Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 470 Even more out of play!

Chapter 470 Even more out of play! (1)
Feng Qianyun was stunned on the spot, her body strength was losing bit by bit.

Her hands and feet began to become weak and limp. She didn't know what was wrong with her. She felt as if she was falling, falling, falling into a bottomless abyss.

The situation on the playing field was invisible to everyone, and everyone looked up and down, wanting to know what happened in the middle of this whiteness.

Everyone was puzzled why Jin Jianming, who had been decisively eradicating his opponents by violent means, suddenly changed his routine now.

Only Jin Hanzhang knows the real situation. This is Jin Jianming's ability. From the ability he possessed from birth, against ordinary opponents, Jin Jianzhi needs to touch the opponent to completely lose his resistance.

It takes a little effort to deal with a player of Feng Qianyun's level. Jin Jianming will make Feng Qianyun hallucinate, disturb her mood, and magnify all her negative emotions and hidden emotions in her mind, making her You are trapped by your emotions.

It won't be long before Feng Qianyun will completely lose her ability to resist, allowing Jin Jianming to tear her body apart.

Hehe, no one can escape from such a powerful ability of Jin Jianming.

Feng Qianyun, you are very strong, but it's a pity that when you meet Jin Jianming, even someone with stronger martial arts skills than you can't escape from his ability, and you are even more useless!
Seeing this, Tang Luo and Qin Miaoyun were very nervous, especially Qin Miaoyun, she was covering her chest with one hand, what to do, there has been no movement for so long, could something happen to Yunyun?The opponent looks like a very perverted person!
Time passed by, and the tension became more and more intense.

Qin Miaoyun has even started to pray, praying that Feng Qianyun will be safe.

On the field of competition, Jin Jianming also thought that he was sure to win, and he could see the appearance of this woman when she was bleeding, and it would be done soon!

Time seemed to stand still, and everyone waited with bated breath.

Suddenly, there was a change in the originally silent playing field.

A whirlwind swept across the white internal force on the ground, making the ground clear again.

When the white color dissipated completely and the venue became clear again, at the center of the whirlwind, Feng Qianyun folded her arms, with bright eyes, sweet signature smile, white T-shirt, black hot pants, slender legs, age She is small and well proportioned.

Feng Qianyun is fine!
How can it be!

No one can escape from Jin Jianming's special ability, and Feng Qianyun is certainly no exception!

"Unfortunately, Mr. Jin, you failed." Feng Qianyun's sweet voice was full of provocation.

His play is over, should we talk about her?
Although in the end she still got rid of the control of Jin Jianming's ability, but in the really annoyed and depressed her!
For this reason, Feng Qianyun can't let Jin Jianming go no matter what she says, damn it, dare to make my old lady so angry, if I don't pick you up today, I won't be called Feng Qianyun!

After Jin Jianming's inner strength was washed away, Feng Qianyun transformed into her Bai Ze phantom beast again, majestic and imposing.

"Guigui, you come out too." Feng Qianyun called Guigui out.

Immediately, there was a little ghost on the field, blinding everyone's eyes, and everyone hurriedly shifted their eyes to Guigui.

Damn, don't tell them that this thing is a tool spirit!

Guigui, who became the focus of everyone, roared depressingly: "Damn, why are you staring at me? Have you never seen a handsome guy? I'm a genius, so don't look! I know it's the first time you've seen such a handsome guy. It doesn't matter if it's a weapon spirit, I can understand that there are very few weapon spirits as handsome as this uncle."

It's really a tool spirit!

On one side is a phantom beast in the form of an ancient mythical beast, and on the other side is a child-like tool spirit with small horns.

There are really too many treasures on Feng Qianyun's body!

Where did this woman come from?

Everyone's eyes turned red immediately, they couldn't help it, they were jealous!They also want a magical weapon, and the spirit of the weapon is simply a dream!
"Jin Jianming, your aunt, I will let you know what will happen if you offend me!"

Phantom beasts, tool spirits, and Feng Qianyun's true self, three against one, you have ghosts if you can't kill them!
"How could you escape?" Jin Jianming couldn't believe that his abilities had been cracked.

How did you escape?
Thinking of this question, Feng Qianyun's face turned redder, and her eyes became more fierce, as if she wanted to tear Jin Jianming's skin and cramps into his heart.

Is she angry?

Although it's something to be angry about being plotted by others, why is she blushing while being angry?Rather, it was as if Feng Qianyun had unreservedly released her own internal energy.

A strong storm hit her in the center, and the water in the pool around the competition field began to tremble and splash continuously, and the spectators closest to the competition field became drowned.

This power shook the entire arena.

Heaven step!

It is the strength of heaven!

Everyone was shocked!

Looking at the entire province of Z, how many people have reached the sky rank?That is simply the existence of an emperor!

If it is said that there is a gap between ordinary people and the Mystical Steps, and the Ariana Trench between the Mystic Steps and the Dark Steps, then the Dark Steps to the Heavenly Steps span from Mount Kilimanjaro to Mount Everest.

Everyone in the audience seemed to have been immobilized, unable to move, and all the supervisors were also terrified. As far as they knew, apart from Leader Peng Yilun, only Elder Bai and Elder Xing had such a cultivation level!

"You, have been retaining your own strength?"

It was the first time Jin Jianming encountered such an opponent, and it was the first time he was able to escape from his own ability, and it was also the first time he encountered a heavenly master.

"It's just that you didn't realize it. I actually did my best when I first transformed into a phantom beast."

Feng Qianyun shrugged her shoulders, that was actually an accident, it was her first experiment with Eudemons.

Jin Hanzhang was quite frightened when he saw this. He didn't expect that Feng Qianyun could not only escape from Jin Jianming's ability, but also be a formidable opponent who had reached the heavenly level!
God, how could this kind of person appear in this kind of competition field!

This was completely unexpected by the Jin family!

No, Jin Jianming is a trump card of their Jin family, and the Jin family can't lose this trump card now!
He wanted to keep Jin Jianming, and he couldn't just be wiped out by Feng Qianyun.

"Jin Jianming wants to abstain, and the supervisor Jin Jianming wants to abstain!" Jin Hanzhang, ignoring the obstruction of the supervisors, rushed into the competition field and shouted.

(End of this chapter)

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