Chapter 469 Choice
"It's her! The girl who can release the Bai Ze Eudemons!"

"It's really her, this phantom beast is too powerful! No matter how many times I see it, I can't hide the excitement in my heart!"

"Damn, this is too arrogant, she came up to stop Jin Jianming!"

"There's a good show to watch now!"

"Thousands of winds! Thousands of winds! Thousands of winds!..."

There was a burst of cheering for Feng Qianyun in the auditorium.

Feng Qianyun's popularity today is not so high.

The supervisors looked at each other in blank dismay. The person who had announced his abstention ran to the playing field to make trouble, but it was not allowed.

"Feng Qianyun, you have already abstained. Don't think that you can challenge the authority of the arena just because you own the Bai Ze Eudemons."

Feng Qianyun stood on the head of Bai Ze Eudemons, condescending, the aura was so strong that it was unbelievable that it came from a 13-year-old girl, "Don't be nervous, I don't intend to continue the game, but this person is me My friend, I just want to save him. I hope all the supervisors can make it easier."

Feng Qianyun didn't put on airs, and talked to everyone well. It was true that she had violated a series of rules of the arena. She didn't want to make a big deal at this time.

Executives, look at me and I look at you. To be honest, if it’s not necessary, they don’t need to provoke Feng Qianyun. Although they may not be afraid of Feng Qianyun in the arena, it’s better to have one thing more than one thing less, let alone her Before their strength was revealed, they received a notice from the leader of the alliance to treat her specially. This woman is definitely not simple!
"Then you take this man away." Another uncle who presided over the game on behalf of Director Jiang said, just treat it as a favor.

"Thank you very much then."

Feng Qianyun was driving Bai Ze's phantom beast to take a stand, but just as Bai Ze turned around, Jin Jianming blocked Feng Qianyun's way with a dodge.

"They agreed for you to leave, but I didn't agree!" Jin Jianming felt his whole body boil.

"What do you want to do?" Feng Qianyun thought, this Jin Jianning Ming, no matter from any angle, he does not look like a normal person.

"It's no problem if you want to save this man from me, but..." Jin Jianming looked at Feng Qianyun with a wolf-like gaze, as if he was going to swallow Feng Qianyun alive, "You have to do it on his behalf. Finish this game, otherwise I will not agree to let people go!"

How could he let such a delicious food escape from him like this, he wanted to tear her and her proud Bai Ze phantom beast to shreds, just thinking about it made Jin Jianming feel excited.

At this time, bursts of echoes erupted in the auditorium.

"Yes, play instead of him!"

"Play instead of him!"

"Play instead of him!"


Feng Qianyun vs. Jin Jianming, no matter from which angle you look at it, it will be a very interesting match.

The audience stood up, and the shouts were deafening.

This situation is really unprecedented. The audience is so demanding that even the executives are helpless.

Kane was sorry, "I'm sorry I dragged you down."

"Tell me about this later." Now is not the time to talk about this, Feng Qianyun looked around and curled her lips, whatever, let's compare, since she has stood up, she is ready to meet Jin Ming I was prepared for a big fight, and now seeing Jin Jianming's appearance, the chance of letting her go and letting her leave like this is zero percent.

"Brother Kane, you go back first, leave this place to me." Feng Qianyun put Kane down.

"Feng Qianyun, you..." Kane was stunned, looking at Feng Qianyun's unscrupulous appearance, her eyes were so firm, and her fearless expression gave him an indescribable sense of security.

He was actually protected by a girl.

Kane thumped his head, he was really useless, in the end he needed a woman to protect him.

"Go down, don't get in the way here."

With a sweep of the tail of the Eudemons, Bai Ze directly threw Kane off the playing field and into the audience.

Seeing the reaction of the audience like this, the supervisors couldn't stop them, but they were all feeling one thing in their hearts. This style is too messy. Let's see what she made this game look like. , fought with the supervisor, then abstained, and then ran up to save others, and the person who abstained in the end participated in the competition again!
"Your blood must be delicious, hahaha..."

Jin Jianming's eyes were red, showing his excitement at the moment.

With Jin Jianming's weird smile, his internal force gradually diffused, and the white internal force lingered around his body, and then continued to spread.

"Master, be careful, there may be fraud, this Jin Jianming's internal power is very strange!"

A silent voice sounded in Feng Qianyun's mind, reminding Feng Qianyun.

Even if she didn't need to silently remind her, Feng Qianyun knew that this Jin Jianming was very strange, because Jin Jianming was one of the five people in the venue that she couldn't understand. At that time, Peng Yilun hadn't come yet. Now with Peng Yilun, there are six people.

Lie Que told her that she couldn't understand it, not necessarily because the other party's internal strength was much higher than hers, but it might also be because the other party had special abilities that affected her perception and judgment.

The scope of the inner force pervading is wider, and Feng Qianyun is also enveloped by this uneasy inner force. In a short time, almost half of the venue is enveloped by this internal force. The lingering and long-lasting internal force is definitely not for ordinary people. There is a feeling of inner strength.

Gradually, the vision blurred.

"Girl, what are you looking at?" A voice that shouldn't appear at this time suddenly sounded in my ear.


Shouldn't he go get that thing?How could it appear on the venue.

A figure stepped out of the confused whiteness.

It was Lie Que, who smiled and stretched out his hand towards Feng Qianyun.

"Girl, come here."

Lie Que called out to Feng Qianyun.

Feng Qianyun hesitated for a moment, then took a step forward, just as she took a step, another voice came from behind her.

"Little daughter-in-law, where are you going? Why don't you wait for me?"

Han Mojue!
How could he be in this venue?

Han Mojue walked out with a grin, with a face like a ruffian, laughing heartlessly.

"Little daughter-in-law, I miss you."

"Han Meiren, why did you come here?" Feng Qianyun turned around and asked Han Mojue suspiciously.

"Little daughter-in-law, you are so mean, you actually left me alone, and came to such a dangerous place to fight with people like this!" Han Mojue complained to Feng Qianyun angrily. "Yunyun, I like you, can you leave here with me?"

"Hey, Han Meiren, are you sick or have a fever, why are you saying such things all of a sudden?" Feng Qianyun was quite frightened by this sudden confession.

"I don't have a disease or a fever. I'm telling the truth. Do you know how worried I am when you come to Laoshizi's Dark Capital Arena this time?"

"I'll explain this to you after I go out."

"Little daughter-in-law, are you avoiding my problem? It's not in your character to escape." Han Mojue extended his hand to Feng Qianyun as he spoke.

Feng Qianyun froze for a moment, then turned around, and Lie Que was also waiting for her at the same place.

Feng Qianyun clearly remembered that she had fought with Jin Jianming on the playing field of the arena, but why did her mood suddenly become so sad, an inexplicable emotion welled up in her chest, making her She was a little out of breath.

"Momo, Guigui, you two come out and tell me why this happened."

Feng Qianyun wanted to ask the two brats, but no one responded to her for a long time.

what happened?Don't these two brats usually chatter endlessly?Why is there no sound now?
"Girl, come here." Lie Que beckoned, his shallow smile gave people a warm and reassuring feeling, he was dazzling, handsome, he could become the focus of attention even if he did nothing, he There was never an obvious smile, and it was always like this, which made her feel at ease.

"Little wife, come here." On the other side, Han Mojue also waved to Feng Qianyun.

Han Mojue was so beautiful, so beautiful that women would feel ashamed, with a pair of peach blossom eyes, when he was serious, he was full of electricity, and seemed to be able to seduce people's souls.

Feng Qianyun seemed to be caught by an invisible force, and her reason was getting away from her little by little.

No, now is not the time to think about these things, Feng Qianyun wanted to remind herself this way, but another emotion came too strong, making her not remember where she was or what she was doing for a while, only the sight in front of her The hands of two people reaching out to her and their smiles.

Feng Qianyun lingered in the same place, not knowing what to do, she hesitated, looked at Han Mojue, then looked back at Lie Que.

Heart hurts.

Feng Qianyun felt that she had never experienced this feeling when she was awake, but at this moment, in this environment, this feeling was so strong that it made Feng Qianyun suffocate.

"Girl, come here."

"Little daughter-in-law, come to my side."

Both of them waved to Feng Qianyun, Feng Qianyun didn't know which side to go.

Feng Qianyun lingered in place, as if imprisoned by a dense love network.

Some fragments of memory kept pouring out of my mind like a movie, like a tide, which couldn't be stopped.

The scenes of memory are with Lie Que, and some are with Han Mojue, each scene is so real, it makes Feng Qianyun feel like she is experiencing it all over again.

"Girl, wait for me."

"Girl, I'll go with you."

"I will be by your side."


"Little daughter-in-law, can I leave the inheritance to you after I die?"

"Little daughter-in-law, don't you hurt my heart too much by saying this?"

"Little daughter-in-law, you are so kind to me!"

The feeling of suffocation became more obvious, and my heart throbbed involuntarily.

On Feng Qianyun's side is Lie Que, and on the other side is Han Mojue, which side should she go?
(End of this chapter)

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