Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 467 Strange sorghum, don't try to lie to me

Chapter 467 Strange sorghum, don't try to lie to me (2)
Naivety?energetic and cute?Was she sure the person she had just described was really herself?Why does it sound like you can't help getting goosebumps all over your body?
"Don't worry, our boss is definitely a decent person. With his reputation and status in society, he will never do such a thing as stealing!" The man Xiang Fengqianyun patted his chest in reassurance.

"That's hard to say. Nowadays, some people have very prominent status and status. They usually look like a teacher, but in fact, nothing they do behind the scenes can be seen. Who knows that the famous and status boss you mentioned Does he have the habit of finding his daughter behind his back, and is there a hard drive of more than a dozen gigabytes used to store his glorious 'records'?"

Feng Qianyun pursed her lips, that expression was clearly saying, I don't believe you if you say it without proof, it's strange, don't try to lie to me!

"Eh..." The man was a little embarrassed by Feng Qianyun's question. After thinking about it, now that the arrow is on the string, he has to send it. In fact, it doesn't matter if you tell her. Anyway, she has no way to get out of this arena alive. "I confess Let me tell you, my 'boss' is from the Holy Land of Golden Lotus."

Golden Lotus Holy Land?Feng Qianyun quickly searched for information about the Holy Land of Golden Lotus in her mind. She didn't know much about this mysterious place, but she only had some contact with Baili Bing.

Wait, Baili Bing came from the Golden Lotus Holy Land, but she worked for Xia Wufeng before, and she died at Xia Wufeng's hands in the end. In this way, Xia Wufeng and the Golden Lotus Holy Land still have some festivals.

Baili Bing is just a foreign disciple of the Golden Lotus Holy Land, and he said that he learned art in the Golden Lotus Holy Land. For such a foreign disciple, why would he go to war so much?
Didn't the people of the Xia family do this thing themselves?Why even people from the Golden Lotus Holy Land were involved? It seemed that things were far more complicated than she expected.

"Golden Lotus Holy Land? You won't be bluffing me, right? The Golden Lotus Holy Land belongs to the ancient lineage and is regarded as a holy land of martial arts. How could such a sacred place do such a thing?" Feng Qianyun Pretending not to believe the man's words, trying to get more information from the other party's mouth.

She said, how could the two elders in the district have the courage to make such a big incident, and the people behind it have a lot of background.

As for why there are both the Xia Family and the Golden Lotus Holy Land, Feng Qianyun has to spend some time to figure it out. Home is still the Golden Lotus Holy Land, if she wants her life, she will fight them desperately!No matter what you say, you won't wait for death obediently, you can't wait for the other party to play with you as a guinea pig, and cry for your father and mother again, right?
The man thought that he would wait to find Xia Wufeng anyway, and if they followed the plan, Feng Qianyun would die just like the other contestants, so it's no big deal to tell her something now.

"Miss Feng, after seeing this, you should believe what I said?" The man took out something to prove that he was indeed ordered by the people of the Golden Lotus Holy Land.

It was a lotus-shaped jade pendant, the whole body of the jade pendant was white, crystal clear, the quality of the jade was excellent, and the lotus flower was lifelike. It is something that ordinary jade pendants will not have.

This is indeed a token of the Golden Lotus Holy Land. It is said that only jade pendants that have been soaked in the holy pool of the Golden Lotus Holy Land can have such an effect, and no one else can imitate it.

It really has something to do with the Golden Lotus Holy Land.

"Hehe... So you are really someone from the Holy Land, disrespect and disrespect! Hehe, I was the one who didn't know Mount Tai just now, so don't be angry." People are coming.

Hmph, count her knowledgeable!

"Forget it, it's normal for you to have doubts. After all, people in our Holy Land rarely go into the world."

The man waved his hand, he was too lazy to argue with Feng Qianyun about such small things, the most important thing now is to find Xia Wufeng, the time they planned is not far behind, so we can't delay any longer, Xia Wufeng doesn't need to participate in the competition , but he can't leave here.

"Now can you tell us where Xia Wufeng is?"

"Okay, of course! Come with me, I'll take you to see Xia Wufeng." What's so difficult about this, sister, I'll take you there in minutes! "I'll show the two handsome guys the way!"

I'll take care of the road for you. As for the road leading to it, it's hard to say. The road leading to the Palace of Hades is also called the road.

Seeing Feng Qianyun's dog-legged appearance, the man despised her very much. Looking at her like that, he thought she was amazing. When he heard that it was the Golden Lotus Holy Land, he didn't even dare to vent his anger!
Qian Yun saw the man's triumphant demeanor, and there was a smile on the corner of his mouth that neither of the two big men could understand.

Feng Qianyun led the two of them out, and after walking for a while, Feng Qianyun suddenly stopped in the corridor outside.

"Why? Why don't you leave?" the man urged impatiently.

Feng Qianyun turned her head and looked at the two with a smile, "By the way, I forgot to tell you, I am more interested in getting rid of the person behind your scenes than Xia Wufeng."

"What do you mean?" Feng Qianyun's sudden change surprised the two of them. After thinking about it carefully, they felt that Feng Qianyun was a concentrated expression of a short circuit in the brain. How about offending people in the Holy Land?
"Uncle Lu, give you the one on the left, and give me the one on the right." Feng Qianyun said towards the back of the two men.

The two hurriedly turned their heads, only to see that Lu Guoxing was already standing behind them.

"You guys, what do you want to do?" Seeing this, the man suddenly felt something was wrong. There was Feng Qianyun in front and Lu Guoxing behind. The two of them were blocked in the middle of the corridor and couldn't get out.

"Murder to silence, haven't you heard of it?"

Joke, you are not going to let me go, why should I let you go?Does she think her life is not long enough?
"You are so brave! Our boss is someone from Jinlian Holy Land, you dare to touch him! Don't you want to live?" The man has seen Feng Qianyun's power before, and now he and his companions are the only ones who can deal with him. Feng Qianyun couldn't do it, not to mention she still had a helper, so the man carried her out of the Golden Lotus Holy Land, hoping to deter Feng Qianyun.

"You think I'm a child of three and a half years old, and I'm 13 and a half years old this year, okay? If I obediently do what you say, you will plan to kill me? Oh, it's a joke, the glorious existence of the Golden Lotus Holy Land How can you allow the existence of taints, what you plan to do today is not honorable at all, you will leave alive? Pooh! I don’t believe it even if I’m killed!”

"You, you are..." The man never expected that Feng Qianyun would see through his thoughts.

"Uncle Lu, let's do it." Feng Qianyun was too lazy to talk nonsense with these two people. After finishing the two of them, she still has other things to do. The time of an innocent, lively and lovely girl like her is very precious of!

Twenty minutes later, the two men suffered the most humiliating treatment in their lives.

Not only were they stripped of their clothes and thrown into the cubicle in the toilet, the two of them were tied together naked.

Can't call for help, definitely can't call for help, if someone really hears the two big men calling for help at this time and comes in and sees their current situation, they don't need to be human for the rest of their lives!

Before leaving, Feng Qianyun was still thinking about whether to throw a piece of soap on the ground, after thinking about it, let it go, she should be pure.

Feng Qianyun took away the special jade pendant that the two men carried as a token symbolizing the Holy Land of the Golden Lotus.

"Where do you want to go?" Director Jiang appeared in front of Feng Qianyun.

"Director Jiang, why are you here?"

When Feng Qianyun saw Supervisor Jiang, she had a smile on her face.

Feng Qianyun was born beautiful, she was slim at a young age, and she was especially pleasing when she smiled.

But from just now to now, her smile has always been treacherous, hiding calculations and thoughts that others cannot understand, and this time is no exception.

"I'm still a little worried about Xia Wufeng." Director Jiang stepped forward and said to Feng Qianyun earnestly, "Yunyun, I think you are a child with great potential, and I like you very much. It is rare to meet a child like you in the arena, you know, those who come in, many of them are vicious, and there are very few girls as delicate and sensible as you."

"Director Jiang, do you seem to have something to say to me?" Feng Qianyun's smile remained unchanged, but she kept a secret in her heart.

"Yeah, I still want to ask about Xia Wufeng's whereabouts. This time, he is very important. He is the leader's most important successor. Although this arena is not an open and aboveboard competition venue, there are many families More people came to participate and watch, this is a good opportunity for him to establish his prestige."

Feng Qianyun nodded, "Director Jiang, I understand what you said."

"Well, I know Yunyun is a good boy, but Yunyun, is he really planning to give up this competition? This will have a great impact on his future future!" Director Jiang said earnestly.

"I don't know about this. Only he knows what he thinks!" Feng Qianyun thought, she really didn't know how Peng Yilun persuaded Xia Wufeng, but since Peng Yilun, the leader of the alliance, came out, Xia Wufeng didn't Why don't you accept it?

(End of this chapter)

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