Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 444 Give You Some Preservatives

Chapter 444 Give You Some Preservatives

Feng Qianyun looked apologetic.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry! Uncle, are you okay? What, seeing your hair is so thin, I want to add some preservatives to make your few hairs last longer, haha, haha, You don't blame me, do you?"

Feng Qianyun's answer made Momo and Guigui full of black lines. My mother, your shameless level has really improved. You poured instant noodle water on someone's head, and you have the nerve to say that it used preservatives Strengthen his hair, and be careful that the chemistry teacher will be mad at you!

The man who was hit on the head by Feng Qianyun's instant noodle soup and unfinished noodles had an ugly expression on his face. His throbbing veins showed how angry he was at the moment, probably so angry that he He didn't say a word for a long time.

Then, whoever made the start, a burst of laughter erupted from the crowd, because the appearance of the man at this time was so funny.

The man felt that he had been greatly humiliated, he could only hear the laughter of the crowd in his ears, and he could only see that Feng Qianyun was the culprit of this hateful crime.

As for ROSE, I don't know where he forgot.

When Kane saw this, he was happy that Feng Qianyun saved Rose, and cursed at the same time, this stinky girl saved people as soon as she saved them, why did she lead people to her? It's all right now, she Enraged the other party, Rose's fate was saved, but her own life was in danger!
Thinking of this, Kane wanted to get rid of the three people he was facing as soon as possible, so that he could save Feng Qianyun.

Kane's idea is quite good, but whether Feng Qianyun really needs him to save like Rose is another question.

"Guigui, I'll leave it to you this time." Feng Qianyun told Guigui.

"Damn, woman, did you make a mistake and ask me to deal with such a small character?" GuiGui was not very happy, because at his level, no matter what, he had to use it to deal with a big boss or something. To compete with such a small character, it's really too good to be useful!How can you kill a chicken with a sledgehammer!

"I'll let you go, why are you talking so much nonsense, don't forget that I am the master!"

"Woman, are you sincerely playing with me, right? You can handle this kind of small role with just a few clicks of your fingers. Why do you let me play?" I don't want to use it to deal with this little guy's expression.

"You stupid!" Feng Qianyun really wanted to give Guigui a violent blow, if he could hit him now, "It's not convenient for me to make a move now, so let everyone think I'm a small shrimp, wait like this Only when I meet a master can I win by surprise!"

Feng Qianyun analyzed with Guigui that before she came here, she knew that such a ghostly place was very dangerous, so for her, it is a good way to preserve her own strength, why bother to show her abilities as soon as she comes up, and let her Everyone knows her details.

Now it's not just the spectators who are watching them fight on the field, the contestants in other groups are also watching, their own strength has let them know, there is no guarantee that she will not encounter a situation like Kane in the next game .

Compared to being regarded as a thorn in the side of other masters, she prefers to be a small character who fishes in troubled waters.

After hearing Feng Qianyun's words, Guigui thought about it, and it seemed to make sense.

"Well, for the sake of your brains, I will promise you this time, but I will not make an example. Next time, if you dare to let me deal with such a small character, I will definitely not forgive you." Guigui said angrily.

"Okay, okay!" Feng Qianyun said yes, actually, hehe, if necessary next time, let him come, the shameless master is probably like this!
Hey, forget it, this dead woman must have no good intentions, she knew to bully him, and she must tell Brother Lie Que later!
The moment Feng Qianyun and Guigui finalized their decision, the man had already arrived in front of her, so...

The man shot.

Then something flew out.

The unidentified object that flew out was not Feng Qianyun.

Because Feng Qianyun was still standing there.

The man who made the move disappeared.

"Boom—" water splashed everywhere.

Something fell into the water, it should be the man.

Then... Excuse me, did something happen?
The audience was stunned, the other contestants were stunned, and even the man who had fallen into the water foolishly forgot that he was supposed to swim.

Feng Qianyun patted her chest, with a pitiful look of being frightened, and sighed long, "Hey, what do you think these days? Do you like jumping into the water by yourself? It really is work pressure It’s too big, the spiritual world is too empty, so isn’t it normal?”

Everyone was dumbfounded.

Feng Qianyun thought to herself, "Hey, even if the work pressure is high, even if the boss is always making things difficult, even if the salary increase is nowhere in sight, you can't choose to commit suicide to understand yourself. As human beings, we want to be role models for other animals. They always commit suicide. What if they spoil the children? It makes them want to commit suicide as soon as they fail the exam. What a crime! Look at the kitten that jumped from the balcony of a dozen floors a few days ago was led by this kind of person! Hey..."

Feng Qianyun sighed and regretted like a little adult.

Say silently in your heart, master, what about your morals, your morals are already negative!
It is clearly the master who did the bad thing yourself, and you still say that the other party committed suicide!Those who have done bad things and then blamed others in turn, master, you have led me into trouble!

The change at that moment just now happened extremely quickly, and many people didn't see clearly what happened, but after all, there were some masters present at the scene, and many people still had doubts about the scene that happened to Feng Qianyun of.

The man was humiliated, and he clearly went towards Feng Qianyun with a murderous intent. Such a person can't commit suicide no matter what, right?

Besides, they clearly saw him making moves against Feng Qianyun, but at that moment, the injured person didn't know why it was not Feng Qianyun, but the man himself, and this was the crux of the problem.

Kane watched Feng Qianyun's eyes narrowed slightly, and wondered in his heart, if it happened once, he could still think it was her luck, but if it happened again and again, could there be some other reason?It seems that this little girl is much more capable than he imagined.

To be honest, he was really worried about her at that moment just now. You said that this beautiful little girl was overwhelmed in such a bloody and violent place. What a pity, isn't it?

"This woman has other treasures besides the magic weapon of the storage space." Jin Hanzhang said to Jin Jianming who was beside him.

At this time, the two were watching the ongoing Group A match in the viewing area belonging to their competitors.

"Is there a difference? An ant is an ant. Even if you kill an elephant, you won't be able to become a cheetah!" Jin Jianming looked at the venue, lacking in interest. No one in this venue could attract his attention.

None of them deserve it!
"That's what I said, but I still hope you be a little more careful." Jin Hanzhang looked at Jin Jianming with helplessness in his eyes.

He has a different idea from Jin Jianming. He is very clear about Anna's ability and ability. If she didn't have any ability, the Jin family would not let her participate in this competitive competition, but she also fell into the hands of that little girl just now. It was inexplicable, which made him have to wonder if the little girl who looked harmless from beginning to end was really as innocent as she looked on the outside!
Now another person has been killed by her. It is also so inexplicable. Maybe this little girl has some special ability, or maybe there is some special magic weapon on her body. To be safe, he has to find out. this matter.

Regarding Feng Qianyun, Jin Hanzhang kept a secret in his heart.

Not far from Jin Hanzhang and Jin Jianming, Xia Wufeng looked at Feng Qianyun on the field from afar. He hadn't seen Feng Qianyun for more than four months. She...had changed a lot, she grew a lot taller, she looked like I have matured a lot.

You shouldn't come, this kind of place is not the place you should come!Xia Wufeng's hands tightened involuntarily.

After nearly an hour of fighting, there were not many people left in Group A, including Feng Qianyun, Kane, and Rose, there were still [-] people.There are still four people short of the final number.

At this time, everyone discovered that the little shrimp Feng Qianyun was still on the field!
While many masters were being repelled one after another, she was actually safe and sound!No, she can even be said to be the best one on the field so far.

After dealing with the three masters who besieged him, Kane also failed, showing a tired posture. Although the injury was not serious, he was obviously in a lot of trouble.

As for Rose, needless to say, she was struggling to deal with it, if Feng Qianyun hadn't saved her once before, and Kane had helped her after solving her own troubles, she would not have survived at all.

On the other hand, what about Feng Qianyun?From the beginning to the end, she had conflicts with two people, and in the end, those two people dived into the water for no reason, and they didn't even have time to touch a single strand of her hair.

Now she is sitting leisurely on the small chair she took out of the storage space ring.

The clothes were bright and beautiful, without any wrinkles, let alone blood stains.

Her hair was clean without any mess, and she was no different from when she first entered the arena.

If she is a master, that's all. Everyone's skills are not as good as others, and there is no way to hurt her. No matter how much unwillingness there is, I can only swallow it myself. But she is so weak, and she has survived until now!It's still so easy until now!

(End of this chapter)

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