Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 427 Don’t Make Me Sell It and Count the Money for Me

Chapter 427 Don’t Make Me Sell It and Count the Money for Me (2)
"Hey, hey, I've already apologized, why don't you be so excited..." Ouyang Zhimin, who knew he was wrong, didn't dare to fight back, so he had to let Zhang Luyao hold him tightly. Fortunately, his muscles were strong enough, otherwise Zhang Luyao had to scratch off a layer of his skin.

"Tell me! Where did the ring come from!" Zhang Luyao's voice became louder, looking very excited.

"I just said, it was given by my girlfriend!"

"Who is your girlfriend! Take me to see her!"

"Hey, if you have something to do to me, it's fine. Why are you looking for my girlfriend? I admit that it was not good for me to treat you as a bad person when I didn't understand the situation just now, but I have already apologized. If you If you don’t think it’s enough, you’ve already asked me for compensation, it’s none of my girlfriend’s business!” Ouyang Zhimin was also annoyed, just let him do whatever, don’t try to trouble Xiaoye!

Zhang Ling, who was watching from the side, suddenly thought of something, "By the way, that ring! Dad told me that the ring on uncle's hand was left by Grandpa and Grandma Yuling! It's a pair!"

Zhang Ling saw Zhang Luyao wearing a ring on his middle finger before, and heard from others that wearing a ring on his middle finger represented engagement, so he rushed to ask his father who Zhang Chuan was engaged to Zhang Luyao, and then Zhang Chuan told him that Zhang Luyao was not engaged to anyone, and that the ring was left by his grandfather and grandma Yuling, and it was the only thing Zhang Luyao was willing to keep that belonged to Zhang Yuming.

Zhang Yuming and Chen Yuling had no money when they got married in their hometown, so they didn't buy her a wedding ring. Later, when Chen Yuling came to the city, Zhang Yuming bought a pair of wedding rings as compensation. The one Zhang Luyao is wearing now It is Zhang Yuming's one.

In this way, the one worn by Ouyang Zhimin before is likely to be the one of Chen Yuling who has been missing for more than ten years. Because Chen Yuling's ring finger is relatively small, it is only big enough for Ouyang Zhimin's little finger, so it is taken for granted by Ouyang Zhimin. Became a tail ring.

If so, it makes perfect sense.

Feng Qianyun pulled Zhang Luyao away first, he was so excited that he even went berserk at the moment, so Feng Qianyun had to give him some time to calm down first, and also needed some time to figure out the current situation.

"Zhang Luyao, please be quiet first, you can't do things well if you are so reckless!"

"Let me go! That's my mother's ring, that's my mother's ring!"

Seeing that he couldn't listen to Zhang Luyao, Feng Qianyun picked up the ready-made barbecue from the plate next to him without saying a word, stuffed it into Zhang Luyao's mouth, and blocked his roaring mouth He was desperate, and grabbed Zhang Luyao's arms with his backhand, and fixed his two hands behind his own back, so that he could not move.

At this time, using violence to calm people down is much more effective than words.

After getting rid of Zhang Luyao who was not calm, Feng Qianyun asked Ouyang Zhimin, "Did Xiaoye give you the ring?"

"To be precise, Xiaoye's mother gave it to me." Ouyang Zhimin also realized the seriousness of the matter, so he told Feng Qianyun what he knew without reservation.

"I remember Xiaoye's mother's name is Shang Xinlian, kid, what's your uncle's mother's name?"

"Grandma Yuling...uh...Grandma Yuling seems to be surnamed Chen, yes, the surname is Chen. During the Ching Ming Festival, my father would mention the name Chen Yuling when he took me to visit the graves of my grandparents!" Zhang Ling thought for a while. , and then tilted his head to seriously answer Feng Qianyun's question.

"The name is different..." Feng Qianyun recalled the previous contact with Shang Xinlian. Shang Xinlian's physical condition was not very good, and her mental condition was not very good, and Shang Xinlian claimed that she belonged to someone else. The mistress, when she gave Xuanyuan to her, said that it was left by Shang Xiaoye's father. At least it is certain that the person who once took care of Shang Xinlian was a rich man, but at that time Feng Qianyun respected Shang Xinlian's privacy. Did not continue to ask.


"Call my sister."

"Oh, sister, do you know that Shang's mother? Then can you take my uncle to meet that Shang's mother? If so, Lingling believes that uncle will recognize it!" Zhang Lingnen said Patting his chest with his little hand, he promised, looking at Feng Qianyun with watery eyes, full of expectations and prayers, and earnestly begged Feng Qianyun to take Zhang Luyao to see Shang Xinlian once.

Feng Qianyun thought about it for a while, nodded and agreed to the request, "I will take your uncle to see Shang's mother, but Shang's mother's physical condition has never been very good, and she had a stroke before, so be careful when asking this question One thing, avoid irritating her. Even if she is really Chen Yuling, you don't rush to recognize her relatives, so as to avoid any accidents."

Feng Qianyun has no research on mental illness, and her Tiangang vitality can't cure mental illness, but she knows that people who have been traumatized may relapse after receiving certain stimuli.

It is best to take a look at it from a distance first, and make further plans after confirming whether it is true.

"Zhang Luyao, do you agree?" Feng Qianyun asked Zhang Luyao who was restrained by her.

Zhang Luyao had calmed down now, and he nodded solemnly, knowing that Feng Qianyun was right.

So Feng Qianyun let go of Zhang Luyao's hand.

"How is it, is there still no one to answer?"

Feng Qianyun saw that Ouyang Zhimin had made several phone calls irritably, and walked back and forth several times.

"Yeah, I don't know what happened to Xiaoye. I haven't answered the phone. I usually call her and she will reply me a text message if she is in class. I don't know what happened today. I made several calls and no one answered. I don't know if I left the phone in the dormitory." Ouyang Zhimin couldn't get in touch with Shang Xiaoye, so he was very depressed.

"Call Han Meiren. If he's not at school, he's near the school. Tell him to find Shang Xiaoye." Feng Qianyun suggested.

"That's right, there is also Han Meiren!" Ouyang Zhimin slapped himself on the forehead, looking at him, he actually forgot about Han Meiren, so he quickly called Han Mojue and asked Han Mojue to help find Shang Xiaoye.Ouyang Zhimin felt relieved after communicating with Han Mojue.

"Why don't you go first and go to M City, and it won't be too late to contact that classmate Xiaoye after you're sure." Zhang Chuan suggested, he received a call from Zhang Ling, so he couldn't care less about the meeting If he didn't have a meeting, he rushed home immediately. After returning home, he quickly arranged related matters, including asking the family members to go to the neighborhood to find the ring that Ouyang Zhimin had lost.

"Sir, the ring is found, the ring is found!" Suddenly one of Zhang Chuan's bodyguards ran in excitedly holding a ring.

From a distance, everyone's attention was attracted by the ring, and there was nothing wrong with it!It's the same as the one Zhang Luyao is wearing!But that one is one size smaller!
Now the first thing is almost certain, that is, this ring belongs to the missing Chen Yuling. Regardless of whether Shang Xinlian is the Chen Yuling who has been missing for more than ten years, at least she has some relationship with Chen Yuling!

When Zhang Luyao took back the ring that belonged to his mother, everyone could see the excitement on his face. He really cared and cared...

Zhang Chuan sighed deeply, "Miss Feng, I'm sorry to trouble you again."

"Don't be polite to me. This matter has something to do with my friends. Even if you don't ask me, I will investigate to the end." The matter is related to Shang Xiaoye's biological father, Feng Qianyun felt that she needed to investigate clearly.

"Okay, I've prepared the car and driver for you. It's not convenient for me to go away, but I will wait for your news at home at any time. Just contact me if you have anything to do." Zhang Chuan took care of Feng Qianyun and the others. All right.

Feng Qianyun nodded, then pulled Zhang Luyao and Ouyang Zhimin together, "Let's go."

"Sister Yunyun, my handsome Lingling is waiting for you to come back at home! And uncle, you have to come back soon!" Zhang Ling sweetly gave everyone the fragrance of his pink lips Kiss one.

Look, this child, if he grows up, will definitely be a woman's scourge!
After getting into the car arranged by Zhang Chuan, Feng Qianyun, Ouyang Zhimin and Zhang Luyao set off to M City, because the distance between M City and the provincial capital is not very far, and it would not take more than a few hours by car, otherwise Ouyang Comrade Shi Yin would not run to their house twice in three days, making Lu Guoxing unhappy these days.

Arriving in M ​​City, just as Feng Qianyun got out of the car, she ran into her former "comrade-in-arms", who was actually a brother of the Black Dragon Gang.

"Miss!" When a man saw Feng Qianyun's excited appearance, it was like seeing a girlfriend he hadn't seen for several days, "Miss, when did you come back, why didn't you inform your brothers?" I'll pick you up, are you going back to the Long family mansion? Or are you going to the Lu family drugstore?"

"Neither, I have something to do with my friends, you can do your own work." Feng Qianyun actually doesn't know the man who greeted her, but it should be from Long Yutian. She doesn't know him, but he just knows her.

"Just now they were your eldest lady, you were the eldest lady of a gangster?" Zhang Luyao saw the clothes just now, and from his past experience, he seemed to be a member of a gangster.

"I once played a cameo." Indeed, it was just a cameo.

"Is there still a cameo in this matter?" It was a piece of news.

"Can't you? Do you have an opinion?"

"I seem to understand why the last time I saw Sir Yan at the police station, he acted as if he believed that you had done something bad."

"What's the matter, now that you know I'm a bad person, are you glad you're still alive? Remember to be more wary of me in the future, so that you won't be sold by me and count the money for me." Feng Qianyun "kindly" reminded Zhang Luyao.

(End of this chapter)

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