Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 451 The Mysterious Artifact From Ancient Times

Chapter 451 The Mysterious Artifact From Ancient Times

"Do you know these words?" Lie Que's eyes as he looked at the book told Feng Qianyun that he most likely knew these words.

Column defect header.

Damn!Didn't it say it has been lost?Why do you still know, are you a creature of this era?
"Let's go over there first." Apart from books, I don't know if there will be anything else here.

Feng Qianyun put the book back on the bookshelf. I don't know if it's an illusion, but the Yushen bracelet seems to be a little hotter than before.

Feng Qianyun followed Lie Que's footsteps and walked to the center of the secret room together with him.

"What is this?" Feng Qianyun became very interested in what she saw.

The things are placed on the round platform in the center of the secret room. They are a pair of golden dragons and phoenixes, not big in size.It can be held with one hand.

Just about to go up to find out, Lie Que stopped him, "Don't go up, this thing is very dangerous."

"Dangerous?" Feng Qianyun waited for Lie Que to give her further explanation.

"This is probably the treasure from ancient times, the thing that attracted many people including you to come here." Lie Que judged.

"Then can I steal it?"

"This thing is dangerous. If I remember correctly, it can absorb everything close to it and suck it into its dragon's mouth." Lie Que said.

"Suck in everything that is close to it? Is it like a black hole? Does it have that ability? Then how can I use it to take away the magic bug in Han Mojue's body?"

"I don't know much about it. Its texture, texture, and performance all indicate that it comes from ancient times, but the strange thing is that it seems to have just appeared not long ago, at least for a long time before that. Its records are blank. As for its ability, it was also recently that someone was suddenly sucked in when it was being cleaned. Only those who possessed it were discovered. Its ability is very unstable, and it may suck people in at any time. Go in. It stands to reason that such a high-quality and high-level magic weapon should not be unstable."

Feng Qianyun is very clear about this point, generally only the failed magic weapon will be unstable, in that case, even if it is unstable, the harm is very small, the more powerful the magic weapon is, the more stable it is.

The thing in front of me has powerful abilities, but it is also very unstable.

"What did you just say you wanted to confirm?" Feng Qianyun asked Lie Que.

"This thing is unstable. If it just exploded at the end of the competition and sucked in all the contestants, would it be considered an accident?" Lie Que smiled lightly.

It turned out to be the case.

It is indeed a good method, so that even if someone wants to pursue it, there will be no tricks to pursue it.

"However, there are still some problems now. Since this thing is very unstable, how can the two of them ensure that it can suddenly burst out with such a powerful force and suck everyone in? At the same time, they must ensure that they are safe and sound, and , why did they put this thing in the ground?"

"Because this thing is allergic to water."

"Allergic to water?" Can magical artifacts still be allergic?Master Que, you are joking again.

"The reason why it ran away the first time was because someone wiped it with a wet rag. The second time it ran away is said to have been rained during the transfer. As for why it was placed in this place, I think it was because it happened to be located in the competition Right below the field, and then..." Lie Que pointed at the top, and asked Yun Qingran to look at it carefully, "There is a small hole in it, and a very small pipe is buried for ventilation. If it happens to be at that time If water flows down, sleep right on top of this thing."

"How do you know that?" Feng Qianyun thought sullenly, is there really that much difference between himself and this man?She has been suspicious of Lie Que's structure since a long time ago, and she can always find her accurately. He can find out the bomb hidden in the dark at one time without any mistakes, and even if there is a secret passage, she can't hide it from him. He can see all kinds of tiny structures.

The only thing Feng Qianyun can be sure of is that Lie Que possesses a certain ability that ordinary people don't have. As for what that ability is, Feng Qianyun doesn't know.

"Hehe, my secret." Lie Que patted Feng Qianyun's head, and now is not the time to tell her.

"..." Feng Qianyun thought, you fucking treat me like a child again! "So we know what those two old bastards are going to do. What's next?"

Feng Qianyun began to think about this problem in her mind, and moved this weird thing away. Lie Que said that this thing is very dangerous, and it may be sucked in if it gets close, and smashed?Absolutely not, she still needs it to take out the demonic Gu in Han Mojue's body.She said she was going to use it to take out the magic bug in Han Mojue's body, but she didn't know how to do it until now, no, she didn't even know how to take this thing out.

"It seems that we have to think about it carefully." Feng Qianyun murmured.

"Dead ghost, when do you plan to return to my body?" Feng Qianyun said to Guigui who had been sitting in the corner for an hour and planned to continue.

Guigui puffed his cheeks angrily, glared at Feng Qianyun, and pressed his thin lips tightly, showing his strong anger.

"Dead woman, bad woman, you bully me!" Guigui was so angry that the two of them actually went to collect information by themselves, so why did they kick him out of the room?
Guigui felt that he had suffered a great grievance, but the grievance was of no value at all, so he protested, strongly protested.

"If you need to eat, I doubt if you plan to stage a hunger strike with me." Feng Qianyun laughed.

Feng Qianyun's smile made Guigui even more depressed, "Hmph, bad woman, bad woman, top-notch bad woman, you still laugh when you bully me, so happy!"

"Ahem, cough, can I even laugh?" Feng Qianyun blinked her eyes innocently, "I said, if you continue to be awkward, I will tell Lie Que when I come back later, you little brat is too disobedient , Let him ignore you in the future, don’t give you delicious food, don’t help you improve your abilities, and don’t help you recover your form.”

Feng Qianyun knew very well that Lie Que was the Achilles' heel of Guigui, so she hit it with one poke.

"You, you, you! It's too bad..." Guigui cursed unconvincedly, walking towards Feng Qianyun with reluctant steps.

Hey, this brat is too snobbish, I know Lie Que treats him well, poor her is its owner!
"Damn woman, I curse you to be beaten violently by your opponent in tomorrow's game!" Guigui was still very unwilling.

"Then I'll let you come out and be my shield." Feng Qianyun smiled.

"You!" He was so pissed off, so pissed off, how could this woman treat him like this!

At the same time, in another corner of the venue.

"Dad, why did you come here yourself?" Peng Tianyou saw his father with the expression of a mouse seeing a cat. Ever since he was a child, the person he was most afraid of was his father!
"Why can't I come?" Peng Yilun asked Peng Tianyou back.

"No, no, I didn't say you couldn't come, isn't it because you're a busy person with so many things to do every day, you don't have much time to spare!" Peng Tianyou spoke duplicity very skillfully.

"You told me to be silly, and you didn't go on a blind date. I'll settle the matter with you later on for releasing the woman's pigeons. I didn't come here this time to catch you on a blind date."

Hearing Peng Yilun say that he didn't come to arrest him to go on a blind date, Peng Tianyou breathed a sigh of relief immediately, God knows how much he hates blind dates, but his parents regard him as the leftover man of the century, afraid that he will be a SIR, one after another Arrange a blind date for him.

That day, he is not bad-looking, he is not badly born, he is not mentally retarded or sexually dysfunctional, thirdly, he is not disabled, and fourthly, he has no special hobbies. Why would a good boy like him in the new century want to go on a blind date?
Peng Tianyou had a lot of things on his mind, but he didn't dare to say them in front of Peng Yilun, because he knew that once he said it, his parents would have more words to refute him.

"I came this time mainly to see two people." Peng Yilun explained his reason for coming.

"I know, one of them is Xia Wufeng, that super pervert."

"Huh?" Peng Yilun immediately gave Peng Tianyou a glance.

"Oh no no, he's a super genius!" Peng Tianyou immediately changed his words after being stared at by his father.

"Wufeng is a bit ruthless in doing things, and his personality is withdrawn, but his nature is not bad."

Peng Yilun said with emotion, recalling that when he first met Xia Wufeng, his first impression was not much different from his son's. His initial thought was to lead this person who inherited the powerful Xia family lineage to the right path.

Because he knew that if this person went astray, it would cause great harm to others and the society, but after getting along for a long time, he found that this child actually had his own kind side, and he had his own way of caring for others. , maybe he expressed it incorrectly, but deep down in his heart he was not as cruel as he showed.

"Dad, how many times have you said this, I know I know it all! And I also tried to treat him as a good brother, but he didn't appreciate it." Peng Tianyou said sullenly. I know what his father said, but sometimes I really feel that Xia Wufeng is too hateful.

"Dad, didn't you say that you came to see two people, one of them is Xia Wufeng, what about the other one? Don't tell me that the other one is me. I think the probability of such a thing happening is too small. It's almost as likely as the probability of Mars hitting the Earth." Peng Tianyou really knew his father very well.

"Stinky boy! But you are right, the person I want to see is indeed not you, but a little girl named Feng Qianyun."

(End of this chapter)

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