Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 433 Little daughter-in-law, you must be safe

Chapter 433 Little daughter-in-law, you must be safe
After Feng Qianyun paused for three seconds, her gaze settled on the tissue box on Han Mojue's desk.

"What are you looking at?" Han Mojue followed Feng Qianyun's line of sight, only seeing a box of tissues.

"I was wondering how many boxes of tissues you use every day."

Think about it, one thousand, and each person comes out once every three days on average, that is to say, he needs at least YY300 "goddesses" every day, so how many tissues would he consume every day!

Han Mojue's face suddenly turned red, and he picked up the textbook on the table and threw it at Feng Qianyun, "Feng Qianyun!"

Who brought her down!
Han Mojue felt like his lungs were about to explode!
Feng Qianyun hurriedly dodged, but fortunately, her beautiful face was not abused.

"By the way, Han Meiren, I have something serious to talk to you about. I'll talk about you, your goddess, and tissues later."

"Don't talk about it in the future!" Han Mojue said angrily.

"Okay, okay, let's not talk about it." Look, the beauty is so shy, she will blow up after a little teasing.

Feng Qianyun said and walked out.

"You'd better be serious, or I'll destroy you!" Han Mojue roared angrily and followed, following Feng Qianyun all the way to the grass upstairs.

"My biological sex is female, and I don't have a penis to let you down." Feng Qianyun corrected.

"Your mother must have made a mistake when she gave birth to you!" Look at her, how does she look like a woman with her unscrupulous appearance, how does she look like a woman!Obviously have such a good foundation, waste, waste!

"Heying has already told me the matter." Feng Qianyun said to Han Mojue with a serious expression after shedding her indecency.

Then the rosiness on Han Mojue's face also disappeared.

He hammered the table, "I can't say it anymore!"

"How long do you think you can keep it from me? When you get sick? Or when you report to Lord Yan? Han Mojue, if we switch situations today and I keep it from you, what do you think? You shouldn’t hide things like this from me as a friend!”

May I ask if He Ying didn't tell her, Han Mojue kept hiding it from her, and she devoted herself to finding a way to help him fuse the two different bloods in his body. In the end, he didn't die from the two incompatible bloods, but from the above the magic gu.

As a friend, can she feel at ease?Can she forgive herself?

Han Mojue was left speechless by Feng Qianyun's words. If Feng Qianyun was sick today, if he knew that she dared to hide such an important matter from him, he would definitely shoot her to death and then commit suicide.

"Little daughter-in-law, I know you care about me, but you should also think about it from my standpoint. If something happens to you, I won't be able to feel at ease even if I die." Han Mojue frowned. , there was pity and love that Feng Qianyun didn't understand on her beautiful face.

"Ann, I regret my life. Death is not a fun thing. I have nothing to do. Why go to die and play? Don't worry, I will live well and do what I can. On the premise of protecting my life, I will do it again." Are these things okay?"


"Do you want to pull the hook?"

"Uh...too naive, I don't want it."

"Then it's settled. Anyway, I've already decided to go to Sister Xiaoye. I've settled your business. I'll leave the matter of asking for leave to you. From tomorrow onwards, I'm going to be in the city."

"I'll go with you."

"No, it's enough for me and Lie Que to go."

"Why did you choose him...but not me...I mean the matter of going with you." Actually, it's the same for other things, you also chose him, but you didn't choose me...

Han Mojue liked Feng Qianyun from the bottom of his heart, he liked it very much, but he chose to suppress this feeling because he knew that he was terminally ill and would not live long.

Sometimes the repressed emotion wants to rush out, but seeing Feng Qianyun and Lie Que, that emotion is doomed to end without a problem.

"Please, you are the one who is sick! Also, Lie Que is quite familiar with the underground city. We will be safer with him. He knows the special registration method for the underground arena. We will sign up."

Because there is no way to use grabs, the only way is to win the arena game.

Damn it, this would be a big gamble of life, if she was not careful, she would never be able to get out of it again.

"Little daughter-in-law, do you mean that no matter what I say, you won't change your decision?" Han Mojue was a little sad. This sadness made him seem weak in speaking. The person he cared about the most wanted to take risks for him. How can he not be sad?
If, he meant if, the little daughter-in-law died in that underground dark city that eats people and doesn't spit out bones, what would he do, how...

Feng Qianyun nodded, for Feng Qianyun, there was nothing to hesitate about, let her disregard Han Mojue's life or death?This is impossible.

"Then promise me, you must be safe, okay?" Han Mojue pursed his lips, not letting some of his emotions leak out.

There was a voice deep inside him calling, hold her, hold her, don't let her go...

But he couldn't do it, he couldn't stop her no matter what.

"Well, I will do my best." Feng Qianyun does not make promises that she is not sure of, she can only say that she will do her best, not [-]%, "Okay, that's all I want to tell you. Don't blame He Ying, if he doesn't tell me, I may be sad for the rest of my life. I'm leaving, I have an appointment with Lie Que tonight."

After finishing speaking, Feng Qianyun waved her hand smartly, bid farewell to Han Mojue, and strode away from the school.

Back at Lie Que's house, the living room was full of people, Lie Que, Jia Bing, Ding Jie, Feng Yilin, Lu Guoxing, Lu Dafeng, Zhang Luyao, even her father came, Ouyang Shiyin's hand There was also a child in his arms, which was Du Qingyan's son. He drove Du Qingyan away, leaving no room for him. He kept the child by his side and decided to bring it up himself.

"Yunyun," the first person to speak was Feng Yilin, she stood up and walked in front of Feng Qianyun, and gently stroked Feng Qianyun's head with her hand, "Be careful."

Feng Yilin fully supports Feng Qianyun's decision.

"Little master, don't embarrass me for your apprentice!" Lu Dafeng naturally supported his little master, "By the way, in view of the danger you may encounter during this trip, those ancient books in your mind Can you leave it to me first?"

The old man Ganqing was only thinking about those ancient books written by Feng Qianyun.

Shimen is unfortunate, Shimen is unfortunate.

"Because the registration for this round of arena is in groups of three, I will let Jia Bing go with us." Lie Que said to Feng Qianyun.

Feng Qianyun has no objection, and has no doubts about Jia Bing's strength.

So it's decided.

"Let me go!" Suddenly, Lu Guoxing interrupted.

Everyone turned to look at him.

Hearing this, Jia Bing hurriedly tried to persuade Lu Guoxing, "Mr. Lu, this incident is not a joke." The reason why the underground arena is not seen well is because it is illegal, and killing people in the arena is completely prohibited. Permitted, only seeking the final victory, using any means, even he is only [-]% sure that he can come back alive, ordinary people don't even have to think about it.

"Let me go with Yunyun!" Lu Guoxing was not good at words, but expressed his decision very firmly.

"I said Mr. Lu, why can't you understand, you..." Jia Bing was depressed. Does this matter sound like a child's play?
"Let him go." Lie Que said, "Mr. Changlu will go with us."

Feng Qianyun was also surprised by Lie Que's decision, what does Lie Que mean?
Seeing Feng Qianyun's doubts, Lie Que smiled, "Good boy, it's okay, I'm here."

"Go, go, you're coaxing a child!"

"Aren't you just a child?" I hope she is not a child.

"This is the room for the three of you." A middle-aged man led Feng Qianyun, Lie Que, and Lu Guoxing to a room. The room was very simple, similar to an ordinary student dormitory.

Today, from going out with Lie Que to now, Feng Qianyun feels that she has left the modern urban civilization. This feeling is stronger than when she came to the ancient house behind Ouyang's house, but the reason for this feeling is different.

The facilities here are indeed modern, but here, the police cannot control it, the government cannot control it, and the media cannot expose it. It is like another small society.

This is the same as being arrested for pyramid schemes. The other party locks you up, and you are cut off from the outside world.

Upon entering, they were searched and all electronic devices were taken from them.

Here, those families and forces are the kings.The rules of obedience to be followed are the rules here.

They entered here from a casino, and the casino above is a regular casino, not an illegal casino.

"Are you still used to it?" Lie Que asked with a smile, he didn't see any discomfort, as if he was still drinking tea and reading on the sofa in his villa at this time.

"One thing, it's not too bad." Feng Qianyun was indeed a little uncomfortable.

Then Feng Qianyun looked at Lu Guoxing again, and found that he was making the bed, his movements were very natural, as if he was already familiar with the environment here.This thought made Feng Qianyun very puzzled, why Lu Guoxing, who had achieved nothing... in this situation, behaved so naturally?
As soon as the three of them settled down, someone knocked on the door.

"Be careful, Yunyun, most of the people here are here for money, and they may use any means." Lu Guoxing hurriedly reminded.

Feng Qianyun nodded and opened the door.

"Hi, how are you!" As soon as I opened the door, I saw a big smiling face, "Hello, let me introduce myself, my name is Kane. I live in the room next to yours. I said, I saw you just now. I was taken aback when I walked by, there was a little girl there?"

Kane stared at Feng Qianyun as he spoke.

(End of this chapter)

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