Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 430 A White Lie

Chapter 430 A White Lie (2)
"That is to say, Sister Xiaoye is indeed planning to leave the provincial capital and come to M city, but for some reason she failed." Feng Qianyun added, "Xiaoye may be at the high-speed rail station in the provincial capital or at the high-speed rail station in M ​​city There is something wrong with standing."

"I'll go back and check the high-speed rail station in the provincial capital, and I'll leave it to you in M ​​city."

"it is good."

After Feng Qianyun hung up the phone, she said to Ouyang Zhimin, "It is now confirmed that sister Xiaoye has had an accident. Ouyang, I will contact Long Yutian in a while, and I will borrow someone from him to investigate the situation at the high-speed rail station here. You will also come together go."

"En!" Ouyang Zhimin nodded heavily, and immediately followed Feng Qianyun's instructions.

"Uncle Ruan, I think I need to buy something with you."

"Haha, yes." Hearing Feng Qianyun's tone, Ruan Hongqiang probably guessed what Feng Qianyun wanted to do, "But after your medicinal material planting base is completed, remember to give a discount when delivering medicinal materials to the Chinese Medicine Department of our hospital. what!"

Ruan Hongqiang did not forget to take advantage of the opportunity.

"Yes." Feng Qianyun readily agreed, discount, right? A [-]% discount is a discount, a [-]% discount is also a discount, and a [-]% discount is also a discount. By the way, it can also occupy such a large business of supplying medicinal materials to their hospital. , Feng Qianyun is having fun!
At this time, Zhang Luyao's surprised voice broke out in the ward.

"Mom, you're awake, Mom...Mom, I'm Lu Yao..."


Feng Qianyun and the others were discussing about Shang Xiaoye, almost forgot about Zhang Luyao, and told him not to appear in front of Shang Xinlian rashly!

"Ah! Ahh!"

When Feng Qianyun and the others came in, they saw Shang Xinlian shaking her limbs excitedly, causing the tubes on her body to sway, and the infusion tube inserted in her hand was broken free, and it was in her own hand There was a bloodstain.

"Get out!" Feng Qianyun gave Zhang Luyao a hard look, and then went forward with Ruan Hongqiang to control Shang Xinlian who was out of control.

This time Zhang Luyao didn't resist anymore, and retreated consciously, with a painful and remorseful face, regretting that he had done impulsive things.He squatted at the door, beating his head with his hands in frustration.

After a long time, the ward returned to tranquility. Because Shang Xinlian was very emotional, Ruan Hongqiang had to ask the nurse to come and inject her with Zheng Jing.

Seeing Feng Qianyun coming out, Zhang Luyao hurriedly stood up.

"How is my mother?"

"What do you think?" Feng Qianyun was helpless. He was obviously 26 years old, and he did something wrong in such an important matter. He had clearly explained to him when he came here. According to his description, his mother had Mental illness, I haven't come back to look for him in these years, presumably he is deliberately forgetting things related to the past, let him see Shang Xinlian, no matter whether Shang Xinlian is Chen Yuling or not, don't rush to appear in front of her Stimulate her, especially not to mention that he is her son Zhang Luyao. After more than ten years, the little boy has grown into a big man. Shang Xinlian may not recognize it, but the name must be buried deep in her heart. at.

"I'm sorry..." Zhang Luyao apologized, it was his fault, he was overwhelmed by the excitement of seeing his mother.

"Forget it, after all, you are just the son of a mother. She is your mother who has been missing for more than ten years. It is normal for you to be overly excited." As an outsider, Feng Qianyun can't blame Zhang Luyao, "By the way , How many months was your mother when she disappeared."

"February, February NO.14, Valentine's Day." Zhang Luyao remembered it clearly.

"Sister Xiaoye's birthday is in August, on August 18th." During the summer vacation, Feng Qianyun just celebrated Shang Xiaoye's birthday, Feng Qianyun remembers it clearly, "Uncle Ruan, you are more familiar with the hospital here in M ​​City, don't you?" You can help me investigate the birth records on August 12, [-] years ago, I want to know the situation of sister Xiaoye when she was born, especially whether she was born at full term."

"Well, yes." Ruan Hongqiang, as the dean of such a large hospital, has good friendship with other hospitals, so it will be much more convenient for them to check this matter.

Zhang Luyao understood what Feng Qianyun meant, yes, since Shang Xinlian was Chen Yuling who had been missing for more than ten years, who was Shang Xiaoye?
"Aunt Shang, I heard you want to see me?" Feng Qianyun heard that the nurse in charge of taking care of Shang Xinlian said that Shang Xinlian wanted to see her, so she came here.

"Yeah." Shang Xinlian nodded, her complexion looked much better now, "Yesterday, that man...was it brought by you, Miss Feng?"

"En." Feng Qianyun nodded, "Do you want to see him?"

"No, no, no, no..." Shang Xinlian shook her head repeatedly.

"Aunt Shang, tell me the truth, have you recovered from your mental illness?" Feng Qianyun asked tentatively, her eyes fixed on Shang Xinlian, leaving her nowhere to hide.

Shang Xinlian was silent.

"I remember when you gave me Xuanyuan as a thank you gift, you told me that your Xuanyuan was Xiaoye's biological father, that is, the lover who took care of you and forgot to take it away when he left, right? If your mental illness Without recovery, it is impossible for you to calmly tell me that it is Xiaoye's biological father and call him a 'lover', although I have no research on mental illness, it is not difficult to judge from common sense, you are no longer against mentioning that person."

Shang Xinlian lowered her eyes guiltily.

It seems that Feng Qianyun guessed right.

"If I'm not mistaken, the 'lover' you mentioned should be Zhang Yuming, Zhang Luyao's father, who was also a man you married in the country, but you didn't get a marriage certificate between you. I got a marriage certificate with another woman early in the morning, formed a family, and had a son."

"Don't say it, don't say it..." Shang Xinlian's eyes were already moist...that was the past she didn't want to think of.

"Zhang Yuming is dead."

"What did you say?"

"He is dead, and Gu Yue also left two years ago."

The one she wanted to hate, the one she should hate was gone.

Shang Xinlian cried, crying very violently, Feng Qianyun didn't stop her, let her cry well, for some emotions, it's better to cry out than to suppress in your heart.

Shang Xinlian cried for a long time, Feng Qianyun sat quietly by the bed and listened to her cry.

"Lu Yao...he..." Shang Xinlian's voice trembled and she couldn't speak a complete sentence.

"The man you saw yesterday who called your mother excitedly is your son. He has been looking for you for 18 years, and he has never given up on you. He is now a lawyer."

"That's great, that's great...I'm sorry for him..." She is a derelict mother who hasn't been by her son's side for 18 years.

"Want to meet him?"

"no, do not want!"

"Why not? Are you afraid?"

"I don't want to see him, I..."

"You know your body well, right? I've read the doctor's report, and you only have two months to live." Feng Qianyun said that it was true, as if it was real.

The person who saw Shang Xinlian was her own doctor's report, where did she get it?
Of course, there is a certain risk of irritating Shang Xinlian by saying this, but Feng Qianyun is confident that she will be rescued when she is in a hurry, so she speaks such lies with confidence.

"I, only two months?" Shang Xinlian repeated Feng Qianyun's words in a trance, she only had two months to live.

"I'm leaving first. If you want to see him, do it early." Feng Qianyun got up, walked out of the room with a smile.

It seems that she still has a talent for telling lies. Look, how convincing her lies are!
(End of this chapter)

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