Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 457 Eudemons!

Chapter 457 Eudemons! (2)
Du Qingyan was startled like everyone else at first. Looking at the phantom beast she saw for the first time in her life, she was stunned for a long time, her palms were sweating, but soon, her mood was replaced by joy.

What are you afraid of?This guy is helping himself!He is here to deal with Feng Qianyun!The stronger he is, the worse this little bitch Feng Qianyun will die!
The more Du Qingyan thought about it, the happier she became. She could already foresee Feng Qianyun's tragic death.

"Feng Qianyun, you little bitch, let's see how you run this time! This is called retribution! I want you and your mother to have a good life, but you came here to seduce my husband and break up my family, so I can't get along with me. Meet my son!" Du Qingyan sneered, if it wasn't for Feng Qianyun's undying inheritance of the family blood, would Ouyang Shiyin go to find their mother and daughter?Then nothing will happen next!
"Miss Du, you don't have to be so impatient. I will come to greet you after I get rid of this fierce uncle and his octopus phantom beast." Feng Qianyun looked at Du Qingyan with no warmth in her eyes. Du Qingyan shuddered inexplicably.

Du Qingyan thought, this must be her illusion, this little slut can only show off with her mouth, let's see how she will look at her with such fierce eyes.

"Why are you staring! Do you still pay attention to the rules here? After participating in the competition, since you dare to touch the audience, you don't have any tutoring at all!" Du Qingyan mocked, "If everyone in the competition is like If you are like this, who else would dare to pay for tickets to watch the game?"

Du Qingyan deliberately made Feng Qianyun's behavior very serious, so that the management staff of the arena would pay more attention to this matter. In this way, Feng Qianyun would be doomed.

Hearing Du Qingyan's words, the supervisor's face turned ugly again, and then he looked at Feng Qianyun with even stronger murderous intent. He must kill chickens and monkeys today, even if it's not for the rules in the arena For the sake of consideration, they have to make a show for the audience present, otherwise their reputation in the arena will be greatly affected.

The man's killing intent was evident.

"Woman, what are you going to do?" Guigui asked Feng Qianyun, ready to completely obey Feng Qianyun's arrangement.

Feng Qianyun pursed her lips, and then began to gather anger in her dantian.

Feng Qianyun put on the air of transforming her internal force, and anyone with a discerning eye could tell what she was going to do.

"Are you also planning to use internal force to transform into form?" "Ghost Seeing Sorrow" looked at Feng Qianyun's movements with cold eyes. In front of him, these tricks of hers were nothing more than tricks.

Jin Hanzhang saw Feng Qianyun's movements from a distance, and shook his head, "That girl has good potential, but it's a pity that she is too overconfident. Using her strength to compete with Gui Jianshou, who can already use phantom beasts, is just hitting a stone with an egg But having said that, I didn’t expect that the phantom beast transformed by the supervisor could reach such a size, it is indeed a strong opponent!”

Jin Hanzhang said with emotion that he thought he could not reach that level. He believed that many people in the arena were as surprised as he was by the form of the phantom beast transformed by "Ghost Seeing Sorrow".

"Mr. Hanzhang, this girl is not as weak as she looks." Anna supported her body, covered her chest with one hand, and walked towards Jin Hanzhang and Jin Jianming. She fell into a coma after yesterday's game, until just now Wake up, she came over as soon as she woke up.

"Anna, are you awake? Why do you say that girl is not as weak as she looks?" Jin Hanzhang was more concerned about what Anna said just now.

"The reason why I was bounced off the field by her is because her internal strength is much higher than mine, and I have no power to fight back against her." Her internal strength level is too different from Feng Qianyun's. , Feng Qianyun is completely overwhelmingly powerful, it is already very good for her to be ejected from the playing field by her, and it is also possible to be directly shocked to death by the opponent's internal force.

"Her internal strength is much higher than yours? How is it possible? You are already at the level of a low-level underworld class." Jin Hanzhang said in surprise. Anna, as the person selected together with Jin Jianming to represent the Jin family in the competition, must have her fault In addition to her special eyes, her own martial arts is not bad, but just now Anna told him that Feng Qianyun's internal strength is far higher than hers, which is really too difficult to let people believed.

"What I said is true." Anna said with certainty, at that moment she clearly felt Feng Qianyun's powerful internal force, there could be no mistake.

Jin Hanzhang paused for a moment and fell into deep thought. How could a young but powerful master suddenly appear in this arena?

At this time, Jin Jianming, who has been silent since just now, sneered and said, "Oh, is it so powerful, can't we know now? Besides, are you sure she still has a chance in front of 'Ghost Seeing Sorrow'? ?”

There is a limit to self-importance. Facing players, she may be powerful, but facing the top experts in the arena, Feng Qianyun is not enough at all.

Even if he is as conceited as Jin Jianming, he knows that it is impossible for him to beat some perverted executives here.

There will always be talented players like Nian Nian, but the existence that is more perverted than these talented players is the director of the arena.Especially some of the particularly powerful supervisors.

The huge Eudemons on the field is a good proof.

Jin Hanzhang nodded in agreement. Indeed, if it is true as Anna said, then this Feng Qianyun is likely to be a dark horse this year, but before she became a dark horse, she got into trouble that shouldn't be caused. If he is She, in this situation, should calm down, at least not violate the rules of the arena and change her opponent from other contestants to the entire arena.

It was very unwise for her to do so.

Jin Hanzhang was thinking, suddenly, his eyes were attracted by something in the distance, what is that?
Feng Qianyun wanted to transform her internal force just now, so what about now?Why did he feel a powerful force constantly expanding.

How does such a small body carry such a powerful force?
After Feng Qianyun got Ouyang Shiyin's internal power, it was the first time to use this power on such a large scale.

Damn, I'm not used to it for the first time, it seems that the power is not well controlled, and the release is a bit too much.

There were dense drops of sweat on Feng Qianyun's forehead, she tried to control this force that was still unfamiliar to her, "Oops!"

Feng Qianyun couldn't control it, all of her strength burst out at once.


Feng Qianyun knelt down on one knee, gasping for breath, damn it, I should have practiced more if I knew it earlier, I was almost tossed to death by myself.

"Woman." Guigui called Feng Qianyun.



"What are you looking at? I'm tired now." Feng Qianyun didn't feel very comfortable, because she was sweating and sticky.

"Turn back!" Guigui almost yelled, making Feng Qianyun's mind buzz, dammit, you yelled in my spiritual world, can you pay attention to the decibels!
Feng Qianyun turned her head sullenly.

Then, she was stunned for three seconds.Behind her stood a behemoth!
Feng Qianyun raised her head with difficulty, and found the head of the huge monster behind her with great difficulty.That head almost reached the ceiling of the arena.

"Brother, who are you?"

"Stupid woman, this is your phantom beast!" Guigui told herself, don't get angry, don't get angry!
Feng Qianyun thought that she didn't control her power well just now and failed to transform her internal force. Who would have thought that she didn't fail, and she surpassed the level of transforming her internal force, releasing the phantom beast just like the director of "Ghost Seeing Sorrow".

It's just... is this phantom beast a bit too big?Compared with it, the size of the octopus just now is not worth mentioning at all.

Behind Feng Qianyun, the phantom beast was no longer standing on the audience stage, but in the arena. Because of its huge size, its tail covered half of the arena.

For a moment, Feng Qianyun didn't recognize what kind of phantom beast she had released.

Does such a species exist?

"Damn ghost, Mo Mo, what is this thing? Although I don't go to the zoo very often, I'm sure I've never seen this thing in my life." Feng Qianyun was sure.

"Idiot! This is Bai Ze!" Guigui roared angrily.Bai Ze, it turned out to be Bai Ze!Guigui was also shocked by what he saw.

The form of the phantom beast released by the stupid woman's concentrated energy turned out to be the form of the ancient mythical beast Bai Ze!
"Master, Bai Ze is an ancient divine beast!" Momo hurriedly added.

The entire arena was so quiet that even people's breathing could be heard, and many people had already been petrified by the sight in front of them.

Peng Tianyou opened his mouth wide, looked at his dad, and then at the huge phantom beast Bai Ze in the arena, dad, what you told me clearly said that she is a treasure appraiser. What a genius, you didn't tell me, your son, that her internal strength has grown to such an extent!

At that moment just now, where is the strength of a master of the Ming rank? He is already a master of the rank of heaven!

It is impossible to transform into a phantom beast if the internal strength is less than the heavenly level, and the phantom beast transformed by this girl will not be too perverted!
The phantom beasts transformed by two people with the same internal strength are different in form, which is entirely determined by personal factors. Peng Tianyou's childhood environment gave him the opportunity to meet many people who can use phantom beasts, but this It was the first time in his life that he saw a phantom beast of this level and form. Even his father's phantom beast couldn't compare to the phantom beast in the form of Bai Ze in front of him!

(End of this chapter)

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