Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 441 Competition, start

Chapter 441 Competition, start

"The alliance was initially just a camp formed by some families to protect the interests of the family. The management and leaders of the alliance were also selected from the families participating in the alliance. However, as time changed, the rights of the management Don't underestimate Xia Wufeng. As for Xia Wufeng, he is highly valued by the current leader of the alliance, and he intends to hand over the position to him. Xia Wufeng's strength has changed a lot in the past two months that you have never seen. Don't fight him. As for the two people you mentioned, I don't know who they are for the time being."

Lie Que answered Feng Qianyun's question after being silent for a while.

"You seem to know a lot about the alliance." Feng Qianyun murmured, but in her heart she believed that Lie Que would not be a member of the alliance. He said that his identity was not visible, so how could he be in the alliance? What about the Chinese?It is only possible that it has some special relationship with the alliance.

"Well, it's okay." Lie Que didn't explain in detail, but it was indeed quite clear.

"Let's not talk about the alliance, that bald guy and that old guy with white head are planning to kill us all, I'm afraid it's just to deceive people, what they want is just some people in the family, and I, the little shrimp, are innocent !" Feng Qianyun said with emotion, you said that those two old immortals will not toss sooner or later, and they must do it during the year when she is also participating!It's really annoying!The most damning thing is to take out something she is interested in as bait, tell me, they two bastards should die or not.

"In detail, you are not completely innocent. The Ouyang family is also a member of the alliance." Lie Que said.

"Really?" Feng Qianyun is not clear about some things about the Ouyang family. The Ouyang family is recognized as an auxiliary family, and it is considered a special existence among most families. "But they certainly won't know me."

Not to mention that Feng Qianyun is no longer on the Ouyang family's genealogy, even before, no one knew about Ouyang Qianyun's existence.Who made Ouyang's family a "patriarchal" family?Girls are not allowed to inherit blood and are not allowed to practice martial arts, so naturally they will not be brought to such occasions.

The Ouyang family and the Ouyang group are two different things. The Ouyang family is an ancient martial arts family that has been passed down for many years. It also includes Ouyang Youde and Ouyang Shanzhi. The Ouyang group has only grown in recent years. Now it is just a large group controlled by Ouyang Shiyin.

"That's why they treat you as an insignificant existence."

"It's true to say that, but I can't judge the abilities of the bald guy and the white-haired old guy today. The strength is too much higher than mine. In the entire arena, there are several people whose strength is higher than mine. Existence, as you said, this time is in trouble."

Lie Que rubbed Feng Qianyun's head, and said dotingly, "You can leave those two people you can't fight against to me. As for the others, you have to believe in yourself. The reason why you can't accurately distinguish between It must be because their internal strength is too much higher than yours, or it may be because of their special abilities. You must know that a large part of the people gathered in this arena come from various hidden or still active ancient martial arts families. It is not surprising that you have inherited any special ability, like you own the special ability of Tiangang Yuanqi, maybe other people have other abilities that affect your detection ability, making it impossible for you to judge accurately?"

"Forget it, if you can beat me, if you can't beat me, I'll run away. What else can I do? Hehe." Feng Qianyun smiled heartlessly.

After a day, the arena became lively because the first competition started.

All participating players were divided into five groups, namely A, B, C, D, E five groups.

In the first competition, people from each group will be on the stage at the same time, and there will be a big fight on the stage. Whoever can stand at the end will be the winner. After the first competition, only ten people will be left in each group .

The second game is a group game, and the group is promoted.

I have to say that there is a very evil part of this game. In the first game, everyone will be divided into different groups and fight with others. In this way, your own team members may be eliminated in other groups Lose.

Then when it comes to the second game, not every team can still have three team members.

In this way, it is very likely that the other two team members have already been eliminated in the first match, and then there will be a one-to-three situation in the second match.

To put it bluntly, if your teammates are not strong enough, then you will suffer in the second game.

If you meet a teammate who is like a pig, unfortunately, it is useless for you to be strong alone, you will have to be tossed to death.

Feng Qianyun was in Group A, Lie Que was in Group C, and Lu Guoxing was assigned to the last group, Group E.

Feng Qianyun is a little worried about Lu Guoxing. To be honest, Feng Qianyun still doesn't know the reason why Lie Que agreed to let Lu Guoxing replace Jia Bing to participate with them.

"Yunyun, you have to be careful, some people may join forces to deal with the contestants who they seem to be easier to deal with." Lu Guoxing told Feng Qianyun, he didn't dare to let Feng Qianyun make a mistake, If Feng Qianyun had something good or bad, Feng Yilin would be very sad, thinking of Feng Yilin's tears, Lu Guoxing's heart tightened.

"Well, I know." In this kind of savage competition, she would not be surprised by any situation. In order to win the final victory, it is normal to do whatever it takes.

Feng Qianyun walked up to Lie Que's side, and tickled Lie Que's finger, indicating that he had something to say to him.

Lie Que bent down and listened to what Feng Qianyun was about to say to him.

Feng Qianyun moved her red lips together and placed a light kiss on Lie Que's forehead, "I let you kiss like this every time, this time I will try again."

Lie Que shook his head with a smile, and pinched Feng Qianyun's nose, "I haven't learned anything else, but I have learned this. After thinking about it, I still prefer you to kiss in a different position. Okay, go ahead, don't make a move." Your opponent bullied you too badly."

Lu Guoxing was worried that Feng Qianyun would be bullied, while Lie Que told Feng Qianyun not to bully others.

Feng Qianyun pursed her mouth when she heard the words, and murmured brokenly, as long as you don't mess with me, I will strive to be a transparent person in such a cruel and brutal arena.

Feng Qianyun entered the waiting area together with other members of Group A.

The scale of the underground arena is very large, comparable to a large football field. It is a circular arena, very similar to the arena in ancient Rome, the difference is that the arena here is located underground.

In the center is a circular competition field, which can accommodate hundreds of people. It is surrounded by deep canals, and there is water in it. The water depth reaches seven or eight meters. If you are knocked down and fall into the water, you will lose.

Surrounded by stepped stands, the simplicity reveals modern elements.

Feng Qianyun saw Kane in the waiting area.

"Yunyun, is that you?" Kane ran over enthusiastically with a big sunny smile when he saw Feng Qianyun.

"Brother Kane is you, what a coincidence." Feng Qianyun also gave Kane a smile, and at the same time began to look at the other members of Group A with her eyes.

The people she saw today were much more than the ones she saw in the restaurant before. It seems that many people came yesterday.

The entire waiting area was unusually quiet, and everyone was very indifferent. Also, everyone was about to start fighting in a while, and they were all hostile to each other. Who would be in the mood to chat with someone at this time?So Kane and Feng Qianyun are the only two people I am chatting happily.

"Hey..." Kane suddenly withdrew his smile and sighed, "Actually, I wanted to persuade you to quit, but you still insisted on coming in. If you can't beat in a while, remember to run, and if you can't escape, just jump into the edge of the competition area by yourself. Do you know the water in the water? Jumping into the water means you are eliminated, you can swim, right? It doesn’t matter if you can’t swim, there will be staff to fish you out.”

Kane taught Feng Qianyun how to escape. He thought that after entering the competition field, he must be unable to take care of others.

Feng Qianyun nodded, Kane was doing it for her own good, she had no reason to be ungrateful, but whether she could dance or not was another matter.

"Hey, little friend, are we meeting again?" Rose twisted her water snake waist and walked over. Unfortunately, like Feng Qianyun, she was also in Group A.

As soon as he saw Rose, Kane became flattering, and he leaned over, "My dear Rose, after this game, you promise to be my wife, and I will love you well."

The charming smile on Rose's face remained unchanged, "Okay, as long as you are still alive, and your limbs are healthy, and your third leg is still alive, I will accompany you to the hotel to try it out first."

"Hey, this is what you said, don't deny it then!" Kane's eyes shone with color.

Feng Qianyun's head is full of black lines, did these two make a mistake?Talking about such an adult topic in front of her a child, have you considered her thoughts?Oops!

"Little girl, although you are still young, you are... tsk tsk, you are really a little beauty. Instead of letting those stinky men spoil you, why don't you let my sister take you to heaven in person as soon as you come on stage?" ROSE Stretching out her hand, pinching Feng Qianyun's delicate chin, she smiled charmingly.

"Thank you Sister Rose for your love, but I don't like being sent to heaven by others at all, even if I want to go to heaven, I have to climb up by myself, sister, are you right?" Feng Qianyun replied sweetly Smile, not frightened by Rose's words at all.

"My dear Rose, can you not frighten Xiao Yunyun?" Kane said with a smile.

Rose glanced at Kane, "What? Could it be that you still plan to protect her?" Rose actually didn't dare to provoke Kane because she knew that Kane's strength was not as weak as he appeared on the outside. With so many big families participating, it is conceivable that Kane can squeeze into the top ten.

(End of this chapter)

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