Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 468 Giant Eudemons

Chapter 468 Giant Eudemons
"Then, do you really not know where he went?" Director Jiang asked curiously, "Yunyun, you are a good boy, can you tell me the truth?"

"Then I will tell you secretly, you are not allowed to tell others!" Feng Qianyun looked around deliberately to make sure if there was anyone else.

"Okay!" Director Jiang nodded emphatically.

"Actually, he is planning to leave the venue. You know, we are not allowed to leave the venue until the game is over. That's why I didn't know when you asked me in front of everyone. Now I tell you You, you have to keep a secret for me!"

Feng Qianyun carefully told Director Jiang this "secret", and at the same time secretly watched her changes. As a supervisor, it is not surprising to ask about the whereabouts of the contestants, but if you care too much, I'm afraid there will be something in it. There is a problem, not to mention it is still in this extraordinary period, so Feng Qianyun thinks that Director Jiang is very problematic.

Sure enough, Director Jiang's expression changed significantly after hearing what Feng Qianyun said, and she hurriedly asked, "Where is he planning to escape from?"

Seeing Director Jiang's overly nervous and even angry expression, Feng Qianyun had no chance to be sure that there was something wrong with her.

"He planned to take the horizontal ladder to the field, and then climbed over the barbed wire there to escape to the outside. Although I don't know how he planned to escape because the barbed wire was so high there, he told me so."

Feng Qianyun continued to lie to Director Jiang, which sounded quite reasonable. Speaking of which, the field venue was indeed the easiest way to escape to the outside of the entire arena.

Director Jiang heard this, and went to the field without saying a word, not even having time for Hefeng Qianyun to say thank you and goodbye.

Feng Qianyun looked at Director Jiang's leaving back with a smile, and confirmed another opponent.

When Director Jiang walked away, Feng Qianyun unhurriedly took out the walkie-talkie.

"Peng Tianyou, I just confirmed an opponent, the famous old witch in the venue, Director Jiang, I'm asking her to go to your side now, you work hard!"

"Damn it, Feng Qianyun, Director Jiang ranks in the middle among all the supervisors in the venue. According to your ability to bring out the Bai Ze Phantom Beast, it is enough to deal with her. Why do you want to lead her to me?" Come here, wouldn't it be convenient for you to solve it yourself?" Peng Tianyou complained.

"Why don't I save the energy that can be saved?" Feng Qianyun asked Peng Tianyou, "Aren't you a super invincible little genius? Now is a good opportunity for you to show your talents. Come on, I will support you spiritually. .”

"I hope you will support me indefinitely in action!" Peng Tianyou muttered aggrievedly, not daring to waste the time, so he put the walkie-talkie on.

snort!Once the matter is over, he will definitely settle accounts with that nasty chick!
When Feng Qianyun put away the walkie-talkie, she smiled wickedly. Both she and Peng Yilun had the ability to perceive the surrounding environment, so both of them were able to understand the whole battle situation well.

Counting the time, the people transferred by Peng Yilun are about to arrive. Now, there will be a fierce fight in the arena.

What to do next?Find out the other opponents one by one?
Feng Qianyun walked to the competition venue again, she needed to know the progress of the competition.

When Feng Qianyun came to the competition field, one of the two players in the competition happened to be Jin Jianming, the ace of the Jin family this time.

The scene on the field is not bloody or violent. Jin Jianming has killed several people in a row, and the methods are extremely cruel. The one who is fighting with him now has his arm torn off by him. After tearing off the left arm, Jin Jianming He went to pull the man's right arm again.

The gushing blood splashed all over the playing field, dyeing the off-white floor into a blinding red. Jin Jianming also had a lot of blood on his body and face, but he seemed to be very excited and planned to kill his opponent alive. tear off.

The atmosphere at the scene was high, with applause and cheers one after another.

Obviously watching the disgusting scene, it became the most exciting scene in the eyes of these audiences.

Another player was tortured to death by Jin Jianming.

In the waiting area, Kane's fists tightened tighter and tighter, his eyes were red, because the man who was tortured to death by Jin Jianming on the stage just now was his good friend!Before Feng Qianyun washed his marrow and cut his bones, that person had always been the target he wanted to defeat!

However, at this moment, he just died in front of him!

Kane closed his eyes in pain, and tears rolled down from the corners of his eyes.

"Next, Kane."

It's the turn of the Kane Arcade.

Jin Jianming's next opponent is Kane.

Feng Qianyun frowned. In this case, it is better for Kane to abstain. She did not wash the marrow and cut bones of Kane (Tang Luo) and Qin Miaoyun to make them risk their lives. She can help them improve in a short period of time. strength, but it doesn't mean that they can challenge all the players in this way. Jin Jianming in front of him is obviously an exception.

Unexpectedly, there are so many "monsters" in this year's competition. This Jin Jianming's strength is absolutely abnormal. Even Tang Luo, who has already experienced marrow washing and bone cutting, will not be his opponent.

Feng Qianyun hoped that Kane would choose to abstain at this time, but Kane did not hear Feng Qianyun's new voice. In this case, he still walked towards Jin Jianming with his chest upright.

At this time, Jin Jianming was covered in blood, and his gaze was even more eerie, as if the blood made him more excited, and he needed more blood to satisfy his killing heart.

"Is that guy an idiot? When the incident happened to Qin Miaoyun, he knew that saving his life was the most important thing. Money is something outside of him. Now it's his turn. Don't you know that life is more important? Faint to death, it's not like that to be brave What a show, didn't you see just how abnormal Jin Jianming's strength is?"

Feng Qianyun cursed bitterly, if he was torn apart like this, wouldn't it be in vain that she had spent so much time washing his marrow and cutting his bones twice?

Kane stood on the competition stage, facing Jin Jianming, his whole blood was boiling.

After Feng Qianyun washed his marrow and cut his bones, he obviously felt that his strength had improved. Facing the man in front of him, Kane was uncertain. Among them are his friends!

"It's slow, since you dare to come up to die, you must be conscious!" Jin Jianming smiled coldly, and another one came to die. This one, should he tear off his feet first or his arms first? ?

Feng Qianyun was standing in the direction of the auditorium and already felt that the situation was not good. This idiot Kane, really, he and Jin Jianming are not at the same level at all!He couldn't even withstand Jin Jianming's move!

Kane put on a good pose, concentrating on luck, and brewing moves. Suddenly, Jin Jianming disappeared in front of him.


where is he?

Kane immediately looked around for Jin Jianming.

"Where are you looking?"

A cold voice came from behind Kane, sending hairs down Kane's spine.

He turned his head slowly, and met Shang Jin Jianming's bloodthirsty gaze.

When did he run behind him?

Kane was shocked, only at this moment did he realize how big the gap between himself and Jin Jianming was!

There is no way he can defeat this man!
The gap between the two is so huge, like a chasm, a world of difference!

Jin Jianming grabbed Kane from behind Kane. When Jin Jianming put his hands on Kane's shoulders, Kane suddenly lost his strength and couldn't even use his strength to struggle.

How could this be?
Who is this man? He can't resist!

"It's really useless. I just met you, and you have no strength. Today, the people on the field only have such a little ability. I'm really disappointed!" Jin Jianming was a little angry, he needed more help from the strong Blood, this level of competition can't make him fully excited!

"Little white mouse, you are really useless, staying in this world is just a waste of food!"

Jin Jianming grabbed one of Kane's arms. This action was very familiar to the audience, because since Jin Jianming came on stage, he has done this to seven or eight people.

He wants to tear off Kane's arm, and then further tear Kane to shreds, making Kane a part of the many flesh and blood on the field!
Between electric light and flint.A powerful force struck Jin Jianming from the auditorium.

The white and transparent Bai Ze mythical beast was born out of nowhere, and jumped directly onto the playing field from the auditorium. One of Bai Ze's paws caught Kane the second Jin Jianming made a move, and snatched him away from Jin Jianming's hands!
Kane thought he was dead this time, and he even closed his eyes resignedly, but a gust of wind rang in his ears, and when he opened his eyes again, his arm was still on his body, and He himself was held in his hands by a force, and his whole body was suspended in the air.

Turning around, Kane met a huge and vicious Bai Ze mythical beast, and riding on the Bai Ze mythical beast, the person who controls this phantom beast is Feng Qianyun!
He was saved, and he was rescued from Jin Jianming by Feng Qianyun!

The appearance of Feng Qianyun not only shocked Kane, but also the audience did not leave. Such a huge and eye-catching Eudemons appeared out of thin air, even if there was a precedent, it could not restrain the shock it brought to everyone.


A gigantic phantom beast appeared in the huge arena, which successfully ignited everyone's passion.

A thousand rhymes?Hasn't she already abstained?Why does it still appear?
The executives looked at each other, wondering what Feng Qianyun was singing again.

Seeing that Feng Qianyun snatched his prey, Jin Jianming not only didn't get angry, but became excited. Compared with the blood of that useless man, he prefers the blood of this girl who can transform into a Bai Ze phantom beast!

(End of this chapter)

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