Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 438 This is a token of love

Chapter 438 This is a token of love
With Jin Hanzhang's permission, Anna went to Feng Qianyun. Compared with Rose's good figure, Anna's "color" is more conspicuous. No one will stop staring at her for a while after seeing her blonde hair and blue eyes.

Other people's blond hair and blue eyes are not as terrifying as hers. Their blue eyes are beautiful, but Anna's is too green, like two will-o'-the-wisps seen at midnight.

Those coquettish eyes made people disrespectful and a little fearful. Is this woman a ghost?
"Hello, my name is Anna." Anna walked to the dining table where Feng Qianyun and the others were sitting, sat down beside Feng Qianyun before Feng Qianyun agreed, and introduced herself.

"Hehe, hello sister, my name is Feng Qianyun." Feng Qianyun turned her head and gave Anna a sweet smile. Based on the principle of not causing trouble, Feng Qianyun decided to be a "friendly" little sister.

"The ring on my little sister's hand looks quite special, where did you get it?" Anna pointed her slender fingers at Feng Qianyun's fair little hand, aiming at the ring on her hand.

"This is, it was given to me by a friend of mine." Feng Qianyun could probably guess what Anna was thinking, and it was also true that she wore this ring a little conspicuously. It was given to her by Lie Que just now, and she forgot that it was in such a ring. The place needs to be restrained, walking around with an extraordinary ring is no different from walking into a bandit den with gold, silver and jewelry.

Sure enough, masculinity is harmful. Just now, because of the attractive appearance of a certain bastard man, my mind was confused for a while, and I ignored this point.

Now that it has been taken out to see the light, it is too late to take it back. Looking around, it seems that not only Anna is interested in the space storage ring on her hand.

"A gift from a friend? Oh? I don't know what kind of friend is so generous." Anna said enviously, but she had some calculations in her heart. What kind of friend do you think can give someone such a precious thing casually? ?She was in the Jin family, and only their young master Jin Zhongye had such a storage space magic weapon in his hand, not even the other big bosses.

Anna still had some scruples in her heart. It is true that they could not find out the background of this little girl, but if one of her very good friends was a strong opponent, she would not be able to directly strike. This point should be figured out first. Clear is better.

"Well, it doesn't matter if I tell you. My friend is a thief, the kind that digs up graves. He just happened to be lucky enough to find something like this, so he gave it to me." Qian Yun whispered in Anna's ear.In fact, she didn't lie completely, Lie Que told her so himself!

"Oh..." Anna felt relieved after hearing this, and this can explain why a girl like her can hold a priceless magic weapon of storage space on her body, "Then do you want to sell this ring to someone?" And me?"

"Sell?" Feng Qianyun asked pretending to be puzzled, "Why did you sell it to you?"

"Because my sister, I like your ring very much." Anna felt that this magic weapon was too wasteful on Feng Qianyun's body. This thing can be used to smuggle arms and drugs, and this alone is enough for her to earn It's the last one.

Anna still acted like Feng Qianyun was foolishly ignorant of the market. After all, it was hard to come across such a thing in the general trading market. Ordinary people didn't know her ring at all.

"That's it! That's fine!" Feng Qian readily agreed, "20 billion."

"What two billion?" Anna was stunned.

"Didn't my sister say she wanted to buy my ring? 20 billion is the price, and I won't sell anything less." Feng Qianyun smiled innocently, and she really couldn't see anything wrong with her innocent appearance.

"What did you say!?" Anna slapped the table violently, causing everyone to look at them. Anna felt Jin Hanzhang's gaze towards her, and withdrew her emotions.

Anna sat back on her seat again, "Little sister, you may not understand the market, how could this ring be sold for such a sky-high price!"

What a joke, 20 billion, she is really a lion, not to mention that she doesn't have so much money, even if she has, she is reluctant to use it to buy a magic weapon for storage space.

"It's none of my business what price people outside sell at. Sister, you don't know. This is a token of love given to me by my fiancé. How can I sell it casually? If I want to sell it, I have to sell it." It is to sell for a good price, otherwise how can I be worthy of my fiancé's deep friendship when he gave me the ring?" Feng Qianyun blinked and sighed.

It is obviously a ring with no special meaning, but it is abruptly described by Feng Qianyun as a token of love, not to mention that this ring represents the deep friendship of the gift giver to him and her. Qian Yun vomited in her heart, if Lie Que heard this, she would probably blow her head off.

"Woman, I didn't expect you to look at the gift that brother Lie Que gave you like this. I think your feelings for him must be extraordinary!" Guigui said with emotion.

"Master, you have fallen." Mo Momo lamented.

Stinky brats!Please pay attention, I am your master, okay!

Anna was left speechless by Feng Qianyun's explanation, and she changed her mind to play tricks, "Little sister, my sister wants to buy it from you, and your ring is worth a few million at most. How about it, my sister will give it to you later." Add a little, 1000 million bought your ring, what do you think?"

1000 million just want to buy a magic weapon for space storage, you think I'm an idiot!
Feng Qianyun will not be fooled by Anna, "Unfortunately, if there is no 20 billion, then sister please go back."

Feng Qianyun had no intention of really selling the ring, no matter how short of money she was, she wouldn't be able to sell the gift that others gave her, right?What's more, she is not short of money!So she set a price much higher than the market price just to let Anna and others covet the storage space magic weapon in her hand, at least don't think about spending money to buy it from her, if you plan to grab it Well, Feng Qianyun couldn't stop her, she wanted to be kind, and there was nothing they could do if they didn't let her.

If there is a real fight... Hey, she clearly promised Lie Que that there would be no big trouble, so it's better not to fight. If you really want to fight, it's better to stay in the arena and fight under the rules here, at least not to annoy you. Without the background here, it will be difficult to do so.

"Hey, you girl, why are you so disobedient!" Anna felt that she ran up to Feng Qianyun to buy a ring with such enthusiasm, but was rejected by Feng Qianyun. Here it is.

"Sister, you just wanted to buy a ring with me. Buying and selling a thing that you want to buy and another thing you want to sell. If I don't want to, then the deal will fail, and the deal will not be done. There is righteousness. Sister, are you right?" Qian Yun smiled innocently.

Anna didn't know if the girl in front of her was really confused to a certain level, or if she was too smart and knew to avoid the serious and take the light.

Anna lowered her head, and whispered in Feng Qianyun's ear: "Little sister, I have advised you, besides me, there are quite a few people who are coveting the ring on your hand, but will they be like me? I don't know how to reason with you so politely. If you still wear this ring, you will definitely be killed. Instead of doing this, you might as well resell the ring to me in front of everyone. Let everyone know that you no longer have this treasure on your body, so at least you can save your life."

Anna has long believed in her heart that it is impossible for Feng Qianyun to be someone else's opponent, so she gives Feng Qianyun a piece of advice, that a person like her is not worthy of having such a good thing, and she would also like to have such a good thing Useless.

Anna thought to herself, if Feng Qianyun was smarter, she would know that putting this ring on her body would only bring her death, so it would be better to give it to her early and get a sum of money.

Facing Anna's "advice", Feng Qianyun smiled back, "Sister, have you forgotten what I am here for? I am here to participate in the arena competition. If I can't beat those people, even if I escape the sight In this catastrophe, wouldn’t it be the same if I went to the arena? Besides, many people at the scene came here for money, fighting for money and killing people for money, so the ring on my body was exchanged for money. Isn't it equally attractive? After all, I'm still a dead letter?"

Anna originally hoped that Feng Qianyun would be coaxed by her to sell her the magic weapon of the storage space at a price far below the market price. Who would have thought that this stinky girl would think so much and think things through clearly? , can't be fooled by her at all.

Anna was angry and annoyed, but she was unwilling to let it go.

"Hey, let me tell you, when did the price of the magic weapon for the storage space drop to this level? You can buy it for only 1000 million? Come, come, I'll give you [-] million, and help me bring back ten of them." Kane I don't know when they also ran to Feng Qianyun's table.

Kane looked at Anna sarcastically, laughing that this woman is so despicable, trying to cheat a little sister out of a little sister's hand with this method is really worthless.

"What's none of your business?" Anna glared back at Kane. Some things were revealed on the spot, which made Anna a little annoyed.

"Your matter is none of my business, but the matter of this beautiful sister is none of my business. All the beautiful women in the world should be loved. As for me, I hate bad men the most. Bullying a beautiful girl with an ugly woman!" Kane classified Anna as an ugly woman.

"What do you mean!" Anna is not a fool, of course she can understand Kane's ridicule and insults to her, this man dares to call her an ugly woman!

(End of this chapter)

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