Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 432 Abnormal Physique! 5 rows of attributes!

Chapter 432 Abnormal Physique!Five elements attribute!
The next day, He Ying came to find Feng Qianyun hesitantly, and he went to the school to find Feng Qianyun. The old man was not very good at hiding his emotions, and Feng Qianyun could clearly feel his hesitation and desire.

"Mr. Heying, is there anything you want to tell me?"

He Ying was so dazzled by his own thoughts that he didn't even notice that Feng Qianyun came to him.

"Miss Feng..." He Ying was actually not ready for meeting Feng Qianyun.

"You don't have to be so polite, just call me Yunyun." Feng Qianyun thought to herself, as a young girl in the new century, it was weird for people to call her "Miss Feng" and "Miss Feng" today.

"Okay, Yunyun... I came to you today because I actually have an unfeeling request, it's about the young master..."

Although she knew that Han Mojue was his young master for a while, Feng Qianyun still couldn't get used to Han Mojue being associated with the identity of "Young Master".

"Things related to my Han Meiren should not be regarded as unfeeling invitations. If you have anything to say, just say it." Things related to Han Mojue are not irrelevant to Feng Qianyun.

"Actually, there was another reason why I stayed in M ​​city before I found the young master, because I found out that a treasure was transported to M city. This treasure is something in front of my master. If it is just an ordinary relic , I don't want to find the thing back, it's just that that thing is used to take out the magic bug in the main body, without that thing, there is no way to take out the magic bug, so I attach great importance to this But after the treasure flowed into the underground dark city, I lost the news."

Once it gets involved with the underground, things become complicated.

"A few days ago, I just got the news that that treasure was given as an annual prize for the underground arena, one of the four major underground dark capitals. I told the young master about it, but the young master didn't let me tell others about it. Especially Yunyun you."

Han Mojue refused to let He Ying tell Feng Qianyun about this matter, but He Ying didn't want the matter to be left alone, so he hesitated for two days, and would rather go against the young master's order and want to tell Feng Qianyun.

"Your decision is correct, I'll tell your young master." Feng Qianyun agreed with He Ying's behavior when he came to tell her, "Remember to tell me anything in the future, if he treats you for leaking the secret, If you have any complaints, I will bear it."

"Thank you, Yunyun. By the way, I said before you closed the door last time that I had one more thing to tell you after you left the door. However, I was delayed in coming to see you because of the young master's affairs."

"What exactly are you trying to say?" Feng Qianyun was quite curious.

"There are two types of abilities in your body, right?"

"Yes." Feng Qianyun has heard this matter mentioned by more than one person, but Feng Qianyun still doesn't quite understand the specific situation.

"First of all, regarding the physique of different people, different people have different physiques, and the different attributes of the five elements will not have a great impact on ordinary people. For those who practice martial arts, the internal strength of cultivation does not reach a certain level. The difference will not be reflected." At least the internal strength of people of the Mystic and Ming ranks cannot be reflected because of the difference in physique.

"But if it is a physique that inherits the bloodline, for example, someone with a unique bloodline like Yunyun, then this kind of physique will be particularly obvious. Generally speaking, most people in the Ouyang family have a metallic nature. Or the physique of the wood attribute, this kind of physique determines how they can exert the power of Tiangang Yuanqi when they inherit the supernatural power of Tiangang Yuanqi."

"So Yunyun, you don't have two kinds of Tiangang Yuanqi with different attributes, but your own physique can make Tiangang Yuanqi exert two abilities. I think in the family history of Ouyang's family, there are more special ones with wood attributes, and metal ones. It is relatively rare to see, so the healing ability of the Ouyang family is known to the world, but the detection ability is rarely mentioned."

There are no so-called two kinds of Tiangang vitality in her body, and there is only one special thing from the beginning to the end. It is just her special physique that causes the Tiangang vitality she uses to be used in two ways. This is still Feng Qianyun For the first time, she knew the secret of her own body.

Seeing that Feng Qianyun probably understood what he meant, He Ying continued, "You should know that the five elements generate and restrain each other, and the two attributes cannot coexist logically, such as gold and wood, and gold restrains wood. In principle, it is There shouldn’t be people who possess both attributes at the same time. But there are always exceptions, and there are indeed people who are compatible with multiple attributes.”

"We call a constitution with two attributes at the same time called Xueji Yantuo, who has three years of species at the same time is called Xueji Yantuo, four kinds are called Xueji Jueyi, and if it has all attributes, it becomes Xueji Infinite."

"There are three, four or even all attributes?" Damn, it's too perverted, this is pure cheating!
"It is indeed a very perverted physique, because a person with a physique with multiple attributes has a certain inherited blood or once he reaches a certain level of cultivation, he will have several special abilities at the same time. For example, Yunyun you, you have The family’s inherited bloodline—Tiangang Yuanqi, because you have two kinds of physique, you can use Tiangang Yuanqi for two different purposes, but if you are a blood follower, then you can also use Tiangang Yuanqi to use the other three ability to come."

"It's so perverted and inhuman." Feng Qianyun thought, thinking that she has the two abilities of detection and healing, which is enough to cheat. If someone belongs to the blood inheritance infinite physique, he will inherit a certain family just like her. The ability, and then can play five kinds of functions of that ability at once, I wiped it, envious, jealous and hateful!
"Hehe, this kind of thing comes from innate, and you can't ask for it. Besides, I have lived for more than half my life, and I haven't heard of anyone who has an infinite physique! Let alone a blood successor." Infinity, even blood successors like you, Yunyun, are rare."

"Hehe, forget it, I am very content." Feng Qianyun thought, envy is nothing but envy, she is quite content, it would be nice to have a cheat to open, she does not want to open an ultimate invincible cheat.

While Feng Qianyun was thinking this way, a silent voice suddenly sounded in her mind.

"Master, master, I also know what the old man said!"

Uh... You know you didn't give my old lady some science earlier?An afterthought, an outright afterthought, no wonder Guigui keeps scolding you, because sometimes you are really a little underwhelmed.

"I didn't say it earlier, others have already said it, so why do you have to be so nervous?" Facing the old Mr. Heying, Feng Qianyun could only communicate with the damned silently with her heart.

"Master, I really know, I didn't lie to you." Momo hurriedly defended himself.

"Who knows if you've lied to someone, cut!" Guigui added insult to injury.

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ..." She began to cry silently, defending herself while crying.

Wait, what did she just hear?
Enable all properties?
I wiped it!Really fake it!

"Mo Mo, you just said that Yushen Jue can help me unlock all attributes at the end of the practice? You are not mistaken, isn't that Xueji XX born?"

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo , but it is only half and half of... It can be excavated... woo woo woo..."

Although she was crying silently, Feng Qianyun could still understand the general idea. Anyway, she still had the chance to activate all the attributes.

Feng Qianyun suddenly became curious, wondering what she could do with Tiangang vitality after she activated other attributes?

"Yunyun, what are you thinking about?" Seeing Feng Qianyun, Heying suddenly lost his mind, wondering what she was thinking so preoccupied with.

"It's nothing, I just thought of something more exciting."

"Oh, what are you going to do about the young master, Yunyun?" He Ying was very nervous about Han Mojue's affairs, but now that he has entered the underground dark city, things will become extremely difficult, just a few of them , I'm afraid I can't do much, but that Lie Que, if he is willing to help, maybe things will turn around.

"Anyway, we're going to find out the whereabouts of Sister Xiaoye. Now the matter of Han Meiren is also related to the underground city. It just happens to be resolved together. Moreover, the two matters are very urgent. I will talk to Han Mojue now."

Feng Qianyun said and threw her schoolbag to He Ying, "Help me take the schoolbag back, I'll go find your young master."

When Feng Qianyun spoke, she had already run away, and she ran to Han Mojue's office.

When I arrived at Han Mojue's office, I happened to see him being pestered by a group of girls to ask questions. Looking at the teachers in this office, the other teachers were all empty, and there was not a single student coming to answer questions. Only Han Mojue was still waiting. There was a long queue.

Han Meiren is so beautiful, and it's normal for her business to be good, but the other teachers are so poor.

Wait until the students in front have finished asking questions one by one and walk away.

"Mr. Han, I also have a question to ask you, but is it convenient for us to open a room outside and talk?"

As soon as Han Mojue heard this, he started to "educate" without raising his head, "Student, please show some respect, respect me as well as yourself, I..."

It's Feng Qianyun!

I thought I was wrong!

"Little daughter-in-law, I won't take you to play with me like this!"

"Why, I just want to talk to you in a different place. You are thinking about it yourself. It seems that you have some colorful things in your mind."

"Do you know what color things are in my head? Don't you know that I have to YY for more than four hours a day on average? You don't know that there are nearly a thousand 'goddess' stored in the hard disk in my head. They Does everyone walk around in my mind every three days on average?"

(End of this chapter)

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