Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 456 Eudemons!

Chapter 456 Eudemons! (1)
Peng Tianyou didn't take it seriously, "Besides, didn't you notify the supervisors and let them take care of Feng Qianyun? Then the supervisor who wants to do something with Feng Qianyun should know how to measure it."

In that case, what else does his father have to worry about?
"The problem is that the supervisor is on a business trip and he just came back this morning!" That's why Peng Yilun is worried, otherwise why should he be so worried? "Didn't you see that the supervisor was the one closest to Feng Qianyun? The others had already said hello beforehand, so they didn't move. He didn't know. Seeing that the others didn't move, he walked over!"

"Isn't that even better? It's just a good time to test it. If it's really dangerous, can you stop it in time? The people here will sell you some face." His father is the director of the league, and this arena is Opened by the family of the alliance members, this face still has to be sold.

After Peng Tianyou finished speaking, he glanced at Xia Wufeng by the way, seeing that Xia Wufeng didn't seem to react at all, he wasn't in a hurry, why was his father so anxious?

Peng Tianyou shrugged, as if he was watching the show.

The eyes of more than a thousand people in the audience were all focused on the position where Feng Qianyun was in the auditorium.

Many of these gazes were speculative. Feng Qianyun annoyed them as early as the first match, making everyone feel that Feng Qianyun should be eliminated. With those words, Feng Qianyun seemed to have become a master of despicable, shameless and obscene.

"You asked for this, don't say that I bully the small with the big!" Gui Jianchou said nonsense with Feng Qianyun, gathering energy in the dantian, and transforming into form with internal force.

Transformation of internal force!

This is not the first time Feng Qianyun has seen the transformation of internal force. When he was in Yanjing before, Ouyang Pu used the transformation of internal force. The thing he transformed was a fierce tiger, but it was not home yet.

In the first match, what Qin Miaoyun, that is, ROSE, used his best efforts in the end was also the form of internal force, but it was the most basic form of internal force. Changelings are not on the same level at all.

The incarnation of internal force used by the supervisor in front of everyone who became a ghost is obviously much more mature. Standing seven or eight steps away from the supervisor, Feng Qianyun can clearly feel the bursting out from the supervisor himself. strong force.

The surrounding audience felt that something was wrong, so they backed away immediately to avoid being affected.

"Woman, you're in trouble this time, your human strength is beyond your control." Guigui also felt that strong pressure.

"Are you looking down on me, your master? Your master, I can also transform my internal force."

"But woman, last time you transformed your internal energy into a knife or a sword, but you transformed into a kitten or a dog when you transformed into a beast. How do you fight with the giant beasts transformed by others?" Guigui I am very pessimistic about Feng Qianyun.

The corners of Feng Qianyun's mouth twitched, could it be so clever that it looks down on her as the master so much!
"It's still too late for you to admit your mistake and apologize." The director's body was already surrounded by the rising internal force, and he warned Feng Qianyun for the last time in a cold voice.

"Unfortunately, I don't know what an apology is." Feng Qianyun refused to apologize.

"Then don't blame my subordinates for being merciless." The internal force that had burst out and condensed around the body of the person in charge began to undergo earth-shaking changes in a very short period of time.

This is not at the same level as the fierce tiger transformed by Ouyang Pu who fought with Feng Qianyun back then!

This head must be too big!

A gigantic beast with a height of three floors was actually transformed by internal force, and the appearance of this giant beast was still an octopus!The octopus is translucent white and even has detailed textures, wriggling on its eight legs.

The supervisor known as Ghost Sorrow stood on top of the giant beast transformed by his own internal force.

There was no sound in the arena.

"Momo, Guigui, why is the internal force form used by this man different from what I know?" Feng Qianyun can clearly feel the difference between the two. Ordinary internal force forms are like martial arts moves. The transformed things can only be used for attacking for a period of time, but how does the man in front of him feel that he used his internal force to transform a giant beast to help him fight.

"Stupid woman, because this is not at the level of internal force transformation, but a phantom beast of a higher level than internal force transformation! Now you are in big trouble! Let me tell you first, that thing can't do normal attacks, look, I I can't defend you." Guigui reminded Feng Qianyun.

"Phantom beast? What is that?" Feng Qianyun encountered such a perverted thing as Phantom Beast for the first time, and she didn't know much about it, so she continued to ask the "experienced" Guigui for advice.

"Actually, it's the same as the internal force transformation, using internal force to transform into a solid form, but it's a level higher than the internal force transformation!"

"I seem to understand a little bit."

"Stupid woman, you can't just understand a little bit now, do you know? Your life is at stake!" Guigui was really going to be pissed off by Feng Qianyun. "Anyway, you just need to treat this giant octopus under the feet of the man in front of you as your other opponent!"

"Oh, but why is his octopus, it's ugly."

"Now is the time to comment on whether other people's phantom beasts are ugly or not!" Guigui roared angrily, hating iron for being weak, "Didn't you see that an octopus has eight legs? It will catch you off guard! I think you'd better admit your mistake quickly. Although it's a very disgusting thing to admit your mistake to a bitch like Du Qingyan, and I will despise you for several years because of it, but it's better than losing your life."

"Damn ghost, although I am greedy for life and afraid of death, and cherish my life, there are some principles that must be followed. Apologize to Du Qingyan? It's better to die. I want to kill her today! Such a good opportunity to kill without paying for life is lost. I can't bear to do it, so I will do it even if my life is in danger!" In order to save my life, I will bow my head and admit my mistake with Du Qingyan?Feng Qianyun thought that it would be better to kill her directly. Not only would she not admit her mistake to Du Qingyan today, but she wanted Du Qingyan's life even more!

Guigui didn't speak any more.

"Master, silently supports you, silently will protect you!" silently supported Feng Qianyun, that woman Du Qingyan is so disgusting, of course she must be beaten to death!
Guigui is speechless, why is this idiot joining in the fun, does she know where this place is, and how many hidden masters are there?Not to mention how difficult it is to win the supervisor in front of you, so what if you win?Can you beat all the masters in the arena and all the masters in the family alliance?
Didn't you hear that person say that the leader of the alliance is still sitting on the rostrum over there?What a perverted master that is, don't you know?
(End of this chapter)

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