Chapter 461
So this year's shiny dark horse team of three shiny big dark horses is like this-abstained? !
The audience was deadly silent, and some accidents always came so suddenly, so caught off guard.

Feng Qianyun walked away from the arena with leisurely steps under the intense gaze of the crowd.

"Boom—" The scene immediately exploded, and there were different opinions.

"Dad, what do you think she's selling? They are the most powerful group. Why would she choose to abstain in this situation? Wouldn't that be a little unreasonable?" Peng Tianyou pinched his chin and began to think about this question. There are many people who gave up on the field, but Feng Qianyun really gave him a big surprise.

Peng Yilun, like his son Peng Tianyou, had doubts in his heart, "It's indeed a little suspicious."

"Father, why don't you sacrifice your beauty and play her tricks?" Peng Tianyou said mischievously.

"Your mother and I want you to find a wife so that you can give birth to a big fat boy so that your mother and I can hold a grandson, but we didn't say that you should hook up with other underage girls."

"Hehe, why don't I just talk about it, but I really want to get to know her, and I'm afraid that Xia Wufeng will find me to settle the score later." Peng Tianyou shrank his neck, thinking that Xia Wufeng might chase him with a cold face. , he felt a chill down his back.

"But I really have something for you to do." Peng Yilun had a serious expression when he spoke, and he noticed something unusual today, "It's about the final prize of this competition."

"Dad, are you also interested in this prize?"

"I came here to meet Xia Wufeng and Feng Qianyun, but after I got here, something caught my attention. I felt an unusual force surging in this venue, which made me feel uneasy. .”

Peng Tianyou knew that his father was the one who opened the blood-stained boundary, possessed a certain perception ability, and he could sense the unusual power nearby.

"I see, I'll check it out." Peng Tianyou smiled, it seemed that something interesting was going on again! "Then I'm going now!"

"Stinky boy, be careful!" Peng Yilun hastily told Peng Tianyou that his son had never experienced any setbacks since he was a child, and he would be as happy as the wind and the rain. I'm afraid he would still be the same when he encountered trouble Knowing that the sky is high and the earth is thick, it will be troublesome.

Peng Yilun never thought that what he wanted at this moment would be fulfilled today.

Peng Tianyou wandered happily around the venue. He didn't activate the blood inheritance limit, and he didn't have a metallic physique, but he didn't inherit his father's ability to sense and detect. It is said that this ability is unique, probably hundreds of thousands. There is only one in ten thousand or even tens of millions of people, so even if his father has it, it is normal that he, the son, did not inherit it.

In other words, before he went to investigate the inexplicable power, he still wanted to meet that girl named Feng Qianyun for a while, and by the way find out why that girl chose to withdraw from the competition under such circumstances.

For Feng Qianyun, should she be in the waiting room now, or will she be in the viewing stand specially provided for the contestants?

"Where did that chick Feng Qianyun go?" Peng Tianyou stood in the aisle, thinking about this question.

Just as he was thinking about it, he didn't notice that there was an extra figure behind him.

Then he suffered pain at the back of his neck and lost consciousness on the spot.

When Peng Tianyou opened his eyes in a daze, he found that he was tied up by someone. He tried to break the rope that bound him, but found that he couldn't use his strength.

Damn it, he was given medicine!
Then I saw Feng Qianyun, whom he was looking for just now, walking towards him.

"Why are you tying me up?" Peng Tianyou looked at Feng Qianyun angrily. He didn't provoke her, so why did she tie him up?

"Why are you looking for me?" Feng Qianyun asked Peng Tianyou in turn, she recognized this man, the man standing behind the astonishing alliance leader, he was walking and chanting his name just now, clearly I was just looking for myself, just in case, I knocked him out and tied him up first.

"Who said I'm looking for you? And even if I'm looking for you, why can't you say something well, why are you tied me up?" Peng Tianyou felt very depressed. He grew up and no one was treated like this. Pass.

"When you meet a stranger, and you can't judge whether the other person is kind or malicious towards you, as a girl, you must give priority to choosing a method that is beneficial to you, so that you can be in an absolutely favorable position, understand?"

If the other party was really malicious, would she obediently go up and tell him that she was the Feng Qianyun he was looking for, what advice do you have, and then let the other party do it first?
Feng Qianyun firmly believes that it is better to act first, and the latter will suffer!

"You, you are making unreasonable words!" Peng Tianyou accused Feng Qianyun angrily.

"Okay, I'm busy now, if you have anything to say, tell me quickly, and then I'll decide whether to let you go or kill you."

Feng Qianyun is really busy now, those two old bastards are going to do something, they can't let them take the lead, she not only wants to save her own life, but also wants to get that thing.

Peng Tianyou was in a bad mood, and he thought sullenly, hum, when you let me go, I will give you a good spanking, to let you know that my brother is for respect, not for sneak attack!
"Do you know Xia Wufeng?" Peng Tianyou thought, she must know Xia Wufeng, the two of them have lived together as childhood sweethearts for so many years, they must have a very good relationship, hearing the name Xia Wufeng, you should know that he has no malice!
"Are you from Xia Wufeng?" Feng Qianyun narrowed her eyes, which were a little more vigilant.

"What do you mean I belong to him! Does Lao Tzu seem to be someone who takes orders from that bastard?" What a joke!
"Then what is your relationship with him?"

"Barely considered friends." Peng Tianyou thought, even for his father's sake, the two of them should be able to be friends.

"Really?" Feng Qianyun took out a women's revolver and started to play with it. This pistol was given to her by Qin Miaoyun. It was originally used by Qin Miaoyun for self-defense. It was given to Feng Qianyun as a gift. Thank you Feng Qianyun for the small gift.

Seeing Feng Qianyun pull out the gun, Peng Tianyou was startled, "What are you doing?"

"What am I doing? Don't you know that I almost died by Xia Wufeng's hands?"

"What?" Peng Tianyou was taken aback. He had seen Xia Wufeng staring at Feng Qianyun's photo in a daze, so he subconsciously thought that the relationship between the two of them was very good. "He won't be so perverted?" Because he likes it, so To kill?My day!

"Tell me who you are first?" Seeing that Peng Tianyou didn't look like he was working for Xia Wufeng, Feng Qianyun planned to ask him again to clarify the matter.

"I'm Peng Tianyou, the perverted old man who broke up your Bai Ze phantom beast just now is my father." Peng Tianyou was still thinking about the previous question, what is the relationship between Xia Wufeng and Feng Qianyun in front of him?

Is it the son of the leader of the alliance?That identity is really unusual.

"I overheard someone saying that your father intends to train Xia Wufeng to be his successor. Is it true?"

"Yeah, the old man likes Xia Wufeng very much. He said that he is calm, decisive and has good judgment." Peng Tianyou also agrees with his father's views, but he always feels that Xia Wufeng is too cold.

"In the last three or four months, Xia Wufeng's martial arts has improved by leaps and bounds, do you know the reason?" Not only has his martial arts improved, but his coldness has also deepened.

When asked this question, Peng Tianyou pursed his lips, unwilling to answer.

"Don't say?" Feng Qianyun shook the women's revolver in her hand, full of threats.

"This involves other people's privacy. I don't think it's good for me to talk about the privacy of other people's homes everywhere... Of course, if you insist on listening, I can tell you, but don't talk about it everywhere, even if you talk about it everywhere. Don't say I told you."

"I'm not that gossip and I'm not that big of a mouth." Feng Qianyun said angrily, and from Peng Tianyou's tone, it seemed that something really happened.

"You and him are childhood sweethearts, so you should know about his life experience?"

"What's his background?" Feng Qianyun wondered, isn't Xia Wufeng the young master of the Xia family, with a noble background, what else could he have?
"You don't know?" Peng Tianyou was very surprised, he thought Feng Qianyun would definitely know! "Don't you know he was born to his father and his father's cousin?"

"What?" Feng Qianyun was taken aback when she heard the words, his father and his father's cousin?Is this a consanguineous marriage?If this matter was placed in ancient times, it would be nothing. This kind of thing happened a lot, but if it is placed in the present, it seems that it is not an honorable thing, right?

It seemed that she really didn't know anything about it, so Peng Tianyou told Feng Qianyun about Xia Wufeng's life experience. To be honest, it's not a secret, but it's not something worth talking about. For Xia Wufeng, This is a pain that will never heal.

Feng Qianyun was stunned for a moment, she had known him for so many years, but she had never known such a thing.

Is that why he never smiles?

Also, he never celebrates birthdays, and even hates birthdays a little.

"You really don't know anything." Peng Tianyou sighed, "I think there is one thing that may be related to you. I also heard it from my dad. My dad told me that a few years ago, Xia Wufeng He killed a maid in Ouyang's house, and that was the first time he killed someone."

Feng Qianyun's hand holding the revolver trembled, she knew, how could she not know what Peng Tianyou said, that was the time, the maid just made a small mistake, but Xia Wufeng killed her , killed people in an extremely cruel way, the Xia Wufeng she saw that night was like a devil, cold-blooded, ruthless, cruel, violent...

(End of this chapter)

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