Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 445 I Changed My Mind

Chapter 445 I Changed My Mind
"Little girl, I didn't expect you to last till now." Now that Kane is free, he walked around to Feng Qianyun and chatted with her.

"I'm lucky, unlike you, the real thing, how about it, there are four more people, are you going to come and send me out?" Feng Qianyun asked Kane with a smile, if he really planned to come and send her She wouldn't be surprised if there was one less competitor thrown out of the playing field. Of course, the weak should be picked first in this kind of thing.

Looking at Feng Qianyun's pretty face, Kane smiled, "Don't worry, I said I won't do anything to a beautiful woman."

"Tch, you should stop pitying the fragrance and cherishing the jade in moderation. You have to show your tenderness to a pure hairless person like me, so don't you want to love all the women in the world?" Feng Qianyun endured I can't help but tease the amorous Kane.

"Hehe, I just like sentimentality. How about it, do you have any opinions?" Kane laughed.

"No objection." Even if he has a harem, it has nothing to do with her, okay?
"My name is Jun Luo." Kane said.


"My name, my real name. You should know that people who come here to participate in the competition, except those from major families and certain forces, generally don't have a real name. Anyway, there is no real name system here. I don't use my real name, ROSE Obviously not."

"Why did you tell me your real name?" Feng Qianyun asked.

"Kane is the name here, and Junluo is my name in the outside world."

"Are you telling me that you want to be friends with me in the outside world?" Feng Qianyun asked with a smile.

"Smart, remember to introduce me to a few partners when the time comes!"

"Unfortunately, I don't have anyone to introduce to you." Feng Qianyun replied with a smile. Another prerequisite is that they can leave here and their limbs are still healthy when they leave here. Which ones are there?"

"ROSE seems to be unable to hold on anymore." Kane looked towards ROSE, she was already very tired, and now her body was almost reaching its limit after fighting, and she was already fighting with tenacious willpower.

"Why, do you feel distressed? Continue to stay by her side. With your ability, it should be no problem to guard her through this test."

"No, I'm taking her out."

"Just now you said that you are a man who loves the fragrance and cherishes the jade, why do you want to destroy the flowers in the blink of an eye?"

"I want her out because I want to protect her. I can protect her in the first round, but what about the rest? I'm not fully sure. Instead of letting her get hurt in the next game, it's better for me to send her off personally." It would be better if she is out of the game, so she will be less injured, I know she is taking the risk for money, I will talk about this later."

"I can't see that you still have such thoughts." Feng Qianyun's judgment on Kane is, it really is too sentimental! "Whatever you do, I don't care about this matter anyway, all I want is this game to end quickly. Just be careful not to let her blame you, she looks very proud, you throw her out of the game The venue, let her not get a high bonus, and give her a sum of money later, are you sure she will accept it at that time?"

Feng Qianyun thought much more than Kane. She knew that someone would play tricks in this game. If this happened, even if she was out now, she might not be safe in the future.

"That's better than just watching her die on the field, right? She's a good girl, and she shouldn't have to carry such a heavy burden for her family." Kane laughed at himself, and seemed to be a bit in charge too much.

"Forget it, do me a favor, let me be the bad guy." Feng Qianyun sighed. Needs to be any more embarrassing.

"Huh?" Kane looked at Feng Qianyun curiously, and was a little surprised to hear that she wanted to do him this favor.

"Stop staring, go and deal with the other three, and leave your beauty to me." Feng Qianyun said in her heart, don't be so surprised, you treat me pretty well, as far as meeting by chance, Kane or It is said that Jun Luo is a pretty good man, so it's okay for her to suffer a little bit.

As Feng Qianyun said, she was finally willing to leave the chair she was sitting on, and walked towards Rose.

Kane looked at Feng Qianyun and couldn't help wondering what kind of soul was carried in that small body.

Seeing Feng Qianyun approaching, Rose's eyes were full of doubts. She didn't know why Feng Qianyun approached. Earlier, she threw instant noodles on her opponent's head, and the scene of saving her once was still in front of her eyes. This made her wonder, did the little girl come here this time to save her?
"I said, can you two pause for a moment, I have something to say." Feng Qianyun suddenly said to Rose and the man she was fighting with.


In such a life-and-death situation, someone actually came up to you and said to you in a negotiating tone, pause for a while?
"Little girl, what are you doing here? If you have nothing to do, go away and stay here!" While continuing to fight that person, Rose reminded Feng Qianyun to move away, "Ah——"

ROSE looked down, and his shoulder was hit, leaving a gash.

"Woman, you don't have time to take care of others!" the man said, "Although I really can't bear to shoot a beauty like you, but there is no way, who told you to run here as a weak person, you deserve to be knifed, I advise you It's better to abstain by yourself, lest you have more scars on this beautiful body."

Rose looked at her injured shoulder and felt a chill in her heart. She has reached her limit, what should she do... can she stop here?She is not reconciled, she is so unwilling!

"How about it, are you abstaining or should I do it?" The man was merciful to a beauty like Rose.

"I won't give up!" Rose bit her lip, her pride did not allow her to admit defeat, even if she was beaten to death, she would not admit defeat!

"Then I'm sorry." His patience was limited, and it was impossible for him to let her go softly just because the other party was a beautiful woman.

He raised his hand, intending to give ROSE a final blow.

Rose was not reconciled to losing like this. Regardless of the injury on her shoulder, she used the move she was most proud of. This was a unique move given to her by the master who taught her martial arts. After that, the body is completely exhausted.

Feng Qianyun was also surprised, she didn't expect that this beautiful woman is not only a vase, but also has real materials.

She pressed her palm on the opponent's chest, betting all her remaining internal strength, and turned her internal strength into a sharp blade, piercing into the opponent's body, creating a huge blood hole.

This method of condensing the internal force into a sharp sword is not learned by ordinary practitioners. It takes a long time to study and train to transform the internal force. Feng Qianyun has also learned it , so I know the degree of difficulty here.

The blade of the internal force only lasted for a moment, and then disappeared, because Rose's current physical condition could no longer be maintained.Because of the blow just now, the wound on her shoulder was even more open, and half of her body was stained red with blood.

The man fell to the ground at the same time as the blade disappeared, his eyes widened, obviously he did not expect such a result.

And Rose himself knelt on the ground after using this trick, and his whole body was limp.

Feng Qianyun approached ROSE after expressing her emotions.

"You have reached your limit." Feng Qianyun stated a fact.

Then she stepped forward, grabbed one of Rose's arms and put it on her shoulder, half-dragging and half-carrying her to the edge of the field.

When the audience saw this situation, they immediately realized how despicable Feng Qianyun was.

"This stinky girl is too despicable! She actually waited for others to be exhausted before making a move!"

"That's right, I've never seen such a cheap girl!"

"Damn girl, don't come if you don't have real materials, get out, get out of the competition field!"


The audience who couldn't stand it started cursing in the auditorium, cursing Feng Qianyun for being shameless.

Rose realized what Feng Qianyun was about to do to him, and wanted to resist, but he couldn't move his body anymore, especially his right hand, which was probably useless.

"If you don't want your right hand to be destroyed, then don't move it." Feng Qianyun warned Rose.

"Is this your sympathy for me? Do you think I will need it?" She was about to throw her out of the competition field, making her disqualified from the competition, so why did she care about whether her hands would be crippled?
"I don't need it, but you need it. Your right hand is disabled. How will you proceed in the next game?"

The next game?
Rose froze for a moment, unable to understand what Feng Qianyun meant.

"I've lost my qualification for the competition, so where is the rest of the competition?"

"Aren't you disqualified now?" Feng Qianyun asked back.

"You mean..." Rose didn't understand, "Don't you want to throw me out of the field?"

"I thought about it, but just now, I changed my mind."

Feng Qianyun changed her mind. Originally, she really wanted to replace Kane as the bad guy by throwing Rose out of the arena to save her life, but seeing Rose desperately just now, she changed her mind a bit.

Hey, Feng Qianyun sighed in her heart, could it be that she was also infected by Kane and became passionate?

Forget it, why did Rose's desperate appearance accidentally poke a corner of her heart?I have done this twice myself!

"Why?" Rose didn't understand Feng Qianyun's intention, she could easily get rid of her opponent.

"As a patient, can you have two less questions?" Feng Qianyun put Rose down, and she and Rose moved to the edge of the venue, where it would be more convenient for her to check Rose's injuries. If someone else came If you bother, she will be easier to guard against.

(End of this chapter)

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