Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 471 Even more out of play!

Chapter 471 Even more out of play! (2)
Jin Hanzhang rushed out.

Seeing this, the executives also came up to stop him. This Jin Jianming is a trump card of the Jin family, and the Jin family is a major shareholder of the arena. They have to protect Jin Jianming.

"Feng Qianyun, stop, you can't kill Jin Jianming!" Jin Hanzhang roared.

"If he can kill, why can't I!" Feng Qianyun retorted.

"You have abstained, and letting you compete again is an extra favor, so you can't kill people!" Jin Hanzhang improvised a reason just to save Jin Jianming's life.

"Yes, you can't kill him!" The executives also quickly said, "It is against the rules for you to compete with Jin Jianming. The competition points are exhausted, and there is no counting!"

Why didn't you say that just now?

Jin Jianming is at a disadvantage, so he said that the game is not counted.

Seeing that many supervisors and Jin Jianming rushed over to rescue her, Feng Qianyun was not relentless.

It was too late to say it, but Feng Qianyun, Guigui, and Huanju attacked together, giving Jin Jianming a fatal blow.

The huge force caused the air in the entire arena to vibrate, and the impact produced by the burst of power seemed like a powerful bomb exploded in the center of the arena.

When everything returned to calm again, the Bai Ze phantom beast in the center of the field had disappeared, and the child-like Qi Ling had disappeared, only Feng Qianyun was still there, and Jin Jianming was lying in front of her.

Jin Hanzhang's body was stiff, his eyes fixed on the center of the field, Jin Jianming, Jin Jianming was caught by Feng Qianyun, give... give...

The other supervisors also stared straight at them. They were already rushing to stop it, but Feng Qianyun could still let Feng Qianyun take the lead!
In the middle of the competition field, Jin Jianming was already at the end, and was attacked by Bai Ze phantom beast, a weapon spirit, and a heavenly master at the same time, and it was difficult to survive.

Jin Hanzhang rushed forward resolutely, "See Ming, see Ming, see Ming..."

Jin Hanzhang shook Jin Jianming's body, but he didn't get any response. At this time, Jin Jianming had no breathing or heartbeat, and he was hopeless.

"Feng Qianyun, you are so courageous!" Jin Hanzhang roared angrily.

"Mr. Jin, all the supervisors, that's right. I forfeited the game. You allowed me to play now. I am still a player in the arena. The arena allows players to kill each other, right? Then what reason do you have? Forbid me to kill Jin Jianming?"

Private competitions are fine. Is there anything wrong with standing upright in the center of the competition field and fighting under the eyes of everyone?

"You!" Jin Hanzhang was in a hurry, he didn't know how to refute Feng Qianyun, this stinky girl not only has amazing martial arts skills, but also has a particularly sharp mouth!
At this time, the Jin family in the arena moved.

Shua Shua Shua Shua Shua Shua Shua Shua, the scene stood up, the expressions of these people looking at Feng Qianyun could not be described as good-looking.

There were several members of the Jin family in the auditorium, even among the supervisors.

Jin Jianming's death made all of them stand up, and including Jin Hanzhang, several people surrounded Feng Qianyun.

"You killed Jin Jianming, we won't let you go!" Jin Hanzhang said in a cold voice, determined to take Feng Qianyun down, otherwise we won't be able to explain it when we go back!
The atmosphere instantly dropped to freezing point, and a strong smell of gunpowder permeated the air.

The people of the Jin family are really despicable. They sent people to compete, but they died in the competition, so they all sent out to demand the opponent's life.

How about the several lives killed by Jin Jianming?
Seeing this, Qin Miaoyun and Tang Luo hurried up.

"Yunyun, we're here to help you!"

The two couldn't stay together anymore, the Jin family was deceiving people too much, they stood up for Feng Qianyun to the end!
Feng Qianyun rubbed her forehead, and it turned into a gang fight.

The person who should be arrested has not been caught yet, but he has been engaged with the Jin family first.

At this moment, there was a change in the ground.The tremor was strong, like an earthquake.

"What's going on? Is there an earthquake?"

No, Province Z is no longer in the earthquake zone. Even if you feel the earthquake occasionally, it is just affected. There has never been an earthquake disaster.

This is the first time I have encountered such a thing. Everyone is underground, so what if the earthquake came?

Before everyone could take action against the sudden shock, the ground cracked open.

There are more and more cracks, and the ground made of practical reinforced concrete is actually broken like this.

This arena is not a tofu project. The reinforced concrete floor with a thickness of five meters is specially tailored for fierce fighting. Even if there is an earthquake, it will definitely be able to withstand a magnitude [-] earthquake!

But now, the ground is shattered to the extent that someone punched ordinary glass hard. Not to mention countless cracks, all of them have been completely shattered.

For a moment, the scene became chaotic, those who tried to escape ran for their lives, and those who shouted for help shouted for help.This scene can almost be described as howling ghosts and howling wolves.

Only a few who have real knowledge are still standing or sitting in their own places.

Feng Qianyun's feet shook violently, but these vibrations could not bring her any harm. Feng Qianyun wanted to concentrate, trying to sense what was happening under her feet, but at this moment, the imperial god bracelet on her left hand inexplicably It got hot.

"Mo Mo, what happened?" Feng Qianyun asked Mo Mo.

"I don't know, Master, Momo doesn't know, but I have a very familiar feeling." Momo replied, she didn't know why the Yushen bracelet suddenly became hot.

This feeling was also there when Feng Qianyun and Lie Que went down to the ground together last time, but it was not as strong as this time. Last time the Yushen Bracelet just got hot, but this time it was completely hot.

After a while, amidst the panicked screams of the crowd, the vibration stopped.

Everyone raised their heads in a trance, and looked at the center of the competition field. The competition field was destroyed in a mess, and it was really no different from a strong earthquake.

There were several deep cracks on the ground, and it was dark looking down.

The tense atmosphere of rivalry on the competition field just now was completely shaken by this sudden shock. Feng Qianyun and the members of the Jin family were scattered, and the place where they stood was uneven. After this shock, In some places the ground swells and in others it sinks.Between them are criss-cross chasms.

Just when everyone was wondering what was going on with the change that happened just now, a figure appeared in the crack.


what's the situation?Could it be that someone climbed up from the ground?

Just kidding, who would live underground, unless it was a dead person, a zombie!

Feng Qianyun looked down carefully, and felt that the figure of that person was somewhat familiar. This internal force was Lie Que!
Feng Qianyun sensed that the visitor's inner strength was from Lie Que that she was familiar with, and while she secretly breathed a sigh of relief, she was also curious, his way of appearing on the stage was a bit too ecstasy, right?
Lie Que climbed up from the crack, because right below the playing field is the place where many ancient books and the mysterious magic weapon are hidden.

Wearing a white shirt, black suit pants, with a slender and handsome figure and a sexy back, Lie Que couldn't possibly be a dead person or a zombie from any angle, although he was wearing a mask that covered most of his face.

Lie Que didn't come up alone, and he was dragging another person by his hand. He was an old man in his 60s and 1.7s. He was about [-] meters tall, with a thin figure and a simple Chinese tunic suit.

Lie Que threw the man to the ground.

Everyone immediately recognized the person who was brought up by Lie Que.

"Curator! It's the curator!"

In this arena, there is no one who does not know him, he is the highest person in charge of this arena, and everyone calls him the curator.

But he was unconscious at this time and was thrown on the ground like a cargo.

"What did you do to our curator?"

The supervisors couldn't sit still this time, someone attacked their curator, this matter is no longer an ordinary fight, the situation is very serious!

Everyone looked at Lie Que warily, who is this man?Their curator is a heavenly master, but now he is being carried around!

Lie Que didn't seem to see everyone's surprised and suspicious eyes, and quickly attracted Feng Qianyun from the crowd, picked up the unconscious curator and walked towards Feng Qianyun.

"I am coming."

Here I am, just these three words, very ordinary, but it makes people feel at ease.

When Feng Qianyun saw Lie Que, her face turned red like a monkey's ass, he was still laughing, still laughing, bastard, scoundrel, hateful, hateful!
Thinking of what happened just now after she was influenced by Jin Jianming's ability, Feng Qianyun didn't dare to look Lie Que in the eye.

"What's the matter with this old man?" Feng Qianyun lowered her head, pointing to the old man who was dragged all the way by Lie Que.

"The one I met at the bottom was knocked out by me, and I dragged it up when I came up."

What Lie Que said was quite simple, but you must know that the person he knocked out was not an ordinary person, but a master of heaven. Is this the one you said you could knock out?
"You gave me the magic weapon of the storage space, why did you bring something else with it!" Feng Qianyun resented.Just now, when she was trapped by Jin Jianming's ability, she ran out of the storage space magic weapon she was wearing... and then... oops!Anyway, it's disgusting!
"I'm not worried about you, so I'll save it." Lie Que just smiled.

"Have things been settled?" Feng Qianyun was more worried about that thing.

"Half and half." Lie Que replied.

"What is half and half?"

"I got it, but there was a small accident in the middle, and I couldn't completely control it. Now it may explode at any time."

"The accident you mentioned refers to this old man? And it caused the change just now?"

"Yes." Column defect head.

Just now Lie Que wanted to use the forbidden technique to seal this mysterious and weird magic weapon, but the old man appeared at a critical moment, thinking that Lie Que was a thief, he stepped forward to stop Lie Que, disturbed Lie Que, and made the seal aborted halfway, triggering this change Not to mention, it also ruined Lie Que's idea of ​​sealing it.

"Give us back our curator!" Everyone angrily pointed at Lie Que.

Lie Que calmly stood with Feng Qianyun. Faced with the hostility of the crowd, Lie Que did not change his expression, "Old man, I can return it to you, but there should be more important things to do now, otherwise my life will be lost."

(End of this chapter)

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