way, I don't seem to have introduced myself yet. My name is Lin Shufen, and I'm a sophomore senior."

"Hello, senior." The other party introduced herself, and Feng Qianyun naturally had to greet the other party politely, and she didn't need to introduce herself, anyway, she already knew it.

The girl pinched her chin with her hands, took a step back, and observed Feng Qianyun more carefully, "I see that you are also average in appearance, thin and small, and reluctantly, but it seems that you are so sincere. For the sake of you, I agree with you to join our club!"

"I don't intend to join the club." Feng Qianyun argued, what did she say to make the big mac senior sister in front of her have the illusion that she wanted to join their club?
"Oh, don't be embarrassed. It's your honor that I chose you today. Is there a sense of happiness that comes too suddenly? Ann, press it, clean up your excitement, you don't need to be so excited, You don’t need to be grateful to me, as long as you treat me to some more ice cream later on.” As she spoke, the giant senior sister beat Feng Qianyun’s chest with her fist again, with a very loyal look on her face .

Poor Feng Qianyun's small body was repeatedly ravaged by this world with a slightly higher tonnage.

"Senior sister, I really don't want to join any clubs, hey, what are you doing..." Before Feng Qianyun finished speaking, she was dragged away by the giant senior sister.

"Why are you, a new classmate, so coy? Do you know how honored you are? From the beginning of recruiting students to the present, I have rejected the registration of countless students. Unlike other low-level clubs, our club is I will not take any students who have high requirements and high standards and do not meet my requirements!"

The senior didn't even give Feng Qianyun a chance to speak, and kept dragging her towards the location of their club.

Seeing the magnificently decorated facade in front of him, a big recruiting poster was pasted on the door, and a big banner was drawn on it, Feng Qianyun took a closer look and found that it was recruiting new recruits from the basketball club, a basketball club. So awesome...

"Is your association doing well? It seems that the funds are quite sufficient." Feng Qianyun gave a very pertinent evaluation.

"Nonsense, that's the basketball club. Is there not enough funds? They got sponsorship from Hengke Group a few years ago, and they made a splash! Well, don't look, come in with me and fill out the form!"

"That... isn't this the club you belong to?"

"No, no, no."

"Then where is your club?"

"You can't see with such big eyes! Isn't it over there?" The senior sister pointed to the corner.

Feng Qianyun looked intently, and finally found another club base at the corner, next to the toilet.

Feng Qianyun walked to the door and saw its whole picture.

The basketball club has a separate basketball hall... and the place that Big Mac Senior Sister pointed to... Let alone the facade, the space is estimated to be only [-] square meters, probably because the sports department has ordered a small one The equipment room will act as the club's activity base, shall we?
What frightened Feng Qianyun the most was the club's name.It still has the word "basketball", so it has something to do with basketball?Is it a sports club?Unfortunately, the full name of this club is... Basketball Team Service Club!
Who has nothing to set up such a society?Their clubs are guitar clubs, Hanfu clubs, softball clubs, animation clubs... Anyway, they are all clubs with a broad mass base.

As for the basketball team service club... Feng Qianyun can only think that the people who set up the club and the people who join the club are either nympho, or big nympho, or the best big nympho.To put it bluntly, it is to find an aboveboard reason to be "like glue" with all the handsome guys on the basketball team!

(End of this chapter)

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