Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 428 Mother and Son Reunited

Chapter 428 Mother and Son Reunited

After some inquiries, Feng Qianyun knew that Shang Xinlian was helping in Lin Wanhui's shop, and Shang Xiaoye was not there. Lin Wanhui was worried that Shang Xinlian was at home alone, and was afraid that something would happen again, so she pulled Shang Xinlian away. When I came to their store, I asked her to help wash the dishes, wash the vegetables, do some toilet work, and it was convenient for her and her husband to take care of her.

When he came to the door of the small restaurant, Zhang Luyao looked extremely nervous.

From the moment he arrived in M ​​City, Zhang Luyao seemed a little nervous, his palms were full of sweat.

Ouyang Zhimin saw Zhang Luyao's nervousness, "Brother, don't be nervous, if it's not this time, just look for it later, nothing is difficult in the world if you put your heart into it!"

This kid, did he learn it from his dear little girlfriend?
How could Zhang Luyao not be nervous?The feeling of nostalgia is more timid, maybe this is the feeling?He had searched for so long that when a clue did appear, he had no way to accept it.

"Aunt Lin." Feng Qianyun saw Lin Wanhui who was busy at the cash register when she entered the door, and greeted her.

Seeing Feng Qianyun, Lin Wanhui's eyes lit up, "It's Miss Feng!" Lin Wanhui glanced at Zhang Luyao and Ouyang Zhimin behind Feng Qianyun, and Ouyang Zhimin recognized who the other man was, he was a familiar face, but Since it was brought by Miss Feng, it shouldn't be some bad person.

"Well, where's Aunt Shang?"

When asked by Feng Qianyun, Lin Wanhui was surprised at first. She thought that Feng Qianyun came back to M City this time because of Shang Xinlian's affairs, but hearing her question, it seemed that she didn't know about Shang Xinlian's affairs. .

"Miss Feng... Mother Xiaoye, Mother Xiaoye is in the hospital. She had a cerebral hemorrhage the night before and was sent to the hospital. I called Xiaoye. I thought you came back to City M because of Mother Xiaoye. Yes!" Lin Wanhui knew that Feng Qianyun was a good Chinese medicine practitioner, and she cured Xiaoye's mother's illness last time.



The person who made this sound was not Feng Qianyun, the first one came from Zhang Luyao who came with Feng Qianyun, and the second one was from Ouyang Zhimin.

Lin Wanhui was quite frightened by Zhang Luyao's fierce reaction. Those who didn't know it thought there was another hooligan coming. There was a wind and a thousand charms, and it had been a long time since they had encountered a hooligan in their small shop.

"Xiaoye's mother is in the hospital? Why didn't Xiaoye tell me? No, I want to call and ask Xiaoye." Ouyang Zhimin quickly took out his mobile phone to call Shang Xiaoye, but the connection was still the same as before.

Wait, if Xiaoye's mother was hospitalized with a cerebral hemorrhage the day before yesterday, Xiaoye should have rushed back yesterday at the latest, so normally Xiaoye should not be at school now, but came to M City, but now I can't contact Xiaoye, Ouyang Zhimin suddenly had a bad premonition.

"Okay, let's go to the hospital first." Feng Qianyun knew what Zhang Luyao was nervous about, and what Ouyang Zhimin was worried about.Or go to the hospital to have a look first.

The three of them quickened their pace this time, and even Zhang Luyao, who was hesitating just now, became extra hurried. Finally, they got a clue, if Shang Xinlian was really Chen Yuling, and when they arrived But Chen Yuling has passed away, that would be too cruel.

Feng Qianyun called Ruan Hongqiang when she was on the road, and asked him about the ward where Shang Xinlian was hospitalized. The result of the inquiry was not very good, because Shang Xinlian's briskness was more serious and she was currently in the intensive care unit, and... Ruan Hongqiang Said that he did not see Shang Xiaoye.So far, Shang Xinlian's medical expenses have been paid in advance by Ruan Hongqiang.

Is Shang Xiaoye not in the hospital?According to Shang Xiaoye's personality, this is almost impossible. Since she received a call from Lin Wanhui and knew that her mother was hospitalized, she would definitely come to the hospital.

Feng Qianyun can now almost conclude that something happened to Shang Xiaoye. If nothing happened, at least she will receive news from Shang Xiaoye that Shang Xinlian's situation is not good, and Xiaoye will ask her for help.

Hurrying to the Central Hospital, Zhang Luyao saw Shang Xinlian in a coma in the ICU...

Although she was wearing an oxygen mask, although she was wearing a hospital gown, and although she was much older than the person in his memory, Zhang Luyao was sure that she was Chen Yuling when he first saw her. It was her mother who had been missing for more than ten years!
Zhang Luyao cried, the tears couldn't stop falling, he didn't care how many tears flowed from his eyes, he just stared at the person on the hospital bed, as if after a century, he finally saw his mother again ...

He has so many things he wants to say to her, Mom, I really miss you these years, they all say you are dead and you won’t show up again, but I don’t believe it, I know you must still be alive, You must still be living in a certain corner of this world...

It's nice to finally see you again...

He just stood in front of the hospital bed, crying silently.

Ouyang Zhimin looked at Zhang Luyao in a daze. He didn't expect a man to cry like this, but he didn't despise Zhang Luyao because of his crying, because he could understand Zhang Luyao's mood very well.

Zhang Luyao's mood slowly calmed down, now is not the time to cry, there is still one very important thing to do.

"I want to help her arrange a transfer, and I will invite the best foreign doctors to treat her." Zhang Luyao, who had never been willing to bother Zhang Chuan, didn't care so much this time, he needed Zhang Chuan's help.

Feng Qianyun pressed back the cell phone he just took out, "No need."

"What did you say?"

"I said there is no need to arrange a transfer for her."

"No, I have to arrange it. She is my mother! I found her with great difficulty. I can't let her have any more things, I can't!" Compared with this public hospital, Zhang Luyao believed in foreign hospitals more. The power of hospitals and experts.

"It's too much trouble to transfer to another hospital. Don't mess with what's there. Get out of the intensive care unit right now and come back in later. I promise to give you a healthy mother back, okay?"

It's not wrong to change to a better hospital, but don't look at his mother's current situation, transfer?Still transferred to a foreign country, can your mother stand the toss now?
Zhang Luyao became extremely excited when his mother fell ill, not to mention that he had lost his mother once. He especially cherished his nervousness. He also became anxious when he heard Feng Qianyun's roar.

"Why do you let me go out? You are not allowed to order me like this. I want to stay with my mother. This is my mother, not your mother!"

"She is your mother, but you are not a doctor. What your mother needs now is a doctor, not a son." Jiong.

"You have no right to let me go, and you have no right to prevent me from going through the hospitalization procedures for my mother." Zhang Luyao now only wants to cure his mother's illness quickly and restore his mother to health. Can't listen to Feng Qianyun's words.

"I said, there is no need to transfer to another hospital. I have a way to make your mother recover. Please trust me and go out first." Feng Qianyun found it difficult to communicate with Zhang Luyao.

"Why do you make me believe you, which onion and garlic are you!" Zhang Luyao acted in a hurry, and when he heard that someone organized him to transfer his mother to another hospital, and asked him to go out of his mother's ward, talking It became thicker.

"I don't know which onion or garlic I am, I just know that your mother needs me now." Feng Qianyun rubbed her temples with some headaches, is there a problem with her expression?Why can't they communicate with each other?

"My mother doesn't need you, what she needs is me!" Zhang Luyao roared.

Please, it's not two men who are robbing girlfriends now, whoever needs who doesn't need whoever!
"Ouyang Zhimin, please help me get this unsightly man out, and I agree with you to use some violent means." Feng Qianyun decided not to talk nonsense with Zhang Luyao anymore, this man can't listen to what he says right now, full of satisfaction The brain is his own plan for treating his mother.

After hearing Feng Qianyun's words, Ouyang Zhimin hurried forward to support Zhang Luyao, planning to drag him out of the ward with a little violence.

"Let me go!" Zhang Luyao strongly resisted Ouyang Zhimin's actions.

"Zhang Luyao, don't worry, Boss Yunyun won't harm your mother, why are you so nervous!"

"But she said that my mother is not allowed to be transferred to another hospital. That is my mother. Why should she..."

"She just said that your mother doesn't need to be transferred, it's not that she is not allowed to be transferred!" How could this man be so unreasonable when he got excited! "That's Xiaoye's mother, my girlfriend's mother, and Boss Yunyun's good friend's mother, we are also very concerned about it!"

"Even so, why did you ask me to leave the ward?" Zhang Luyao said nothing to make Chen Yuling disappear from his sight again.

I can't tell that this man is usually quite mature and stable, so why is he acting unreasonable like a child now?Well, he just found his mother who had been missing for many years, and he was a little excited, so he was a little boyish.

In order not to delay Feng Qianyun's treatment, Ouyang Zhimin relied on his physical strength far superior to Zhang Luyao's to drag him out of the ward and leave the ward to Feng Qianyun and Shang Xinlian.

Because he knew that Feng Qianyun was back, Ruan Hongqiang took a special time to come to the ward to have a look. As soon as he came, he saw the scene of Ouyang Zhimin dragging Zhang Luyao out of the ward. It's kind of funny.

"Ouyang, you have changed your gender. You don't like girls and you like men instead?"

"Dean Ruan, please spare me. I just pulled this man who refused to come out of the ward out of the ward under the order of my boss Yunyun." Ouyang Zhimin replied aggrievedly.

Ruan Hongqiang knew that Feng Qianyun was here to treat Shang Xinlian, so he drove the others out of the ward, but why did the man captured by Ouyang Zhimin refuse to leave the ward?
"He is..." Ruan Hongqiang was a little curious about Zhang Luyao's identity.

(End of this chapter)

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