Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 440 I heard something I shouldn't have heard

Chapter 440 I heard something I shouldn't have heard

"Throwing out such a big bait, you really paid for it!"

"If you don't spend your money, how can you attract so many big fish?"

"Xia Wufeng from the Xia family has come, Jin Jianming from the Jin family has also appeared, and that man, there are indeed quite a few big fish."

"But there are also a lot of small shrimps. By the way, what happened to the group that just came in today? There are even children?"

"I don't know too well. It's probably because the office is not doing well. They let people in without knowing it. It's no wonder that they always welcome visitors in previous years. In fact, it doesn't matter if there are more people this year. They come in anyway." Don't even think about leaving alive."

The two men were talking eagerly, not noticing that the conversation between the two of them was overheard by a third.

Feng Qianyun was originally looking for the person with the highest inner strength in the arena, because two of the five people who were completely undetectable were here, so she came here first, who knew that she would overhear the two people dialogue.

The conversation between the two men fell into the ears of Feng Qianyun outside the door, which shocked Feng Qianyun. What do you mean?Don't even think about leaving alive?This is against the rules!Although this kind of underground competition is very dark and casualties are unavoidable, every year someone can walk out of here alive and bring a large prize money after winning the competition.

But listening to the two men inside, it seems that it is not the same thing.

This time the prize is bait?So, the arena match was a conspiracy?Feng Qianyun wasn't sure, she didn't know anything about the arena, and she didn't know who the two men were talking to.

The two men inside were both wearing black suits.

One is bald, with an obvious star-shaped scar on the head, and the whole person looks a bit fierce, and the other feels old, with white hair and a long white beard.

"Master, what do they mean by this?" Momo was dumbfounded.

"Idiot, it's clear that there is a problem with this competition." Guigui seemed much more mature, he had the same idea as Feng Qianyun, knowing that there must be something tricky about this matter, but the reason?Purpose?There is another way?

Feng Qianyun heard Xia Wufeng from the conversation between the two, and can confirm that Xia Wufeng is really here, so the dark power she felt really belonged to Xia Wufeng. As for who Jin Jianming is, Feng Qianyun doesn't know, it should be People related to the Jin family.

Did they set up this plan for Xia Wufeng and the others?
"Woman, why don't we give up the game, anyway, their goal is not us." Guigui suggested.

"But the thing they used as bait is what I want." It was the key thing to save Han Mojue, and Feng Qianyun gave up without reason.

"But if this continues, it will be troublesome to be involved in this conspiracy." Guigui kindly reminded.

"We have already been involved, and none of us can leave here until the end of the competition." In fact, even if we can walk now, we don't plan to leave. If we miss this time, we don't know when it will be the next time. If there is a chance to get that thing again, Han Mojue's matter will not be delayed for too long.

"But women..."

Guigui also planned to persuade Feng Qianyun with a few words, but Feng Qianyun interrupted it.

"Shhh, don't make noise. I need to concentrate on listening to what they have to say. There may be important information. Don't just talk in my spiritual world and influence me."

Feng Qianyun stopped chatting silently with Guigui, and concentrated on eavesdropping on the conversation between the two men in the room.

"This time, things must be done neatly, so as not to make people in the alliance suspicious. The rules of the alliance do not allow family fights within the alliance, and killing people is not allowed, especially Xia Wufeng's special status in the alliance. It will be very troublesome if you let the people in the alliance know."

"I know this. I will make arrangements to ensure that everyone is dead. Before that, I will let this competitive game go on well, and let them have a good time."

"That's right, we have to satisfy the distinguished guests who came to watch, we can't involve these people, and it's a good thing for us to let them mess themselves up, and it can save us a lot of effort."

"Well... But, before that, there is an eavesdropping kitten that needs to be dealt with first."

The bald man suddenly turned his gaze to the direction of the door, which was exactly where Feng Qianyun was now.

Feng Qianyun was discovered!
The two men looked at each other and walked towards the door together.

One step, two steps, three steps...

The two got closer and closer.


The door was flung open.

The two were about to make a move, but their hands stopped halfway.
The two men stared at the baby sitting on the ground, and were stunned for a moment. The baby looked only one year old. He wore a cute horn-shaped ornament on his head and held a Playing with the bracelet, the baby is babbling, probably not yet able to speak.

"How could there be such a little baby in the arena? Could it be the kid from the group you said just came in today?" the white-haired old man asked.

"No, the one who came in was a little girl in her early teens, not a baby."

"Where did this baby come from?"

"Maybe it was brought in by the staff here. There have been incidents of staff bringing their children to work before."

"Bringing children to work? Heh, what do they think of this place? It's unforgivable even for a normal company, let alone our place!" Are you kidding me, is this a normal workplace?The secrecy here is comparable to that of the Ministry of National Defense. Even if a child is brought in, if it is found out who belongs to it, it will not be as simple as expulsion!

"You don't have to be angry about this kind of thing, let Director Jiang check it out." The bald man persuaded.

"What about this child?" The white-haired old man asked impatiently.

"Why do we care so much? Don't worry about it. It will be dealt with naturally when the supervisor comes. Are you still planning to take care of the children for them before their parents show up?" the bald man teased.

"Are you kidding me!" The white-haired old man is not sensitive to this kind of thing, forget it, since he is just a child learning to speak, he is too lazy to do anything, let the supervisors deal with the employee's slack.

"Okay, don't worry about it, let's go, we have other things to do, it's not good to make people suspicious." The bald man reminded.

"En." The white-haired old man nodded in agreement, and then left with the bald man.

When the two of them disappeared, the bracelet on the neglected baby's hand suddenly flashed purple, and an extra figure appeared out of thin air.

Feng Qianyun patted her chest, hoo, indeed Qi Ling is really easy to use!

It turned out that when the two approached just now, Feng Qianyun made a decisive decision and threw Guigui out, while she hid in the space of the Yushen Bracelet. Guigui looked only one-year-old in appearance, although he had a scar on his head. Two strange horns, but because they are so cute, ordinary people will take those two horns as a headband it wears on the head at first sight, the kind specially used to show off its cuteness.

"Woman, you escaped this catastrophe thanks to me, why don't you thank me soon?"

Feng Qianyun reached out to touch Guigui's head, "Yes, thanks to your one-year-old appearance!"

"Don't touch my uncle's head!" Guigui hurriedly slapped Feng Qianyun's "wolf claws" away, "You still have the nerve to say that you pushed me out at such a dangerous time, what if they see through it?" ?”

"Don't forget what your abilities are. Even if you are found out, it's better for you to be beaten than for me to be beaten, right?" Guigui has the ability to counterattack, and he can bounce back the power of moves that hit him without reservation , but only once.Before, he would sleep for a long time after the backlash, but since he woke up again after being fed by Lie Que that time, he will not be comatose after the backlash, but he still needs to rest for a while before using it for the second time.

"Please, there are two of them. The first hit I bounced back, but the next one can't rebound! If they launch a series of attacks on me, wouldn't I be dead?" Gui Gui said angrily. .

"Okay, okay, Mr. Guigui, you performed very well today. You succeeded in pretending to be a child. You look innocent, and your small eyes are pitiful. You managed to escape the catastrophe." Seeing that Guigui really made a contribution this time , Feng Qianyun praised it generously, "Okay, save more praises for later, let's go away now, lest they come back."

Thinking of those two guys whose strength was so terrifying that Feng Qianyun couldn't find out, Guigui was really a little scared, "Then hurry up!"

Guigui quickly changed back to its portable form, and returned to Feng Qianyun's ear.

With this lesson learned, Feng Qianyun decided to give up her original plan to inspect the place, not only because she was almost in danger this time, but also because she knew that Xia Wufeng was in this arena.

When Feng Qianyun returned to the room, she saw Lie Que waiting for her at the door.

Lie Que sighed, "Don't do this kind of thing alone next time, it's very dangerous."

Feng Qianyun patted her chest, stared at Lie Que with big eyes, and totally agreed with Lie Que's statement that it was indeed dangerous!

"Lie Que, do you know about the 'Alliance'?" Realizing now, Lie Que seems to be "omnipotent", like an encyclopedia, he knows everything he should know and should not know.

"Probably know a little bit, what do you want to know specifically?"

Feng Qianyun recounted the conversation between the two men and Lie Que that she overheard today.

Feng Qianyun's words made Lie Que's gaze darker a lot, he was silent for a while, Feng Qianyun didn't disturb his silence, and waited for him to tell her his thoughts after thinking.

(End of this chapter)

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