Chapter 423

Feng Qianyun wanted to turn around and leave, but was grabbed by Senior Sister Ju Ba, who dragged Feng Qianyun's small body inside.

"Oh, come in quickly and fill out the application form, the recruitment will be over if you are late, there will be no waiting!"

Feng Qianyun was forcibly pulled in. There were two other girls in the room. One was doing some manual work. I didn't know whether she was making paper flowers or posters, because it was too fancy. A very quiet girl, with long straight hair and slender fingers, seems to be very good at this.

Another girl wore a pair of black-rimmed glasses, braces, and two braids.

"Shufen, you're back, hey, who is this little girl? Why did the new club fail to recruit a little girl?" Braces sister asked, then ran up to Feng Qianyun and looked at her closely The wind is coming.

She moved to a position only three centimeters away from Feng Qianyun, and stared at Feng Qianyun as if she wanted to see the blackheads on Feng Qianyun's face clearly.

"Shufen, where did you find this cute doll? It's so small that I really want to bully it."

"Go, go, get your salty pig hands away, don't tarnish the member we just joined here, let me tell you, she is Feng Qianyun."

"She is that young and educated Feng Qianyun? It feels a bit different from the legend!"

Feng Qianyun didn't know that she still had such a great reputation in school!
"Didn't you say that she is a vixen who specializes in seducing men? I don't see where she is so vicious!" Senior Sister Braces spoke too quickly, and before she had thought about it, she had already said it in her mouth. up.


Dare to love is such a famous method!
Lin Shufen gave Lin Shufen a stare at the braces senior.

"Just believe what the outside world says. You believe it when they say Teacher Han is gay! You also believe Feng Qianyun is a vixen! I say this is typical jealousy. Do you know jealousy? You can't let others be smart and beautiful? Genius What's the matter? If you can't be a genius, you will all become jealous women? No quality!"

Lin Shufen raised her foot and symbolically kicked the braces senior's thigh, leaving a big footprint.

"Hey, Miss Lin, these are the new clothes I just bought..." Senior Braces wanted to get angry, but due to Lin Shufen's lust, her voice became lower and lower, without any momentum at all.

"Quickly apologize!" Lin Shufen sternly yelled at the braces senior, that is, Zhao Xiaoli.

Zhao Xiaoli lowered her head. She knew Lin Shufen's personality. If she didn't apologize today, Lin Shufen had no intention of forgiving her.

Don't look at Lin Shufen, who is careless and fierce. She is still a fat girl. She is usually very loyal. If any of the sisters suffers a little wronged, Lin Shufen will be the first to call the shots for them. A few days ago, Ma Mengmeng , that is, the girl who is doing manual work over there. Her family has some difficulties. Without saying anything, Lin Shufen gave Ma Mengmeng the money she had saved for a school year and planned to go to Korea to watch a concert.

So Ma Mengmeng is not like Lin Shufen and senior sister Braces, but she is willing to hang out with them.

The same goes for Zhao Xiaoli. Although Lin Shufen loses her temper with them from time to time, they are a duo of nympho and have a close relationship.

"I'm sorry Feng Qianyun," Zhao Xiaoli scratched the back of her head embarrassingly, "I'm a straight-talking person, you don't mind, right?"

Feng Qianyun shrugged her shoulders, she didn't mind this kind of thing too much, she could hear that the braces senior didn't mean anything malicious when she said that, it was just a little straight.Besides, she didn't seem to give her room to forgive or not...

Only then did Lin Shufen nodded in satisfaction, and then stuffed a registration form for Feng Qianyun, "Hurry up and fill out this registration form."

"Well, I didn't want to..."

"I said you are so hypocritical!" Lin Shufen's voice suddenly raised an octave, "You must really want to have such a good opportunity to contact handsome guys from our school in a fair manner, right? I know you are very interested If you want it, don't be embarrassed, in front of your sister Shufen, you don't need to hide this kind of thing!"

Sister Shufen, I really really don't want to be crazy about the handsome guys in our school...

At this moment, a boy in a basketball uniform rushed in, "Sister Shufen, help the world, hurry up, come here, all of you!"

The boys are obviously on the basketball team.

"We'll come right away!" Lin Shufen grabbed Zhao Xiaoli with her left hand and Feng Qianyun with her right hand, and hurriedly followed the boy who ran in.

Based on the principle of not casually attacking ordinary students who don't know martial arts at school, Feng Qianyun was dragged away by Lin Shufen again today... She didn't say she wanted to be their club!Sister!
Is this the so-called "emergency in the rivers and lakes" that the boy rushed over?

Help move things!
Towels, sportswear, mineral water...

The school basketball team will have a competition in the near future, and they ordered a lot of things at one time. After the things were shipped, they were placed at the entrance of the gymnasium downstairs. The school basketball team's activity venue is the gymnasium on the second floor.The school basketball team is not a basketball club. The two are essentially unrelated. The school basketball team is a regular school team. The basketball club is a group of people who love to play basketball. friendly match.

However, Lin Shufen's "Basketball Service Agency" is dedicated to serving the school's basketball team... Even Feng Qianyun was moved by Lin Shufen's nympho realm... How many nympho must be to feed the basketball team so much? What about a society?

And now, the three girls are helping the group of men to carry things, what about the boys themselves?

Feng Qianyun didn't know how many people there were in a basketball team. She had never cared about sports events, and she was no different from an idiot in this regard.

According to the current situation, there are five or six people on the basketball team staying in the gymnasium. Those who continue to play basketball and those who rest, no one is missing an arm or a leg. On the basketball team.

Besides, only two boys came down to carry things, and then Lin Shufen, Zhao Xiaoli and Ma Mengmeng.

"Feng Qianyun, come and help me too!" Lin Shufen waved to Feng Qianyun after carrying a box of mineral water up and down.

"Let me say you're a nympho. If you're infatuated with a group of tall and handsome men who can play basketball well, have a good figure, a good temper, a good temper, it's okay to do this, but it's just a group of stinky men..." Feng Qianyun shook her head, disagreeing, but since the matter didn't have much to do with her, Lin Shufen and the others were willing, but she couldn't stop them.

This is all Feng Qian's rhyme said, and she plans to leave. If she has this time, she should go to the library.

Feng Qianyun was about to leave when a human wall blocked her way.

"Who do you call a stinky man?" As a member of the school basketball team, the man is naturally much taller than Feng Qianyun, an underdeveloped little girl, and Feng Qianyun only reaches the position of the man's small abdominal muscles.

"What is a man who only knows how to throw the ball into the basket but doesn't know how to behave?" Feng Qianyun gave the man in front of him a blank look, then walked away from him, and was about to leave.

The man blocked Feng Qianyun's path again.

"Only throwing the ball into the basket? Heh, do you seem to look down on us?"

When the boy was talking, other boys also gathered around, those who were playing and taking a rest came over, probably Feng Qianyun's words made them all angry.

"I'm sorry, I only respect those who know how to respect me. I don't understand other people. Please step aside." Feng Qianyun has no interest in haggling with the man in front of her. As for what she said just now, she didn't intend to belittle basketball. The meaning of this sport is that she just couldn't agree with the behavior of these men in front of her.

"Feng Qianyun, don't say a few words!" Zhao Xiaoli just came up with a sack of towels, and when she saw Feng Qianyun surrounded by everyone from the basketball team, she hurried forward to pull Feng Qianyun, "I'm sorry, she is The new members of our club are not very sensible!" Zhao Xiaoli apologized to all the boys on behalf of Feng Qianyun.

"Oh? You are a new member of the service agency! So, what you said just now was to attract our attention? Not bad, you have successfully attracted the attention of all of us!" Ruan Tiange had an obvious mocking smile on the corner of his mouth. , another nympho.

Feng Qianyun choked speechlessly, the misunderstanding became serious.

"Thank you for your compliments. I still have something to do, so I'm leaving first." Feng Qianyun didn't bother to explain, she was afraid that if she didn't leave, she didn't know what kind of misunderstanding would arise.

"It's not so easy to leave. Your 'Basketball Team Service Agency' is serving our school team, but you said just now that we are idiots who only know how to throw the ball into the basket. I don't think your 'Basketball Team Service Agency' He doesn't seem to take our basketball team seriously, if that's the case, then it's better not to exist." Ruan Tiange said with a wicked smile, with a sly gleam in his eyes.

"No!" Lin Shufen immediately became anxious when she heard Ruan Tiange's words, Lin Shufen hurriedly whispered in Feng Qianyun's ear: "Feng Qianyun, I beg you, please apologize to them ?"

Feng Qianyun glanced at Lin Shufen. Although she had just met her not long ago, she didn't think Lin Shufen was the kind of person who would talk to people in such a low voice, but now she was begging her.

Apologize to them?Next life!

Seeing that Feng Qianyun was indifferent, Lin Shufen became anxious, "Feng Qianyun, I beg you, this is an opportunity I finally won."

Ruan Tiange looked at Lin Shufen's anxious, playful, and contemptuous face.

"Hey, go on!"

Following the sound, a basketball flew towards Feng Qianyun, Feng Qianyun reached out to catch the ball, if he didn't catch it, he would be smashed, it's not worth it.

"Yo, is it a good catch! What if you don't know how to shoot? Didn't you say that we are a bunch of stinky men who can only throw basketballs into the hoop? Then I want to see, some companies throw basketballs into the hoop. What is a person who can’t do it in the basket? Give you a basketball. You stand outside the three-point line. You have ten chances. If you make a shot, I will let you go today, otherwise...hehe..."

(End of this chapter)

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