Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 472: Magic Artifact From Ancient Times

Chapter 472: Magic Artifact From Ancient Times

"Don't scare us! This is not a place where you can leave as soon as you say!"

Supervisors have a backing, and there is no need to be afraid of opponents who are more difficult than themselves.

"If there are more changes like that just now, do you think this underground darkness can survive?"

Leque looked at everyone indifferently.It's like a god looking down on the dull common people, as if the world is in his chest.His self-confidence never comes from words, it comes naturally from him.

"What did you say? You caused the change just now?"

Everyone was shocked.

Lie Que didn't explain, just took out the things.

A supervisor recognized the item at a glance.

"This is our prize for this competition!"

"You stole our prize!"

"You thief!"


Lie Que held the thing in his hand, Feng Qianyun saw the restlessness of the thing, there was a faint light on the pair of dragon and phoenix, at the same time, as a person with perception ability, Feng Qianyun could clearly feel a force fluctuating , this kind of fluctuation is very unusual, and it is obvious that there is an external force suppressing this kind of fluctuation.

It was Lie Que who suppressed it.

Feng Qianyun once again looked at this magic weapon that might have come from ancient times.

This thing is a dragon and a phoenix facing each other, and the whole body is golden. In fact, if you just look at the shape of this thing, it is possible to use magic tools of any age. In ancient times, the royal family liked to use dragons and phoenixes. This totem has been accompanied Gold has been around the Chinese nation for many years, and gold is even more uncommon. Gold is stable in nature and does not easily undergo chemical reactions.

But its own spiritual nature and text prove that its age is actually very long.

There are some characters on it that she can't understand, and it's hard for her to draw a conclusion whether it's pictographs or not. It seems that I have to make up the lesson of characters when I go back, so as not to have a big gap with someone.

Feng Qianyun knows that there will be very few records about the emerging magic tools that have appeared in recent years. If there are, they will be relatively complete. There are many more. If a magic weapon does not undergo devastating damage during use, it is generally difficult to annihilate.

But if we push forward, the records of the magic tools in ancient times will become very thin, mainly because in the long river of history, after wars and dynasties, many ancient documents will be lost.

What is the origin of this thing?
Why does she always have a strange feeling every time she gets close to this thing, and also, the bracelet of the imperial god becomes inexplicably hot.

"If you want, you can take it back, as long as you have the life to take it." Lie Que stretched out his hand and took the things in front of everyone.

This thing, whoever wants to take it, can take it. If he is ordered to take it away, Lie Que has no intention of stopping it.

This man put on a look of indifference, [-]% of them are fraudulent!

"Mr. Gu, what should we do now? The curator was plotted against by this man, and the prize was snatched away by this man. Elder Bai and Elder Xing are nowhere to be seen at this time!"

There are quite a few executives in this arena, and there is still a big difference between these executives, no matter in terms of strength or status.

When encountering such a thing during the opening of the arena, it is still in front of everyone, so their arena must be disgraced.This will be a great shame and humiliation to the arena and the major forces behind the arena.

The person who was called Mr. Gu had a serious face. This incident is indeed serious. This girl named Feng Qianyun is really the disaster star of their arena, causing them such a big disaster.

"Feng Qianyun, let me advise you, it's better for you and the gentleman beside you not to have trouble with this place, otherwise even if you have the ability to go out from here, you won't be able to see the sun tomorrow."

Mr. Gu stood up and said to Feng Qianyun and Lie Que in a persuasive tone.

"I've already said, if you want to take this thing, you can take it. I won't stop you." Lie Que's reaction was indifferent.

"You can be so easy to talk?" The ghost believed that a thief would obediently hand over the things he stole.

Lie Que didn't argue again, "If you want it, you can only grab it from me, right? No matter what I said is true or not, what you have to do has not changed."

These people couldn't figure it out from the beginning to the end, and there was no need for Lie Que to lie to them about this matter.

Mr. Gu thought about it, he had to consider the overall interests of the arena.

"You all step back first, I'll meet this man for a while."

Mr. Gu also has his own estimates, no matter whether the other party used tricks or not, it is a fact that the curator was stunned by him, and if he dared to act mischievously in this arena, he has absolute reasons to believe that the other party must not be an ordinary person .

In order to avoid unnecessary casualties, he decided to do it by himself.

"Mr. Gu!"

"Mr. Gu, the other party is not a kind person, you must be careful!"

Others were worried that Gu Anshun had followed Feng Qianyun and Lie Que's tricks.

Mr. Gu nodded, "Hurry up and adjust the scene and arrange the evacuation of the audience. This is my order."

The reputation of the arena must not be discredited!
Now that the curator has been captured, it will be Mr. Gu's turn to be the highest person in charge in the arena.

Gu Anshun took a step forward, ready to fight, and after seeing the right moment, he suddenly attacked Lie Que.

Unexpectedly, facing Gu Anshun's attack, Lie Que just dodged sideways by himself. As for the things in his hand, as he said, they were easily snatched by Gu Anshun.

Gu Anshun looked at the magic weapon in his hand, and couldn't believe that Lie Que simply returned the things to them. Before Gu Anshun figured out what Lie Que's purpose was, the things in his hand appeared very Unusual energy fluctuations.

The strong fluctuation of this energy shocked Gu Anshun. Out of instinct, Gu Anshun quickly put down the things.

At the same time, step back a few steps.

An unknown supervisor ran to pick it up, but Gu Anshun didn't even have time to call him back.

The outstretched arm of the person who ran to pick it up was sucked in by a force of Mo.

"Ahhh... help, help..."

Seeing this, Gu Anshun hurried forward and grabbed the man's arm with both hands, but he couldn't resist that strange force.

Everyone came forward to help, but they watched the man's hand disappear from people's sight little by little, then half of his arm, and even the whole arm.


The arm was swallowed by the gap between the dragon and the phoenix!
Seeing that this continues, the whole person will be swallowed up, including them, it is not safe!

Is this a magic weapon of the space category?But why would people be devoured?

The audience was shocked, and someone in the audience stood up in surprise.

"Swallowed, swallowed!"

"Mr. Gu, what should we do now?"

Everyone was dumbfounded. Although they came up with Gu Anshun to help, it seems that they can't solve the current situation. What the hell is this? Why is there such an uncontrollable reaction when they come up?
Gu Anshun is the same, this is the first time he has encountered this situation, what is the origin of this magic weapon in front of him, he has already tried to resist, and even wants to use his internal force to destroy it, but once he exerts force, his internal force will also It was completely absorbed, not to mention destroying the magic weapon, and it couldn't even gather the power!

"You'd better let go, otherwise you will die together." Lie Que stood there, watching these people doing unnecessary needle sticks from a distance.

If this thing can really be dealt with in an ordinary way, it won't be used as a trump card by that group of people. They are not ordinary people no matter how they look at it, aren't they?
"Did you do it! Tell me!" Gu Anshun didn't dare to relax, and took the time to question Lie Que.

"No, there is a problem with this thing itself. Its current situation is the normal state after I failed to seal it. If it breaks out, the same thing just now will happen again at any time, and you are so close to it, are you sure you still have it? life?"

Lie Que said to Gu Anshun very calmly, "Believe it or not, anyway, according to the current situation, you will all die."

Translating what Li Que said, it means that there is no need for me to lie to you, he has already reminded them early on.

"By the way, I would like to warn everyone present that something will happen to this thing at any time. I don't know how many people present are confident that they can handle it. You might as well give it a try."

Lie Que raised his head again, and said to everyone in the auditorium.It is advice and a final announcement.

If something goes wrong, he is not responsible.

As soon as Lie Que said this, those people who were deeply affected by the inexplicable change just now panicked, and then made the decision to escape as quickly as possible. People are afraid of death and cherish their lives. Such a ghostly place to be an innocent soul who died in vain?

For a while, the arena was in chaos again, and the appearance of people fleeing for their lives was no different from that of a disaster scene.

Gu Anshun was shocked, thinking, who is this man wearing a black mask?
It was the first time he met such an arrogant man, and he also saw his arrogant capital!

Why did such a No. [-] person suddenly appear in the arena, but they didn't even notice it!
But at this time, Gu Anshun has no time to think deeply about this matter, because he is now facing a difficult decision, whether to abandon his companions to save the lives of himself and others, do something that even he himself cannot predict. The struggle, the struggle with this unknown magic weapon.

It is often the easiest time to see human nature in times of crisis.

Gu Anshun is still hesitating, and some people have already fled.

"Mr. Gu, I'm sorry, I can't lose my life for this person!"

"Mr. Gu, you want to save you! I won't accompany you anymore!"

One by two, they all gave up on rescuing their colleagues who were also the directors of the arena, and ran as far as they could. In this short period of time, the directors ran away seven or eight times.

(End of this chapter)

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