Chapter 454
Kane only felt that there was a force pouring into his body. This force did not belong to him, so he felt very uncomfortable. He tried to squeeze out this force that did not belong to him, but due to the excessive consumption just now, his body There is no internal force remaining inside.

So no matter how much his body wanted to resist, he could only let that external force do whatever he wanted in his body.

Then, several large acupoints on his body were pierced by silver needles, and a sore feeling followed, and several tendons were forced to open. This uncomfortable feeling made him almost cry out, and then, he felt his body There seemed to be something running out of it. Although he closed his eyes, he could feel something seeping out of his skin. His skin was greasy and stuck to his clothes, which made him feel extremely of not adapting.

But as those things came out of my body, at the same time, I felt refreshed, as if all the impurities in my body had been washed out. Mud returned home, and then took a shower, which was extremely refreshing.

ROSE on the other side had the same feeling.She was convinced that something miraculously happened to her body at that moment, and the realization lifted her spirits.

"Okay." Feng Qianyun took back the silver needles she had stuck on Kane and Rose, and told them that they could open their eyes.

When the two opened their eyes, the first thing they did was to look at their bodies. Sure enough, as they felt, a lot of things were stained on their skin, which was dark and looked disgusting.

"What is this, what did you do to us just now, why do I feel that I am incomparably happy now?" Kane asked Feng Qianyun in wonder, very curious about what Feng Qianyun did to him just now, logically speaking I have just exhausted my internal energy, and I should be very weak, and I shouldn't feel this kind of comfort.

"That's normal, because I just washed your marrow and cut your bones." Feng Qianyun replied.

"Wash the marrow and cut the bone?" Kane and Rose exclaimed in unison.

Why did the two of them suddenly become so tacit today? The tacit understanding is so good that Feng Qianyun wonders if the two are dating in private.

"Is there any problem?" Feng Qianyun thought, it's rare for her to do this kind of thing for free, since she was reborn, she only did it once for Ouyang Zhimin and Han Mojue.

"Yes, of course!" How can this be no problem, "Washing marrow and cutting bones is a very important skill in ancient medicine, only those who are proficient in ancient medicine can use it, but you..."

"What's wrong with me? Why can't I be proficient in ancient medicine?"

"God, I'm really deceived by your innocent appearance!" Kane stroked his forehead, feeling very regretful that he once listed Feng Qianyun as a little girl who needed protection. Wrong! "I can be sure now that you will definitely not be an ordinary little girl, and you will definitely not come in to participate in this kind of competition because your father is sick and lacks money."

Are you kidding me, you are proficient in ancient medical techniques, you can make a few pills casually and sell them for a lot of money in the underground auction house, do you still need to risk your life to come to this kind of place to fight and fight in exchange for bonuses?
"Hee hee, no matter what reason I came in to participate in the competition, anyway, all I have to do is win the game and leave here safely."

Feng Qianyun smiled sweetly.

"Oh my god, don't laugh, I let you fool me again!" Kane couldn't look directly at Feng Qianyun's smile, it was unscientific!It must be the wrong way for him to open it!

"Okay, now the two of you get up again to vent and push your physical strength to the limit." Feng Qianyun said to the two of them again.

"What is it for this time?" Kane no longer had any objections this time, on the contrary, he knew that Feng Qianyun pushed him out to let him fight with those people in order for him to use up all the internal energy in his body so that he could cleanse his marrow. Bone, his attitude has become the same as that of Rose, Xinyunniu, he needs to improve.

"Wash again." Feng Qianyun replied.The effect of washing the marrow and cutting the bone for the second time will not be as good as the first time, but the effect of doing it twice is definitely much better than doing it only once. If you have time, Feng Qianyun recommends washing it every few days. Once the bone marrow is cut, it takes about a month to complete three times of washing the marrow and cutting the bone. That effect is the best, but now that the competition is just around the corner, there is not so much time, so she decided to give Kane and Rose twice at once. Although the effect of this kind of marrow washing and bone cutting is not optimal, it is an excellent way to attack.


"Why, are you not happy?"

"No, no, of course I'm happy, very happy!" This kind of opportunity is once in a lifetime. If you miss this time, you don't know if you will have it in this life. How could you be unhappy or not?

Without saying a word, Kane immediately vented his anger, trying to exhaust himself in the shortest possible time.

Not to mention Rose, as soon as Feng Qianyun said it, she immediately followed suit.

Seeing the two of them venting desperately, Feng Qianyun said leisurely, "If it's too slow for you to vent like this, you two can hug each other and have sex, I believe that you will be exhausted soon." Look at how good she is, this is an opportunity for Kane to bully other beautiful women openly!
Kane and Rose suddenly had black lines all over their heads, what kind of bad idea is this!
Feng Qianyun, when you said this, did you consider your morals?
Do your parents know that you are so immoral?

Feng Qianyun finished washing the marrow and cutting the bones for the two of them. This behavior directly raised the two of them to a new level both in terms of physical fitness and internal strength.

"Yunyun, thank you!" Rose didn't know how to express his gratitude to Feng Qianyun.

"You're welcome, beautiful sister."

"I'm not a beautiful sister, don't call me Rose, this is just a name I picked up casually, my real name is Qin Miaoyun." Qin Miaoyun willingly told Feng Qianyun her real name.

"My name is Jun Luo." Jun Luo, whose alias was Kane, hurried up to report his real name.

"You seem to have said your name once." Feng Qianyun reminded kindly.

"It's not too much to say again, brother, I'm afraid you won't remember. I said Yunyun, I didn't expect you to have this ability!" She really has the ability to help ROSE, that is, Qin Miaoyun, improve martial arts in a short period of time. A breakthrough has been made in cultivation.

If he hadn't experienced it himself, Jun Luo would never believe that such a thing would happen.

"Okay, it's not enough just to survive. When Lie Que arrives later, there will be other matters for you. During this time, you should start adjusting your breath."

This is why Feng Qianyun chose to take the two of them to this wilderness. Compared with the room where pinhole cameras may be installed and invisible surveillance, this open wilderness is relatively much safer.

"What do you mean?" Why is it not enough to say that it is necessary to survive?
Jun Luo and Qin Miaoyun looked at each other, cleverly did not ask any further questions, and waited quietly for the arrival of Lie Que that Feng Qianyun had said.

After a while, Lie Que came, and so did Lu Guoxing.

Lie Que glanced at Jun Luo and Qin Miaoyun, but didn't say much.

"Brother Junluo, Sister Miaoyun, I hope you understand that what I'm telling you next is not a joke."

Feng Qianyun's serious expression made both Jun Luo and Qin Miaoyun cheer up.

"This economic competition is different from any previous ones. Someone has played tricks behind the scenes..."

After a night of rest, everyone ushered in the next day's competition.

Compared with the first day, the number of people on the second day was much smaller. From more than 500 people on the first day, it suddenly became less than 40 people. According to the original rules, it should be Fifty people entered the second round of the competition, but due to the appearance of a few slightly abnormal players in the competition, the number of remaining players after the first round was quite different from the expected one.

Among these perverted contestants, Lie Que was the only one. He was the only one who was shortlisted in that round, which directly reduced the final quota by nine.

In the other few games, Jin Jianming's perverted massacre resulted in only five finalists in his game. Xia Wufeng's game was not bad, although he set fire on the field and treated the other contestants in an almost cruel way, but Since he retained players from the alliance, there were nine players left in his game, and all of them were from the major families of the alliance.

The second game is 3V3, but not all six people are on the stage. Each group sends one person to compete first. If one of them loses, then the rest of that group will continue. If one of the groups is particularly strong, he alone It is possible to eliminate all three opponents, but the prerequisite for this is that the martial arts must be extremely high, and the gap with the others is obvious, otherwise it will not be possible.

In this case, a group in which all three players are still in the first group after the knockout round is very dominant.

At the judges' table, Peng Yilun was present in person. He searched for Feng Qianyun in the crowd, because Feng Qianyun was the youngest one on the field, so even if Peng Yilun didn't know Feng Qianyun, he could accurately select Feng Qianyun from the crowd. Find her out of the survivors.

Being watched by a strong gaze, it was difficult for Feng Qianyun not to notice, she looked back at Peng Yilun.

What is this man staring at her for?Does she know him?
Feng Qianyun was very sure that she didn't know that middle-aged man, and this man was sitting on the judge's table, so his identity must be different.If she knew such a No. [-] person, she would not remember for no reason.

(End of this chapter)

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