Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 459 Destroying Du Xiao 3

Chapter 459 Destroying Du Xiaosan (2)
Feng Qianyun looked reluctant, almost made Du Qingyan burst into anger on the spot.

She was going to kill her, she was going to kill her, Du Qingyan struggled even more after realizing this, but no matter how hard she struggled, she couldn't break free from the shackles.In the hands of Bai Ze Eudemons, all her struggles are useless.

Facing Feng Qianyun, she didn't even have the ability to resist.

"Feng Qianyun, I know I was wrong, please let me go, I don't dare anymore, I dare not harm you and your mother again, please forgive me this time."

Du Qingyan has tried everything to save her life now, whether it is asking for help from the people in the arena or begging Feng Qianyun for mercy, as long as it can save her from this catastrophe, it doesn't matter what it is!
Seeing that Feng Qianyun was about to make a move, Peng Yilun could no longer stand by on the rostrum. If Feng Qianyun were to kill someone like this, then the family and forces behind the arena would not let her go.

A red light streaked across the sky above the arena.

Everyone raised their heads in unison, that red the leader!

Feng Qianyun was taken aback, so strong!

Feng Qianyun was shocked by the speed and strength of the person who came. The red light was the proof of his powerful inner strength. Without gathering Qi, he could use inner martial arts to increase his speed to the point where her eyes could not catch it. .

Peng Yilun's body passed through the Bai Ze phantom beast formed by Feng Qianyun's internal force.

The phantom beast was scattered at the moment Peng Yilun passed through, its shape gradually became blurred, then turned into a white mist, and finally dissipated.

Feng Qianyun was amazed at the strength of the person who came, she remembered that this man was the leader of the family alliance, he really was not an ordinary person!He really wasn't a wretched uncle who would smirk at underage girls.

The appearance of Peng Yilun caused a commotion. Many young people present were born in major families, so they naturally knew this man who was the leader of the alliance.

As soon as the phantom beast dissipated, Du Qingyan regained her freedom. When she saw Peng Yilun approaching, she scrambled and rushed towards Peng Yilun. Those who didn't know thought it was an evil sheep.

Du Qingyan thought that her savior had arrived, but...

Du Qingyan looked down at her chest in disbelief, how could this be?
"This person forged the ticket and entered the arena, violating the rules of the arena." Peng Yilun formed a seven-inch long sword with internal force in the palm of his hand, and directly inserted it into Du Qingyan's chest.

Du Qingyan was killed on the spot and fell on the field.

Her eyes were wide open, showing how unwilling she was at the moment of death.

Peng Yilun withdrew his hand and turned to Feng Qianyun, "Thank you for helping to find her. Many people know that this woman has been kicked out of the house by the president of Ouyang Group, and the Du family has also declared bankruptcy. Where did she come from?" What about the money to pay for the entrance to the arena?"

Peng Yilun said to everyone at the scene, and specifically mentioned Du Qingyan's situation, so that everyone could believe that the ticket destroyed by Feng Qianyun was fake. In this way, Feng Qianyun should have violated the rules. Instead, people have become people who help maintain the rules.

Peng Yilun couldn't let people die under Feng Qianyun's hands, or she would get into big trouble. On the contrary, there would be no problem if he stepped in.

Such a sudden change in front of her eyes shocked even Feng Qianyun herself. She was sure that she didn't know the middle-aged man in front of her, but why did he help her.

Peng Yilun explained a few more words to everyone, nodded friendly to Feng Qianyun, and then returned to the podium again.

"Dead woman, do you know that weird man?" Guigui asked Feng Qianyun, when did a woman meet such a powerful person, and he didn't even know it!

"Unfortunately, I don't know him, and I don't know why he suddenly offered to help." Of course it's a good thing to have help, but if the help is inexplicable, Feng Qianyun will not be happy, who knows what will happen Wouldn't it be a conspiracy?The heart of defense is indispensable, especially in this kind of place where people can't spit out their bones.

"That's weird. Could it be that he's taken a fancy to you? No way, that man looks serious and serious, he doesn't seem to like a bratty girl!" Guigui muttered to himself. .

"Damn ghost, are you doubting the charm of your master?"

"Do you have the charm to make me suspicious?"

"..." Has anyone told her why her weapon spirit is stronger than her master?

Du Qingyan's body was dragged out by the cleaners of the arena like garbage, and Feng Qianyun returned to her team. As for the supervisor who was given a second by the phantom beast she transformed, it should be the Take it down for treatment.

Feng Qianyun was probably the only one in the history of this arena who beat the spectators and supervisors and was still safe and sound.

Feng Qianyun stood back to the center of her team and continued to listen to the supervisor's recitation of the rules of the game.

Feng Qianyun returned to the team, and everyone looked at her in unison.

"Why are you all looking at me, don't do this, I will be embarrassed!"

After you do something like this, why do you want us not to look at you?
The man who was standing next to Feng Qianyun immediately came over, "Feng Qianyun, you are amazing, who is your master? Which sect and family do you come from? Or are you from the Holy Land?"

"Didn't you walk away just now, what are you doing so close now?" Feng Qianyun rolled her eyes at the man, who was hiding faster than anyone else just now, as if she had some kind of infectious disease.

"No, you made a mistake. I just walked away because I was afraid that it would affect your vision."

Afraid of affecting her vision?

"Oh, thank you then."

"Of course! Hehe, hehe..."

Director Jiang was in charge of reading the rules of the competition. She coughed twice to remind all the ecstatic contestants, "Ahem, did everyone hear what I read just now?"

Just now, I just watched Feng Qianyun's affairs. As for the rules of the competition, I really don't remember much.

"It seems that everyone has no problem." Director Jiang glanced at everyone, "Now I announce that the competition has begun."

In the end, Director Jiang deliberately took another look at Feng Qianyun. She remembered that little girl, the girl who praised her in the corridor that day was quite pleasing. Later, the superior gave an order to take care of her safety. She was curious about her identity.

And just now, she showed everyone her amazing strength. To be honest, if this kind of strength was placed in previous years, she would definitely be the No. 1, but this year... Thinking of Xia Wufeng and Jin Jianming, Director Jiang I think it is hard to say who will win this year.

Director Jiang asked everyone to go down and wait, and it would be his turn to compete on stage at any time.

Then she specially walked up to Feng Qianyun and started a private chat with her, "Little girl, I don't see that you are quite capable."

Director Jiang said this with reservations. She thought she could not do that, and it was not enough to transform into a phantom beast in the form of an ancient divine beast.

"Director Jiang, it's fine if others say that I'm good. In front of you and other experts, I'm just an axe, and I can't get on the stage." .

Feng Qianyun's compliment is very useful to Director Jiang, "You girl, you have a sweet mouth, and that woman just now is really, so lowly, she has the nerve to break up her family, if I knew it earlier, I definitely wouldn't let her go Come in."

Supervisor Jiang is a well-known "Old Maid" in the arena. She is used to wearing conservative professional suits and is very principled in her work. She has also earned the reputation of an old witch. A woman who breaks up other people's families, mistress is the public enemy of all women!

"Hey..." Feng Qianyun sighed pretending to be old-fashioned, "That's why my mother taught me since I was a child that you can't judge people by their appearance. Look at the woman just now. She is very good-looking. When a man sees her, she will be shocked." I can't wait to get out of bed with her right away. Actually, she's just a brainless one with big breasts and no brains. Only a man who thinks from his lower body will choose that kind of woman to live. If I were a man, I would definitely choose someone like you, Director Jiang, Not only has appearance, but also mature thinking, taste, class, and connotation.”

Feng Qianyun's words made Director Jiang feel sweet in his heart.

"By the way, do you know the leader?" Supervisor Jiang asked out his doubts.

"I don't know." Feng Qianyun replied affirmatively. She knew what Director Jiang wanted to ask, and she was also wondering about it.

"Really?" Director Jiang felt that this was a bit unbelievable. If the leader didn't know her, why did he help in this situation?
"Can I still lie to you about this?"

"That's right." After thinking about it, Director Jiang felt that Feng Qianyun didn't seem to be lying. Besides, it's not something shameful to know the leader of the alliance. It's too late to publicize it everywhere, so why deliberately conceal it. "But that would be strange, why did he help you today?"

The executives all knew that Du Qingyan's ticket was real, and the leader of the alliance deliberately reversed the facts in order to help Feng Qianyun.

"Maybe that leader has the same kind heart as Director Jiang, you can't see a woman like Du Qingyan turning the arena into a mess!" Feng Qianyun made up a reason.

(End of this chapter)

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