Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 424 Where is the branch line?

Chapter 424 Where is the branch line?

Feng Qianyun held the basketball and did not move for a long time.

Thinking that Feng Qianyun was scared, Ruan Tiange smiled and said, "What's the matter? Didn't you speak loudly just now, and now you have no confidence?"

"No." Feng Qianyun looked around.


"I want to ask, where is the three-point line?"

Everyone was stunned by Feng Qianyun's words, and after a long silence, all the members of the basketball team burst out laughing, "Hahahaha...she doesn't even know where the three-point line is, hahaha...we're ashamed to say we only Can shoot the'm dying of laughter."

Feng Qianyun rolled her eyes at the man next to Ruan Tiange who was rolling backwards and forwards with a smile. She doesn't play basketball, so why is it so strange that she doesn't know where the three-point line is?
Feng Qianyun didn't think there was any shame in not knowing where the three-point line was. She held the ball and walked to the center of the basketball court amidst everyone's ridicule. The half-court position should be enough for the three-point line Bar?Feng Qianyun, who didn't know where the three-point line was and didn't bother to ask, simply stood in the center of the basketball court and tried to shoot at one of the baskets.

From the perspective of their professional basketball players, Feng Qianyun's movements are absolutely unqualified, and it is estimated that the shot put softball is also in her hands.

"Pfft..." One of the more serious-looking boys held back his previous smile, and now he couldn't hold it back, so he burst out laughing. Are you kidding me? This girl still wants to throw Can't it be half time?
play basketball?Feng Qianyun won't!She can't even dribble. According to the rules of basketball, if she really wants to play against others, she will be sent off after 3 minutes of playing. He broke his opponent's bones, and he didn't know where he was wrong.

But... Feng Qianyun still knows how to throw a ball into the basket, and that's all.

"Hahaha... I laughed so hard, this girl is so funny... She, she actually stood in the middle of the field to shoot... Hahaha..."

Anyone with a little common sense in basketball knows that shooting from the midfield is a very difficult thing. To put it bluntly, the shooting rate is low. Of course, for a little girl like Feng Qianyun, it is no longer a question of the shooting rate. You just don't have the strength to throw a basketball to the hoop.

"Hahaha... Maybe the ball she shot couldn't even reach the basket?"

Zhao Xiaoli stomped her feet and helped her run to the middle of the basketball court, "Feng Qianyun, the three-point line is the one over there!" Although for girls who don't know basketball, the three-point line is also very difficult, But it's better than letting Feng Qianyun shoot in midfield, right?

Just after Zhao Xiaoli finished speaking, the basketball in Feng Qianyun's hand had already been thrown.

The basketball drew a perfect parabola in the air, and then it was thrown into the basket accurately.

I rubbed it!

Boys fucking want to swear!I really want to curse!
Even the captain Ruan Tiange was stunned, this girl looks thin and small, where does she have the strength?

"Is that arc the three-point line? Oh, I see." Feng Qianyun then ran over to pick up the basketball she threw herself, and then stood on the three-point line, finally knowing the three-point line is which line!
"Tiange, did you see it just now? She threw it in! Did I not wake up from my nap?" The boy next to Ruan Tiange patted Ruan Tiange and asked him for confirmation.

Ruan Tiange's eyes were fixed on Feng Qianyun, and he didn't answer the boy's question, because he also wanted to know the answer. He said it was luck, but it seemed a little unreasonable. At this distance, he could throw it to a little girl of her stature. That in itself is a very laborious thing.

Then, under the watchful eyes of everyone, Feng Qianyun shot nine more times without any pressure, "swish, swish, swish", Feng Qianyun's movements were very coherent, without any extra movements, shooting and picking up the ball, throwing and picking again.

The most unacceptable thing for the boys is...all of them scored goals without exception!
After finishing the matter, Feng Qianyun put the ball back into Ruan Tiange's hand, "I'm done proving, can I go?"

Ruan Tiange looked down at the ball in his hand, then at Feng Qianyun, who was much shorter than him, and didn't know what to say for a while.

The other boys are just staring at Feng Qianyun right now, staring at Feng Qianyun with eyes that are more intense than seeing rare animals.

It was Lin Shufen who reacted the fastest, "Feng Qianyun, you are too good!" Lin Shufen couldn't believe that Feng Qianyun's thin and small body could throw the basketball so far and so accurately.

Feng Qianyun hurriedly took a step back, compliments are praises, why are you patting my chest?Is it easy to grow big boobs?The little flower bud is growing vigorously, if it is destroyed by this senior sister, she will be so angry that she will strangle her to death!

Zhao Xiaoli also came back to her senses, "My mother Mia, what kind of structure are you!"

Zhao Xiaoli was full of curiosity about Feng Qianyun as if she had discovered a new continent, and almost drowned Feng Qianyun. She checked Feng Qianyun up, down, left, and right.

Feng Qianyun was speechless, she didn't come from Mars, she didn't become an alien, she didn't have a leg or an arm, really!Look no further!She wasn't made to be exhibited...

Feng Qianyun was about to leave, but Ruan Tiange stood in front of her again, preventing her from leaving.

"Why? Isn't it over already? Are you still stopping me, want to be a hooligan?" Feng Qianyun looked Ruan Tiange up and down. Based on the principle of not using violence against ordinary classmates, Feng Qianyun insisted on "reasoning" with them. But if you want to play hooligans on her, don't blame her for being rude.

"Compare with me." Ruan Tiange demanded.

"Competition what?" Feng Qianyun asked, but she did not say that she agreed. Who knows if he loses after this competition, will there be another one? If he falls into this endless competition, Feng Qianyun was at a loss.


After hearing these two words, Feng Qianyun, a basketball rookie, took it for granted that she was most familiar with the kind of bullfight broadcast on TV programs, "Huh? Bullfight? You really thought you were the mighty and majestic Spanish bullfight." Matador? Still fighting bulls, crazy!"

Everyone present, except for Feng Qianyun, was all covered in black lines. Little sister, the bullfight Ruan Tiange mentioned is completely different from the bullfight you had in mind!

Zhao Xiaoli tugged at the corner of Feng Qianyun's clothes, and reminded her in a low voice, "Feng Qianyun, the bullfight Ruan Tiange was talking about didn't mean the Spanish bullfight."

"I'm not interested in Portuguese bullfighting either."

Zhao Xiaoli falls sweat.

"Nothing at all. This bullfight refers to a type of street basketball. It is played half court. There are not as many rules as regular basketball, and it is more relaxed." Zhao Xiaoli tried to be as concise as possible, for fear that she would be confused by Feng Qianyun if she had too many podiums.

Feng Qianyun is sweaty, and she doesn't play basketball, so how could she know this kind of thing, street basketball is street basketball, and what confusing terms are there, embarrassing.

"I'm not interested in bullfights or cricket fights. I don't know how to play basketball. If I win, I shouldn't bring you any sense of pride, right?"

Ruan Tiange was silent.

"Then I'm leaving, I hope I don't see you again."

Feng Qianyun waved at a group of people, really planning to leave, this time Ruan Tiange didn't stop her anymore, but Lin Shufen grabbed her and refused to let go.

"Feng Qianyun, you forgot, you haven't filled out the form yet!" Lin Shufen hasn't forgotten about asking Feng Qianyun to join their club.

"First, I'm not interested in clubs. Second, do you think these stinky men have the capital to let me contribute to them?" Feng Qianyun didn't look down on Ruan Tiange's basketball team players, and she couldn't play basketball. Basketball, I think I don't have the qualifications to comment on this aspect of them. It's just that Feng Qianyun has never had a good impression of men who don't have a gentleman's demeanor and make women exhausted for their own enjoyment.

Once again, from Feng Qianyun's mouth, I heard her use the three words "smelly man" to describe Ruan Tiange and the others.

"You!" The male team members were angrily, it is impossible for anyone to be said so without anger.

But if what Feng Qianyun said is completely wrong, it's not always the case. None of them can do the laziness she was able to do just now, so they were scolded and said they were not qualified, but they couldn't find it. To refute this.

"Don't be like this, Feng Qianyun... In the worst case, I will give you the position of minister, how about it?" Zhao Xiaoli asked Feng Qianyun flatteringly, with Feng Qianyun here, even in front of the basketball team in the future , They can also speak with their heads held high!

That... There are only three of them in the club, one is the president, and her ministerial position is not attractive from any angle, okay?Not to mention Feng Qianyun, who was originally not interested in joining any club.

Feng Qianyun remained unmoved and continued to stride towards the door.

"Feng Qianyun, it doesn't matter if you don't fill out the form, anyway, in our eyes, you are already a member of our club." Lin Shufen decided without authorization.

Hey, hey, don't you bring such a casual bag?

Lin Shufen stepped forward quickly, despite her being fat, she ran very fast. She grabbed Feng Qianyun's slender arm and pulled her to run outside. The diameter of Lin Shufen's arm formed the shape of Feng Qianyun's. In stark contrast, her arms are probably thicker than Feng Qianyun's calves.

Feng Qianyun looked at her arm held by Lin Shufen, again?Where is she going to drag her this time?

Feng Qianyun looked at her arm held by Lin Shufen, again?Where is she going to drag her this time?

Feng Qianyun knew the answer soon.

Ladies toilet!

The toilet is a good place. Most of the violent disputes between students often happen in the toilet, where there is a mixed smell of ammonia, hydrogen, methane, hydrogen sulfide and other gases, as well as the smell of some complex air freshener. Look, how harmonious it is.

(End of this chapter)

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