Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 443 Is she here to compete or to play?

Chapter 443 Is she here to compete or to play?

The gunshot rang out, and the man who fell down was the man with the gun.The man died under the pistol he held in his hand. While being hypnotized by Anna, he pulled the trigger and shot himself in the temple.

The audience in the distance can only see the man committing suicide by raising his gun. They don't know why he did this, so they wonder, okay, why did he commit suicide?If you commit suicide as soon as you come up, why bother?
Is this man confused?
Anna took care of the man in front of her without any effort, and then approached Feng Qianyun with a cold smile.

It was as easy for her to deal with Feng Qianyun as to crush an ant.

"Smelly girl, you should know the fate of offending me by now, right?" Anna thought that Feng Qianyun would be frightened after seeing her terrifying power.

Feng Qianyun was treated as a cabbage by Anna, and she was not in a hurry to explain this problem.If you want to be my cabbage, you can be it. Anyway, when you are thrown out of the field, you will know that my mother is not a cabbage, nor a cabbage.Even Xiao Cai Cai is a mutant.

In Anna's eyes, Feng Qianyun's silence seemed to be an expression of her fear and timidity.

Anna smiled, and she walked towards Feng Qianyun unhurriedly. The reason why she walked so slowly was because she liked to see the expression of fear of her and death on other people's faces.Look, how pitiful it is!

Finally, Anna enjoyed enough and came to Feng Qianyun. She stretched out her hand and lifted Feng Qianyun's chin, "Now, it's your turn."

Anna ended Feng Qianyun's life at this moment.

Feng Qianyun smiled lightly, her drooping little face suddenly raised.

At that second, Anna could see the sly light in Feng Qianyun's eyes, which made Anna stunned.

"You—" Anna was shocked!
what happened!What did this girl do to herself!
Anna felt her hand hooking Feng Qianyun lose its strength, and a sense of fear came over her, causing Anna's eyes to widen involuntarily, unable to believe what she had discovered.

"Sorry, I think it's your turn now."

Feng Qianyun gave Anna an innocent smile, which made Anna speechless for a long time.

Then I saw Feng Qianyun raised her right hand, and her delicate little hand touched Anna's right shoulder. That touch seemed very light, and she almost doubted whether the two of them really touched each other at that moment, but Anna couldn't help it because With Feng Qianyun's touch, her whole body was ejected.

The moment Feng Qianyun touched her, Anna felt a huge force, which came from Feng Qianyun.

At that second, Anna understood that this little girl who looked like a cabbage had an internal force much higher than her own, and she was ejected by her profound internal force!

But she knew it too late!Because in the next second, she had already flown away from the competition field, fell into the deep water on the edge, and was eliminated perfectly.

What happened in Feng Qianyun's corner can be described as "inexplicable". First, one person committed suicide inexplicably, and then the blond woman jumped into the water by herself, so the weakest little sister was well. remained on the field.

Are you kidding us?

Everyone was speechless. Compared to other people's lively scenes, the scene around Feng Qianyun was boring to a certain extent.

After getting rid of Anna, Feng Qianyun's side returned to calm, and Feng Qianyun could be an idle spectator again, watching other people's games.

Just at this moment, there are already many players missing on the field, but there are many more corpses and wounded. It really is a cruel game, bloody and violent enough.

But listen to the surroundings, the cheers and cheers, the shouts of excitement, are definitely not smaller than any other sports event.

They trade blood and sweat for money, and the audience trades money for excitement.It really is a shameful place here.

Feng Qianyun should be thankful, because there are no particularly perverted opponents in her group, at least there are no players who make her unable to judge their abilities. It seems that most of the perverts who are stronger than her belong to the managers in the arena This knowledge made Feng Qianyun feel relieved.

Of course, it is also fortunate that she did not meet Xia Wufeng in this match, but she believed that Xia Wufeng must know her arrival at this moment, and did not know how he planned to deal with her next.

Feng Qianyun focused her attention on Kane, which was also the busiest place in the audience. Most of the audience, like Feng Qianyun, noticed that the top ten contestants in the last competition were jointly challenged by the other three .Relatively speaking, it is also the most exciting in the audience.

Feng Qianyun pinched her chin, thinking, Kane is really not easy, he can handle one-on-three with ease, once he gets serious, there is really a big gap from his usual hippie smile.

Feng Qianyun believes that Kane is still very sure of winning against the three of them.

However, Kane's luck didn't seem so good. When he put most of his energy on dealing with the three, Rose encountered danger.

This man, at a time like this, still intends to distract himself from other women?Feng Qianyun thought, if this is really dead, I don't know if it counts as dying for a woman.

Forget it, men like to pity and cherish jade, so she has no reason not to let him pity, not let him pity, right?
Having nothing to do, Feng Qianyun took out a small chair from the storage space ring that Lie Que gave her, and then sat down on the chair, grandly acting as an audience.

God, you are on the playing field!Have you figured out your own identity?
Originally, Feng Qianyun was very inconspicuous in the whole competition, but as a result, she sat down like this and instantly became the focus of attention. Nearly half of the people in the auditorium paid attention to her, just because her behavior was too attractive up!

Feng Qianyun thought to herself, are you only allowed to sit and not her?

So, under everyone's surprised, puzzled and mocking eyes, Feng Qianyun took out a box of instant noodles and a kettle full of hot water from her storage space ring.

Instant noodles?Kettle?
Is she here for the competition?Didn't she see the corpse lying next to her, and all the blood and corpses on the entire arena?

Everyone's jaws dropped in shock, but Feng Qianyun soaked her instant noodles calmly.

After soaking, when the lid is lifted, the strong aroma of instant noodles wafts out. This instant noodles are not nutritious and unhealthy, but sometimes they smell so delicious.

Feng Qianyun found that the eyes staring at her were not only coming from the audience, but also other people in the arena who were still surviving began to cast strange eyes on her.

Why are you all looking at me?Want to eat?
Think beautifully!Do you think that instant noodles don’t cost money? Instant noodles are also very expensive. Instant noodles sell for three yuan or four yuan outside, and ten yuan and 20 yuan at the train station. In this kind of place, at least one or two hundred Well, this is enough to have a good meal outside.

Feng Qianyun automatically blocked all eyes that were staring at her, and began to eat her instant noodles in public, um, today's instant noodles were soaked just right, and the taste was very good.You can't eat too much instant noodles. It tastes really good when you come here once in a while.

Everyone was crazy, messy and messy, everyone was out of shape by Feng Qianyun's stimulation.

Kane, who was arguing with people over there, saw Feng Qianyun sitting on a chair and eating instant noodles from a distance, and he felt very uncomfortable. He was worried about her just now, but she was fine. The one who was busy fighting the three masters was the day after tomorrow she was actually eating instant noodles aside!So fucking exciting!

Now Kane really wants to yell at Feng Qianyun: What's in it, do you still have instant noodles?Soak a bag for me too, I want to eat after I beat it!
But when the words got to his throat, he retracted them again. When he yelled, everyone knew that he cared about her, and if the time came to lure people to her, wouldn't it be harming her?

Hey hey hey, as a handsome man, he can't do such immoral things like bullying little girls, Kane told himself silently in his heart... let's save the instant noodles for next time!

Kane can deal with one-on-three fairly well, but ROSE is in a tight spot. The internal strength of the person she faces is one level higher than hers, and she can't stand it at all. It is all because of her flexible response and a woman's body. Compared with men, it is more flexible and lighter, but it is not strong enough, but it has advantages in dexterity.

But after dodging for so long, Rose's physical strength is gradually exhausted, and the other party is a strong adult man, and his physical strength is much better than her.

Seeing that the big knife in the opponent's hand was about to fall on her body, Rose told herself in her heart to dodge immediately, but her body could no longer keep up with her thoughts.

It's over, I can't escape this time.

Rose was a little slumped, she could almost foresee what would happen to her in the next second.

Kane caught sight of Rose's situation, knew that Rose was very dangerous, and wanted to save her, but he couldn't do it for a while, and was extremely anxious.

"Ah——" Feng Qianyun sneezed violently, and at the same time, the box of instant noodles in her hand flew out, hitting the head of the man in front of ROSE impartially.

The hot soup is poured from head to toe!

The man was drenched by the instant noodle soup, and the instant noodle bucket was turned upside down on his head. Several curly slender strands protruded from the instant noodle bucket, hanging above the man's head.

In an instant, the man's movements stopped...

Rose stared blankly at the accident in front of him, what is this?A bowl of instant noodles saved her life?

Instinctively, Rose immediately backed away the moment she realized that she had escaped a catastrophe. After she retreated out of a safe distance, she looked back at Feng Qianyun.

Feng Qianyun was far away from them, how could the bucket of instant noodles fly so far?

And by such a coincidence, she hit the man in front of her?Is it because she is so lucky that she shouldn't die?

(End of this chapter)

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