Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 460 Abstain!

Chapter 460 Abstain!

"Yes." Thinking about it, it makes sense. "Okay, you go and wait with your teammates first, I look forward to your next performance."

With this girl's strength, it is definitely not difficult to stand out in this competition.

"I owe you a good word." Feng Qianyun smiled slightly, then walked towards Lie Que and Lu Guoxing.

When leaving the arena, Feng Qianyun's eyes lingered on the two men beside him for a few seconds, they were the two of them!
A bald head with a star-shaped scar and a white beard with white hair.

What Feng Qianyun heard that day was the conversation between these two people!
When Feng Qianyun was looking at these two people, the two were also looking at Feng Qianyun.

"Why is there such a number one person suddenly? Her strength is already higher than most of the supervisors." The bald man said to the white-haired old man beside him, sounding a little worried. "Will her appearance affect our plan?"

In the first match, a mysterious man appeared and knocked down the audience, which already made him feel uneasy, and now there is another master.

What's going on in this year's competition, counting Xia Wufeng and Jin Jianming, there are four perverted masters in this competition, they have clearly surpassed many seniors.

And more importantly, even Peng Yilun appeared in this year's competition, which brought too many unstable factors to this action!

"What are you worried about? We have made arrangements. At that time, just treat everything as an accident. She is indeed a talent to be made. If you want to blame her, you can only blame her bad luck. As for Peng Yilun, as soon as the competition is over, he will Leave, if it doesn't work, create something for him to make him leave quickly, as the leader of the family alliance, he doesn't have nothing to do."

The white-haired old man was very confident in their plan, thinking that no one would have thought that they would make such an arrangement, and all this would be treated as an unfortunate accident, and no one would pursue it.

"Can I not worry, there are too many accidents this year!" There were so many accidents that he seemed to smell something unusual, and he felt a little uneasy.

"It's indeed a bit much. Let's just say that this girl, in the past, No. 1 must be hers. I have been in this arena for so many years, and I have worked for the family for so many years. This is the first time I have seen someone like her. It is also the first time for a person who has reached such strength at this age to see a humanoid phantom beast in the form of an ancient divine beast."

This thing is so unusual!
"This is what I care about, Bai Ze Huanbeast, ordinary people will never be able to do it, I am very sure that her birth must not be simple, at least for now, people in the few families I am familiar with do not have With such aptitude, even the Xia family can't use internal force to form the Suzaku phantom beast." The bald head said again.

The Xia family has Suzaku blood in their blood, so they have the special ability to control flames. In the past hundred years, this ability has been deteriorating continuously, so Xia Wufeng was born, in order to continue the glory of the Xia family.

"There is another point that I am more concerned about. Maybe others don't feel it, but it is impossible for you and me not to notice that when she took shape just now, there were two kinds of power in her internal force. She has most likely opened the bloodstain limit people."

"Du Qingyan is Ouyang Shiyin's ex-wife. According to their conversation just now, this girl should be Ouyang Shiyin's daughter. Although the Ouyang family doesn't value women and doesn't teach them martial arts, it doesn't rule out accidents. It's just that even if she is from the Ouyang family, it stands to reason that she shouldn't have that kind of ability. The abilities of the Ouyang family are auxiliary, and they only have a single-attribute physique, and they don't have the ability to open the limit of blood inheritance." The white-haired old man analyzed.

"Could it be that the problem lies with her mother. We have never seen or heard of Ouyang Shiyin's wife before Du Qingyan."

"Maybe she's just an ordinary woman, isn't Du Qingyan also an ordinary woman?"

"If not, if we involve Feng Qianyun, will it cause more troublesome characters?"

"Why do you think so much? I said it was an accident. Even if a more troublesome character is attracted, the other party can't implicate others because of an accident, right? Even if we want to be implicated, it is not us who are implicated, but this arena. The boss behind the scenes was implicated."

"makes sense."

"Next, Feng Qianyun!"

The supervisor called Feng Qianyun's name, and finally it was Feng Qianyun's turn to play.

Feng Qianyun, who was originally regarded as the easiest to deal with, no one dared to underestimate her now, and most of them even knew that it was impossible for them to beat Feng Qianyun.

So when Feng Qianyun came on stage, her opponent was already ready to abstain.

He didn't want to be slapped to death like a fly by this perverted girl!

"That..." The man who stood opposite Feng Qianyun and came on stage as Feng Qianyun's opponent was about to speak.

"I have something to say!"

Feng Qianyun snatched the other party's words.

"What do you have to say, wait until I finish!" He decided to abstain, no matter how much she said, it would be nonsense to him.

"My brother, seeing that you are such a gentleman, you should know what it means to give priority to women, so let me talk about it first!"

Feng Qianyun didn't want to annoy her when Feng Qianyun said that. He didn't want to offend such a perverted person. He was still counting on getting out of here alive.Let her say as much as she wants, anyway, he will abstain from everything he says.

He has already entered the second game, and he already has a bonus of 10 yuan to take, and he will die in the future, so he will not do it!

"Then you go ahead!" The man showed his "gentlemanly demeanor".

Ah, very good.

Feng Qianyun turned to Chief Jiang and said, "My lord, I want to abstain!"

"What?" Director Jiang thought he had heard wrong.

Like Director Jiang, the Peng family father and son and other contestants on the rostrum, the audience thought they heard it wrong.

"I said I would abstain." Feng Qianyun repeated.

"Why?" Supervisor Jiang couldn't understand Feng Qianyun's behavior at all. If it wasn't for what happened just now, they didn't know Feng Qianyun's real strength. They wouldn't be surprised to hear that she said she was going to abstain Yes, in order to save her life, but she has the strength to win the championship, but she still has to voluntarily abstain, isn't this a bit too unreasonable?

"There's no reason, I just don't want to continue the competition. A bonus of 10 yuan is enough, and I'll leave the rest to others."

"Think about it, if you abstain, the highest prize money and the final prize of the competition will belong to others. This time the prize is a magic weapon from ancient times, and the value of its attributes can be imagined. It's not something that money can buy." Director Jiang repeatedly reminded Feng Qianyun what kind of decision she made at this time and what kind of consequences it would bring.

"Well, I've thought it through very clearly!" Feng Qianyun nodded, expressing that she really didn't need to think about anything else.

Director Jiang still felt a little pity, why did she give up such a good opportunity!
"Well then, the decision is up to you. Now tell me loudly again that you really decided to abstain, and then I will announce that you are disqualified from the competition."

"I, Feng Qianyun, voluntarily abstain!" Feng Qianyun said it again, firmly expressing her decision.

Director Jiang sighed secretly, and then announced to everyone: "Feng Qianyun abstained, Shen Jian won!"

Director Jiang's announcement actually made two-thirds of the audience breathe a sigh of relief.

You know, ninety-nine percent of the people who came in to watch the game bought off-site gambling, and among the ninety-nine percent people, none of them bought Fengqianyun to win. Terrifying strength, after the dark horse that won the championship, everyone still doesn't worry about their money?

Of course, the reason why only two-thirds of the people were relieved was because there were many local tyrants in the audience, and they didn't care about losing such a small amount of money. They are a dark horse, but they have lost a lot of excitement. Of course, they are more disappointed than happy.

As for Feng Qianyun's original opponent, Shen Jian, he was overjoyed, picked up a pie, and he was ready to abstain, but she abstained before him!It's just good luck, a blessing from heaven, shit luck!
In this way, Feng Qianyun withdrew from the arena and out of everyone's sight.

Halfway through the walk, Feng Qianyun suddenly stopped in her tracks. She seemed to have remembered something, and then she turned her head, "Oh, that's right."

"Do you regret it?" Shen Jian asked reflexively. If she said she regretted it at this time, then he would be thrown into the sky and then fell back to the ground.

"No, I want to say that besides me, the other two people in my group also want to give up the game. I said it for both of them alone, so that they don't have to come up and explain one by one."

"What? You said they would also abstain?" Director Jiang asked in surprise.

If she remembers correctly, one of them was the number one dark horse who killed all the others in Group C in seconds. Because his match happened yesterday, after the first match, that man became an off-court The number one favorite of the game is now.

"Yeah, they are all the same as me. They think that 10 yuan is a lot of money. Let the rest of the competition be left to others."

"This, this..." Supervisor Jiang asked a little nervously, "Are you sure you want to do this?"

Please, after yesterday's competition, her nephew put all his wealth on the young man who was with Feng Qianyun, and now he suddenly announced that he would abstain, wouldn't that be, wouldn't it be...

"I'm sure, just as sure as before!" Don't ask her about this kind of thing again and again, isn't her eyes not obvious enough? Turn around and look in the mirror, it seems that it is necessary to correct what you are telling The look in other people's eyes when they do this kind of thing, lest people think she is joking.

(End of this chapter)

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