Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 450 The Secret Path

Chapter 450 The Secret Path
Feng Qianyun looked at Lu Guoxing, who was coping freely on the field, and was in a daze for a moment, feeling that he was a little strange.

Lu Guoxing is unkempt, rough and clumsy, especially when facing her mother, he stammers a lot, and his silly appearance is very cute. It is really difficult to compare Lu Guoxing, who is smiling foolishly, with the bloody fighting man at the venue today. Men associate together.

"Not only does he know martial arts, but he's also capable. You knew that early on?" Feng Qianyun asked in bewilderment. She had never thought about this question, and she had never even tried to ascertain Lu Guoxing's strength deliberately.

"He didn't achieve nothing, but he chose to give up some things. Like Kane and the others, he used to rely on his own good strength to make money in this kind of place. He has won No.1 for three consecutive terms. Here he has a The nickname is Black Fist, because his weapons are his fists."

"Based on Lu Dafeng's income as a well-known Chinese doctor, he should not be short of money." Those who are rich like to work hard, and those who are too poor will choose to work hard.

"He is indeed not short of money, but it does not mean that he has no shortage of friends. When he was young, he had a good brother who almost grew up together. He was obsessed with gambling and owed a lot of debts, so he came here to help pay off. First His income from playing here in [-] paid off that gambling debt. I don’t know why he still stayed here. Later, after he left here, he was hired as the highest-level private bodyguard, and his income was also very high. Then he suddenly Just give up and go home and help out in the little pharmacy his father owns."

"You really understand clearly!" Feng Qianyun said with emotion.

"I need to investigate the people around you."

Because he is the person beside Feng Qianyun, so Lie Que can't keep some dangerous people by Feng Qianyun's side.

It's no wonder that when Lu Guoxing said that he would come with Feng Qianyun, Lie Que agreed so readily, because Lie Que knew Lu Guoxing's details, and was not worried that he would not be able to cope with the two. The game is more familiar than both of them.

"Little girl, are you at ease now?"

"Well, shall we do something else?"

"Other things? Is it something shameful?"


The two of them didn't do the shameful things, but they did the bad things.

"Little ghost, it's up to you to inquire about information, my sister is very sleepy now, go to bed first!" After Feng Qianyun kicked Guigui out the door, she closed the door again with a bang, knocking Guigui away. Leaving it outside the door.

"Damn woman, you want to hide and make out with Brother Lie Que, lest I see you, you don't have to treat me like this!" Guigui was very depressed, his nostrils opening and closing in anger.

Guigui thought gloomily, it's not that the dead woman doesn't know the horror of those two monster old men, and she wants him to go out to collect information, it's really abominable, abominable, and abominable.

Brother Lie Que was led by a dead woman again, and he didn't care about his life, woo woo woo... He is so pitiful.

"By the way, you are still a kid, don't forget that you can't use walking or running, you have to crawl! Crawl!"

At this time, Feng Qianyun's exhorting voice came from the room again.

Did you make a mistake!
How can he use such a low-level method of climbing?No, absolutely not!
"Ghost, be good." Then Lie Que's voice came from the room again.

Woooooo, hate it, hateful brother Lie Que, how could you do this!

Well, just climb and climb, he endured it!

Guigui gritted his teeth, then propped his two tender little hands on the ground, and really got up.

Feng Qianyun in the room smiled happily, dead ghost, let him, as her weapon spirit, always confront her so arrogantly!
"Happy?" Lie Que looked at Feng Qianyun with a smile, she still had a childish side.

"That dead ghost only listens to you, but not to me. Do you think I shouldn't be angry?"

"Well, what you said is correct, but are you sure you want to investigate with me?"

"Well, today's game is over anyway, and the second game will be tomorrow. I feel that if they want to make a move, they will definitely choose tomorrow. When the game is just over, everyone is exhausted. Many of the players in the competition are juniors, but the combined strength of so many people cannot be underestimated. They must take this into account. It is the wisest choice to attack when everyone suffers the most casualties, and I think it is impossible for them Let the spectators who come to watch the game also get involved, the people who come here are all with status and background, no matter how bad they are, they are also local tyrants."

Diaosi doesn't have the spare time and money to entertain himself by watching such bloody and violent matches and placing bets.

Just coming in here, the entrance fee is enough for the poor to work hard for a year.

To get rid of Xia Wufeng and lose so much power, this deal is not worth it, so Feng Qianyun is very sure that the time for them to do it will be right after the game, when the bonuses are awarded after the audience leaves.

Feng Qianyun thought the same as Lie Que.

"Well, I agree, but what we need to know now is what method the other party intends to use to accomplish this matter. If we want to be safe, those two people alone will not be able to do it." Lie Que analyzed.

"So they should have some trump card." Feng Qianyun is almost sure of this, "and they can still cover up this incident as an accident."

Accident, accident, accident...

Accidents are nothing more than natural disasters and man-made disasters. A meteorite falling from the sky and killing someone is an accident. Being hit by a car while going out is also an accident. Being buried alive by a tofu project is also an accident. A fire is also an accident.

Think about it, the latter ones seem unreliable. There is no car here, and even if there is a car, Xia Wufeng cannot be hit to death. The house here is obviously not tofu. According to the rhyme theorem, the safety of the house where the leader lives is relatively high .As for the fire, it is still useful for others, but for Xia Wufeng, it is very good that he does not let others set fire, and it is very good for others to use fire to burn him to death.

There are not many kinds of force majeure left, and they are probably nothing more than earthquakes, tsunamis, meteorites, mudslides, volcanic eruptions...

What an annoying question...

"Yunyun, do you know the purpose of the magic weapon they used as bait this time?"

Lie Que suddenly asked such a question without beginning or end.

"I only know one of its uses." That's what He Ying told her to help Han Mojue take away the magic gu in his body, "Didn't it mean that this thing is an ancient magic weapon? Whoever brought this thing probably doesn’t know all its uses, right?”

"It is indeed an ancient magic weapon. Most of the records about it have been destroyed, so few people know its horror. Let's go, let's verify something."

Verify one thing?What will happen?
It seems that Lie Que knows something.

What kind of person is he, why does he know so many things, even this kind of thing he knows more than others.

Feng Qianyun's hand was held tightly by Lie Que, it was warm and reassuring, and even the situation in front of him became less scary, Feng Qianyun felt relieved a lot.

The two walked side by side, and Lie Que led Feng Qianyun to the end of the corridor. This is an underground city, and it is normal for there to be no windows in the corridor.

There is no road ahead.

Feng Qianyun watched quietly as Lie Que put his hand on the wall at the end of the corridor. After a few seconds, the wall pushed away to both sides, and a secret passage leading to the underground appeared.

This... actually has a secret passage!

Feng Qianyun looked down from the top, it was a staircase after another, extending all the way down, you can't see the bottom at a glance.

There are stone walls on both sides of the secret passage, and there are a few lights scattered on the stone walls, using a gemstone that emits yellow light similar to an oil lamp.

The dim orange color makes the whole secret passage look extraordinarily deep.

This ancient lighting method makes Feng Qianyun feel that she has stepped into a passage that has traveled through the long river of history.

"How do you know there is a secret passage here?" Feng Qianyun thought, this arena is not his home, he, like her, is here for the first time, how could he know that there is such a secret passage here.

"I came out to investigate after you told me, and found it."

"I now realize that it was a wrong decision for me to cast out ghosts and go out to find clues. You are more suitable than it!"

Lie Que and Feng Qianyun went down the secret passage together. The secret passage was very long, as if it went all the way to a very deep underground.

After walking for a while, Feng Qianyun suddenly felt that the imperial bracelet on her hand was a bit hot, was it her illusion?Or because they kept going underground, the surrounding temperature became higher, so she would feel hot.

"What's wrong?" Seeing Feng Qianyun frowning, Lie Que asked.

"It's okay, let's continue walking." Feng Qianyun shook her head, telling herself not to care about such small problems.

After walking for a while, the two finally reached the end.

If it weren't for the gloomy wall and the orange gem lamp on it to remind Feng Qianyun, Feng Qianyun would almost have entered an old library or museum.

The eyes are row after row of bookshelves, full of books.

Feng Qianyun stepped forward and took a book from the nearest bookshelf. There was a thick layer of dust on the book, obviously no one had touched it for a long time, maybe no one had cleaned this place for a long time.

The words on it are not the Chinese characters that Feng Qianyun is familiar with, but are they oracle bone inscriptions?Impossible, oracle bone inscriptions are immature, and it is impossible to use them to write such a costly book. What's more, the oracle bone inscriptions are engraved on the back and bones of the turtle, so it will not be said on kraft paper.

"This is an ancient text, which has been lost now. I think the people here should know the existence of this place. Unfortunately, they can't understand the books here." Lie Que glanced at Feng Qianyun The book in hand.

(End of this chapter)

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