Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 426 Don’t Make Me Sell It and Count the Money for Me

Chapter 426 Don’t Make Me Sell It and Count the Money for Me (1)
Just as she was about to continue, Feng Qianyun's cell phone rang at this moment.

"Hey, Boss Yunyun, where are you now? I just saw a figure that looks very similar to you. I wonder if it's you?"

"I'm at Zhang Chuan's house? What's wrong?"

"It's really you!" Ouyang Zhimin just saw a figure who looked like Feng Qianyun getting off the taxi from a distance, and wondered if it was Feng Qianyun. Feng Qianyun made a phone call, but unexpectedly it was Feng Qianyun, "I said Boss Yunyun, what are you doing here?"

This brat is so busy that he doesn't even know who Feng Qianyun has been in contact with recently.

"I'm here to find a... um... business partner, but you, what are you doing here, and you don't have time to spend with Sister Xiaoye."

"Xiaoye gave me an expensive gift before, but I lost it. I followed my dad to work around here yesterday, so I came here to look for it." Ouyang Zhimin was so depressed that his ring was gone!
"Don't be in a hurry, okay? Come here first, and I'll go find it with you after I'm done." Letting that boy Ouyang Zhimin search for it without thinking, it's better for her to accompany him to search for a while.

"Okay, I smell the barbecue, and I'm hungry!"

"You boy!" Feng Qianyun looked at Zhang Luyao with a questioning look as he spoke, Zhang Luyao nodded immediately, walked to the top of the building and gestured to the gatekeeper at the door, and then the gatekeeper took Ouyang Jimin let it in.

Ouyang Zhimin climbed upstairs, and smiled at Feng Qianyun, "Boss Yunyun, I haven't seen you for a long time, you've grown taller again!"

"You're not bad either, your body has become much stronger." Feng Qianyun stretched out his hand and squeezed Ouyang Zhimin's arm, and it was indeed much stronger. "Let me introduce you. This is Zhang Luyao, a lawyer and the younger brother of the owner of this villa."

Feng Qianyun recommended Zhang Luyao and Ouyang Zhimin, as for Zhang Ling's kid, forget it, there is no need to recommend, anyway, he is satisfied with Guiguike bullying him.

"Hello." Ouyang Zhimin stretched out his hand to shake Zhang Luyao's hand. This kid is becoming more and more fashionable now.

"Hello." Zhang Luyao responded politely.

The moment the two of them clasped their right hands, an accident happened.

Ouyang Zhimin saw the ring Zhang Luyao was wearing on his right hand. Its texture and style were exactly the same as the one he lost!
"This is my ring!" Ouyang Zhimin snapped Zhang Luyao's right wrist with his backhand.

Zhang Luyao and Feng Qianyun were also surprised at the same time, looking at Zhang Luyao's hand, it was indeed wearing a delicate tail ring.

"This is the ring I lost. Why are you like this? You pick up someone else's ring and put it on yourself. You are so well-dressed. I didn't expect you to be this kind of person." Since the ring was given by Shang Xiaoye His, Ouyang Zhimin especially cherished it. When the ring disappeared, he was very anxious. Now that he saw the ring on someone else's hand, he naturally became angry.

"Mr., I think you made a mistake. This ring belongs to me. I wear it all the time." Zhang Luyao explained, thinking that this gentleman made a mistake.

"How could I be mistaken? What you're wearing is the ring I just lost around here yesterday. It's exactly the same, even the texture is the same!"

"Hey, let go of my uncle, I don't want to wrong my uncle!" Zhang Ling was having a good time playing with Guigui, but when he saw his uncle's hand was grabbed by others and he was wronged, he immediately turned towards Ouyang Zhimin rushed over and bit Ouyang Zhimin's hand holding Zhang Luyao.

Ouyang Zhimin felt the pain, so he quickly let go of his hand, but Zhang Ling still refused to let go, "Ummmmmmmmmmmm..." Probably he had something to say, but he still bit Ouyang Zhimin's arm in his mouth, so It became a humming sound.

"He said you bullied his uncle, you are a bad person." Guigui helped translate.

I rely on the little devil, you can understand this, you really deserve to be a little friend.

Feng Qianyun couldn't stand it anymore, "Zhang Ling, let me go immediately, Ouyang Zhimin, please calm down and stand up for me!"

Zhang Ling resolutely let go, blinked innocently, and stood aside with ears shrugged, only angry eyes were still waiting for Ouyang Zhimin.

Ouyang Zhimin calmed down a little, and stopped being mad.

If it is said that Ouyang Zhimin is making trouble for no reason, it is impossible for Feng Qianyun to know that it must be true. She still has some understanding of Ouyang Zhimin. If it is said that Zhang Luyao took advantage of others and picked up the ring for himself, Feng Qianyun Yun thinks that this is not possible, how much money the Zhang family has, how many valuable things are stored in Zhang Chuan's treasury, anyone with a discerning eye can tell a thing or two, and it is not enough to covet this ring.

What's more, Feng Qianyun can testify that the ring belonged to Zhang Luyao. That's right. Feng Qianyun had seen him the first time she saw him, but she didn't pay much attention to it. A rich man wears a valuable ring What's so strange.

"Ouyang Zhimin, let me ask you, when did you wear the ring on your hand?" Feng Qianyun remembered that since Ouyang Zhimin was transformed by them, the glistening ring on his hand and the shining earrings were all taken off.

"Xiaoye gave it to me not long ago." If it was an ordinary ring, Ouyang Zhimin wouldn't be so nervous. If there is no shortage of rings, Ouyang Zhimin wouldn't be so excited because of a ring. "I wore it on my little finger. I took it off and put it in my bag when I went fishing with my dad yesterday, and put it in my bag. After I finished fishing, I still kept the bag when I packed it. Later, after I sent the uncle back When I got home it was gone, so I figured it must have fallen somewhere around here."

The Uncle Ouyang Zhimin mentioned lived nearby.

"Ouyang Zhimin, I heard you right. You wear the ring on your little finger, right? Look at the ring on Zhang Luyao's hand. He's on his middle finger. Do you think Zhang Is Lu Yao's middle finger the same size as your little finger?"

Ouyang Zhimin heard the words and looked at the ring on Zhang Luyao's hand. It was indeed worn on the middle finger. Zhang Luyao's hand was bigger than his palm. How could he be able to wear the ring on his little finger? Middle finger up.

Ouyang Zhimin knew he made a mistake, so he scratched his head embarrassingly, and apologized to Zhang Luyao, "Sorry, I made a mistake..."

Unexpectedly, halfway through Ouyang Zhimin's apology, Zhang Luyao grabbed his shoulders suddenly, "Tell me, where did your ring come from, tell me!"

This time the excited person was replaced by Zhang Luyao, and he was ten times more excited than Ouyang Zhimin's reaction just now!
what happened?

(End of this chapter)

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