Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 439 Training Results

Chapter 439 Training Results
"Literally!" Kane met Anna's gaze, but he was not afraid to face Anna's weird eyes squarely.

Kane has a bad habit, that is, he can't see others bullying beautiful women, as if all the women in the world are his lovers.

Although Feng Qianyun is relatively young, she can barely be classified as a "woman" by Kane. Of course, she must be a beautiful woman, and she must be a super beautiful one.

No woman would like to be called "ugly" by others, and Anna is no exception. Although the color of her eyes is a little weird, her appearance is still very good. At least no one has ever dared to say that she is ugly. , most intimidated by her because of the color of her eyes.

"Come on, sister Yunyun, let's not be as familiar with this ugly woman. You must not learn from her in the future. If she is fierce, she will not be able to marry. Girls, of course you should be gentle."

Kane's words almost made Feng Qianyun choke. If Kane knew, she would have evolved into a fierce woman long ago, and she was only fiercer than Anna, not gentler than her. I don't know if Kane would stand up for him today. What about beating your chest and stamping your feet when you come out?

Anna was about to lose her temper when Jin Hanzhang came over, grabbed Anna, gave her a look, and signaled her not to act rashly, with so many eyes staring at her, some things are not good to do in public.

Anna felt tight in her chest, but Jin Hanzhang didn't let her mess around, so she had no choice but to suppress the anger in her stomach.

"Here, you have plenty of ways to vent, don't be impulsive." Jin Hanzhang reminded her in a low voice.

Anna nodded. It is indeed here, is she afraid that she will not find a chance?Whether it's a formal competition or in private, she has plenty of ways to deal with them, there's no need to make trouble in public, it's not good to provoke others.

Anna glanced around vigilantly, but she didn't see Xia Wufeng, whom she didn't want to see. It was okay, that perverted man, she really didn't want to see him.

Kane saw that Anna was chased away so easily, so he was very embarrassed to ask Feng Qianyun for credit.

"How about sister Yunyun, brother Kane, am I good?"

There was a big smile on Kane's face, and he looked proud.

"Yeah, Brother Kane, you are so amazing!" Feng Qianyun praised.

Kane was delighted to receive Feng Qianye's compliment, "By the way, Yunyun, you and your fiancé and this... uncle are going to practice soon? There are various practice venues here, and you can also go out from here to Practice in a piece of wasteland in the suburbs. No one else will come to that piece of wasteland. It belongs to the property of the arena. It can be provided to us for practice. It’s better than being in this dungeon without seeing the sun all day long. , but you have to take the underground horizontal elevator here.”

The elevators that are usually closed are vertical, and go upstairs and downstairs. There is a horizontal closed elevator here, which is specially used to transport people here to the wasteland in the suburbs. It is equivalent to the function of the subway, but Relatively speaking, the distance is much shorter. Taking this kind of elevator from the edge of the underground arena to the wasteland in the suburbs is only two or 300 meters away.

Originally, the location where the casino was built was at the edge of the city, and the dark arena built under the casino almost reached the suburban location.

To carry out such a large project, it is naturally impossible to come in a place with a lot of people in the city center.

So this area was originally a piece of wasteland. Several big families and factions combined their hands and feet on the land planning plan. First, an arena was built underground, and then there was a casino above it. The casino is basically not profitable. , but it has attracted the construction and development of some surrounding hotel traffic.

This is called Mingxiu plank road and dark Chencang.

"Well, thank you, but I'm a little tired tonight. I want to rest early. I'll go tomorrow when I'm free." She doesn't want to expose her own strength prematurely. In contrast, she hopes to know the strength of others, so if she wants to go, she will go to see others, but for their own practice.

"Okay, whenever you want to go, just come and call me, let's go together!" Kane said to Feng Qianyun with a smile.

"En." Feng Qianyun hummed, and the waiter brought the curry rice she ordered. She lowered her head to eat, and she could feel all kinds of unusual gazes from the people around her. Helpless, this ring seems to have caused her a lot of trouble.

After eating as quickly as possible, Feng Qianyun didn't go back to her room immediately, she asked Lu Guoxing to go back first, while she wandered around to see the situation.

"Master, it's time to show off the achievements of your nearly three-month summer vacation!" A silently excited voice sounded in Feng Qianyun's mind.

"Aren't the two lumps of flesh on her chest the result of a woman's three-month practice?" Ghosts and ghosts complained.He despises this woman who makes breast enhancement soup for herself and does breast enhancement exercises when she is free!
"Nonsense, the master has practiced the God-controlling Art well during these three months! You are a dead ghost, a stupid ghost, you have been in a coma for more than two months, and you just woke up before the master was about to start school. I'm ashamed to say master!" Silently defending Feng Qianyun, firmly standing on Feng Qianyun's side, dead ghosts hate it the most!
"Cut!" Guigui snorted disdainfully to cover up his embarrassment when he was silently talking about his sadness.

There's a reason why he's in a coma, okay?He ate the good things that brother Lie Que gave him, of course it took a while to digest, he didn't sleep in vain, he has grown up!
"Look, let me say it, the master has successfully cultivated a good ability of detection through nearly three months of study, and now she can perceive the energy source in a wide range, regardless of Whether it's a person or a magic weapon, the master can clearly distinguish it!" Momo said very proudly, listening to her tone, it seemed that the person who had this ability was herself.

"Tch, what's the big deal." Guigui muttered disapprovingly.

"Are you two lovers or enemies in your previous life? Why have you been by my side for so long, and you haven't improved in other things, but your quarrel skills have improved a lot, and I really haven't seen any improvement in other things." Feng Qianyun She was almost speechless to these two little guys, if she didn't know that Qi Ling was not a real life body, she should have really wondered if these two were enemies from previous lives.

Feng Qianyun's ability to detect energy has indeed improved a lot now, otherwise she would not be able to become a senior treasure appraiser so easily. To put it bluntly, a treasure appraiser has the ability to perceive the potential power of a magic weapon And the ability to turn on that ability.

"Master, where are we going now?" asked silently and curiously.

"Go to the person with the best ability in the entire arena." Feng Qianyun replied, since she can perceive the strength of each person's internal strength, she can clearly know where there is a person in the entire arena. A strong master is very important for her to win the final victory. If she really meets someone she can't deal with, then she can only use other methods. It's agreed that we can't fight recklessly.

"Oh—then master, do you know how strong the most powerful master in the arena is?" Momo was quite curious about this matter.

"Unfortunately, I don't know. The opponent's level is too much above mine, so I can't judge." Feng Qianyun told the truth, she can only feel that the opponent is stronger than herself, but how strong is it? She couldn't judge after she got on it.

"Oh... then master, how many people in the arena are stronger than you?"

"I can't do anything about the abilities of at least five people. There is also a magic weapon. I don't know what it is. I just feel that the energy is very powerful, and I can't distinguish it."

The five are completely indistinguishable, and there are also those whose internal force is above hers, which she can distinguish to a certain extent.

"Ah? Five? That's a lot..." He said silently. There are so many people that the owner has no way of judging. It sounds like it's dangerous for the owner to participate in this competition.

"One is that bastard Lie Que." Feng Qianyun added.

"Uh..." Embarrassed silently, master, isn't that your fiancé, it's normal to be a little stronger than you.

"One... is the internal strength of the Xia family, it may be Xia Wufeng." Feng Qianyun is not sure about this.


Momo and Guigui exclaimed at the same time.

"I'm not sure, because it's a bit different from the feeling Xia Wufeng gave me before, so I'm not sure whether that internal force belongs to Xia Wufeng."

This internal force gave Feng Qianyun a rather dark feeling, like a bottomless black hole, Feng Qianyun instinctively resisted touching it.

But Feng Qianyun can be sure that this is the internal strength of the members of the Xia family. She and Xia Wufeng are childhood sweethearts, and they have a great understanding of the martial arts he practiced. Naturally, it is my family's inner strength mentality method, with its own set of practice routines, and the Xia family's physique is quite special, their inner strength is as hot as fire, so it is easier to distinguish.

It's just that this person in the arena now has that dark feeling... What's going on?

"Master, don't you remember what Xia Wufeng said to you when he left last time? He said he would kill you the next time he saw you!" Momo didn't have any good feelings for Xia Wufeng, and every time he thought of Xia Wufeng, he felt different. Kind of bad memory.

"There will be a lot of big families participating in this competition, isn't it strange that the Xia family in the provincial capital didn't send someone?" Up.

(End of this chapter)

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