Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 449 Clearing Obstacles For Her

Chapter 449 Clearing Obstacles For Her
"So fast?" Feng Qianyun originally thought that the Kungfu Group B competition should be over at this moment, but now Lie Que told her that the C group competition is also over.

"Hmm." Lie Quo nodded.

Feng Qianyun was silent for three seconds, and then she connected the strange silence around and the unusual eyes they looked at Lie Que with what Lie Que said.

Needless to say, Lord Que must have done something surprising!Did she miss some shocking scene?
Feng Qianyun thought, now she is telling the whole world that she doesn't know the man in front of her and doesn't know if she believes her.

"Hey, don't think about it, let's go to the place where there are few people." Lie Que didn't seem to notice the gaze of the people around him, all he could see was the girl in front of him.

Lie Que took Feng Qianyun's hand and led her away from the crowd.

The two turned around and bumped into Xia Wufeng.

After many days, seeing Xia Wufeng again, his handsome face that can be used to deceive countless girls' hearts has not changed, but I don't know if it is Feng Qianyun's illusion. People feel even colder.

"You really don't know how to restrain yourself at all, aren't you afraid that others will know who you are? I'm afraid you won't have a chance to step out of the gate here." Xia Wufeng said to Lie Que in a sarcastic tone. As for Feng Qianyun, He didn't seem to see her.

"Really? It also depends on their ability to keep me." Lie Que just smiled slightly, Xia Wufeng's words had no effect on him in the slightest.

"You're still just as conceited. You don't care too much about the power of the alliance, don't you?" The alliance is not that simple, and it's not an organization that he can't ignore. "I know your details very well. No matter how powerful or genius you are, you can only do some shady things."

"It's true that what I did was shameful, but isn't what the alliance did fair and aboveboard?" Lie Que asked back, and Lie Que answered Xia Wufeng's questioning with ease.

Lie Que is a bad person openly and aboveboard, while some people are doing shady deeds under the guise of being a good person. People who are also doing "bad things", why should they laugh at fifty steps?
Xia Wufeng did not refute the filthiness of the alliance mentioned by Lie Que, because what he said was indeed true.

"I hope your ego will always be effective." Xia Wufeng's voice was cold and cold.

Intuition told Lie Que that Xia Wufeng must have experienced something again, one thing is certain, his sudden increase in internal strength came from something strange.

Lie Que remained unmoved, bowed his head and said to Feng Qianyun, "Let's go, let's change places, there are too many flies here."

Lie Que's fly was clearly referring to Xia Wufeng.

Feng Qianyun was touched, Lie Que knew that he didn't like staying with Xia Wufeng, so he thoughtfully proposed to leave.

He always gives her his tenderness inadvertently.

"Hmm..." Feng Qianyun felt her hands were wrapped by Lie Que, warm and safe.

Lie Que got Feng Qianyun's nod, and pulled her away from the gloomy Xia Wufeng, and left with Feng Qianyun regardless of Xia Wufeng's and other people's opinions.

And Lie Que's performance on the field today has already left a deep mark in the hearts of everyone. I am afraid that no one will not guess Lie Que's identity tonight.

Xia Hai has been following Xia Wufeng's side all the time, from the conversation between Xia Wufeng and Lie Que, he is sure that Xia Wufeng knows who the other party is.

"Young master, he was so high-profile in the competition that he didn't even pay attention to the people from the Alliance and the Golden Lotus Holy Land. Could it be that...?" Could it be a little too arrogant?
Xia Hai was very puzzled. If it was an ordinary person, even if he had the ability to win against the Alliance and the Golden Lotus Holy Land, he would save face for the opponent so as not to be retaliated in the future, but the man just now obviously didn't even have that scruple.

"High-profile? It's indeed a bit high-profile. Is he clearing obstacles for her? Heh." Xia Wufeng snorted coldly, thinking, Lie Que, Lie Que, you would be so high-profile for a woman, It's really not your style.

As Xia Wufeng knew, Lie Que had always been very low-key, and he didn't even like to show up. If he hadn't threatened the alliance, the alliance would have worked hard to get rid of him, and they wouldn't even know who he was.

To clear the way for her?

Xia Hai recited what Xia Wufeng said silently in his heart, he was doubtful about it, but he was very disappointed and did not continue to ask.

And Kane still looked greatly irritated, standing there without moving, and it took a while to recover.

Damn, is the man next to Feng Qianyun human?

The more Kane thought about it, the more he felt that something was wrong, and when he thought about Feng Qianyun's arrogant behavior before, it seemed to make a little sense.

No way?What planet are they freaks from?No, he must figure this out!
There was Xia Wufeng in Group D. After he entered, almost no one dared to take the initiative to challenge him. The persimmon had to be picked softly, and no one was so stupid as to hit the iron plate by himself.Without any certainty, no one dared to act rashly. There were hundreds of people fighting each other on the field, and there was no one within five or six meters around Xia Wufeng as the center.

Xia Wufeng is not Feng Qianyun, if Feng Qianyun, she would be happy if others don't come to trouble her, but Xia Wufeng, if others don't come to deal with him, he will take the initiative to deal with others.

A raging flame suddenly ignited on the field of the competition. The flame continued to spread and burned many people. For a while, there were wailing sounds in the field, but the auditorium was quiet and completely silent.

Setting a big fire on the playing field, and then quietly watching everyone struggle, scream, and even die in the flames, is really what Xia Wufeng would do.

"I won't hurt anyone in the alliance, who is willing to join me in solving other people?" Xia Wufeng said to everyone on the field.

As soon as Xia Wufeng said this, the hearts of the people in the alliance were immediately moved. At this time, there is no need to fight Xia Wufeng desperately. After passing this level, we will talk about the next match!

"Okay, I'm willing to follow you!"

"Me too!"

"And I!"

Someone raised his hand immediately.

Xia Wufeng nodded, half of his eyes were covered by the golden bangs, making his gaze blurred when everyone saw it.

"Hey, this is too despicable!" People who are not members of the alliance, seeing Xia Wufeng forming a clique, suddenly felt reconciled. fair!

"That's right, you yellow-haired pervert, frightened us with such weird magic methods, and then dragged other people to join you, it's really shameless!"

Unconvinced, other contestants began to criticize Xia Wufeng, anyway, Xia Wufeng would not let them go, if they die, they must scold them enough first!

"No matter how good your mouth is, it's useless if you can leave alive." Xia Wufeng said coldly, following his words without warmth, a strong fire rushed towards the contestants who were still thinking about it .

All of a sudden, the flames on the field increased by several tenths, and the flames lit up the entire arena red.

Such a picture made the hearts of the tyrants watching the game a lot quicker. If the man in the venue was a little bit more abnormal, it is possible that even the audience like them would be burned together.

"Does anyone have an opinion now?" Xia Wufeng asked again.

This time, those who were still intact and not injured by the fire reacted quickly, not the people in the alliance. They had no choice but to follow Xia Wufeng for protection, and those who could jump into the nearby pool quickly jumped.

Thanks to the cooperation of Xia Wufeng and the small team he quickly formed on the field, the other hundred people were quickly defeated. Xia Wufeng and the few alliance members who chose to follow him became the winners of the D group match.

"Obviously he is such a gloomy and cold person, but he uses such hot tricks." Feng Qianyun said with emotion.

"Even in this kind of competition, he still doesn't forget to win over the members of the alliance." Lie Que is very clear about Xia Wufeng's intentions. For Xia Wufeng, winning the competition is second, and the most important thing is to win his prestige in the alliance. "I heard that the reason why he represented the Xia family to participate in this competitive competition this time was not for the final prize of the competition, but because his father wanted him to come. The purpose seems to be to hope that he can die here unfortunately. in a game."

"The two old men I eavesdropped on last time wanted him dead, and his father wanted him dead too. How much is he hated?" Feng Qianyun murmured.

Feng Qianyun knew that the relationship between Xia Wufeng and his parents was not good, otherwise he would not have been sent to Ouyang's house, and during those years in Ouyang's house, his parents never visited him once.

What Feng Qianyun didn't expect was that Xia Wufeng's father would actually want him to die, a tiger would not eat its own child, his father's heart is really cruel!

Lie Que looked down at Feng Qianyun, it seemed that she still didn't know Xia Wufeng's background.

Originally, Feng Qianyun was still very worried about Lu Guoxing. Although he was very strong, this kind of place was very dangerous for him.

But after Lu Guoxing came on stage and started the competition, Feng Qianyun realized that her thinking was wrong.

At the beginning of the Group E competition, seeing Lu Guoxing come on stage, Feng Qianyun sweated for him.

"Worried?" Lie Que shook Feng Qianyun's little hand, telling her to relax.

"Nonsense, that's the stepdad my mother found for me. Whether I have younger brothers or sisters to play with in the future depends entirely on him." If something happens to him, how can she compensate her mother later?

"Don't worry, he can handle it." Lie Que said confidently to Feng Qianyun.

"It sounds like you have a lot of confidence in him." Feng Qianyun looked at Lie Que suspiciously. In fact, this question has been in Feng Qianyun's mind since Lie Que agreed to let Lu Guoxing participate, "Hurry up Say, are you hiding some secret that I don't know?"

Feng Qianyun kicked Lie Que with some displeasure.

"Good boy, you'll be able to see it with your own eyes soon." Lie Que pointed to the playing field, and the people from Group E had already entered the field.

(End of this chapter)

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