Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 446 Did You Bully Other Girls?

Chapter 446 Did You Bully Other Girls? (1)
"You..." Rose looked at Feng Qianyun in a daze, and was confused for a moment, forgetting what he was going to say to Feng Qianyun.

"Eat this thing." Feng Qianyun gave Rose a pill.

"What is this?" Rose looked at the thing that Feng Qianyun handed over, and was suspicious of what it was. It's not that he didn't know about pills, but he didn't know how to think that the things Feng Qianyun took out would be a kind of thing. Pills.

The production of pills is not much, and only those who have mastered ancient medical skills can use the medicine cauldron to refine pills. However, most of these talents are supported by some huge forces. It is basically impossible for a person to get one.

"Don't worry, you won't die if you eat it." Feng Qianyun was too lazy to explain, pinched Rose's chin, and directly stuffed the pill into her mouth, forcing her to swallow it.

Rose was forced to eat the elixir that Feng Qianyun fed her, and she felt warm in her stomach. She didn't know when a puff of energy gathered, and then slowly spread out, following the veins in her body. various parts of her body.

This thing is really a pill!

This cognition made ROSE have a strong curiosity about Feng Qianyun.

"How could you have this thing, and why did you give me such a valuable thing? I'm just a stranger to you." Rose looked at Feng Qianyun in confusion.

Indeed, to her, Rose is a stranger, Feng Qianyun does not deny this statement at all, but the food that was given to her is not precious to her at all!

She can refine a lot of this kind of elixir that strengthens the foundation and nourishes the essence at one time, and the original medicinal materials are not very expensive, and can be bought through ordinary medicinal material channels.

However, Feng Qianyun can't explain this question carefully to Rose now. If she tells her that she can make alchemy and is very good at it, she will definitely not believe it. Then she has to explain, and a lot of things will be involved. I can't finish talking about the dawn, but now it's on the competition field, she and she are the weakest on the field no matter how you look at it, and in the competition for the final place, other people will come to attack the two of them at any time, which is terrible Not a good time for small talk.

"The elixir can help you stop the bleeding, and it will help you to restore your internal energy. You should rest here first. I think your admirer should be able to get rid of the others."

Feng Qianyun said and glanced at Kane, and found that Kane was also looking there, his eyes were puzzled, according to what he said just now, Feng Qianyun should directly throw Rose out of the competition field , but Feng Qianyun only brought people to the edge of the playing field, but did not make any further moves, which made Kane very confused.

Rose was a little dazed by Feng Qianyun's words. Seeing her looking at Kane, she thought to herself, the person she was talking about was Jun Luo, right?Who doesn't know that Jun Luo is a famous playboy, as long as he is a woman, he has feelings for her, what kind of her admirer is he.

Rose didn't argue with Feng Qianyun on this issue, because what she needs to do most now is to adjust her breathing quickly, she shouldn't rely on others, this is a competition, not a child's play.

The competition in this group was coming to an end, and the fight over there was quite brutal. After Kane finished the one in front of him, he walked towards Feng Qianyun and Rose.

Rose was sitting cross-legged on the ground to adjust her breath, while Feng Qianyun stood beside Rose with her hands clasped.

"Yunyun, what you promised me, why..." Kane frowned.

"Because I changed my mind. She has her persistence. Unfortunately, I appreciate this persistence." Feng Qianyun said frankly.

Kane looked at Feng Qianyun, wanted to say reproaches but couldn't bear to say them, how could they not understand his thoughts, everyone has their own attachments, has their own persistence, he understands this, but if he puts his own If my life is taken care of, then everything will be over, and talk about persistence, talk about persistence, it's all bullshit!

"Since you don't want to help me, then let me do it."

Kane doesn't expect Feng Qianyun to have the same thoughts as him. All he can do now is to throw Rose out by himself. As for Feng Qianyun, he originally thought about throwing her out as well, making them all lose the game qualifications, but he found that Feng Qianyun didn't seem to be as weak as she appeared on the outside.

"I'm sorry, since I decided to let her stay, then you and I have to stop it too." Feng Qianyun stretched out a short arm to stop Kane, preventing his next move.

"You..." Kane was stunned for a moment, looking down at Feng Qianyun's small body, surprise flashed in his eyes.

There was such a confident smile on her face that he couldn't help but doubt his own eyes.

"Brother Kane, I'm sorry, but you can choose to trust me once, at least I don't think your beauty will die on the playing field." This is the guarantee Feng Qianyun can give.

As for whether she could leave here alive, Feng Qianyun herself was not sure about it. Judging from the conversation between the two bastard old men that she overheard that day, it was absolutely impossible for them to leave here easily.

Trust her once?What do you believe in her?Do you believe she can protect ROSE?Everyone knows where this place is. He thinks he doesn't have the ability to protect others, but what about her?Even if she has the confidence to stand out from the crowd, where does she have the confidence to protect others?What's more, she and Rose may not be together in the next game.

"I don't know where your confidence comes from. Here, the only one who can protect her is herself. Unless her strength changes, none of us can protect her." Kane said.

"It might be a good idea." Feng Qianyun said with a slight smile.

"What do you mean?" Kane asked.

"Literally." Feng Qianyun smiled, then looked behind Kane, and smiled, "It seems that I don't need to explain to you, at least you don't have time to do what you want to do."

He was so busy discussing this issue with Feng Qianyun that he forgot the time. While the two of them were arguing, one of the others was eliminated, so the game was over. He had no chance to wait for Feng Qianyun to convince him, because they They all persisted.

As soon as they saw Feng Qianyun among the last ten people left, who was supported by luck all the way, someone in the stands began to scold, "Damn! Did I make a mistake! How did that stinky girl advance to the next level! She's so cheating Already!"

"That's right, disqualify that stinky girl from the competition, this girl is too despicable!"

"Whoever is with her in the next match will be the first to kill her! Make her regret that she has stayed until now!"

(End of this chapter)

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