Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 431 I thought I was saving the common people

Chapter 431 I thought I was saving the common people

In M City, thanks to Long Yutian's help, it was soon confirmed that Shang Xiaoye had never arrived in M ​​City, so Shang Xiaoye's accident did not happen in M ​​City.

Because there is a direct link between M City and the provincial capital, and there are no other stations in between, everyone can be sure that Shang Xiaoye's accident happened before he left the provincial capital.

Two days later, everyone gathered at Lie Que's house and sat around to discuss the current situation.

Zhang Chuan turned down all the work and meetings to discuss this matter with Feng Qianyun and the others. He has confirmed from Chen Yuling that Shang Xiaoye is indeed his and Zhang Luyao's sister. When Chen Yuling disappeared, there were already two sisters. Yue's was pregnant, but at that time everyone's attention was focused on her mental problems, and they didn't notice that she was pregnant at that time.

Chen Yuling herself admitted that she broke down several times after leaving, but later because she knew that she had a child, and for the sake of the child, she desperately wanted to survive, so she overcame her psychological shadow.

After she ran out, she met a retired old doctor named Shang. The old doctor told Chen Yuling that she was pregnant. After knowing her difficulties, she took her in and left an empty small room downstairs in his house to her. .

Later, after Xiaoye was born, the old doctor liked it very much. With Chen Yuling's consent, she took Xiaoye as her granddaughter. Chen Yuling and her daughter also moved to live with the old doctor. With the help of the old doctor, Shang Xinlian was The name of the old doctor's biological daughter, the real Shang Xinlian said a few years ago that she wanted to go abroad to seek a living, so she smuggled out of the country with someone, and then there was no news, and her life and death are still unknown. Chen Yuling used Shang Xinlian identity of.

Something happened to his sister, of course Zhang Chuan couldn't just sit idly by.

He wants to try his best to give him the best for his younger brother to make up for the hurt he has suffered since he was a child, and his little sister who has never met has been suffering in a place they don't know for more than ten years. How can he not feel sorry for him? Woolen cloth!
Zhang Chuan is a person who attaches great importance to family affection. He has absolutely nothing to say to his family, and he protects his shortcomings very much.

Han Mojue looked around at the people sitting at the table, apart from Zhang Chuan, brothers Zhang Luyao, Feng Qianyun, Ouyang Zhimin.

"Now we can basically be sure that Xiaoye was kidnapped from the train station, but the other party should not be an ordinary kidnapper." Han Mojue spread the photo in his hand on the table so that others can see it.

"The photo is taken from the surveillance camera of the train station. The other party is an organized and well-trained group. They kidnapped people from the train station. They are very skilled in their movements. I'm afraid they are not ordinary kidnappers." Han Mo Jue expressed his concerns.

Zhang Chuan and others agreed with Han Mojue's judgment. Indeed, judging from these photos, the other party was agile and well-trained. During the period, some people came forward to strike up a conversation, but the kidnappers were able to deal with it calmly.

Probably to make others think that Shang Xiaoye is his girlfriend or wife or something, making it inconvenient for others to intervene.

"Now there is one thing that I'm wondering about. Why did the other party kidnap Xiaoye? If it was for ransom, he should have already called. There is no reason why today is the fourth day and there is no news at all." Han Mojue also said. I have to worry.

Shang Xiaoye knew their abilities. If the kidnapper asked her for their contact information, Shang Xiaoye would give it to them.

When several people were worried about this, Lie Que came down from upstairs, walked to the table where several people were discussing, glanced at the photo on the table and said, "She should have been sold."

"Sold it?" Han Mojue looked at Lie Que, as if he knew something.

"The underground casino, the underground auction house, the underground nightclub, and the underground arena are combined into four major underground dark cities, which are unique and shady existences in this city." Lie Que said. Others have a deeper understanding.

Everyone knew that Lie Que was no longer a white man, so it was no surprise that he would know these dark things.

"I know." Zhang Chuan said.

As a well-known entrepreneur in the province of Z, he also has some understanding of the underground dark city mentioned in the gap. The so-called underground dark city is not really underground, but some existence on the surface.

"Underground" is a specific designation and has nothing to do with the actual geographical location.

Of course, many illegal places will not be opened in Mingdi, but the four places mentioned by Lie Que are different. There are powerful forces behind them. Even the government can only pretend not to know. The existence of darkness in the provincial capital.

Zhang Chuan is not too clear about which powerful forces are involved behind these forces. He only knows that one of them has some involvement with high-ranking officials.

This alone is enough to scare people. With those strong backings supporting these illegal money-absorbing organizations, it is impossible for them to go bankrupt no matter what.

"Lie Que, can you explain in more detail?" Feng Qianyun felt the seriousness of the matter.

"Little girl, do you remember the Jin family and Xia family?" Lie Que asked Feng Qianyun.

"Remember. It's Jin Zhongye's family, right?" Not long ago, she had just messed up Jin Youheng, a branch of the Jin family.

"The underground gambling city is related to their Jin family, and the Xia family is related to the underground arena. Of course, it's not just them. If you make a list of the people involved, if they occupy together, they can let the province Z Trembling for it."

Just one Jin family and one Xia family is enough to drink a pot.

Zhang Chuan's family is rich, but it is far from being able to compare with Jin's and Xia's.

"Han Mojue, you should know someone named Yu Xuehai." Lie Que said to Han Mojue again.

"Well, I know Uncle Yu, he is my father's friend." Han Mojue remembered Yu Xuehai, who was a lieutenant general with his father.

"He's part of it too."

"Damn, what the hell is that underground dark city!" Ouyang Zhimin couldn't help but shouted, so many powerful forces are related to it, how terrifying it is! "But do you think this has anything to do with Xiaoye? We are discussing Xiaoye now!"

"Those places need people, like nightclubs need a lot of women, arenas need people who can be thrown in the game like livestock for everyone to laugh. Generally speaking, there is no shortage of such people, because someone wants to make a lot of money. Money will choose to enter these places voluntarily, for example, someone will win a high bonus and become a thug in the underground arena. However, there are exceptions, because those who join voluntarily do not mean they are qualified, so some people think there is an opportunity to abduct , kidnap some vulnerable groups, take them to those places, and become the 'talents' they need through training."

Lie Que's words made the scene fall into silence.

"You mean, Xiaoye might be sold to these places?" Ouyang Zhimin jumped up in fright.

"In fact, other than these places, the only places that dare to accept kidnapped people are relatively backward remote mountainous areas, but in recent years, with the development of transportation and communication, the latter has gradually disappeared. .” Lie Que added.

"No, I won't let Xiaoye be sold to that kind of place! Lie Que, you must be joking, right? I haven't even heard of the underground city, and how can they be so blind?" Ji does that kind of thing, aren't they all rich and powerful people, why would they do such a thing!"

"People's desires are endless." Feng Qianyun said, the more powerful the person, the higher the possibility of making such a mistake, "Since there is such a possibility, I think we should follow up on this one Wire."

If it's really like what Lie Que said, then things should be more difficult.

"I won't listen, I won't listen!" Ouyang Zhimin stood up abruptly, extremely irritable, he was worried that Shang Xiaoye was so worried, but he couldn't do anything now!He deserved to die.

He got up, saw the wine in the glass cabinet beside him, without further ado, took out a bottle, and drank it with a gulp, a bottle of XO from 83 just like that made him drink it like plain water.

Feng Qianyun didn't stop Ouyang Zhimin, let him drink some wine, he probably felt quite uncomfortable.

"Girl, come with me to the room." Lie Que said to Feng Qianyun, and went upstairs first.

Feng Qianyun followed.

After entering the room, she closed the door smoothly, and Lie Que stood inside waiting for her.

"Girl, if Shang Xiaoye was really sold to that kind of place, are you going to save her?" Lie Que asked Feng Qianyun seriously.

Feng Qianyun nodded, "Sister Xiaoye is my good friend, I will save her."

Feng Qianyun replied with certainty.

Lie Que took a step forward and hugged Feng Qianyun into his arms, "Girl, you know I don't want you to have an accident, this time I hope you don't go."

"I'm sorry, I must go." Feng Qianyun said without hesitation, she could not compromise.

"Girl, this time is different from the ones you have encountered before. What you have to face is something you have never encountered before. You don't have the strength to fight against those people. Be good, okay?"

"I'm going!" Feng Qianyun was very persistent.

Lie Que smiled, Yun Qingran thought he was going to say something to persuade her again, but he said, "There is really nothing I can do about you."

"What's the meaning."

"I'll go with you."

"Yeah? You don't object to me anymore?"

"I object, but will it work?"

"It doesn't seem to work."

"Then it's over, little girl, you have to be smarter this time."

"I won't be so stupid as to fight recklessly."

"Ah That's good."

"You know where that place is right? Can you take me there?"

"Well, I don't worry about others taking you there."

"Thank you."

"Are there any rewards?"

"What reward?"

Lie Que pointed to his lips.

"Did I tell you that this is child abduction?"

"I thought I was saving the common people."


(End of this chapter)

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