Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 452 Shameless

Chapter 452 Shameless (1)
"Feng Qianyun, what do you want to see her do?" Feng Qianyun's words, isn't it the little girl Xia Wufeng cares about?

Why did his father also come to see this little girl?

"I said dad, I don't mind if you cheat, but you must never rape underage girls!" Peng Tianyou hurriedly reminded his dad.

"You son of a bitch, what are you thinking!" Peng Yilun was almost pissed off by his son, he is his father, is this what a son should say to his father?
"Aren't I afraid that you will make the most unforgivable mistake of a bastard middle-aged man!" Peng Tianyou said with a playful smile, even daring to make fun of his own father.

"You brat, your mother probably spoiled you!" Peng Yilun shook his head at his spoiled son, which is why he never considered handing over the position to his son.

"Dad, the person you're talking about is your wife. Later, I'll call and tell my mother that you blamed her for being incapable of raising the child!" Peng Tianyou knew that his father's weakness was his mother.

"Stinky boy, don't use your mother to oppress me." Peng Yilun sighed helplessly.

"Then let's not talk about my mother, let's talk about Feng Qianyun, dad, let me be honest with your son, why did you find her?" How could his dad have something to look for that girl, Peng Tianyou was very curious about this.

"Because I met someone recently, and she mentioned to me about Feng Qianyun. Didn't I tell you before that the Treasure Appraisal Association has newly promoted a senior treasure appraiser?"

"There is such a thing, and then what? What does this have to do with Feng Qianyun?" Could there be any connection between the two?

"Because the newly promoted senior treasure appraiser is Feng Qianyun, she has the ability to identify and open high-grade magical artifacts." Peng Yilun explained, to be honest, he was a little surprised when he first heard about this, but The person who told him this was the president of the Treasure Appraisal Association, and it was impossible for him to lie to him about this kind of thing, so there was no doubt that Feng Qianyun was really a senior treasure appraiser.

"Is it true or not? Well... um, I didn't say it, dad. Your son and I are still an intermediate treasure appraiser. As for your son and me, I was once treated as a super invincible little genius. Now You directly told me that the girl who was younger than me was a senior treasure appraiser, didn't you directly hit your son and my young and fragile heart?"

Don't look at Peng Tianyou as a fool, in fact, his skills are still very good, at least his achievements in martial arts and appraising treasures are recognized by everyone.

"Indeed..." Regarding this point, Peng Yilun did not deny it, "That's why I want to meet her. I heard from the president of the Treasure Appraisal Association that she is not very keen on being a treasure appraiser." , and even seldom accept orders from the Treasure Appreciation Association. If such a person can be used by our alliance, it will definitely be of great help to our alliance."

"Oh, in that case, Dad, you have to tell the supervisors in the venue to be more careful. She is here to participate in the arena competition this time. If there is an accident and she is KOed by her opponent , A super invincible genius treasure appraiser has fallen since then, and your trip will be in vain."

"Don't worry about this. Before I saw you, I have already greeted the director of the president. I will pay close attention to her game. If there is any accident, the responsible director will come out to rescue her and ensure her safety." Compared with the competition, the value of Feng Qianyun itself is much greater.

"By the way, Dad, this Feng Qianyun seems to have something to do with the one you prefer."

"You said Wufeng?"

"Yeah, the relationship between the two of them seems to be different. Anyway, Wufeng is always staring at the girl's photo in a daze. I even suspect that the man who looks a little perverted on the surface is actually a perverted child lover in his heart."

"Peng Tianyou!"

"Cough, cough, no, no, I mean they have an unusual relationship, an unusual relationship, hehe... 13 years old is not too young, her breasts have grown out, so she can't be regarded as a pedophile, hehe..."

In the evening, Feng Qianyun, Rose, and Kane took the horizontal elevator to the field.

Now Kane doesn't know what kind of mood he should use to face Feng Qianyun.

"Can you tell me what you're going to do to Rose first?" Kane was eager to know more.

"I said, dear brother Kane, I just want to help this beautiful and lovely sister improve some examples. Why do you act as if I want to eat her? Although I am not yet an adult, my first The bisexuality is obvious, right? You can see that I am a woman, right? Is your worry a bit unnecessary? "

"I'm not worried about what you do to Rose, I'm just worried that Rose will..." Kane thought his mouth was still very sharp, but after meeting Feng Qianyun, he found that his mouth seemed to become stupid up.

"Beautiful sister, do you see that this man is a bitch, please don't marry this kind of man in the future, otherwise you will be controlled to death." Feng Qianyun said to Rose with a smile.

"I have nothing to do with this man." Rose turned his eyes away from Kane, refusing to admit that there was any relationship between himself and Kane, but in fact the two had no special relationship, it was Kane's wishful thinking Like her, she never made any expression.

"Hey, brother Kane, did you hear that, the beautiful sister can say that she has nothing to do with you, you, it's purely unrequited love!"

"I didn't." Kane couldn't bear to be separated by the beauty.

"Okay, no need to explain." Feng Qianyun smiled lightly, "Let's go, we are here."

Coming out of the special horizontal elevator, Feng Qianyun saw the sunshine that she hadn't seen for several days, and stayed in the underground arena for several days, and she was really bored.

Not only the three of them are here, but many other players will also come, including those who have advanced, and those who have not advanced and are not seriously injured. There are rules in the arena. Before the game is completely over, no matter whether the players are eliminated or not Neither can leave the arena.

As soon as the three of them got out of the elevator, they attracted many people's gazes, and most of these gazes were directed at Feng Qianyun.

A few people who had long disliked Feng Qianyun came over.

"Hey, isn't this the little beauty who made a big splash in the first game!" Someone taunted Feng Qianyun with a sharp sarcastic voice.

"The little girl is despicable and shameless, but tomorrow's game will not be so lucky!" Some people are already planning how to make Feng Qianyun lose face and suffer in tomorrow's game.

(End of this chapter)

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