Chapter 425

What does Lin Shufen want to do?Violence against her?Use her tall and burly body to crush her small bones?It's not impossible to think about it, but it's hard to say whose bones are more brittle at that time.

"Feng Qianyun, from now on you are a member of our club, and besides, I also belong to your time after school every day!" Lin Shufen ordered Feng Qianyun to say.

For Lin Shufen, Feng Qianyun has become a resource that can be bullied and used at will.

"No." Feng Qianyun refused.It would be crazy if she would agree, either she was out of her mind, or else it was impossible for her to agree to such a request.

"If you don't want it, you have to. If you don't agree, I will haunt you, like a female ghost haunting you, until you agree to agree." Lin Shufen became arrogant.No matter what happens today, she will take Feng Qianyun back!
"It's useless for you to be arrogant. If I don't agree, you can't force me." Feng Qianyun shook her head, it seemed that she could only run away, otherwise she would definitely be stalked to death by this giant senior .

"No, you have already agreed to me. To be a person, you should keep your word. You can't go back on your word. If you join our club, you are a member of our club. I am the president, so you should listen to the president, right? " Lin Shufen analyzed, "And I know you are very loyal when I look at you. You see, as a good sister, I have already begged you so much. How can you not bear to agree?"

Wait, who is her good sister?When did this happen, and why Feng Qianyun didn't know, scare!
"I've never kept my word. I'm not a good person. Why should I keep my word? I won't tell you anymore. I have something to do at night, so I'm leaving."

"If you don't agree, I won't let you go." Lin Shufen imprisoned Feng Qianyun between her arms and the wall. Her thick body was really like a wall blocking Feng Qianyun.

"That's not necessarily true."

After Feng Qianyun finished speaking, she acted swiftly.Lin Shufen obviously trapped Feng Qianyun between herself and the wall behind, why did she disappear in the blink of an eye?
When Lin Shufen turned around again, Feng Qianyun was nowhere in the toilet.

"Where is Feng Qianyun? Where did he go? Why did he suddenly disappear?" Lin Shufen looked around, the women's toilet in the gymnasium was empty, and there was no sign of Feng Qianyun at all.

isn't it?
What's happening here?In broad daylight, can it still be haunted?Lin Shufen's fat body flinched, and she suddenly felt a little hairy in her heart.

"Damn, it can't be haunted, I, Miss Lin, have never done anything harmful!" Lin Shufen hurried out of the toilet without even turning her head.

The ghost didn't make trouble, Feng Qianyun hurriedly left the gymnasium, a place of right and wrong, with her books in her arms.

In fact, Feng Qianyun's classes for today are all over, but she does have something to do tonight, and she is going to Zhang Chuan's house.

Since the bonus was paid last time, the number of zeros behind Feng Qianyun's bank deposit has increased several times, but Feng Qianyun still doesn't have a car of her own, why is she still underage?So Feng Qianyun could only obediently take a taxi to Zhang's house.

As soon as Mr. Driver heard the address on Feng Qianyun's newspaper, he immediately knew that it was the home of the famous entrepreneur Zhang Chuan.

The driver also looked at Feng Qianyun meaningfully through the rearview mirror, "You are going to play with the young master of the Zhang family, right? Someone came to play with him. I have been hired by the Zhang family twice to play with their young master, but they are younger than you. What do you think rich people think? I am busy outside I don’t have time to spend time with my son when I make money, and spend money to hire others to play with him.”

Mr. Driver shook his head and said with emotion, it seems that he does not agree with Zhang's behavior.

Feng Qianyun didn't answer, and what the driver said was not unreasonable, but thinking of Zhang Ling's child, it wasn't her who had a headache, but her ghost.

"By the way, little girl, how much will they give you if you go to play with that kid from the Zhang family?" The two people that Mr. Driver met before asked the same question, but they both avoided answering.

Feng Qianyun knew that Mr. Driver had completely misunderstood, so she didn't make any excuses, and casually made up a number, "1000 million." Feng Qianyun asked Yan Songbai for this price when she saw a doctor, and her appearance fee was very high of!

"Ah?" The driver was so excited that he turned the steering wheel too hard, almost carrying Feng Qianyun into the greenery on the side of the road.

Feng Qianyun sweated, "Mr. Driver, I don't want to die young."

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." Mr. Driver apologized repeatedly, knowing that he had made a big gaffe, but luckily nothing happened, otherwise his responsibility would be great, and maybe the rest of his life would be over like this.

Mr. Driver was really frightened by the number Feng Qianyun said, "Little girl, didn't you mean the truth just now, did you really get that much money by playing with that young master of the Zhang family?"

That was money that he could never make in his life!
"You think Zhang Chuan is a fool?" Feng Qianyun said angrily, and he believed what she said casually.

"Huh, I just said it casually. I said, if a kid like you can make so much money casually, I've spent most of my life in vain." The driver breathed a sigh of relief and sighed. road.

Then you really have spent most of your life in vain. Considering Mr. Driver's heart and her own safety, Feng Qianyun decided not to confess to Mr. Driver about her wealth as a child.

When Feng Qianyun arrived at Zhang Chuan's house, the maid at the door seemed to know Feng Qianyun, so she let Feng Qianyun in without saying a word.

"Miss Feng, Mr. Zhang is still in a meeting at the company. Do you want me to call him now?" The manager saw that it was Feng Qianyun, and remembered what Zhang Chuan had said. If Feng Qianyun came to him, he would immediately Contact him.

"No need." Feng Qianyun thought, he was in a meeting, so it didn't seem right for her to disturb him like this.

"Ms. Feng, do you want to go in and sit down first? By the way, the young master and Mr. Zhang Luyao are both here."

"Ah? Then I'll go first." Upon hearing the name Zhang Luyao, Feng Qianyun's first reaction was to run, but it was too late. Zhang Luyao and Zhang Ling had a barbecue on the roof of their villa, and they had already discovered He missed her and was waving at her on the roof!

"Ah, Yunyun, Guigui!" The happiest child Zhang Ling was none other than Zhang Ling. When he saw Feng Qianyun, his two little arms waved wildly in the air, shaking so much that Feng Qianyun Suspected he'd dislocate both of his arms.

"Feng Qianyun, you are here, come up, we are having a barbecue, let's eat together!" Zhang Luyao greeted Feng Qianyun with a smile, and his enthusiasm was not much lower than that of Zhang Ling.

Feng Qianyun felt her scalp tingling, but after thinking about it, since Zhang Luyao was here, it would be the same to tell Zhang Luyao about the matter.

If there is any problem... Feng Qianyun is afraid of Zhang Luyao's reaction after hearing it... Her first thought is to find Zhang Chuan, at least Zhang Chuan is calm, and tell him that he will be sad in the end, but not Crazy, how did Zhang Chuan explain to Zhang Luyao afterwards that it was a matter of Zhang Chuan's personal ability, anyway, it had nothing to do with Feng Qianyun, she didn't need to worry about it.

If you tell Zhang Luyao directly in a while, you have to weigh it, pay attention to step by step!Yes, it is like that!
Feng Qianyun went up to the roof of the villa, and a strong smell of barbecue aroused Feng Qianyun's appetite.

Zhang Ling's two white and tender hands were full of kebabs and ran to Feng Qianyun's face, flattering him, "Yunyun, let me play with ghosts, and I'll give you the meat OK?"

"Call me sister!" Feng Qianyun yelled angrily, did Yunyun also call him a brat?Besides, none of the people Feng Qianyun relieved on weekdays was older than her, only Feng Qianyun called her brother and sister, this time she managed to catch a brat, but this time she became a proud sister , how can I let it go?
"Sister!" Zhang Ling changed his words immediately, and the obedient rating was absolutely five-star, "Can you give me Guigui just by calling me sister?"

Dare to change his name so obediently because of Guigui!
"Ghost, come out, your little friend is calling you!"

Feng Qianyun shouted.

Immediately afterwards, there was a protest in my mind that no one else could hear, only she and Guigui and Guigui could hear silently, "Bad woman, don't betray me, so I don't want to play with this brat?"

"Tch, you look smaller than him?"

"Please, that's just the appearance. Whether the appearance is good or not, the important thing is the inside. My uncle has lived for hundreds of years. Don't confuse me with such brats, you will lose my identity!"

He said "Master" in one mouthful, but the voice was that of a soft and soft child, not convincing at all.

Feng Qianyun's treatment of a disobedient Qi Ling was to throw him directly into Zhang Ling's arms and let Zhang Ling torture him.

When Zhang Ling received the ghost thrown by Feng Qianyun, he didn't want the kebabs in both hands, and threw them on the ground casually, and the seven or eight skewers were gloriously sacrificed.

Children, food is not such a waste!
Zhang Ling poked and poked Guigui's small face with his greasy hand after grabbing the barbecue, until Guigui's face was covered with oil.

Zhang Luyao has witnessed the appearance of ghosts, and he is no longer surprised by them. The legendary Qi Spirit is not so... holy, at least, the Qi Spirit next to Feng Qianyun is like a child, with a temper Too.

If Guigui heard Zhang Luyao's inner voice at this time, he would definitely go berserk.

"What do you want to see my brother?" Zhang Luyao knew that Feng Qianyun would not visit Zhang's house if he had nothing to do, just like him, he came to Zhang's house today because of something.

"Since your brother is not here, I will tell you the same thing." Feng Qianyun said to Zhang Luyao after thinking about it in her mind.

(End of this chapter)

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