Chapter 465 Guilt?
"Old man Bai, let's stop talking nonsense with her!" Old man Xing was determined, he didn't want his important affairs to be delayed by Feng Qianyun, a stinky girl, so he became murderous towards Feng Qianyun.

The old man Bai nodded, now that they had no choice but to attack, it would be really bad if they were messed up by such a stinky girl!

"Is that so, is it because I told you about my plan, are you guilty? Old man Bai, Xia Wufeng should call you uncle and grandpa no matter what, you are quite heartless!"

Feng Qianyun's words shocked the two old men. This girl really knows something, and it's quite a lot.

This realization aroused the shock of the two, "What else do you know?"

"Not many, including the fact that you guys wanted to create an accident. I probably know something about it, but I still don't know exactly how many people you have arranged in this venue, or you can tell me!" Feng Qianyun said. An angry smile.

This girl can't stay!

The two of them just took a step forward, trying to get closer to Feng Qianyun, Feng Qianyun hurriedly took two steps back, "You want to kill me? Then come, or kill me, or I promise to be unscrupulous for a long time. Everyone will know!"

After Feng Qianyun finished speaking, she ran away. Facing the two masters who had been angered by her, it would be no wonder that Feng Qianyun didn't run away!
"Chasing!" The old man Bai and the old man Xing hurriedly chased after him without thinking too much.

Feng Qianyun ran into a conference hall in the arena. This conference hall was used for the management personnel in the arena to hold meetings. Naturally, the conference hall was empty at this time, and everyone went to the arena to watch the game went.

Feng Qianyun ran into the meeting hall, followed by Old Man Bai and Old Man Xing.

"Smelly girl, let's see where you are going! There is nowhere to escape now, right?"

There are two front and back doors in the conference hall, the old man Bai is in the front, and the old man Xing is in the back door, blocking Feng Qianyun's way out.

"Who said I was going to run away?" Feng Qianyun smiled.

"Smelly girl, tell me, how on earth did you know those things?" The old man looked at Feng Qianyun fiercely.

"Want to know? Then you have to catch me first." Feng Qianyun jumped onto the large conference table in the center of the conference hall, and said to the two with a smile.

The old man Bai and the old man Xing met each other's eyes, and then they stepped forward.

The two of them shot together, it stands to reason that Feng Qianyun must be doomed.

In the blink of an eye, two figures suddenly appeared, stopping the attacks of Old Man Bai and Old Man Xing respectively.

When Old Man Bai and Old Man Xing saw who was coming, they turned pale with fright.

The person who blocked old man Xing's attack turned out to be Peng Yilun!
And old man Bai's side is actually Xia Wufeng!
"Leader, why are you here?" Old man Xing tried his best to keep himself quiet.

"Yunyun, she has already told me everything. I am here, of course, to prevent the two of you from doing things that endanger the families of alliance members." Peng Yilun's aura is very strong. Standing there, they put invisible pressure on Old Man Bai and Old Man Xing.

"Leader, I think you must have made a mistake. How could you misunderstand us by believing a girl's one-sided words?" The old man Bai hurriedly explained, the two of them have known Peng Yilun for several years anyway, could it be Couldn't it be compared to the one-sided words of a little girl who came out of nowhere?

"You two? I also want to find a reason to trust you. Don't forget, why did you leave the management of the alliance in the first place? If not, how could you become the director of the dark arena?" Peng Yilun I have some understanding of the past of these two people. They had to leave the alliance because they made mistakes and couldn't stay in the alliance. Very few outsiders know about this matter. Only some high-level leaders of the alliance, including Peng Yilun, knew about it. After all, it was not a pleasant thing, and everyone tacitly kept it quiet.

"Peng Yilun, even if we have made mistakes, how can you conclude that the two of us will do something that endangers the alliance based on one girl's one-sided words? You are doing this without evidence, is it too much for the two of us? Isn't it fair?"

"Elder Bai's words are quite good. Unfortunately, I, Mr. Peng, is not a stubborn and conservative person. If you have to wait for conclusive evidence to find some things before doing anything, this person is almost dead. This is a very difficult time. Peng Mou still understands a little bit, as for why I choose to believe this girl, it is probably fate! I appeared in this arena at this time, and the main reason I came here was for her."

Peng Yilun doesn't have so many principles and rules in doing things. Sometimes he believes in his own feelings more than evidence and the like, and likes to walk with his own heart.

Old Man Bai and Old Man Xing looked at each other, seeing the situation in front of them, Peng Yilun couldn't let him go. As for Xia Wufeng, they had no intention of communicating with him from the beginning.

With the strength of the two of them against Peng Yilun and Xia Wufeng, the outcome is hard to say, and the key point is that a lot of time will be wasted. Once the best time to start is missed, their plan will be ruined.

For the present plan, they are still the best policy.

"Uncle Peng, they want to leave! Stop them!" Feng Qianyun shouted loudly, want to run?It's not that easy.

When Peng Yilun moved, he saw a flash of red light, and he came to the back door, blocking the way.

Xia Wufeng then changed his position and blocked the front door. Together with Peng Yilun, he blocked Old Man Bai and Old Man Xing in the conference hall.

"Uncle Peng, I'll leave this to you. I'll go to the venue first. The time has not come, and the accident didn't happen. I think other people in the venue will make some moves." Feng Qianyun came to the back door and talked with Peng Yilun. After saying hello, he swaggered out of the conference hall and handed over the rest of the matter to Peng Yilun and Xia Wufeng.

The old man Bai and the old man Xing must have never expected to face such a situation a second before they rushed into the conference hall. Peng Yilun and Xia Wufeng, this is really a heavyweight appearance!Tsk tsk, it's a pity that she has other things to do now, otherwise she should really stay and observe.

"Next, Xia Wufeng!"

On the playing field at this time, when it comes to Xia Wufeng's appearance.

"Xia Wufeng!"

"Xia Wufeng!"

Director Jiang called Xia Wufeng's name three times in a row, but no one from Xia Wufeng appeared.

What the hell is this?

Director Jiang has one head and two big ones. What happened today? Not to mention the potential players who abstained one by one. Now that Xia Wufeng is here, he refuses to show up. If he doesn't even show up, the audience should Totally dissatisfied!
They opened the arena, but for the sake of making money. The audience is already dissatisfied with the abstentions of the previous contestants. If Xia Wufeng doesn't participate, the spectacle of this competitive event will be gone. Seriously affect the reputation of their arena and future business.

Director Jiang was in a dilemma, she looked around, but still didn't see Xia Wufeng's shadow.

Director Jiang had no choice but to make up a nonsense reason to delay, "Well, it's time for a break, let's take a break first!"

Sure enough, voices of dissatisfaction erupted immediately in the auditorium.

"What are you doing! I came here for Xia Wufeng, but in the end he didn't even compete, what kind of competition are you guys doing!"

"Damn, why are there halftime breaks? I've never heard of such games having halftime breaks!"


For a while, there was a lot of cursing in the auditorium.

Time passed by, Xia Wufeng still did not appear, at this time Feng Qianyun had come to the edge of the competition field, her eyes scanned everything around her, paying close attention to the movements of the people on the field.

If Xia Wufeng didn't show up, the original plan would be seriously affected. I don't know if the other party can still sit still.

It seems that she needs to light a fire.

Feng Qianyun took a step forward and walked towards the center of the competition field.

Director Jiang was surprised to see Feng Qianyun, who had already abstained, reappeared.

"Feng Qianyun, haven't you already abstained?" Why come up again after abstaining?
"That's right, I abstained. I came up to help a friend of mine talk to Supervisor Jiang, and he also abstained."

Another abstention?

"Feng Qianyun, if I remember correctly, your other two teammates have already abstained, who else wants to abstain?" What happened today, everyone clamored to abstain.

This kind of competition has people abstaining every year, but no year is as weird as this year.

"My friend's name is Xia Wufeng, and he abstained." Feng Qianyun replied.

"What?" Director Jiang was shocked, "You said Xia Wufeng abstained?" Not to mention when she and Xia Wufeng became good friends, Xia Wufeng is also going to abstain, what the hell is today?Do you want to set an international abstention day?
The audience is silent!

"That's right, he couldn't leave due to something, so he had no choice but to give up the game. I'm here to inform the supervisor on his behalf." Feng Qianyun was still smiling like a flower.

"You said he has a temporary business? What kind of temporary business does he have? Is there anything more important than participating in the competition here?"

"Important or not, everyone has a ruler in their hearts, and everyone's standards are different, so naturally we can't generalize."

"Okay, tell me, where is he now?" Director Jiang's face became very ugly.

"Director Jiang, aren't you in charge of hosting the competition? If a contestant abstains, why don't you record it? Why do you have to ask so carefully?" Feng Qianyun looked at Director Jiang in confusion.

Supervisor Jiang was paused by Feng Qianyun's question, only to realize that he had been pressing the question a little earlier, "Because you and Xia Wufeng are not teammates, theoretically you are not qualified to abstain for him, so I want to find him, okay?" Ask clearly so as not to make a wrong record”

(End of this chapter)

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