Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 466 Strange sorghum, don't try to lie to me

Chapter 466 Strange sorghum, don't try to lie to me (1)
"How about this, Director Jiang, I won't announce any waiver for him. Anyway, if the time comes, if he doesn't show up, it will be considered as his abstention."

Feng Qianyun smiled, said no more, turned around to leave, Director Jiang behind him immediately reached out and pressed her shoulder, "Feng Qianyun, I want to know why Xia Wufeng abstained, he is different from you, you are the representative He came to the competition by himself, but he came to represent their family, you know, if..."

Manager Jiang thought to himself, this can't make Xia Wufeng also abstain, and Feng Qianyun abstained at most because they have fewer meeting places.

"What if? The winning or losing of this competition is related to whether he can establish his position in the Xia family and in the league? Well, well, director Jiang, then you are not from the Xia family, why do you care so much, only Xia Those who don't want Xia Wufeng to be in power hope that Xia Wufeng will lose face in this competition, or be killed by others, are you right? Speaking of which, if I participate in the competition, I will definitely meet Xia Wufeng, tsk tsk , A super invincible little genius like me, maybe he can be played to death on the field, are you right, hehe."

How can anyone say that about themselves, Feng Qianyun, where is your integrity?You're so thick-skinned that you can't even get a diamond in, right?

Director Jiang frowned at Feng Qianyun's words. If Xia Wufeng really didn't participate in this competition, and if he didn't show up when the competition ended and the final award was given out, then there would be no point in proceeding with some things.

"Feng Qianyun, I know you are a good girl. There are some things you don't understand. The arena also has difficulties in the arena. Xia Wufeng is a highlight this time. If he doesn't show up, it will be very difficult for us. .” Director Jiang expressed his difficulties to Feng Qianyun.

"Director Jiang, it's useless for you to tell me about it. I'm just a messenger. If Xia Wufeng has something to do, I can't drag him here. You know, he looks so good. It's eerie, and no one dares to get close to him, and being able to talk to him is already considered a very good endurance, don't you think?"

Feng Qianyun is acting innocent, what she said is not all lies, at least it is true that Xia Wufeng makes people feel scared, if you don't believe me, try it.

Especially recently, he used to be a little bit colder and harder to get close to, but recently, he is about to complete his metamorphosis, making it impossible for people to look directly at him.

Manager Jiang was at a loss for words, and what Feng Qianyun said was not wrong. This little girl had always given her a good impression, but in this situation, she was really embarrassed. She was afraid that Xia Wufeng would give up the game and try to leave the arena. , the plan was completely ruined.

"Director Jiang, I won't bother you anymore, let's go first." Feng Qianyun said goodbye with a smile.

With a wave of our sleeves, we won't take away a single cloud.

Feng Qianyun stepped back from the arena in a dignified manner. Everyone looked at this girl who shocked everyone and walked around this dangerous, bloody and violent arena as if it was her own hall. They felt emotional. I really don't know whether to call her brave or really think that she is invincible in this arena because she can transform into a Bai Ze phantom beast.

Feng Qianyun didn't show up for nothing this time around, and she didn't just talk to Director Jiang, this time, when she stepped back, two more people followed her.

Feng Qianyun walked to the door, curled her lips and gave a slight smile, wanting to follow the old lady, without weighing how much you weigh yourself.

Feng Qianyun knew that she was being followed, because she ran to the arena to announce an important news, which made some people lurking in the venue unable to hold back.

Feng Qianyun didn't expose it, pretending that she didn't notice that she was being followed, she continued to walk with big strides, and deliberately walked to the remote women's toilet.

The people who were in charge of following Feng Qianyun were also the two supervisors in the arena. They followed Feng Qianyun to the women's restroom and saw that there was no one else around. At this time, everyone was concentrated in the venue, so they followed Feng Qianyun into the toilet.

As soon as they entered the toilet, the two searched the entire toilet, but there was no sign of Feng Qianyun.

What's the matter, I saw her go into the toilet, why can't I find anyone?

The two of them were wondering when Feng Qianyun came in from the door and closed the door of the toilet, "I told you two, this is the women's toilet, did you go to the wrong place?"

The two hurriedly turned their heads and looked at Feng Qianyun who appeared behind them in surprise.

The two looked at each other and exchanged opinions with their eyes.

One of them chatted with Feng Qianyun, "Feng Qianyun, we have seen your performance just now, and we know that ordinary executives are not your opponents, and the two of us have no intention of fighting with you, we just want to know where Xia Wufeng is going." Where is it?"

"Xia Wufeng? I don't know where he went. I've already told Director Jiang about this." Feng Qianyun lied to the two unknown people without a second's attention. hesitantly.

"But you also said that you and Xia Wufeng are friends. In fact, we know that you are not. When you were in M ​​City, you helped Long Yutian, and Xia Wufeng was your opponent." The man said with certainty, it seemed that he knew Little about Feng Qianyun's affairs in M ​​City.

"Yo, it really surprised me. Do you guys know me well? You even know what happened when I was in M ​​City?" Feng Qianyun thought, although her things in M ​​City are not a secret, but There should not be too many people who know.

"Miss Feng, we know that you don't have any friendship with Xia Wufeng, and you even want to deal with him like us. Actually, you can consider cooperating with us. Maybe you don't like the two of us, but I firmly believe that the boss behind us I must be qualified to cooperate with you." The man tried to persuade Feng Qianyun.

His rhetoric is quite good, but unfortunately, she Feng Qianyun doesn't seem to plan to deal with Xia Wufeng now, does she?

"Really?" Feng Qianyun looked expectant, "Is what you said true? Can you really help me deal with Xia Wufeng?"

"Of course!" Seeing that Feng Qianyun was moved and hooked, the man responded with a very positive tone.

"If you can help me deal with Xia Wufeng, that would of course be the best, but..." Feng Qianyun was happy at first, but then her face changed to a questioning expression, "How do I know what you two said? Is it true or false, what if you two are deceiving me?"

"No, no, we have no reason to lie to you!" They really wanted to deal with Xia Wufeng, and they really didn't lie to her.

"Who says there is no such thing! There are so many strange people now, and innocent, lively and cute little girls like me are the first choice for kidnapping and abduction by you hungry strange people. Maybe you are actually trying to cheat money and sex!"

(End of this chapter)

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