Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 455 Meeting Du Xiao 3 in the arena, sparks hit the earth

Chapter 455 Meeting Du Xiaosan in the Arena, Sparks Hit the Earth

Knowing that Feng Qianyun saw him, Peng Yilun smiled at her.

His smile made Feng Qianyun feel even more bewildered, what is going on with this man?

"Brother, who is that person sitting in the center of the chairman's seat over there? It's the man with a very obscene smile."

"You don't know him?" The man who was asked was not in the mood to answer questions for others, and it was the question asked by Feng Qianyun, who was hated by everyone, but what Feng Qianyun asked him was such a question , so he answered the question curiously.

"Should I know him?" Feng Qianyun asked back.

"He is the leader of the alliance!" The man looked at Feng Qianyun with disgust. He had seen ignorant people, but he had never seen such ignorant people.

Leader of the alliance! ?

Hearing the name, it seems to have a lot of background!

But why does such an awesome character look at her with such obscene eyes, as if she knew her.

"Then let me ask again, does the leader of the alliance have pedophilia?"

"What nonsense are you talking about? How could this adult have such obscene eccentricities? He has a wife, and he and his wife are very affectionate! They also have a son, who is a super invincible genius!" Speaking of Peng Yilun's family , The man's eyes showed admiration.

"Oh..." Super invincible genius, Feng Qianyun is still a little interested in people with this title.

Feng Qianyun decided to let herself ignore the eyes that didn't quite understand.

Just when Feng Qianyun decided to listen to the master in charge explaining the rules of the game, she felt another stare staring at her. The gaze came from the audience, and compared to the gaze from the leader of the alliance, the latter stared at her. It's much more vicious.

Feng Qianyun turned her head and met the owner of her gaze.

Du Qingyan!
She was actually in the auditorium!

She thought she ran away after the Du family collapsed, but who would have thought that she would appear here in the future.

The auditorium where Du Qingyan was located was not far from Feng Qianyun. The two of them looked at each other face to face. Du Qingyan wanted to jump off the audience stage and strangle Feng Qianyun to death. Anyway, killing someone here would not get caught arrived.

"Feng Qianyun, you little slut. Your mother is a vixen who seduces other people's husbands. You are a little vixen who specializes in catching men. Isn't it enough to rely on men for food? Why, I suddenly lost my mind and came to participate in this kind of competition." Contest?"

Du Qingyan completely ignored the time and place, after confirming that the stinky teenage girl on the field was Feng Qianyun, whom she wanted to kill even in her dreams, she stood up and cursed loudly.

At this time, the scene was very quiet. Originally, there was only the voice of the supervisor reading the rules of the game, but Du Qingyan's curse sound was very clear, and everyone could hear it clearly.

Everyone looked at Du Qingyan one after another.

Someone recognized Du Qingyan.

"That's not the wife of the former President Ouyang! It is said that she divorced President Ouyang."

"So, their divorce was intervened by a third party? Is that person the mother of the little girl on the field?"


Du Qingyan's words were like a boulder thrown into the lake, stirring up thousands of waves for a while.

Feng Yilin has always kept a low profile, few outsiders know that Ouyang Shiyin had such a wife before Du Qingyan, so everyone thought Du Qingyan was Ouyang Shiyin's only wife.

Du Qingyan was very satisfied with the effect of her words, so she struck while the iron was hot, "Feng Qianyun, you little bitch, get out of the game, don't embarrass me here, people like you have learned from your mother at a young age." That cheap look, I think you are not here to compete at all, but to seduce men, right? Just you, you still want to come to the competition, I have heard that you can pass the first level entirely because of your little tricks! It’s not enough for you to play tricks at home, and you’ve also brought this trick to the arena, what’s the matter, isn’t there enough money to seduce men?”

Du Qingyan was kicked out of the house by Ouyang Shiyin, and then the Du family declared bankruptcy. She did have some savings, but she was used to extravagance, and the money was squandered by her not long after.

She has held back so much anger that she has no place to vent it, and seeing Feng Qianyun today, she didn't want to vent it all at once.

Her voice was loud enough for nearly a thousand spectators in the huge arena, most of whom were people of high profile and status, to hear clearly.

Everyone looked at Feng Qianyun with strange eyes, as if imagining some pictures related to what Du Qingyan said in their minds.

Standing behind Peng Yilun, Peng Tianyou shook his head frequently at Du Qingyan, God, this woman's protruding figure is in vain, why is her mouth so lacking.

"Dad, it seems that the little genius you want to meet has made a lot of enemies!"

"How much are you kid?" Peng Yilun gave Peng Tianyou a sideways glance, "Feng Qianyun is Ouyang Shiyin's daughter, and she said her mother seduced Ouyang Shiyin? Do you think it's possible?"

"She's a child of Ouyang's family?" Peng Tianyou was surprised, "But her surname is Feng."

"If your surname is not Peng, you are also my child of Peng Yilun!"

"Uh...Okay." Peng Tianyou shrank his head and suddenly understood something, "Then I understand why that girl is special to Xia Wufeng's cold-blooded animal, they should be childhood sweethearts, right? "

"That's right." Peng Yilun nodded.

On Xia Wufeng's side, Xia Hai looked at Xia Wufeng nervously. He didn't know what the relationship between Xia Wufeng and Feng Qianyun was, but he knew that Xia Wufeng was special when it came to matters related to that girl, so he heard that there are now people who are in front of more than a thousand people. Cursing Feng Qianyun so loudly in front of his face, his heart couldn't help but lift up, he was afraid that Xia Wufeng would suddenly get angry, and this situation was not a good time to get angry.

Xia Hai watched Xia Wufeng for a long time, but saw that he did not move except for his usual cold face, so he breathed a sigh of relief and felt relieved a lot.

Beside Feng Qianyun, the man standing with Feng Qianyun deliberately took a step back to keep a distance from Feng Qianyun.

Du Qingyan decided that Feng Qianyun didn't dare to talk back, and was very proud of the effect she had brought, a smile appeared on her face.

Just as she was smiling, suddenly there was another person in front of her. Feng Qianyun, who was standing in the center of the venue just now, appeared in front of Du Qingyan in a second.

Du Qingyan was startled. At that moment, she couldn't react in time and couldn't find her own voice.

"What's the matter, Miss Du, aren't you very happy to scold me? It's tiring to shout loudly after such a long distance, and now I'm right in front of you, don't you want to continue scolding?"

Also surprised were the audience and other contestants.

They were shocked by the speed of Feng Qianyun's actions. Except for a few people with extraordinary eyesight, none of them caught how Feng Qianyun moved from the center of the competition field to Du Qingyan in such a short time.

"You little bitch, even if you come here, I will still scold you. What are you afraid of? The ones who did something wrong are you and your shameless mother, not me!" Du Qingyan straightened her chest, looking like she was The look of the victim.


After dozens of crisp "papa" sounds, Feng Qianyun slapped Du Qingyan quite coherently.

Feng Qianyun didn't even give Du Qingyan a chance to breathe.

When Du Qingyan came back to her senses, her cheeks were numb from the pain.His cheeks were obviously swollen and red, like a monkey's butt.

"You, dare to hit me? I'm a spectator, how can you hit me as a contestant! You're in charge! They're all dead!" Du Qingyan shouted.

There is a rule here that people participating in the competition are not allowed to attack the audience. The audience spent money to come in for fun, and if they were beaten by the players, what's the deal?

When Du Qingyan yelled, a supervisor rushed over.

"Feng Qianyun, please hurry up and apologize to Miss Du." This was one of the directors of the arena. He didn't know his real name, but he only knew his nickname.

He is nicknamed Ghost Sorrow, one reason is that this person looks really fierce, he is born with a fierce look, even if he smiles, he is uglier than crying, and the other reason is that he is ruthless in his shots, combining the above two For this reason, everyone gave him the nickname "Ghost Sorrow".

"What if I don't?" Let Feng Qianyun apologize to Du Qingyan?Unless Mars hits Earth.

"Then I will deal with you according to the rules of the arena." Gui Jianchou's eyes revealed a murderous look.

When Du Qingyan heard this, she was very happy, "Director, you should deal with her quickly, a little bitch like her deserves to die!"

"Okay, let's see if you have the ability to deal with me."

Feng Qianyun was worried about the ghost and had no intention of retreating at all.

Gui Jianchou looked very fierce at first, but now that his authority was being challenged, he was full of hostility, and most people would not dare to look him in the eye.

"Is she dying? Dare to confront the supervisor here?"

"It's still the supervisor with ghosts and sorrows. Is she eating the guts of ambition?"


Everyone felt that Feng Qianyun's move was really beyond her control. Did she still think that her clever tricks could still work against an absolute master?

Peng Tianyou's curiosity soared and he was full of interest. He heard Xia Wufeng mention Feng Qianyun's strength, and heard his father say that she is a genius. Hearing it from others and witnessing it with his own eyes are two different things.

Peng Yilun is not in such a good mood as Peng Tianyou, he knows that Feng Qianyun is a genius, but she is a genius in appraising treasures, and now she is fighting, that is a different matter!
"God bless, go and stop that supervisor."

"No." Peng Tianyou refused.


"Dad, don't you want to see that girl's strength? I'm looking forward to it!"

"Expectation? Your kid told me to expect? What if someone dies?"

"That's because she's incompetent. If she dies so easily, what kind of genius is that?"

Peng Yilun was directly injured internally, "If we die, we will lose a senior treasure appraiser!"

(End of this chapter)

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