Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 453 Shameless

Chapter 453 Shameless (2)
"That smelly man who was with you is very arrogant. Today, he was so brave that my brother was eliminated, heh!" The person who said this was actually frightened by the battle of Lie Que, but now Seeing that Lie Que was not by Feng Qianyun's side, he became more courageous and dared to say anything.If Lie Que was really there, he would never dare to say these words.

"Little bitch, do you have the ability to challenge me one-on-one?" Someone directly challenged Feng Qianyun.

One by one, they are quite displeased with Feng Qianyun's "dog over others".

"Brother Kane, I'm so scared!" Feng Qianyun dodged and hid behind Kane at lightning speed, then pushed Kane's back with both hands, pushing Kane out, "Brother Kane What are you doing? I know you are good to me, but you don't have to stand up and help me teach these bad people who insulted me!"

Kane gritted his teeth. She pushed him behind him and pushed him out, but she actually said that he took the initiative to help him teach these people a lesson!It's abominable!

Kane thought gloomily, why did he think she was cute? She is clearly a very hateful and hateful stinky girl!

"Beautiful sister, look at how brave Brother Kane is. He took the initiative to stand up and help me teach the bad guys. Let's step back and hand these people over to the brave and mighty Brother Kane. My mother said, boys fight At this time, girls should stand far away, so as not to be accidentally injured."

As Feng Qianyun said, she took Rose's hand, and stepped back in a very upright manner, her leisurely appearance almost made Kane vomit blood out of anger.

On the contrary, Rose was amused by Feng Qianyun, and it was the first time she saw Kane so deflated. Although she and Kane didn't have many interactions, Kane in the impression was always smiling, but today Feng Qianyun He was so angry that he couldn't see him smiling for hours.

"Beautiful sister, what you have to do now is to vent out all the remaining internal energy in your body, leaving nothing behind, leaving the dantian in an empty state." Feng Qianyun said to Rose.

Although Rose didn't know why Feng Qianyun asked her to do this, she believed that Feng Qianyun, just because of the elixir that Feng Qianyun made her eat earlier and the pill on her shoulder in a short period of time As long as these two points are healed, she has [-]% reasons to believe in this young girl in front of her.

Because Kane was pushed out by Feng Qianyun, he had to get into fights with those who troubled Feng Qianyun, and because Rose obeyed Feng Qianyun's words, he began to practice alone, venting out the remaining internal energy in his body .

For a while, the training ground for the contestants became extremely lively.

Although Kane is good at skills, but with many enemies, he soon becomes a little tired, not to mention Rose, who is rushing to use up his internal strength.

After more than half an hour, the field collapsed, exhausted and exhausted.

"It's almost time." Feng Qianyun looked at her watch, then looked at the states of the two people and felt that it was almost time, "Brother Kane, thank you for helping me teach those bad guys a lesson. It's almost there, it's ok, the beautiful sister also come over!"

Kane was extremely depressed at the moment, but she was fine, she just said one sentence and it was over. He fought hard with this group of people for more than half an hour, and they were all defeated by him.

As for Rose, her weakness was written all over her face. When she walked, her steps were unsteady. It made Kane feel a little distressed. Why is she so stubborn!
"Hey, brother Kane, why is your face smelly?" Feng Qianyun asked knowingly.

"What do you think?" Kane gritted his teeth.

"Brother Kane, how can you be so fierce to me as a woman? This is not in line with your gentlemanly demeanor!"

"I have now decided to remove you from the ranks of beauties I need to protect!"

"It's heartless." Feng Qianyun smiled and shook her head, "Come with me to the grass over there." Feng Qianyun said the following words to Kane and Rose.

This is the outskirts, the site is relatively large, there are trees, shrubs and grass inside, and the outermost edge is surrounded by a very high electrified wire fence.

"What do you want?" Kane subconsciously felt that Feng Qianyun would come up with some terrible idea, but he knew in his heart that Feng Qianyun was not a bad person, otherwise he wouldn't be so cooperative when Feng Qianyun pushed him out just now. Those people were defeated, she just pushed him forward, if he didn't want to fight, it's okay to run away by himself.

But because I got a lot of anger from her today, I used to vent my dissatisfaction when talking to her.

"It's okay if you don't come, anyway, your sweetheart will come, aren't you afraid that I'll do something to her while you're not here?" Feng Qianyun said nastyly, using Kane's dead spot to deal with him.

"Shit!" Kane couldn't help but cursed in a low voice.

You two sit cross-legged here.

Rose obediently followed what Feng Qianyun said, but Kane was upset, and after glaring at Feng Qianyun, he had no choice but to sit down.

"Ghost, come out and help me look around."

Feng Qianyun suddenly called out a name that Kane and Rose had never heard before, and the two looked at Feng Qianyun with confused eyes at the same time.

Then a small child appeared in their line of sight.The child is very small, and looks like a toddler aged one or two years old. There are two brown and black horns on his head, which are very cute.

But the child's expression is not so cute, and it doesn't match his image at all.

"Damn woman, why did you call me out again?" Guigui was still angry.

"Didn't I tell you to keep an eye on my surroundings?" Her order had already been given.


"Don't try to disobey me as the master, or I will give you a good butt first, and then throw you into the toilet, and..."

"My uncle admit defeat!" Guigui hurriedly said, we are a manly man, able to bend and stretch!
"Aren't you going to work soon?"

"I know, I know, I know!" The hateful woman knew that she would oppress him!

"He, he is..." Kane was dumbfounded, this extra thing out of thin air...isn't it human?Then it is... Could it be a weapon spirit?Kane was shocked by this thought, and his heart was really hit when he met this woman!
"My weapon spirit." Feng Qianyun replied indifferently.

Damn, it's really a weapon!
Rose was so surprised that he couldn't speak, the thing called "Qi Ling" actually existed?And she called out one casually?

(End of this chapter)

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