Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 458 Destroying Du Xiao 3

Chapter 458 Destroying Du Xiaosan (1)
By Xia Wufeng's side, Xia Hai lost his voice. It's not the first day he knew about Feng Qianyun. These days, he followed the boss's order to follow the young master. He knew a little about Feng Qianyun. Yes, but he never cared about Feng Qianyun.

His attention had always been on their young master, but he never thought that the girl who was special to the young master would have such a special side.

What he saw today was too unbelievable. How could such a little girl have such great power? How could such a power be an ordinary person!

He believes that 90.00% of the people present have the same idea as him.

Xia Hai looked at Xia Wufeng secretly, and found that his expression was the same as usual, still expressionless.

Xia Hai sighed silently in his heart, since that incident, he has become even more indifferent, now no one can tell what he thinks from his face, he completely hides his feelings up.

Feng Qianyun has become the focus of attention again this time. Compared to before, this time, others are no longer looking at her with contempt!
Who would have thought that the little girl who was "soy sauce" before could transform into a phantom beast with internal force, not to mention, it is such a perverted phantom beast, it is simply unbelievable!
Opposite Feng Qianyun, the man's face is really not good-looking. The man was born with a fierce face, and even when he smiled, he made people feel very vicious. When fear appeared on his face, he also felt that Won't be pretty.

Among the many ancient mythical beasts, the image of Bai Ze itself is relatively vicious. The phantom beast in the shape of Bai Ze released by Feng Qianyun is as high as the arena, with a tail horizontally above everyone's heads, oppressive One can imagine the strength.

Bai Ze's giant claws were raised high, and they directly slapped down on the position where "Ghost Seeing Sorrow" was.

When the giant claw fell, the gust of wind blew the hair of the people who were closer to Feng Qianyun to messy, as if a strong wind of level nine was blowing head-on.

It was too late and then too fast, the man fled in a hurry, but it was too late, the giant claws of the phantom beast fell, scattered his phantom beast, like smoke, it disappeared after a while, and he himself was seriously injured.

With just this one move, the gap between the two stands out.

God, this girl's strength is so terrifying!
It wasn't because of her good luck or despicable means that she was promoted before, it was clearly because of her strong strength, she was hiding her secrets!

Du Qingyan was already stunned when Feng Qianyun's internal force formed Bai Ze phantom beast, she looked up at the giant phantom beast, she regretted it at this moment!
She deeply regretted that she had angered Feng Qianyun. She knew that Feng Qianyun had some skills, but she never thought that Feng Qianyun's strength would reach such a level that even the supervisor in the mysterious arena could stand in front of her. All vulnerable!
"Feng Qianyun, don't come here! are wrong to speak ill of you, but it is an indisputable fact that your mother took my husband away, and I am just angry..." Du Qingyan was a little flustered.

"My mother stole your husband? Huh?" Feng Qianyun looked at Du Qingyan coldly.

"No, it's not!" Du Qingyan quickly changed her words, "Your mother didn't seduce my husband, I was talking nonsense, I was talking nonsense!"

"That's it?" Feng Qianyun folded her hands on her chest, trying to relax.

"I, I..." Du Qingyan gritted her teeth, "I stole your mother's husband! Your mother is the wife of Ouyang's family, and I snatched Mrs. Ouyang's position from your mother!" At this time She couldn't even save her life, and Du Qingyan couldn't care less about her face.

"Be more specific." Feng Qianyun didn't move, but he gave Du Qingyan enough deterrence, and she couldn't tolerate her obediently obeying.

Du Qingyan's face was very ugly, turning blue and white, "I seduced your father, it was my fault, it was my fault! I was the one who encouraged your father to divorce your mother, and then I married your father because you I gave birth to a boy for Ouyang's family! What else do you want me to say!"

Du Qingyan glanced at the giant phantom beast while speaking, and she trembled when she spoke.

The scene was so quiet, her voice was enough for everyone in the arena to hear.

It turned out that it was a thief calling for a thief, and she was a mistress and said that her original partner robbed her of a man. Tsk tsk, this woman is really the best!

"Don't worry, I won't let you tell you the details of how you seduced me and how you used your sex in bed." She didn't have this bad taste yet. "only……"

The giant claws of the Bai Ze phantom beast grabbed Du Qingyan.

Du Qingyan's person fell into the sharp claws of Bai Ze's phantom beast, and she struggled, "Let me go, let me go, Feng Qianyun, you can't kill me, this is the arena, you can't do this to me! "

"Why can't I treat you like this?" Feng Qianyun asked with a smile.What can't be, she just wants to!
"Because I'm an audience! There are rules here, you can't treat me like this!"

Du Qingyan hurriedly grabbed her last straw, she called for help from the rostrum, and at the same time took out a ticket from her body, a ticket that looked like a bank card, and the tickets were all magnetic cards of this kind. People can use this magnetic card to enter the room and get food.Of course, there are also grades of tickets, just like the membership cards in shopping malls are divided into diamond cards, platinum cards, gold cards, and silver cards.

Du Qingyan wanted to use this to prove her identity as a spectator, and hoped that the management personnel in the arena would come to rescue her because of the rules of the arena.

She swore in her heart that she would never mess with Feng Qianyun, a lunatic again, and when she saw Feng Qianyun on the street, she would run away at the end of the street!No, when she finds out that Feng Qianyun is in the provincial capital, she will hide in City H. No, it's better to leave Province Z directly!

Feng Qianyun jumped up suddenly, flashed in front of Du Qingyan, and snatched the ticket she was holding.

Feng Qianyun held the ticket, which looked very similar to a bank card, with both hands, and with a "crack", the ticket broke in two.

"Are you a spectator? Why didn't I know, I thought you were a contestant who came to participate in the competition! I'm so sorry." Feng Qianyun said while folding the destroyed ticket into seven Eight yuan, there is no hope of complete recovery.

"You..." Du Qingyan's eyes widened, she couldn't believe that Feng Qianyun broke her ticket into small pieces in public like this, and then opened her eyes and told nonsense to deny the fact that she was an audience.

"You are so careless. You know that this is a very dangerous place, but you still ran in. Hey, I didn't want to do anything to you. As a law-abiding citizen and a good boy, I can't do anything to you." What should you do, but since you have come to your door, I feel that if I don't take advantage of such an opportunity, I am really sorry for the kindness God has given me."

(End of this chapter)

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