Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 434 The Old Witch

Chapter 434 The Old Witch

"Hehe, yes, how are you, brother!" Feng Qianyun smiled sweetly, and the innocent baby mode was activated.

"Why are you so young to participate in this kind of competition? It's very dangerous, do you know?" Kane felt that the little girl in front of him looked so cute, and it was really a pity to come to such a ghostly place.

"Because I need money. My family is very poor, and my father is seriously ill and needs a lot of money for medical treatment. You also know that people like me have no skills. Even if they sell it, no one wants it. If you want money quickly, just Come to participate in this kind of competition." Feng Qianyun said helplessly with her head down.

You are still called poor, you ask yourself, how many digits are in the bank deposits!

Also, your daughter is really filial, to actually curse your father that he is sick, or seriously ill!If Ouyang Shiyin heard this, how sad he would be, look, this daughter definitely hasn't forgiven him yet!

"Really? What's wrong with your father that he needs so much money?" Kane asked again.

"It's astrocytoma!" Feng Qianyun replied, astrocytoma is a disease that cannot be completely cured. She is currently researching this subject and has cultured a lot of astrocytoma cells, facing the microscope every day To identify these tumor cells, when Kane asked, she subconsciously answered the disease.

Poor Ouyang Shiyin made his own daughter cursed with an incurable disease.

"Astrocytoma?" Kane doesn't know what it is. Generally speaking, those who don't study medicine, have never had it themselves, or have their relatives have never had it. Those long and complicated disease names are all unfamiliar, but He knows about tumors. Anyway, if something is involved with tumors, it must be something unusual, severe, and incurable. "You are really pitiful."

Kane shook his head, expressing his sympathy for Feng Qianyun.

"Hehe, yes, I'm very pitiful." Feng Qianyun blinked, and the corners of her mouth twitched twice in embarrassment.

Then Kane looked at the other two people again, a strong uncle plus handsome...

Feng Qianyun saw Kane staring at Lie Que intently, "What are you looking at, my fiancé's sexual orientation is normal!"

After being yelled at by Feng Qianyun, Kane looked away in embarrassment, a little embarrassed, when he looked at people just now, his eyes were too direct? "Hehe, I'm so sorry." This man has nothing to do with being so handsome. He didn't come to his senses for a while, and he was regarded as glass, embarrassing.

"By the way, you guys just came in today, right?" In order to ease the embarrassment he had just created, he changed the subject.

"Well, brother Kane, when did you come in?" The question in the innocent baby mode, the cuteness index is bursting.

"Oh, I'm a few days earlier than you. I've been preparing for this competition for a whole year!" .

"Wow, brother Kane, you are so amazing! It seems that you have a plan!" Feng Qianyun praised.

Feng Qianyun's praise made Kane's self-esteem soar, and he felt that he should say more to show his demeanor as an old man.

"Actually, it's okay, because the rewards here are very high. As long as you can enter the finals, you will have a lot of rewards, not to mention getting No.1. There are not only bonuses but also prizes. I heard that, This year’s prizes seem to be very special!” The prizes are basically the same every time, but the prizes are different every year, for example, last year’s prize was a rare pill, while the year before last seemed to be a magic weapon.

There are many sources of income for the arena. First, the most basic entrance fee is the same as going to a concert hall to listen to music. Tickets are required. Do you want to come in without paying?no way!

The second is the gambling game. If there are players who have a game, they will naturally win or lose. It is like betting on a horse. Everyone bets on which player will win.So before the official game, all the players are like monkeys in the zoo for everyone to take a look, and then everyone can bet.

Then there is consumption, which is also easy to understand. When you go to the airport, there are restaurants and shops there, but obviously the prices are more expensive than those outside. The same is true here. The games here often cannot be completed in one day, so there is luxury. hotel, restaurant.

But these are not the most important, the most important thing is sponsorship.Don't be surprised, it is indeed a sponsorship. As for why, you have to ask the owner here.

"Really?" Feng Qianyun pretended not to know, she already knew what this year's prize was, and she came here for that prize.

"Yes, but it doesn't matter to me, because no matter what the prize is, it will definitely be very valuable. As for me, I just need to get this prize and sell it." To Kane He said that he came here for the money, and the rest was not important.

Those who come to this kind of place to participate in the competition in order to earn a lot of money can be regarded as gambling with their lives.

So now Feng Qianyun is also gambling.

"I told you, you have to be careful of those guys who live across the street." Kane leaned close to Feng Qianyun's ear and reminded her in a low voice.

"Oh? Brother Kane, can you tell me why?" For Feng Qianyun, this is a good time for her to learn about the opponent she may encounter soon.

"Because there's a bunch of weirdos living there."


"Yes, weirdo. I saw them yesterday. They looked so dangerous. They killed the other group of people ahead of time. They were bloody, so scary!" Kane wrinkled his face and made a strange expression.

"Really? Bloody? That's really scary." Feng Qianyun said, keeping an eye on the group of people living opposite them.

"Well, there are a few perverts in the supervisor here, don't mess with them!" Kane whispered again, it's not a good thing to speak ill of his superiors here, so naturally he should keep his voice down .

"The supervisor here?"

"Because the people here are those who can fight. In order to maintain order, some supervisors are definitely needed. Usually those supervisors are very perverted, especially that old hag!" Kane mentioned that the old hag was not well, as if It was the loss of that so-called old witch.

"Brother Kane, what kind of person is that old witch you're talking about?" Feng Qianyun didn't miss any opportunity to collect information.

"An old maid who hasn't had a man for hundreds of years, and she doesn't like men! Wearing a pair of gold-rimmed glasses, she looks very literary and educated. In fact, she doesn't know a few big characters, and beats people. You have learned a lot about her skills, you don’t know how cruel she is to men, once it falls into her hands, men’s life would be worse than death!” Kane shivered as he spoke, he couldn’t think about it think.

"Brother Kane knows so well, have you already passed it?" Feng Qianyun wanted to laugh. This man named Kane has an average appearance and nothing special about him. I don't know if he was born with a baby face, so he looks old. Not very big, what stands out is his expression.

"No! Absolutely not! I swear on my noble personality that I have never been defiled by that old witch!" Kane waved his hands quickly to show his innocence.

When he got excited, he forgot to speak in a low voice.

"Who do you mean by the old witch?"

A cold voice that could be compared to the cold wind in winter sounded from behind Kane, making Kane stiff as if frozen.

The woman who appeared behind Kane was a middle-aged woman who looked about 50 or [-] years old, wearing a standard female professional suit, stepping on a pair of high heels, just like Kane said, wearing a pair of gold-rimmed glasses and tied hair In the back, a typical professional woman's dress.It looks really literary and intellectual.

After a while, Kane turned around stiffly, and smiled naively at the "lady" behind him, "Oh, isn't this Director Jiang! Long time no see, ah, you've become prettier again, really, I almost I can't even recognize it! If your voice is so special, unique and unique, I really doubt that I have met Director Jiang's daughter!"

Kane's ability to tell lies with his eyes open has reached the point of supernatural powers. It is estimated that if you lead him a monkey, he can say that it is Chang'e descending from the earth.

"Oh? Then why did I hear someone talking about the old witch just now?" The woman called Director Jiang narrowed her eyes, but it was not so easy to fool.

"That's because I'm telling my little sister the story of Harry Potter and the old witch! My little sister is so naughty, she insists on pestering me to tell her a story, hehe, hehe..." Kane continued to lie, dragging him to the back He could only laugh dryly a few times to make his facial expression less rigid.

"Harry Potter and the Old Witch? Which part of the story is this, why haven't I heard of it?" Director Jiang asked again.

"Well, that's... a book that JK Rowling didn't publish! That's why the little sister pestered me to talk about it! Oh, the little girl nowadays is really, if you don't go to see Barbie dolls, what are you looking at? Lippert, too violent, too violent!"

"Really, little sister?" Supervisor Jiang lowered his head and asked Feng Qianyun.

"Well, brother Kane spoke very well, sister, would you like to listen together!" Feng Qianyun called Director Jiang as "sister".

Director Jiang, who was called by Feng Qianyun as his sister, suddenly felt in a good mood, and he didn't even care about the matter of bringing Kane so much. This adult man can't say a hundred good things like a minor sister, because the underage Grown little sisters don't lie.

Look, how discerning and lovable this kid is.

Director Jiang lovingly touched Feng Qianyun's head, "Little sister, why are you here to participate in this kind of competition?"

"Because I want to make money to treat my father!" The lie has already been told, so I can only continue to talk to the end, Dad, I'm sorry, let's take it as compensation for the bad things you did to me and my mother before. Well, it's such a happy decision.

(End of this chapter)

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